# Functions to encode DMR and MMDVM from dmr_utils3 import bptc, decode from bitarray import bitarray from binascii import b2a_hex as ahex from bitarray.util import hex2ba as hex2bits import random from dmr_utils3.utils import bytes_3, int_id, get_alias, bytes_2, bytes_4 import re import libscrc from pathlib import Path def create_crc16(fragment_input): crc16 = libscrc.gsm16(bytearray.fromhex(fragment_input)) return fragment_input + re.sub('x', '0', str(hex(crc16 ^ 0xcccc))[-4:]) def create_crc32(fragment_input): # Create and append CRC32 to data # Create list of hex word_list = [] count_index = 0 while count_index < len(fragment_input): word_list.append((fragment_input[count_index:count_index + 2])) count_index = count_index + 2 # Create string of rearranged word_list to match ETSI 102 361-1 pg 141 lst_index = 0 crc_string = '' for i in (word_list): #print(lst_index) if lst_index % 2 == 0: crc_string = crc_string + word_list[lst_index + 1] #print(crc_string) if lst_index % 2 == 1: crc_string = crc_string + word_list[lst_index - 1] #print(crc_string) lst_index = lst_index + 1 # Create bytearray of word_list_string # print(crc_string) word_array = libscrc.posix(bytearray.fromhex(crc_string)) # XOR to get almost final CRC pre_crc = str(hex(word_array ^ 0xffffffff))[2:] # Rearrange pre_crc for transmission crc = '' c = 8 while c > 0: crc = crc + pre_crc[c-2:c] c = c - 2 crc = crc.ljust(8, '0') print(crc) # Return original data and append CRC32 print('Output: ' + fragment_input + crc) #print(len(crc.zfill(9))) return fragment_input + crc def create_crc16_csbk(fragment_input): crc16_csbk = libscrc.gsm16(bytearray.fromhex(fragment_input)) return fragment_input + re.sub('x', '0', str(hex(crc16_csbk ^ 0xa5a5))[-4:]) def csbk_gen(to_id, from_id): csbk_lst = ['BD00801a', 'BD008019', 'BD008018', 'BD008017', 'BD008016'] send_seq_list = '' for block in csbk_lst: block = block + to_id + from_id block = create_crc16_csbk(block) print(block) send_seq_list = send_seq_list + block print(send_seq_list) return send_seq_list def mmdvm_encapsulate(dst_id, src_id, peer_id, _seq, _slot, _call_type, _dtype_vseq, _stream_id, _dmr_data): signature = 'DMRD' # needs to be in bytes frame_type = 0x10 #bytes_2(int(10)) #print((frame_type)) dest_id = bytes_3(int(dst_id, 16)) # print((dest_id)) #print(ahex(dest_id)) source_id = bytes_3(int(src_id, 16)) via_id = bytes_4(int(peer_id, 16)) # print((source_id)) #print(ahex(via_id)) seq = int(_seq).to_bytes(1, 'big') #print(ahex(seq)) # Binary, 0 for 1, 1 for 2 slot = bitarray(str(_slot)) #print(slot) # binary, 0 for group, 1 for unit, bin(1) # print(_call_type) call_type = bitarray(str(_call_type)) #print(call_type) #0x00 for voice, 0x01 for voice sync, 0x10 for data #frame_type = int(16).to_bytes(1, 'big') frame_type = bitarray('10') #print(frame_type) # Observed to be always 7, int. Will be 6 for header #dtype_vseq = hex(int(_dtype_vseq)).encode() if _dtype_vseq == 6: dtype_vseq = bitarray('0110') if _dtype_vseq == 7: dtype_vseq = bitarray('0111') if _dtype_vseq == 3: dtype_vseq = bitarray('0011') # 9 digit integer in hex stream_id = bytes_4(_stream_id) #print(ahex(stream_id)) middle_guts = slot + call_type + frame_type + dtype_vseq #print(middle_guts) dmr_data = str(_dmr_data)[2:-1] #str(re.sub("b'|'", '', str(_dmr_data))) complete_packet = signature.encode() + seq + dest_id + source_id + via_id + middle_guts.tobytes() + stream_id + bytes.fromhex((dmr_data)) + bitarray('0000000000101111').tobytes()#bytes.fromhex(dmr_data) #print('Complete: ' + type(ahex(complete_packet))) ## #print(hex2bits(ahex(complete_packet))[119:120]) #print(bitarray.frombytes(ahex(complete_packet))) return complete_packet ### Sequence MMDVM packets from encoded DMR ##def seq_mmdvm(dmr_list): ## cap_in = 0 ## mmdvm_send_seq = [] ## for i in dmr_list: ## if cap_in < 8: ## ## if cap_in == 8: ## #print('header') ## the_mmdvm_pkt = mmdvm_encapsulate(3153597, 3153591, 9099, cap_in, 1, 1, 6, rand_seq, i) #(bytes.fromhex(re.sub("b'|'", '', str(orig_cap[cap_in][20:-4]))))) ## else: ## #print('block') ## the_mmdvm_pkt = mmdvm_encapsulate(3153597, 3153591, 9099, cap_in, 1, 1, 7, rand_seq, i)#(bytes.fromhex(re.sub("b'|'", '', str(orig_cap[cap_in][20:-4]))))) ## new_send_seq.append(ahex(the_mmdvm_pkt)) ## cap_in = cap_in + 1 # Break long string into block sequence def block_sequence(input_string): seq_blocks = len(input_string)/24 n = 0 block_seq = [] while n < seq_blocks: if n == 0: block_seq.append(bytes.fromhex(input_string[:24].ljust(24,'0'))) n = n + 1 else: block_seq.append(bytes.fromhex(input_string[n*24:n*24+24].ljust(24,'0'))) n = n + 1 return block_seq # Takes list of DMR packets, 12 bytes, then encodes them def dmr_encode(packet_list, _slot): send_seq = [] for i in packet_list: stitched_pkt = bptc.interleave_19696(bptc.encode_19696(i)) l_slot = bitarray('0111011100') #MS #sync_data = bitarray('110101011101011111110111011111111101011101010111') if _slot == 0: # TS1 - F7FDD5DDFD55 sync_data = bitarray('111101111111110111010101110111011111110101010101') if _slot == 1: #TS2 - D7557F5FF7F5 sync_data = bitarray('110101110101010101111111010111111111011111110101') if _slot == 3: sync_data = bitarray('110101011101011111110111011111111101011101010111') # TS1 #sync_data = bitarray('111101111111110111010101110111011111110101010101') #TS2 #sync_data = bitarray('110101110101010101111111010111111111011111110101') r_slot = bitarray('1101110001') # Data sync? 110101011101011111110111011111111101011101010111 - D5D7F77FD757 new_pkt = ahex(stitched_pkt[:98] + l_slot + sync_data + r_slot + stitched_pkt[98:]) send_seq.append(new_pkt) return send_seq def create_sms_seq(dst_id, src_id, peer_id, _slot, _call_type, dmr_string): rand_seq = random.randint(1, 999999) block_seq = block_sequence(dmr_string) dmr_list = dmr_encode(block_seq, _slot) cap_in = 0 mmdvm_send_seq = [] for i in dmr_list: #print(i) if use_csbk == True: if cap_in < 5: the_mmdvm_pkt = mmdvm_encapsulate(dst_id, src_id, peer_id, cap_in, _slot, _call_type, 3, rand_seq, i) #print(block_seq[cap_in]) #print(3) if cap_in == 5: #print(block_seq[cap_in]) #print(6) the_mmdvm_pkt = mmdvm_encapsulate(dst_id, src_id, peer_id, cap_in, _slot, _call_type, 6, rand_seq, i) #(bytes.fromhex(re.sub("b'|'", '', str(orig_cap[cap_in][20:-4]))))) if cap_in > 5: #print(block_seq[cap_in]) #print(7) the_mmdvm_pkt = mmdvm_encapsulate(dst_id, src_id, peer_id, cap_in, _slot, _call_type, 7, rand_seq, i)#(bytes.fromhex(re.sub("b'|'", '', str(orig_cap[cap_in][20:-4]))))) mmdvm_send_seq.append(ahex(the_mmdvm_pkt)) cap_in = cap_in + 1 if use_csbk == False: if cap_in == 0: the_mmdvm_pkt = mmdvm_encapsulate(dst_id, src_id, peer_id, cap_in, _slot, _call_type, 6, rand_seq, i) #(bytes.fromhex(re.sub("b'|'", '', str(orig_cap[cap_in][20:-4]))))) else: the_mmdvm_pkt = mmdvm_encapsulate(dst_id, src_id, peer_id, cap_in, _slot, _call_type, 7, rand_seq, i)#(bytes.fromhex(re.sub("b'|'", '', str(orig_cap[cap_in][20:-4]))))) mmdvm_send_seq.append(ahex(the_mmdvm_pkt)) cap_in = cap_in + 1 with open('/tmp/.hblink_data_que/' + str(random.randint(1000, 9999)) + '.mmdvm_seq', "w") as packet_write_file: packet_write_file.write(str(mmdvm_send_seq)) return mmdvm_send_seq try: Path('/tmp/.hblink_data_que/').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) except: pass # Built for max length msg def sms_headers(to_id, from_id): ## #ETSI 102 361-2 uncompressed ipv4 ## # UDP header, src and dest ports are 4007, 0fa7 ## udp_ports = '0fa70fa7' ## # Length, of what? ## udp_length = '00da' ## # Checksum ## udp_checksum = '4b37' ## ## # IPV4 ## #IPV4 version and header length, always 45 ## ipv4_v_l = '45' ## #Type of service, always 00 ## ipv4_svc = '00' ## #length, always 00ee ## ipv4_len = '00ee' ## #ID always 000d ## ipv4_id = '000d' ## #Flags and offset always0 ## ipv4_flag_off = '0000' ## #TTL and Protocol always 4011, no matter what ## ipv4_ttl_proto = '4011' #ipv4 = '450000ee000d0000401100000c' + from_id + '0c' + to_id #ipv4 = '450000ee00000000401100000c' + from_id + '0c' + to_id ipv4 = '450000ee00000000401100000c' + from_id + '0c' + to_id print(from_id) print(to_id) count_index = 0 hdr_lst = [] while count_index < len(ipv4): hdr_lst.append((ipv4[count_index:count_index + 4])) count_index = count_index + 4 sum = 0 for i in hdr_lst: sum = sum + int(i, 16) flipped = '' for i in str(bin(sum))[2:]: if i == '1': flipped = flipped + '0' if i == '0': flipped = flipped + '1' ipv4_chk_sum = str(hex(int(flipped, 2)))[2:] print(ipv4_chk_sum) #'0fa70fa7001a8b810010e0008f040d000a' #'0fa70fa7001a5b810010e00090040d000a' #'0fa70fa7001a5a810010e00091040d000a' header = ipv4[:20] + ipv4_chk_sum + ipv4[24:] + '0fa70fa700da583100d0a00081040d000a' return header def format_sms(msg, to_id, from_id): msg_bytes = str.encode(msg) encoded = "".join([str('00' + x) for x in re.findall('..',bytes.hex(msg_bytes))] ) final = encoded while len(final) < 400: final = final + '002e' final = final + '0000000000000000000000' headers = sms_headers(to_id, from_id) return headers + final def gen_header(to_id, from_id, call_type): #print(call_type) if call_type == 1: seq_header = '024A' + to_id + from_id + '9550' if call_type == 0: seq_header = '824A' + to_id + from_id + '9550' return seq_header def send_sms(csbk, to_id, from_id, peer_id, call_type, slot, msg): global use_csbk #to_id = str(hex(to_id))[2:].zfill(6) #from_id = str(hex(from_id))[2:].zfill(6) to_id = str(hex(to_id))[2:].zfill(6) from_id = str(hex(from_id))[2:].zfill(6) peer_id = str(hex(peer_id))[2:].zfill(8) # Weird fix for redio not decoding, will fix later if len(str(int(cli_args.SRC))) >= 4 and len(str(int(cli_args.SRC))) <= 6: from_id = str('000000') if call_type == 'unit': new_call_type = 1 if call_type == 'group': new_call_type = 0 if csbk == 'yes': use_csbk = True create_sms_seq(to_id, from_id, peer_id, int(slot), new_call_type, csbk_gen(to_id, from_id) + create_crc16(gen_header(to_id, from_id, new_call_type)) + create_crc32(format_sms(msg, to_id, from_id))) else: use_csbk = False create_sms_seq(to_id, from_id, peer_id, int(slot), new_call_type, create_crc16(gen_header(to_id, from_id, new_call_type)) + create_crc32(format_sms(msg, to_id, from_id))) print('Call type: ' + call_type) print('Destination: ' + str(to_id)) print('Source: ' + str(from_id)) print('Message: ' + msg) print('Use CSBK: ' + str(use_csbk)) #send_sms(1234567, 1234, 0000, 'unit', '...............................................................................................') #create_sms_seq('301ebd', '301eb7', '0000', 1, 1, '024A301EBD301EB7851093184500003400020000401124e40c301eb70c301ebd0fa70fa70020326f0016a00083040d000a00540045005300540049004e00470000000000c3d8b05d') if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '--dest', action='store', dest='DEST', help='Destination DMR ID') parser.add_argument('-s', '--src', action='store', dest='SRC', help='Source DMR ID (Sender)') parser.add_argument('-m', '--msg', action='store', dest='MSG', help='Message to be sent') parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', action='store', dest='TYPE', help='Unit (private) or Group message') parser.add_argument('-ts', '--slot', action='store', dest='TS', help='Unit (private) or Group message') parser.add_argument('-c', '--csbk', dest='CSBK', action="store_true", help='Send CSBK Preambles') cli_args = parser.parse_args() if not cli_args.SRC: cli_args.SRC = 0000 if cli_args.CSBK: cli_args.CSBK = "yes" if not cli_args.CSBK: cli_args.CSBK = "no" send_sms(cli_args.CSBK, int(cli_args.DEST), int(cli_args.SRC), 0000, str(cli_args.TYPE), int(cli_args.TS), str(cli_args.MSG)[:100])