import { BrowserFileTransferSource, BufferTransferSource, FileDownloadTransfer, FileTransfer, FileTransferState, FileTransferTarget, FileUploadTransfer, ResponseTransferTarget, TextTransferSource, TransferProvider, TransferSourceType, TransferTargetType } from "tc-shared/file/Transfer"; import * as native from "tc-native/connection"; import {tr} from "tc-shared/i18n/localize"; import * as log from "tc-shared/log"; import {LogCategory, logError} from "tc-shared/log"; import {base64_encode_ab} from "tc-shared/utils/buffers"; import * as path from "path"; import * as electron from "electron"; const executeTransfer = (transfer: FileTransfer, object: native.ft.TransferObject, callbackFinished: () => void) => { const address = transfer.transferProperties().addresses[0]; let ntransfer: native.ft.NativeFileTransfer; try { ntransfer = native.ft.spawn_connection({ client_transfer_id: transfer.clientTransferId, server_transfer_id: -1, object: object, remote_address: address.serverAddress, remote_port: address.serverPort, transfer_key: transfer.transferProperties().transferKey }); } catch (error) { let message = typeof error === "object" ? 'message' in error ? error.message : typeof error === "string" ? error : undefined : undefined; if(!message) { logError(LogCategory.FILE_TRANSFER, tr("Failed to create file transfer handle: %o"), error); } transfer.setFailed({ error: "connection", reason: "handle-initialize-error", extraMessage: message ? message : tr("Lookup the console") }, message ? message : tr("Lookup the console")); return; } ntransfer.callback_start = () => { if(!transfer.isFinished()) { transfer.setTransferState(FileTransferState.RUNNING); transfer.lastStateUpdate =; } }; ntransfer.callback_failed = error => { if(transfer.isFinished()) return; transfer.lastStateUpdate =; transfer.setFailed({ error: "connection", reason: "network-error", extraMessage: error }, error); }; ntransfer.callback_finished = aborted => { if(transfer.isFinished()) return; callbackFinished(); transfer.setTransferState(aborted ? FileTransferState.CANCELED : FileTransferState.FINISHED); transfer.lastStateUpdate =; }; ntransfer.callback_progress = (current, max) => { if(transfer.isFinished()) return; const transferInfo = transfer.lastProgressInfo(); /* ATTENTION: transferInfo.timestamp | 0 does not work since 1591875114970 > 2^32 (1591875114970 | 0 => -1557751846) */ if(transferInfo && - (typeof transferInfo.timestamp === "number" ? transferInfo.timestamp : 0) < 2000 && !(transferInfo as any).native_info) return; transfer.updateProgress({ network_current_speed: 0, network_average_speed: 0, network_bytes_send: 0, network_bytes_received: 0, file_current_offset: current, file_total_size: max, file_bytes_transferred: current, file_start_offset: 0, timestamp:, native_info: true } as any); transfer.lastStateUpdate =; }; try { if(!ntransfer.start()) throw tr("failed to start transfer"); } catch (error) { if(typeof error !== "string") { logError(LogCategory.FILE_TRANSFER, tr("Failed to start file transfer: %o"), error); } transfer.setFailed({ error: "connection", reason: "network-error", extraMessage: typeof error === "string" ? error : tr("Lookup the console") }, typeof error === "string" ? error : tr("Lookup the console")); return; } }; TransferProvider.setProvider(new class extends TransferProvider { executeFileDownload(transfer: FileDownloadTransfer) { try { if(! throw tr("transfer target is undefined"); transfer.setTransferState(FileTransferState.CONNECTING); let nativeTarget: native.ft.FileTransferTarget; if( instanceof ResponseTransferTargetImpl) {; nativeTarget =; } else if( instanceof FileTransferTargetImpl) { nativeTarget =, transfer.transferProperties().fileSize); } else { transfer.setFailed({ error: "io", reason: "unsupported-target" }, tr("invalid transfer target type")); return; } executeTransfer(transfer, nativeTarget, () => { if( instanceof ResponseTransferTargetImpl); }); } catch (error) { if(typeof error !== "string") { logError(LogCategory.FILE_TRANSFER, tr("Failed to initialize transfer target: %o"), error); } transfer.setFailed({ error: "io", reason: "failed-to-initialize-target", extraMessage: typeof error === "string" ? error : tr("Lookup the console") }, typeof error === "string" ? error : tr("Lookup the console")); } } executeFileUpload(transfer: FileUploadTransfer) { try { if(!transfer.source) throw tr("transfer source is undefined"); let nativeSource: native.ft.FileTransferSource; if(transfer.source instanceof BrowserFileTransferSourceImpl) { nativeSource = transfer.source.getNativeSource(); } else if(transfer.source instanceof TextTransferSourceImpl) { nativeSource = transfer.source.getNativeSource(); } else if(transfer.source instanceof BufferTransferSourceImpl) { nativeSource = transfer.source.getNativeSource(); } else { console.log(transfer.source); transfer.setFailed({ error: "io", reason: "unsupported-target" }, tr("invalid transfer target type")); return; } executeTransfer(transfer, nativeSource, () => { }); } catch (error) { if(typeof error !== "string") { logError(LogCategory.FILE_TRANSFER, tr("Failed to initialize transfer source: %o"), error); } transfer.setFailed({ error: "io", reason: "failed-to-initialize-target", extraMessage: typeof error === "string" ? error : tr("Lookup the console") }, typeof error === "string" ? error : tr("Lookup the console")); } } sourceSupported(type: TransferSourceType) { switch (type) { case TransferSourceType.TEXT: case TransferSourceType.BUFFER: case TransferSourceType.BROWSER_FILE: return true; default: return false; } } targetSupported(type: TransferTargetType) { switch (type) { case TransferTargetType.RESPONSE: case TransferTargetType.FILE: return true; case TransferTargetType.DOWNLOAD: default: return false; } } async createTextSource(text: string): Promise { return new TextTransferSourceImpl(text); } async createBufferSource(buffer: ArrayBuffer): Promise { return new BufferTransferSourceImpl(buffer); } async createBrowserFileSource(file: File): Promise { return new BrowserFileTransferSourceImpl(file); } async createResponseTarget(): Promise { return new ResponseTransferTargetImpl(); } async createFileTarget(path?: string, name?: string): Promise { const target = new FileTransferTargetImpl(path, name); await target.requestPath(); return target; } }); class TextTransferSourceImpl extends TextTransferSource { private readonly text: string; private buffer: ArrayBuffer; private nativeSource: native.ft.FileTransferSource; constructor(text: string) { super(); this.text = text; } getText(): string { return this.text; } async fileSize(): Promise { return this.getArrayBuffer().byteLength; } getArrayBuffer() : ArrayBuffer { if(this.buffer) return this.buffer; const encoder = new TextEncoder(); this.buffer = encoder.encode(this.text); return this.buffer; } getNativeSource() { if(this.nativeSource) return this.nativeSource; this.nativeSource = native.ft.upload_transfer_object_from_buffer(this.getArrayBuffer()); return this.nativeSource; } } class BufferTransferSourceImpl extends BufferTransferSource { private readonly buffer: ArrayBuffer; private nativeSource: native.ft.FileTransferSource; constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer) { super(); this.buffer = buffer; } async fileSize(): Promise { return this.buffer.byteLength; } getNativeSource() { if(this.nativeSource) return this.nativeSource; this.nativeSource = native.ft.upload_transfer_object_from_buffer(this.buffer); return this.nativeSource; } getBuffer(): ArrayBuffer { return this.buffer; } } class BrowserFileTransferSourceImpl extends BrowserFileTransferSource { private readonly file: File; private nativeSource: native.ft.FileTransferSource; constructor(file: File) { super(); this.file = file; } async fileSize(): Promise { return this.file.size; } getNativeSource() { if(this.nativeSource) return this.nativeSource; this.nativeSource = native.ft.upload_transfer_object_from_file(path.dirname(this.file.path), path.basename(this.file.path)); return this.nativeSource; } getFile(): File { return this.file; } } class ResponseTransferTargetImpl extends ResponseTransferTarget { nativeTarget: native.ft.FileTransferTarget; buffer: Uint8Array; private response: Response; constructor() { super(); } initialize(bufferSize: number) { this.buffer = new Uint8Array(bufferSize); this.nativeTarget = native.ft.download_transfer_object_from_buffer(this.buffer.buffer); } getResponse(): Response { return this.response; } hasResponse(): boolean { return typeof this.response === "object"; } createResponseFromBuffer() { const buffer = this.buffer.buffer.slice(this.buffer.byteOffset, this.buffer.byteOffset + Math.min(64, this.buffer.byteLength)); this.response = new Response(this.buffer, { status: 200, statusText: "success", headers: { "X-media-bytes": base64_encode_ab(buffer) } }); } } class FileTransferTargetImpl extends FileTransferTarget { private path: string; private name: string; constructor(path: string, name?: string) { super(); this.path = path; = name; } async requestPath() { if(typeof this.path === "string") return; const result = await electron.remote.dialog.showSaveDialog({ defaultPath: }); if(result.canceled) throw tr("download canceled"); if(!result.filePath) throw tr("invalid result path"); this.path = path.dirname(result.filePath); = path.basename(result.filePath); } getNativeTarget(fallbackName: string, expectedSize: number) { = || fallbackName; return native.ft.download_transfer_object_from_file(this.path,, expectedSize); } getFilePath(): string { return this.path; } getFileName(): string { return; } hasFileName(): boolean { return typeof === "string"; } }