// // creflector.cpp // xlxd // // Created by Jean-Luc Deltombe (LX3JL) on 31/10/2015. // Copyright © 2015 Jean-Luc Deltombe (LX3JL). All rights reserved. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is part of xlxd. // // xlxd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // xlxd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Foobar. If not, see . // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "main.h" #include #include "creflector.h" #include "cgatekeeper.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor CReflector::CReflector() { m_bStopThreads = false; m_XmlReportThread = NULL; m_JsonReportThread = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < NB_OF_MODULES; i++ ) { m_RouterThreads[i] = NULL; } } CReflector::CReflector(const CCallsign &callsign) { m_bStopThreads = false; m_XmlReportThread = NULL; m_JsonReportThread = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < NB_OF_MODULES; i++ ) { m_RouterThreads[i] = NULL; } m_Callsign = callsign; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // destructor CReflector::~CReflector() { m_bStopThreads = true; if ( m_XmlReportThread != NULL ) { m_XmlReportThread->join(); delete m_XmlReportThread; } if ( m_JsonReportThread != NULL ) { m_JsonReportThread->join(); delete m_JsonReportThread; } for ( int i = 0; i < NB_OF_MODULES; i++ ) { if ( m_RouterThreads[i] != NULL ) { m_RouterThreads[i]->join(); delete m_RouterThreads[i]; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // operation bool CReflector::Start(void) { bool ok = true; // reset stop flag m_bStopThreads = false; // init gate keeper ok &= g_GateKeeper.Init(); // create protocols ok &= m_Protocols.Init(); // if ok, start threads if ( ok ) { // start one thread per reflector module for ( int i = 0; i < NB_OF_MODULES; i++ ) { m_RouterThreads[i] = new std::thread(CReflector::RouterThread, this, &(m_Streams[i])); } // start the reporting threads m_XmlReportThread = new std::thread(CReflector::XmlReportThread, this); #ifdef JSON_MONITOR m_JsonReportThread = new std::thread(CReflector::JsonReportThread, this); #endif } else { m_Protocols.Close(); } // done return ok; } void CReflector::Stop(void) { // stop & delete all threads m_bStopThreads = true; // stop & delete report threads if ( m_XmlReportThread != NULL ) { m_XmlReportThread->join(); delete m_XmlReportThread; m_XmlReportThread = NULL; } if ( m_JsonReportThread != NULL ) { m_JsonReportThread->join(); delete m_JsonReportThread; m_JsonReportThread = NULL; } // stop & delete all router thread for ( int i = 0; i < NB_OF_MODULES; i++ ) { if ( m_RouterThreads[i] != NULL ) { m_RouterThreads[i]->join(); delete m_RouterThreads[i]; m_RouterThreads[i] = NULL; } } // close protocols m_Protocols.Close(); // close gatekeeper g_GateKeeper.Close(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // stream opening & closing bool CReflector::IsStreaming(char module) { return false; } CPacketStream *CReflector::OpenStream(CDvHeaderPacket *DvHeader, CClient *client) { CPacketStream *retStream = NULL; // clients MUST have bee locked by the caller // so we can freely access it within the fuction // check if client is valid candidate if ( m_Clients.IsClient(client) && !client->IsAMaster() ) { // get the module's queue char module = DvHeader->GetRpt2Module(); CPacketStream *stream = GetStream(module); if ( stream != NULL ) { // lock it stream->Lock(); // is it available ? if ( stream->Open(*DvHeader, client) ) { // stream open, mark client as master // so that it can't be deleted client->SetMasterOfModule(module); // update last heard time client->Heard(); retStream = stream; // and push header packet stream->Push(DvHeader); // report std::cout << "Opening stream on module " << module << " for client " << client->GetCallsign() << " with sid " << DvHeader->GetStreamId() << std::endl; // notify g_Reflector.OnStreamOpen(stream->GetUserCallsign()); } // unlock now stream->Unlock(); } } // done return retStream; } void CReflector::CloseStream(CPacketStream *stream) { // if ( stream != NULL ) { // wait queue is empty // the following waut's forever bool bEmpty = false; do { stream->Lock(); bEmpty = stream->empty(); stream->Unlock(); if ( !bEmpty ) { // wait a bit CTimePoint::TaskSleepFor(10); } } while (!bEmpty); // lock it stream->Lock(); // lock clients GetClients(); // get and check the master CClient *client = stream->GetOwnerClient(); if ( client != NULL ) { // client no longer a master client->NotAMaster(); // notify g_Reflector.OnStreamClose(stream->GetUserCallsign()); std::cout << "Closing stream of module " << GetStreamModule(stream) << std::endl; } // stop the queue stream->Close(); // release clients ReleaseClients(); // and unlock stream->Unlock(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // router threads void CReflector::RouterThread(CReflector *This, CPacketStream *streamIn) { // get our module uint8 uiModuleId = This->GetStreamModule(streamIn); // get on input queue CPacket *packet; while ( !This->m_bStopThreads ) { // any packet in our input queue ? streamIn->Lock(); if ( !streamIn->empty() ) { // get the packet packet = streamIn->front(); streamIn->pop(); } else { packet = NULL; } streamIn->Unlock(); // route it if ( packet != NULL ) { // set origin packet->SetModuleId(uiModuleId); // iterate on all protocols for ( int i = 0; i < This->m_Protocols.Size(); i++ ) { // duplicate packet CPacket *packetClone = packet->Duplicate(); // get protocol CProtocol *protocol = This->m_Protocols.GetProtocol(i); // if packet is header, update RPT2 according to protocol if ( packetClone->IsDvHeader() ) { // get our callsign CCallsign csRPT = protocol->GetReflectorCallsign(); csRPT.SetModule(This->GetStreamModule(streamIn)); ((CDvHeaderPacket *)packetClone)->SetRpt2Callsign(csRPT); } // and push it CPacketQueue *queue = protocol->GetQueue(); queue->push(packetClone); protocol->ReleaseQueue(); } // done delete packet; packet = NULL; } // wait a bit CTimePoint::TaskSleepFor(10); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // report threads void CReflector::XmlReportThread(CReflector *This) { while ( !This->m_bStopThreads ) { // report to xml file std::ofstream xmlFile; xmlFile.open(XML_PATH, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); if ( xmlFile.is_open() ) { // write xml file This->WriteXmlFile(xmlFile); // and close file xmlFile.close(); } #ifndef NO_ERROR_ON_XML_OPEN_FAIL else { std::cout << "Failed to open " << XML_PATH << std::endl; } #endif // and wait a bit CTimePoint::TaskSleepFor(XML_UPDATE_PERIOD * 1000); } } void CReflector::JsonReportThread(CReflector *This) { CUdpSocket Socket; CBuffer Buffer; CIp Ip; bool bOn; // init variable bOn = false; // create listening socket if ( Socket.Open(JSON_PORT) ) { // and loop while ( !This->m_bStopThreads ) { // any command ? if ( Socket.Receive(&Buffer, &Ip, 50) != -1 ) { // check verb if ( Buffer.Compare((uint8 *)"hello", 5) == 0 ) { std::cout << "Monitor socket connected with " << Ip << std::endl; // connected bOn = true; // announce ourselves This->SendJsonReflectorObject(Socket, Ip); // dump tables This->SendJsonNodesObject(Socket, Ip); This->SendJsonStationsObject(Socket, Ip); } else if ( Buffer.Compare((uint8 *)"bye", 3) == 0 ) { std::cout << "Monitor socket disconnected" << std::endl; // diconnected bOn = false; } } // any notifications ? CNotification notification; This->m_Notifications.Lock(); if ( !This->m_Notifications.empty() ) { // get the packet notification = This->m_Notifications.front(); This->m_Notifications.pop(); } This->m_Notifications.Unlock(); // handle it if ( bOn ) { switch ( notification.GetId() ) { case NOTIFICATION_CLIENTS: //std::cout << "Monitor updating nodes table" << std::endl; This->SendJsonNodesObject(Socket, Ip); break; case NOTIFICATION_USERS: //std::cout << "Monitor updating stations table" << std::endl; This->SendJsonStationsObject(Socket, Ip); break; case NOTIFICATION_STREAM_OPEN: //std::cout << "Monitor notify station " << notification.GetCallsign() << "going ON air" << std::endl; This->SendJsonStationsObject(Socket, Ip); This->SendJsonOnairObject(Socket, Ip, notification.GetCallsign()); break; case NOTIFICATION_STREAM_CLOSE: //std::cout << "Monitor notify station " << notification.GetCallsign() << "going OFF air" << std::endl; This->SendJsonOffairObject(Socket, Ip, notification.GetCallsign()); break; case NOTIFICATION_NONE: default: // nothing to do, just sleep a bit CTimePoint::TaskSleepFor(250); break; } } } } else { std::cout << "Error creating monitor socket" << std::endl; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // notifications void CReflector::OnClientsChanged(void) { CNotification notification(NOTIFICATION_CLIENTS); m_Notifications.Lock(); m_Notifications.push(notification); m_Notifications.Unlock(); } void CReflector::OnUsersChanged(void) { CNotification notification(NOTIFICATION_USERS); m_Notifications.Lock(); m_Notifications.push(notification); m_Notifications.Unlock(); } void CReflector::OnStreamOpen(const CCallsign &callsign) { CNotification notification(NOTIFICATION_STREAM_OPEN, callsign); m_Notifications.Lock(); m_Notifications.push(notification); m_Notifications.Unlock(); } void CReflector::OnStreamClose(const CCallsign &callsign) { CNotification notification(NOTIFICATION_STREAM_CLOSE, callsign); m_Notifications.Lock(); m_Notifications.push(notification); m_Notifications.Unlock(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // modules & queues int CReflector::GetModuleIndex(char module) const { int i = (int)module - (int)'A'; if ( (i < 0) || (i >= NB_OF_MODULES) ) { i = -1; } return i; } CPacketStream *CReflector::GetStream(char module) { CPacketStream *stream = NULL; int i = GetModuleIndex(module); if ( i >= 0 ) { stream = &(m_Streams[i]); } return stream; } char CReflector::GetStreamModule(CPacketStream *stream) { char module = ' '; for ( int i = 0; (i < m_Streams.size()) && (module == ' '); i++ ) { if ( &(m_Streams[i]) == stream ) { module = GetModuleLetter(i); } } return module; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // xml helpers void CReflector::WriteXmlFile(std::ofstream &xmlFile) { // write header xmlFile << "" << std::endl; // software version char sz[64]; ::sprintf(sz, "%d.%d.%d", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_REVISION); xmlFile << "" << sz << "" << std::endl; // linked peers xmlFile << "<" << m_Callsign << "linked peers>" << std::endl; // lock CClients *clients = GetClients(); // iterate on clients for ( int i = 0; i < clients->GetSize(); i++ ) { if ( clients->GetClient(i)->IsPeer() ) { clients->GetClient(i)->WriteXml(xmlFile); } } // unlock ReleaseClients(); xmlFile << "" << std::endl; // linked nodes xmlFile << "<" << m_Callsign << "linked nodes>" << std::endl; // lock clients = GetClients(); // iterate on clients for ( int i = 0; i < clients->GetSize(); i++ ) { if ( clients->GetClient(i)->IsNode() ) { clients->GetClient(i)->WriteXml(xmlFile); } } // unlock ReleaseClients(); xmlFile << "" << std::endl; // last heard users xmlFile << "<" << m_Callsign << "heard users>" << std::endl; // lock CUsers *users = GetUsers(); // iterate on users for ( int i = 0; i < users->GetSize(); i++ ) { users->GetUser(i)->WriteXml(xmlFile); } // unlock ReleaseUsers(); xmlFile << "" << std::endl; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // json helpers void CReflector::SendJsonReflectorObject(CUdpSocket &Socket, CIp &Ip) { char Buffer[1024]; char cs[CALLSIGN_LEN+1]; char mod[8] = "\"A\""; // get reflector callsign m_Callsign.GetCallsign((uint8 *)cs); cs[CALLSIGN_LEN] = 0; // build string ::sprintf(Buffer, "{\"reflector\":\"%s\",\"modules\":[", cs); for ( int i = 0; i < NB_OF_MODULES; i++ ) { ::strcat(Buffer, mod); mod[1]++; if ( i < NB_OF_MODULES-1 ) { ::strcat(Buffer, ","); } } ::strcat(Buffer, "]}"); // and send Socket.Send(Buffer, Ip); } #define JSON_NBMAX_NODES 250 void CReflector::SendJsonNodesObject(CUdpSocket &Socket, CIp &Ip) { char Buffer[12+(JSON_NBMAX_NODES*94)]; // nodes object table ::sprintf(Buffer, "{\"nodes\":["); // lock CClients *clients = GetClients(); // iterate on clients for ( int i = 0; (i < clients->GetSize()) && (i < JSON_NBMAX_NODES); i++ ) { clients->GetClient(i)->GetJsonObject(Buffer); if ( i < clients->GetSize()-1 ) { ::strcat(Buffer, ","); } } // unlock ReleaseClients(); ::strcat(Buffer, "]}"); // and send //std::cout << Buffer << std::endl; Socket.Send(Buffer, Ip); } void CReflector::SendJsonStationsObject(CUdpSocket &Socket, CIp &Ip) { char Buffer[15+(LASTHEARD_USERS_MAX_SIZE*94)]; // stations object table ::sprintf(Buffer, "{\"stations\":["); // lock CUsers *users = GetUsers(); // iterate on users for ( int i = 0; i < users->GetSize(); i++ ) { users->GetUser(i)->GetJsonObject(Buffer); if ( i < users->GetSize()-1 ) { ::strcat(Buffer, ","); } } // unlock ReleaseUsers(); ::strcat(Buffer, "]}"); // and send //std::cout << Buffer << std::endl; Socket.Send(Buffer, Ip); } void CReflector::SendJsonOnairObject(CUdpSocket &Socket, CIp &Ip, const CCallsign &Callsign) { char Buffer[128]; char sz[CALLSIGN_LEN+1]; // onair object Callsign.GetCallsignString(sz); ::sprintf(Buffer, "{\"onair\":\"%s\"}", sz); // and send //std::cout << Buffer << std::endl; Socket.Send(Buffer, Ip); } void CReflector::SendJsonOffairObject(CUdpSocket &Socket, CIp &Ip, const CCallsign &Callsign) { char Buffer[128]; char sz[CALLSIGN_LEN+1]; // offair object Callsign.GetCallsignString(sz); ::sprintf(Buffer, "{\"offair\":\"%s\"}", sz); // and send //std::cout << Buffer << std::endl; Socket.Send(Buffer, Ip); }