import {is_debug} from "../main-window"; import * as moment from "moment"; import * as fs from "fs-extra"; import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import * as zlib from "zlib"; import * as tar from "tar-stream"; import {Arguments, processArguments} from "../../shared/process-arguments"; import {parseVersion} from "../../shared/version"; import * as electron from "electron"; import MessageBoxOptions = Electron.MessageBoxOptions; import {clientAppInfo, currentClientVersion} from "../app-updater"; import {CachedUIPack, UIPackInfo} from "./CacheFile"; import {localUiCache, saveLocalUiCache} from "./Cache"; import {shippedClientUi} from "./Shipped"; import {downloadUiPack, queryRemoteUiPacks} from "./Remote"; import * as url from "url"; import {showUpdateWindow} from "../windows/client-updater/controller/ClientUpdate"; export const remoteUiUrl = () => { const default_path = is_debug ? "http://localhost/home/TeaSpeak/Web-Client/client-api/environment/" : ""; return processArguments.has_value(...Arguments.SERVER_URL) ? processArguments.value(...Arguments.SERVER_URL) : default_path; }; let temporaryDirectoryPromise: Promise; function generateTemporaryDirectory() : Promise { if(temporaryDirectoryPromise) { return temporaryDirectoryPromise; } return (temporaryDirectoryPromise = fs.mkdtemp(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "TeaClient-")).then(path => { process.on('exit', () => { try { if(fs.pathExistsSync(path)) { fs.removeSync(path); } } catch (e) { console.warn("Failed to delete temp directory: %o", e); } }); global["browser-root"] = path; console.log("Local browser path: %s", path); return path; })); } async function unpackLocalUiPack(version: CachedUIPack) : Promise { const targetDirectory = await generateTemporaryDirectory(); if(!await fs.pathExists(targetDirectory)) { throw "failed to create temporary directory"; } const gunzip = zlib.createGunzip(); const extract = tar.extract(); let fpipe: fs.ReadStream; try { fpipe = fs.createReadStream(version.localFilePath); } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to open UI pack at %s: %o", version.localFilePath, error); throw "failed to open UI pack"; } extract.on('entry', function(header: tar.Headers, stream, next) { if(header.type == 'file') { const targetFile = path.join(targetDirectory,; if(!fs.existsSync(path.dirname(targetFile))) { fs.mkdirsSync(path.dirname(targetFile)); } stream.on('end', () => setImmediate(next)); const wfpipe = fs.createWriteStream(targetFile); stream.pipe(wfpipe); } else if(header.type == 'directory') { if(fs.existsSync(path.join(targetDirectory, { setImmediate(next); } fs.mkdirs(path.join(targetDirectory, => { console.warn("Failed to create unpacking dir " + path.join(targetDirectory,; console.error(error); }).then(() => setImmediate(next)); } else { console.warn("Invalid ui tar ball entry type (" + header.type + ")"); return; } }); const finishPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { gunzip.on('error', event => { reject(event); }); extract.on('finish', resolve); extract.on('error', event => { if(!event) return; reject(event); }); fpipe.pipe(gunzip).pipe(extract); }); try { await finishPromise; } catch(error) { console.error("Failed to extract UI files to %s: %o", targetDirectory, error); throw "failed to unpack the UI pack"; } return targetDirectory; } async function streamFilesFromDevServer(_channel: string, _callbackStatus: (message: string, index: number) => any) : Promise { return remoteUiUrl() + "index.html"; } async function loadBundledUiPack(channel: string, callbackStatus: (message: string, index: number) => any) : Promise { callbackStatus("Query local UI pack info", .33); const bundledUi = await shippedClientUi(); if(!bundledUi) { throw "client has no bundled UI pack"; } callbackStatus("Unpacking bundled UI", .66); const result = await unpackLocalUiPack(bundledUi); callbackStatus("Local UI pack loaded", 1); console.log("Loaded bundles UI pack successfully. Version: {timestamp: %d, hash: %s}", bundledUi.packInfo.timestamp, bundledUi.packInfo.versions_hash); return url.pathToFileURL(path.join(result, "index.html")).toString(); } async function loadCachedOrRemoteUiPack(channel: string, callbackStatus: (message: string, index: number) => any, ignoreNewVersionTimestamp: boolean) : Promise { callbackStatus("Fetching info", 0); const bundledUi = await shippedClientUi(); const clientVersion = await currentClientVersion(); let availableCachedVersions: CachedUIPack[] = localUiCache().cachedPacks.filter(e => { if(e.status.type !== "valid") { return false; } if(bundledUi) { /* remove all cached ui packs which are older than our bundled one */ if(e.packInfo.timestamp <= bundledUi.downloadTimestamp) { return false; } } if( !== channel) { /* ui-pack is for another channel */ return false; } const requiredVersion = parseVersion(e.packInfo.requiredClientVersion); return clientVersion.isDevelopmentVersion() || clientVersion.newerThan(requiredVersion) || clientVersion.equals(requiredVersion); }); if(processArguments.has_flag(Arguments.UPDATER_UI_NO_CACHE)) { console.log("Ignoring local UI cache"); availableCachedVersions = []; } let remoteVersionDropped = false; /* fetch the remote versions */ executeRemoteLoader: { callbackStatus("Loading remote info", .25); let remoteVersions: UIPackInfo[]; try { remoteVersions = await queryRemoteUiPacks(); } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to query remote UI packs: %o", error); break executeRemoteLoader; } callbackStatus("Parsing remote UI packs", .40); const remoteVersion = remoteVersions.find(e => === channel); if(!remoteVersion) {"Remote server has no ui packs for channel %o.", channel); break executeRemoteLoader; } let newestLocalVersion = => e.packInfo.timestamp) .reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b), bundledUi ? bundledUi.downloadTimestamp : 0); console.log("Remote version %d, Local version %d", remoteVersion.timestamp, newestLocalVersion); const requiredClientVersion = parseVersion(remoteVersion.requiredClientVersion); if(requiredClientVersion.newerThan(clientVersion) && !is_debug) { /* We can't use the newer version. Use the latest available. Update prompt should come when starting the client */ } else if(remoteVersion.timestamp <= newestLocalVersion && !ignoreNewVersionTimestamp) { /* We've already a equal or newer version. Don't use the remote version */ /* if remote is older than current bundled version its not a drop since it could be used as a fallback */ remoteVersionDropped = !!bundledUi && remoteVersion.timestamp > bundledUi.downloadTimestamp; } else { /* update is possible because the timestamp is newer than out latest local version */ try { console.log("Downloading UI pack version (%d) %s. Forced: %s. Newest local version: %d", remoteVersion.timestamp, remoteVersion.versions_hash, ignoreNewVersionTimestamp ? "true" : "false", newestLocalVersion); callbackStatus("Downloading new UI pack", .55); availableCachedVersions.push(await downloadUiPack(remoteVersion)); } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to download new UI pack: %o", error); } } } callbackStatus("Unpacking UI", .70); availableCachedVersions.sort((a, b) => a.packInfo.timestamp - b.packInfo.timestamp); /* Only invalidate the version if any other succeeded to load else we might fucked up (no permission to write etc) */ let invalidatedVersions: CachedUIPack[] = []; const doVersionInvalidate = async () => { if(invalidatedVersions.length > 0) { for(const version of invalidatedVersions) { version.status = { type: "invalid", reason: "failed to unpack", timestamp: }; } await saveLocalUiCache(); } }; while(availableCachedVersions.length > 0) { const pack = availableCachedVersions.pop(); console.log("Trying to load UI pack from %s (%s). Downloaded at %s", moment(pack.packInfo.timestamp).format("llll"), pack.packInfo.versions_hash, moment(pack.downloadTimestamp).format("llll")); try { const target = await unpackLocalUiPack(pack); callbackStatus("UI pack loaded", 1); await doVersionInvalidate(); return url.pathToFileURL(path.join(target, "index.html")).toString(); } catch (error) { invalidatedVersions.push(pack); console.log("Failed to unpack UI pack: %o", error); } } if(remoteVersionDropped) { /* try again, but this time enforce a remote download */ const result = await loadCachedOrRemoteUiPack(channel, callbackStatus, true); await doVersionInvalidate(); /* new UI pack seems to be successfully loaded */ return result; /* if not succeeded an exception will be thrown */ } throw "Failed to load any UI pack (local and remote)\nView the console for more details."; } enum UILoaderMethod { PACK = 0, BUNDLED_PACK = 1, /* RAW_FILES = 2, System deprecated */ DEVELOP_SERVER = 3 } /** * @param statisticsCallback * @returns the url of the ui pack entry point */ export async function loadUiPack(statisticsCallback: (message: string, index: number) => any) : Promise { const channel = clientAppInfo().uiPackChannel; let enforcedLoadingMethod = parseInt(processArguments.has_value(Arguments.UPDATER_UI_LOAD_TYPE) ? processArguments.value(Arguments.UPDATER_UI_LOAD_TYPE) : "-1") as UILoaderMethod; if(typeof UILoaderMethod[enforcedLoadingMethod] !== "undefined") { switch (enforcedLoadingMethod) { case UILoaderMethod.PACK: return await loadCachedOrRemoteUiPack(channel, statisticsCallback, false); case UILoaderMethod.BUNDLED_PACK: return await loadBundledUiPack(channel, statisticsCallback); case UILoaderMethod.DEVELOP_SERVER: return await streamFilesFromDevServer(channel, statisticsCallback); default: console.warn("Invalid ui loader type %o. Skipping loader enforcement.", enforcedLoadingMethod); } } let firstError; try { return await loadCachedOrRemoteUiPack(channel, statisticsCallback, false); } catch(error) { console.warn("Failed to load cached/remote UI pack: %o", error); firstError = firstError || error; } try { return await loadBundledUiPack(channel, statisticsCallback); } catch(error) { console.warn("Failed to load bundles UI pack: %o", error); firstError = firstError || error; } throw firstError; }