
204 lines
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2019-10-25 19:51:40 -04:00
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <memory>
#include "OpusCodec.h"
#include "NativeCodec.h"
#include "NanException.h"
#include "NanEventCallback.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace tc;
using namespace v8;
using namespace Nan;
bool OpusCodec::supported() {
#ifdef HAVE_OPUS
return true;
return false;
#ifdef HAVE_OPUS
OpusCodec::OpusCodec(NativeCodec::CodecType::value type) : NativeCodec(type) {
cout << "New opus instance" << endl;
this->sampling_rate = 48000;
this->frames = 960;
if(type == CodecType::OPUS_MUSIC) {
this->channels = 2;
} else {
this->channels = 1;
OpusCodec::~OpusCodec() {
cout << "Free opus instance" << endl;
if(this->decoder || this->encoder) {
NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, "please finalize before releasing!");
NAN_METHOD(OpusCodec::initialize) {
int error = 0;
lock_guard lock(this->coder_lock);
this->encoder = opus_encoder_create(this->sampling_rate, this->channels, this->type == CodecType::OPUS_MUSIC ? OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO : OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, &error);
if(!this->encoder || error) {
NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, ("Failed to create encoder (" + to_string(error) + ")").c_str());
this->decoder = opus_decoder_create(this->sampling_rate, this->channels, &error);
if(!this->encoder || error) {
this->encoder = nullptr;
NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, ("Failed to create decoder (" + to_string(error) + ")").c_str());
NAN_METHOD(OpusCodec::finalize) {
lock_guard lock(this->coder_lock);
this->encoder = nullptr;
this->decoder = nullptr;
NAN_METHOD(OpusCodec::encode) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
if(info.Length() != 3 || !info[0]->IsArrayBuffer()) {
NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, "Invalid arguments");
auto js_buffer = info[0].As<ArrayBuffer>()->GetContents();
auto buffer = make_unique<Chunk>(max(js_buffer.ByteLength(), 256UL));
buffer->length = js_buffer.ByteLength();
memcpy(buffer->memory, js_buffer.Data(), js_buffer.ByteLength());
auto callback_success = make_unique<Nan::Callback>(info[1].As<Function>());
auto callback_error = make_unique<Nan::Callback>(info[2].As<Function>());
auto codec = make_unique<v8::Persistent<Object>>(info.GetIsolate(), info.Holder());
auto callback = Nan::async_callback([callback_success = move(callback_success), callback_error = move(callback_error), codec = move(codec)](std::unique_ptr<Chunk> result, std::string error) {
if(result) {
auto _buffer = v8::ArrayBuffer::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), result->length);
memcpy(_buffer->GetContents().Data(), result->memory, result->length);
Local<Value> argv[] = { _buffer }; //_buffer
callback_success->Call(1, argv);
} else {
Local<Value> argv[] = { Nan::New<String>(error).ToLocalChecked() }; //error
callback_error->Call(1, argv);
[this, callback, buffer = move(buffer)]() mutable {
int result;
lock_guard lock(this->coder_lock);
if(!this->encoder) {
callback(nullptr, "Please initialize first!");
if(this->channels == 1) {
result = opus_encode_float(this->encoder, (float*) buffer->memory, (int) (buffer->length / sizeof(float) / this->channels), (u_char*) buffer->memory, (opus_int32) buffer->allocated_length);
} else {
auto samples = buffer->length / sizeof(float) / this->channels;
float* local_buffer = new float[samples * this->channels];
for(size_t channel = 0; channel < this->channels; channel++)
for(size_t sample = 0; sample < samples; sample++)
local_buffer[sample * this->channels + channel] = ((float*) buffer->memory)[channel * samples + sample];
result = opus_encode_float(this->encoder, local_buffer, samples, (u_char*) buffer->memory, (opus_int32) buffer->allocated_length);
delete[] local_buffer;
if(result <= 0) {
callback(nullptr, "Invalid return code (" + to_string(result) + ")");
} else {
buffer->length = result;
callback(move(buffer), "");
NAN_METHOD(OpusCodec::decode) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
if(!info[0]->IsArrayBuffer()) {
NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, "First argument isn't an array buffer!");
auto js_buffer = info[0].As<ArrayBuffer>()->GetContents();
auto buffer = make_unique<Chunk>(max(js_buffer.ByteLength(), this->channels * this->frames * sizeof(float)));
buffer->length = js_buffer.ByteLength();
memcpy(buffer->memory, js_buffer.Data(), js_buffer.ByteLength());
auto callback_success = make_unique<Nan::Callback>(info[1].As<Function>());
auto callback_error = make_unique<Nan::Callback>(info[2].As<Function>());
auto codec = make_unique<v8::Persistent<Object>>(info.GetIsolate(), info.Holder());
auto callback = Nan::async_callback([callback_success = move(callback_success), callback_error = move(callback_error), codec = move(codec)](std::unique_ptr<Chunk> result, std::string error) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
if(result) {
auto _buffer = v8::ArrayBuffer::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), result->length);
memcpy(_buffer->GetContents().Data(), result->memory, result->length);
Local<Value> argv[] = { _buffer };
callback_success->Call(1, argv);
} else {
Local<Value> argv[] = { Nan::New<String>(error).ToLocalChecked() };
callback_error->Call(1, argv);
[this, buffer = move(buffer), callback]() mutable {
int result;
lock_guard lock(this->coder_lock);
if(!this->decoder) {
callback(nullptr, "Please initialize first!");
if(this->channels == 1) {
result = opus_decode_float(this->decoder, (u_char*) buffer->memory, (opus_int32) buffer->length, (float*) buffer->memory, this->frames, 0);
} else {
float* local_buffer = new float[this->frames * this->channels];
result = opus_decode_float(this->decoder, (u_char*) buffer->memory, (opus_int32) buffer->length, (float*) local_buffer, this->frames, 0);
for(size_t channel = 0; channel < this->channels; channel++)
for(size_t sample = 0; sample < result; sample++)
((float*) buffer->memory)[channel * this->frames + sample] = local_buffer[sample * this->channels + channel];
delete[] local_buffer;
if(result <= 0) {
callback(nullptr, "Invalid return code (" + to_string(result) + ")");
} else {
buffer->length = result * sizeof(float) * this->channels;
callback(move(buffer), "");