/* File: /home/wolverindev/TeaSpeak/Web-Client/shared/loader/loader.ts */ declare interface Window { tr(message: string): string; } declare namespace loader { export namespace config { export const loader_groups; export const verbose; export const error; } export type Task = { name: string; priority: number; /* tasks with the same priority will be executed in sync */ function: () => Promise; }; export enum Stage { /* loading loader required files (incl this) */ INITIALIZING, /* setting up the loading process */ SETUP, /* loading all style sheet files */ STYLE, /* loading all javascript files */ JAVASCRIPT, /* loading all template files */ TEMPLATES, /* initializing static/global stuff */ JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, /* finalizing load process */ FINALIZING, /* invoking main task */ LOADED, DONE } export function get_cache_version(); export function finished(); export function running(); export function register_task(stage: Stage, task: Task); export function execute(): Promise; export function execute_managed(); export type DependSource = { url: string; depends: string[]; }; export type SourcePath = string | DependSource | string[]; export class SyntaxError { source: any; constructor(source: any); } export function load_script(path: SourcePath): Promise; export function load_scripts(paths: SourcePath[]): Promise; export function load_style(path: SourcePath): Promise; export function load_styles(paths: SourcePath[]): Promise; export type ErrorHandler = (message: string, detail: string) => void; export function critical_error(message: string, detail?: string); export function critical_error_handler(handler?: ErrorHandler, override?: boolean): ErrorHandler; } declare let _fadeout_warned; declare function fadeoutLoader(duration?, minAge?, ignoreAge?); /* File: /home/wolverindev/TeaSpeak/Web-Client/shared/loader/app.ts */ declare interface Window { $: JQuery; } declare namespace app { export enum Type { UNKNOWN, CLIENT_RELEASE, CLIENT_DEBUG, WEB_DEBUG, WEB_RELEASE } export let type: Type; export function is_web(); export function ui_version(); } declare const loader_javascript; declare const loader_webassembly; declare const loader_style; declare function load_templates(): Promise;