#include #include #include #include #include "CeltCodec.h" #include "NativeCodec.h" #include "NanException.h" #include "NanEventCallback.h" using namespace std; using namespace std::chrono; using namespace tc; using namespace v8; using namespace Nan; bool CeltCodec::supported() { #ifdef HAVE_CELT return true; #endif return false; } #ifdef HAVE_CELT CeltCodec::CeltCodec(NativeCodec::CodecType::value type) : NativeCodec(type) { cout << "Allocate celt instance" << endl; } CeltCodec::~CeltCodec() { cout << "Free celt instance" << endl; if(this->decoder || this->encoder) { NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, "please finalize before releasing!"); return; } } NAN_METHOD(CeltCodec::initialize) { lock_guard lock(this->coder_lock); //(≥20kHz; sample rates from 8 kHz to 48 kHz) int error = 0; int sample_rate = 48000; this->encoder = celt_encoder_create(sample_rate, this->channels, &error); if(!this->encoder || error) { cout << this->encoder << " - " << error << endl; if(this->encoder) celt_encoder_destroy(this->encoder); this->encoder = nullptr; NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, ("Failed to create encoder (" + to_string(error) + ")").c_str()); return; } this->decoder = celt_decoder_create(sample_rate, this->channels, &error); if(!this->decoder || error) { if(this->decoder) celt_decoder_destroy(this->decoder); this->decoder = nullptr; if(this->encoder) celt_encoder_destroy(this->encoder); this->encoder = nullptr; NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, ("Failed to create decoder (" + to_string(error) + ")").c_str()); return; } } NAN_METHOD(CeltCodec::finalize) { lock_guard lock(this->coder_lock); if(this->encoder) { celt_encoder_destroy(this->encoder); this->encoder = nullptr; } if(this->decoder) { celt_decoder_destroy(this->decoder); this->decoder = nullptr; } } NAN_METHOD(CeltCodec::encode) { Nan::HandleScope scope; if(!info[0]->IsArrayBuffer()) { NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, "First argument isn't an array buffer!"); return; } auto js_buffer = info[0].As()->GetContents(); auto buffer = make_unique(max(js_buffer.ByteLength(), 256UL)); buffer->length = js_buffer.ByteLength(); memcpy(buffer->memory, js_buffer.Data(), js_buffer.ByteLength()); auto callback_success = make_unique(info[1].As()); auto callback_error = make_unique(info[2].As()); auto codec = make_unique>(info.GetIsolate(), info.Holder()); auto callback = Nan::async_callback([callback_success = move(callback_success), callback_error = move(callback_error), codec = move(codec)](std::unique_ptr result, std::string error) { Nan::HandleScope scope; if(result) { auto _buffer = v8::ArrayBuffer::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), result->length); memcpy(_buffer->GetContents().Data(), result->memory, result->length); Local argv[] = { _buffer }; //_buffer callback_success->Call(1, argv); } else { Local argv[] = { Nan::New(error).ToLocalChecked() }; //error callback_error->Call(1, argv); } codec->Reset(); }).option_destroyed_execute(true); auto frame_size = buffer->length / sizeof(float) / this->channels; if(frame_size != 64 && frame_size != 128 && frame_size != 256 && frame_size != 512) { NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, ("Invalid frame size (" + to_string(frame_size) + "). Only allow 64, 128, 256, 512bytes").c_str()); return; } tc::codec_workers->enqueue_task( [this, callback, buffer = move(buffer)]() mutable { { lock_guard lock(this->coder_lock); if(!this->encoder) { callback(nullptr, "Please initialize first!"); return; } auto nbytes = celt_encode_float(this->encoder, (float*) buffer->memory, buffer->length / sizeof(float) / this->channels, (u_char*) buffer->memory, buffer->allocated_length); if(nbytes < 0) { callback(nullptr, "Invalid encode return code (" + to_string(nbytes) + ")"); return; } buffer->length = nbytes; } callback(move(buffer), ""); } ); } NAN_METHOD(CeltCodec::decode) { Nan::HandleScope scope; if(!info[0]->IsArrayBuffer()) { NAN_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error, "First argument isn't an array buffer!"); return; } auto js_buffer = info[0].As()->GetContents(); auto buffer = make_unique(max(js_buffer.ByteLength(), this->max_frame_size * this->channels * sizeof(float))); buffer->length = js_buffer.ByteLength(); memcpy(buffer->memory, js_buffer.Data(), js_buffer.ByteLength()); auto callback_success = make_unique(info[1].As()); auto callback_error = make_unique(info[2].As()); auto codec = make_unique>(info.GetIsolate(), info.Holder()); auto callback = Nan::async_callback([callback_success = move(callback_success), callback_error = move(callback_error), codec = move(codec)](std::unique_ptr result, std::string error) { Nan::HandleScope scope; if(result) { auto _buffer = v8::ArrayBuffer::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), result->length); memcpy(_buffer->GetContents().Data(), result->memory, result->length); Local argv[] = { _buffer }; callback_success->Call(1, argv); } else { Local argv[] = { Nan::New(error).ToLocalChecked() }; callback_error->Call(1, argv); } codec->Reset(); }).option_destroyed_execute(true); tc::codec_workers->enqueue_task( [this, callback, buffer = move(buffer)]() mutable { int result; { lock_guard lock(this->coder_lock); if(!this->decoder) { callback(nullptr, "Please initialize first!"); return; } auto code = celt_decode_float(this->decoder, (u_char*) buffer->memory, buffer->length, (float*) buffer->memory, buffer->allocated_length / sizeof(float) / this->channels); if(code < 0) { callback(nullptr, "Invalid decode return code (" + to_string(code) + ")"); return; } cout << code << endl; buffer->length = this->channels * this->max_frame_size * sizeof(float); } callback(move(buffer), ""); } ); } #endif