#!/bin/bash # A tool to install xlxd, your own D-Star Reflector. # For more information, please visit: https://n5amd.com #Lets begin------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO=$(whoami) if [ "$WHO" != "root" ] then echo "" echo "You Must be root to run this script!!" exit 0 fi if [ ! -e "/etc/debian_version" ] then echo "" echo "This script is only tested in Debian 9 and x64 cpu Arch. " exit 0 fi DIRDIR=$(pwd) LOCAL_IP=$(ip a | grep inet | grep "eth0\|en" | awk '{print $2}' | tr '/' ' ' | awk '{print $1}') INFREF=https://n5amd.com/digital-radio-how-tos/create-xlx-xrf-d-star-reflector/ XLXDREPO=https://github.com/LX3JL/xlxd.git DMRIDURL=http://xlxapi.rlx.lu/api/exportdmr.php WEBDIR=/var/www/xlxd XLXINSTDIR=/root/reflector-install-files/xlxd DEP="wget git build-essential g++ apache2 php libapache2-mod-php php7.0-mbstring" DEP2="wget git build-essential g++ apache2 php libapache2-mod-php php7.3-mbstring" DEP3="wget git build-essential g++ apache2 php libapache2-mod-php php-curl php-json php-cgi snapd figlet" VERSION=$(sed 's/\..*//' /etc/debian_version) clear echo "" echo "XLX uses 3 digit numbers for its reflectors. For example: 248, 999, 099." read -p "What 3 digit XRF number will you be using? " XRFDIGIT XRFNUM=XLX$XRFDIGIT echo "" echo "--------------------------------------" read -p "What is the FQDN of the XLX Reflector dashboard? Example: xlx999.domain.com. " XLXDOMAIN echo "" echo "--------------------------------------" read -p "What E-Mail address can your users send questions to? " EMAIL echo "" echo "--------------------------------------" read -p "What is the admins callsign? " CALLSIGN echo "" echo "" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Making install directories and installing dependicies...." echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" mkdir -p $XLXINSTDIR mkdir -p $WEBDIR apt-get update if [ $VERSION = 9 ] then apt-get -y install $DEP a2enmod php7.0 elif [ $VERSION = 10 ] then apt-get -y install $DEP2 elif [ $VERSION = 11 ] then apt install -y $DEP3 fi echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" if [ -e $XLXINSTDIR/xlxd/src/xlxd ] then echo "" echo "It looks like you have already compiled XLXD. If you want to install/complile xlxd again, delete the directory '/root/reflector-install-files/xlxd' and run this script again. " exit 0 else echo "Downloading and compiling LX4JL XLXD... " echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" cd $XLXINSTDIR figlet "XLXD Like a PRO..." git clone $XLXDREPO cd $XLXINSTDIR/xlxd/src sleep 5 echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Edit your configuration" sleep 5 nano main.h make clean make make install fi if [ -e $XLXINSTDIR/xlxd/src/xlxd ] then echo "" echo "" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "It looks like everything compiled successfully. There is a 'xlxd' application file. " else echo "" echo "UH OH!! I dont see the xlxd application file after attempting to compile." echo "The output above is the only indication as to why it might have failed. " echo "Delete the directory '/root/reflector-install-files/xlxd' and run this script again. " echo "" exit 0 fi echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Getting the DMRID.dat file... " echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" wget -O /xlxd/dmrid.dat $DMRIDURL echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Copying web dashboard files and updating init script... " cp -R $XLXINSTDIR/xlxd/dashboard/* /var/www/xlxd/ cp $XLXINSTDIR/xlxd/scripts/xlxd /etc/init.d/xlxd sed -i "s/XLX999$XRFNUM $LOCAL_IP" /etc/init.d/xlxd update-rc.d xlxd defaults # Delaying startup time mv /etc/rc3.d/S01xlxd /etc/rc3.d/S10xlxd echo "Updating XLXD Config file... " XLXCONFIG=/var/www/xlxd/pgs/config.inc.php sed -i "s/your_email/$EMAIL/g" $XLXCONFIG sed -i "s/LX1IQ/$CALLSIGN/g" $XLXCONFIG sed -i "s/http:\/\/your_dashboard/http:\/\/$XLXDOMAIN/g" $XLXCONFIG sed -i "s/\/tmp\/callinghome.php/\/xlxd\/callinghome.php/g" $XLXCONFIG echo "Copying directives and reloading apache... " cp $DIRDIR/templates/apache.tbd.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/$XLXDOMAIN.conf sed -i "s/apache.tbd/$XLXDOMAIN/g" /etc/apache2/sites-available/$XLXDOMAIN.conf sed -i "s/ysf-xlxd/xlxd/g" /etc/apache2/sites-available/$XLXDOMAIN.conf chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/xlxd/ chown -R www-data:www-data /xlxd/ a2ensite $XLXDOMAIN if [ $VERSION = 11 ] then snap install core snap refresh core snap install --classic certbot ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot ufw allow http ufw allow https systemctl restart apache2 certbot --apache else echo "" echo "Ahh! Somthing went wrong with the snapd cerbot app, your SSL certificate" echo "The output above is the only indication as to why it might have failed. " echo "Run certbot --apache again to restart certbot installation" echo "" exit 0 fi clear echo "Starting XLXD....." sleep 2 figlet "XLXD Reflector" service xlxd start systemctl restart apache2 echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "" echo "******************************************************************************" echo "" echo "" echo "XLXD is finished installing and ready to be used. Please read the following..." echo "" echo "" echo "******************************************************************************" echo "" echo " For Public Reflectors: " echo "If your XLX number is not already taken, enabling callinghome is all you need to do " echo "for your reflector to be added to all the host files automatically. It does take " echo "about an hour for the change to reflect, if your reflector is accessible and working." echo "Once activated, the callinghome hash to backup will be /xlxd/callinghome.php. " echo "More Information: $INFREF" echo "" echo "" echo " For test/private Reflectors: " echo "If you are using this reflector as a test or for offline access you will " echo "need to configure the host files of the devices connecting to this server." echo "There are many online tutorials on 'Editing pi-star host files'. " echo "" echo "" echo " Your $XRFNUM dashboad should now be accessible... " echo " http://$XLXDOMAIN " echo "" echo "" echo "You can make further customizations to the main config file $XLXCONFIG." echo "Be sure to thank the creators of xlxd for the ability to spin up " echo "your very own D-Star reflector. " echo "" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"