''' THIS EXAMPLE WILL NOT WORK AS IT IS - YOU MUST SPECIFY YOUR OWN VALUES!!! This file is organized around the "Conference Bridges" that you wish to use. If you're a c-Bridge person, think of these as "bridge groups". You might also liken them to a "reflector". If a particular system is "ACTIVE" on a particular conference bridge, any traffid from that system will be sent to any other system that is active on the bridge as well. This is not an "end to end" method, because each system must independently be activated on the bridge. The first level (e.g. "WORLDWIDE" or "STATEWIDE" in the examples) is the name of the conference bridge. This is any arbitrary ASCII text string you want to use. Under each conference bridge definition are the following items -- one line for each HBSystem as defined in the main HBlink configuration file. * SYSTEM - The name of the sytem as listed in the main hblink configuration file (e.g. hblink.cfg) This MUST be the exact same name as in the main config file!!! * TS - Timeslot used for matching traffic to this confernce bridge XLX connections should *ALWAYS* use TS 2 only. * TGID - Talkgroup ID used for matching traffic to this conference bridge XLX connections should *ALWAYS* use TG 9 only. * ON and OFF are LISTS of Talkgroup IDs used to trigger this system off and on. Even if you only want one (as shown in the ON example), it has to be in list format. None can be handled with an empty list, such as " 'ON': [] ". * TO_TYPE is timeout type. If you want to use timers, ON means when it's turned on, it will turn off afer the timout period and OFF means it will turn back on after the timout period. If you don't want to use timers, set it to anything else, but 'NONE' might be a good value for documentation! * TIMOUT is a value in minutes for the timout timer. No, I won't make it 'seconds', so don't ask. Timers are performance "expense". * RESET is a list of Talkgroup IDs that, in addition to the ON and OFF lists will cause a running timer to be reset. This is useful if you are using different TGIDs for voice traffic than triggering. If you are not, there is NO NEED to use this feature. ''' BRIDGES = { ## 'ENGLISH': [ ## {'SYSTEM': 'CHANGE_ME-1', 'TS': 1, 'TGID': 13, 'ACTIVE': True, 'TIMEOUT': 2, 'TO_TYPE': 'NONE', 'ON': [3,], 'OFF': [8,10], 'RESET': []}, ## {'SYSTEM': 'CHANGE_ME-2', 'TS': 1, 'TGID': 13, 'ACTIVE': True, 'TIMEOUT': 2, 'TO_TYPE': 'NONE', 'ON': [3,], 'OFF': [8,10], 'RESET': []}, ## ], ## 'STATEWIDE': [ ## {'SYSTEM': 'CHANGE_ME-1', 'TS': 2, 'TGID': 3129, 'ACTIVE': True, 'TIMEOUT': 2, 'TO_TYPE': 'NONE', 'ON': [4,], 'OFF': [7,10], 'RESET': []}, ## {'SYSTEM': 'CHANGE_ME-2', 'TS': 2, 'TGID': 3129, 'ACTIVE': True, 'TIMEOUT': 2, 'TO_TYPE': 'NONE', 'ON': [4,], 'OFF': [7,10], 'RESET': []}, ## ], 'ECHO': [ {'SYSTEM': 'MASTER-1', 'TS': 2, 'TGID': 9999, 'ACTIVE': True, 'TIMEOUT': 2, 'TO_TYPE': 'ON', 'ON': [9999,], 'OFF': [9,10], 'RESET': []}, {'SYSTEM': 'ECHO', 'TS': 2, 'TGID': 9999, 'ACTIVE': True, 'TIMEOUT': 2, 'TO_TYPE': 'ON', 'ON': [9999,], 'OFF': [9,10], 'RESET': []}, ] } ''' list the names of each system that should bridge unit to unit (individual) calls. ''' UNIT = ['MASTER-1', 'PEER-1'] ''' Unit Call flood timeout: The amount of time to keep sending private calls to a single system before flooding all systems with the call. A higher value should be set for systems where subscribers are not moving between systems often. A lower value should be set for systems that have subscribers moving between systems often. Time is in minutes. ''' UNIT_TIME = 1 ''' Input the DMR ID and SYSTEM of a subscriber that you would like to have always have private calls routed. This will not flood all systems. ''' STATIC_UNIT = [ [ 9099, 'D-APRS'] ] ''' This is for testing the syntax of the file. It won't eliminate all errors, but running this file like it were a Python program itself will tell you if the syntax is correct! ''' if __name__ == '__main__': from pprint import pprint pprint(BRIDGES) print(UNIT) print(STATIC_UNIT)