import * as fs from "fs-extra"; import * as tar from "tar-stream"; import * as zlib from "zlib"; import * as path from "path"; import * as asar from "asar"; import {Pack} from "tar-stream"; import * as request from "request"; import {Version} from "../modules/shared/version"; async function append_dir(parent: string, path: string, pack: Pack, excludes: (string | RegExp)[]) { const entries = await fs.readdir(parent + "/" + path); for(let entry of entries) { console.log(entry); const stat = await fs.stat(parent + "/" + path + "/" + entry); if(stat.isDirectory()) { console.log("Add sub: %s", entry); await append_dir(parent, path + "/" + entry, pack, excludes); } else { let exclude = false; for(const pattern of excludes) { if((path + "/" + entry).match(pattern)) { console.log("Excluding file %s", path + "/" + entry); exclude = true; break; } } if(exclude) continue; let pentry = pack.entry({ name: path + "/" + entry, size: stat.size, mode: stat.mode }, error => { if(error) throw error; }); if(!pentry) throw "Failed to create new file"; const pipe = fs.createReadStream(parent + "/" + path + "/" + entry).pipe(pentry); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { pipe.on('finish', resolve); pipe.on('error', reject); }); pentry.end(); } } } export async function pack_update(source: string, dest: string) : Promise { await fs.mkdirs(path.dirname(dest)); const target = fs.createWriteStream(dest); const pack = tar.pack(); const compress = zlib.createGzip(); pack.pipe(compress).pipe(target); await append_dir(source, ".", pack, [/.\/app_versions\/.*/]); ///.\/postzip($|.exe)/, pack.finalize(); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { target.on('close', resolve); target.on('error', reject); }); return dest; } export async function pack_info(src: string) : Promise { const appAsarPath = path.join(src, 'resources/app.asar'); const appPackageJSONPath = path.join(src, 'resources/app/package.json'); if(await fs.pathExists(appAsarPath)) return JSON.parse(asar.extractFile(appAsarPath, "package.json").toString()); else return await fs.readJson(appPackageJSONPath); } interface InfoEntry { platform: string; arch: string; update: string; install: string; } export async function write_info(file: string, platform: string, arch: string, update_file: string, install_file: string) { let infos: InfoEntry[] = fs.existsSync(file) ? await fs.readJson(file) as InfoEntry[] : []; for(const entry of infos.slice()) { if(entry.platform == platform && entry.arch == arch) infos.splice(infos.indexOf(entry),1); } infos.push({ "platform": platform, "arch": arch, "update": update_file, "install": install_file }); await fs.writeJson(file, infos); } interface VersionFile { release: VersionEntry[]; beta: VersionEntry[]; } interface VersionEntry { platform: string; arch: string; version: Version; } export async function write_version(file: string, platform: string, arch: string, channel: string, version: Version) { let versions: VersionFile = fs.existsSync(file) ? await fs.readJson(file) as VersionFile : {} as any; versions[channel] = versions[channel] || []; let channel_data = versions[channel]; for(const entry of channel_data.slice()) { if(entry.platform == platform && entry.arch == arch) channel_data.splice(channel_data.indexOf(entry), 1); } channel_data.push({ platform: platform, arch: arch, version: version }); await fs.writeJson(file, versions); } export async function deploy(platform: string, arch: string, channel: string, version: Version, update_file: string, install_file: string, install_suffix: string) { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const url = (process.env["teaclient_deploy_url"] || "") + "api.php"; console.log("Requesting " + url); console.log("Uploading update file " + update_file); console.log("Uploading install file " + install_file); console.log("Secret (env key: teaclient_deploy_secret): " + process.env["teaclient_deploy_secret"]); if(!process.env["teaclient_deploy_secret"]) throw "Missing secret!";, { formData: { type: "deploy-build", secret: process.env["teaclient_deploy_secret"], platform: platform, arch: arch, version: JSON.stringify(version), channel: channel, update: fs.createReadStream(update_file), update_suffix: "tar.gz", installer: fs.createReadStream(install_file), installer_suffix: install_suffix } }, (error, response, body) => { if(error) { console.error("Failed to upload:"); console.error(error); throw "Failed to upload: " + error; } console.log("Response code: " + (response ? response.statusCode : 0)); let info; if(response && response.statusCode == 413) { info = {msg: "Files too large! Increase limits!"}; } else { try { info = JSON.parse(body); } catch (error) { info = {}; console.dir(body); } } console.dir(info); if(!info["success"]) throw info["msg"] || "Could not deploy files!"; resolve(); }); }) }