// // cusb3003interface.cpp // ambed // // Created by Jean-Luc Deltombe (LX3JL) on 23/04/2017. // Copyright © 2015 Jean-Luc Deltombe (LX3JL). All rights reserved. // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is part of ambed. // // xlxd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // xlxd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Foobar. If not, see . // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "main.h" #include "ctimepoint.h" #include "cambepacket.h" #include "cusb3003interface.h" #include "cvocodecs.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // configuration: // // PKT_CHANNEL0 = DSTAR (AMBEPLUS) // PKT_CHANNEL1 = DMR/C4FM (AMBE2PLUS) // PKT_CHANNEL2 = UNUSED or HYBRID //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor CUsb3003Interface::CUsb3003Interface(uint32 uiVid, uint32 uiPid, const char *szDeviceName, const char *szDeviceSerial) : CUsb3xxxInterface(uiVid, uiPid, szDeviceName, szDeviceSerial) { m_uiChCodecs[0]= CODEC_AMBEPLUS; m_uiChCodecs[1]= CODEC_AMBE2PLUS; m_uiChCodecs[2]= CODEC_NONE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // initialization bool CUsb3003Interface::Init(uint8 uiOddCodec) { bool ok = true; // init the odd channel m_uiChCodecs[2] = uiOddCodec; // base class ok &= CUsb3xxxInterface::Init(); // do not create our channels now // this is delegated to caller (CVocodecs) as our channel // may be hybrids between 2 interfaces in case of odd n' of channel device) // done return ok; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // manage Channels uint8 CUsb3003Interface::GetChannelCodec(int iCh) const { uint8 uiCodec = CODEC_NONE; if ( (iCh >= 0) && (iCh <= USB3003_NB_CH) ) { uiCodec = m_uiChCodecs[iCh]; } return uiCodec; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // manage vocodec channels CVocodecChannel *CUsb3003Interface::GetChannelWithChannelIn(int iCh) { CVocodecChannel *Channel = NULL; bool done = false; for ( int i = 0; (i < m_Channels.size()) && !done; i++ ) { if ( iCh == 2 ) { if ( (m_Channels[i]->GetChannelIn() == iCh) && !(m_Channels[i]->IsInterfaceOut(this)) ) { Channel = m_Channels[i]; done = true; } } else { if ( (m_Channels[i]->GetChannelIn() == iCh) && (m_Channels[i]->IsInterfaceOut(this)) ) { Channel = m_Channels[i]; done = true; } } } return Channel; } CVocodecChannel *CUsb3003Interface::GetChannelWithChannelOut(int iCh) { CVocodecChannel *Channel = NULL; bool done = false; for ( int i = 0; (i < m_Channels.size()) && !done; i++ ) { if ( (m_Channels[i]->GetChannelOut() == iCh) && (m_Channels[i]->IsInterfaceOut(this)) ) { Channel = m_Channels[i]; done = true; } } return Channel; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // decoder helper bool CUsb3003Interface::IsValidChannelPacket(const CBuffer &buffer, int *ch, CAmbePacket *packet) { bool valid = false; uint8 tag[] = { PKT_HEADER,0x00,0x0C,PKT_CHANNEL }; if ( (buffer.size() == 16) && (buffer.Compare(tag, sizeof(tag)) == 0)) { *ch = buffer.data()[4] - PKT_CHANNEL0; if ( *ch == 0 ) packet->SetCodec(CODEC_AMBEPLUS); else if ( *ch == 1 ) packet->SetCodec(CODEC_AMBE2PLUS); else packet->SetCodec(CODEC_NONE); packet->SetAmbe(&(buffer.data()[7])); valid = (*ch < GetNbChannels()); //std::cout << "CHAN " << *ch << " " << buffer.size() << " " << (int)buffer[6] << std::endl; } return valid; } bool CUsb3003Interface::IsValidSpeechPacket(const CBuffer &buffer, int *ch, CVoicePacket *packet) { bool valid = false; if ( (buffer.size() > 6) && (buffer.data()[0] == PKT_HEADER) && (buffer.data()[3] == PKT_SPEECH) && (buffer.data()[5] == PKT_SPEECHD) ) { *ch = buffer.data()[4] - PKT_CHANNEL0; packet->SetVoice(&(buffer.data()[7]), buffer.data()[6] * 2); valid = (*ch < GetNbChannels()); //std::cout << "SPCH " << *ch << " " << buffer.size() << std::endl; } return valid; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // encoder helpers void CUsb3003Interface::EncodeChannelPacket(CBuffer *buffer, int ch, CAmbePacket *packet) { uint size = (uint16)packet->GetAmbeSize() + 3; buffer->clear(); buffer->Append((uint8)PKT_HEADER); buffer->Append((uint8)HIBYTE(size)); buffer->Append((uint8)LOBYTE(size)); buffer->Append((uint8)PKT_CHANNEL); buffer->Append((uint8)(PKT_CHANNEL0+ch)); buffer->Append((uint8)(PKT_CHAND)); buffer->Append((uint8)(packet->GetAmbeSize()*8)); buffer->Append(packet->GetAmbe(), packet->GetAmbeSize()); } void CUsb3003Interface::EncodeSpeechPacket(CBuffer *buffer, int ch, CVoicePacket *packet) { uint16 size = (uint16)packet->GetVoiceSize() + 3; buffer->clear(); buffer->Append((uint8)PKT_HEADER); buffer->Append((uint8)HIBYTE(size)); buffer->Append((uint8)LOBYTE(size)); buffer->Append((uint8)PKT_SPEECH); buffer->Append((uint8)(PKT_CHANNEL0+ch)); buffer->Append((uint8)PKT_SPEECHD); buffer->Append((uint8)(packet->GetVoiceSize()/2)); buffer->Append(packet->GetVoice(), packet->GetVoiceSize()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // low level bool CUsb3003Interface::OpenDevice(void) { FT_STATUS ftStatus; int baudrate = 921600; //sets serial VID/PID for a Standard Device NOTE: This is for legacy purposes only. This can be ommitted. ftStatus = FT_SetVIDPID(m_uiVid, m_uiPid); if (ftStatus != FT_OK) {FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_SetVIDPID", ftStatus ); return false; } ftStatus = FT_OpenEx((PVOID)m_szDeviceName, FT_OPEN_BY_DESCRIPTION, &m_FtdiHandle); if (ftStatus != FT_OK) { FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_OpenEx", ftStatus ); return false; } CTimePoint::TaskSleepFor(50); FT_Purge(m_FtdiHandle, FT_PURGE_RX | FT_PURGE_TX ); CTimePoint::TaskSleepFor(50); ftStatus = FT_SetDataCharacteristics(m_FtdiHandle, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_1, FT_PARITY_NONE); if ( ftStatus != FT_OK ) { FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_SetDataCharacteristics", ftStatus ); return false; } ftStatus = FT_SetFlowControl(m_FtdiHandle, FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS, 0x11, 0x13); if (ftStatus != FT_OK) { FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_SetFlowControl", ftStatus ); return false; } ftStatus = FT_SetRts (m_FtdiHandle); if (ftStatus != FT_OK) { FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_SetRts", ftStatus ); return false; } //for usb-3012 pull DTR high to take AMBE3003 out of reset. //for other devices noting is connected to DTR so it is a dont care ftStatus = FT_ClrDtr(m_FtdiHandle); if (ftStatus != FT_OK) { FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_ClrDtr", ftStatus); return false; } ftStatus = FT_SetBaudRate(m_FtdiHandle, baudrate ); if (ftStatus != FT_OK) { FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_SetBaudRate", ftStatus ); return false; } ftStatus = FT_SetLatencyTimer(m_FtdiHandle, 4); if (ftStatus != FT_OK) { FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_SetLatencyTimer", ftStatus ); return false; } ftStatus = FT_SetUSBParameters(m_FtdiHandle, USB3XXX_MAXPACKETSIZE, 0); if (ftStatus != FT_OK) { FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_SetUSBParameters", ftStatus ); return false; } ftStatus = FT_SetTimeouts(m_FtdiHandle, 200, 200 ); if (ftStatus != FT_OK) { FTDI_Error((char *)"FT_SetTimeouts", ftStatus ); return false; } // done return true; } bool CUsb3003Interface::ResetDevice(void) { bool ok = false; FT_STATUS ftStatus; int len; char rxpacket[100]; //if the device is a USB-3003, it supports reset via UART break signal //printf("reset via uart break...\n"); ftStatus = FT_SetBreakOn( m_FtdiHandle ); CTimePoint::TaskSleepFor(10); ftStatus = FT_SetBreakOff( m_FtdiHandle ); //CTimePoint::TaskSleepFor(10); len = FTDI_read_packet( m_FtdiHandle, rxpacket, sizeof(rxpacket) ); ok = ((len == 7) && (rxpacket[4] == PKT_READY)); if ( !ok ) { std::cout << "USB-3003 hard reset failed" << std::endl; } // done return ok; } bool CUsb3003Interface::ConfigureDevice(void) { bool ok = true; uint8 pkt_ratep_ambeplus[] = { 0x01,0x30,0x07,0x63,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x48 }; uint8 pkt_ratep_ambe2plus[] = { 0x04,0x31,0x07,0x54,0x24,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6F,0x48 }; // configure each channels for desired codec for ( int i = 0; i < USB3003_NB_CH; i++ ) { switch ( m_uiChCodecs[i] ) { case CODEC_AMBEPLUS: ok &= ConfigureChannel(PKT_CHANNEL0+i, pkt_ratep_ambeplus, 0, 0); break; case CODEC_AMBE2PLUS: ok &= ConfigureChannel(PKT_CHANNEL0+i, pkt_ratep_ambe2plus, 0, 0); break; case CODEC_NONE: default: break; } } // done return ok; }