
25 lines
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2019-10-25 19:51:40 -04:00
@echo off
set drive=T:
net use z: /dele > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 2 (
echo Failed to unmount old drive [%drive%\]: %errorlevel%.
exit /b %errorlevel%
) else (
echo Drive [%drive%\] hasn't been mapped. Mapping device!
) else (
echo Unmounted old device. Mapping new device!
rem /persistent:yes
net use z: \\deploy.teaspeak.de\symbols T4j7CTADvCMev4Kr /user:deploy.teaspeak.de\TeaSpeak-Jenkins-Client
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo Failed to mount drive [%drive%\]: %errorlevel%
exit /b %errorlevel%
) else (
echo New device has been mapped successfully!