#!/usr/bin/env bash BASEDIR=$(dirname "$0") cd "${BASEDIR}" file_paths=( "$(pwd ~)/../../Web-Client/shared/declarations" "$(pwd ~)/TeaSpeak/Web-Client/shared/declarations" "$(pwd ~)/../../TeaSpeak/Web-Client/shared/declarations" "app/dummy-declarations" #TODO Windows path ) files=( "exports.d.ts;imports_shared.d.ts" # "exports_loader.d.ts;imports_shared_loader.d.ts" ) path_target="./modules/renderer/imports" path_found=0 { mkdir -p "${path_target}" for path in "${file_paths[@]}" do path_found=1 for file_mapping in "${files[@]}" do file_mapping=($(echo ${file_mapping} | tr ";" " ")) file=${file_mapping[0]} if [[ ! -f "${path}/${file}" ]]; then path_found=0 echo "path test ${path} failed to file ${file}" break fi done [[ path_found -eq 1 ]] || continue for file in "${files[@]}" do file_mapping=$(echo ${file_mapping} | tr ";" "\n") src_file=${file_mapping[0]} dst_file=${file_mapping[1]} if [[ -e "${path_target}/${dst_file}" ]] || [[ -L "${path_target}/${dst_file}" ]]; then rm "${path_target}/${dst_file}" fi ln -rs "${path}/${src_file}" "${path_target}/${dst_file}" echo "Linking \"${path_target}/${dst_file}\" to \"${path}/${src_file}\"" done break done } if [[ path_found -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to find UI imports" echo "Add your path to 'file_paths' and build the declarations first" exit 1 fi exit 1