import {ContextMenuEntry, ContextMenuFactory, setGlobalContextMenuFactory} from "tc-shared/ui/ContextMenu"; import * as electron from "electron"; import {MenuItemConstructorOptions} from "electron"; import {clientIconClassToImage, remoteIconDatafier, RemoteIconWrapper} from "./IconHelper"; import {getIconManager, RemoteIconInfo} from "tc-shared/file/Icons"; const {Menu} = electron.remote; let currentMenu: ContextMenuInstance; class ContextMenuInstance { private readonly closeCallback: () => void | undefined; private readonly menuOptions: MenuItemConstructorOptions[]; private currentMenu: electron.Menu; private wrappedIcons: RemoteIconWrapper[] = []; private wrappedIconListeners: (() => void)[] = []; constructor(entries: ContextMenuEntry[], closeCallback: () => void | undefined) { this.closeCallback = closeCallback; this.menuOptions = => this.wrapEntry(e)).filter(e => !!e); } destroy() { this.currentMenu?.closePopup(); this.currentMenu = undefined; this.wrappedIconListeners.forEach(callback => callback()); this.wrappedIcons.forEach(icon => remoteIconDatafier.unrefIcon(icon)); this.wrappedIcons = []; this.wrappedIconListeners = []; } spawn(pageX: number, pageY: number) { this.currentMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(this.menuOptions); this.currentMenu.popup({ callback: () => { if(this.closeCallback) { this.closeCallback(); } currentMenu = undefined; }, x: pageX, y: pageY, window: electron.remote.BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow() }); } private wrapEntry(entry: ContextMenuEntry) : MenuItemConstructorOptions { if(typeof entry.visible === "boolean" && !entry.visible) { return undefined; } let options: MenuItemConstructorOptions; let icon: string | RemoteIconInfo | undefined; switch (entry.type) { case "normal": icon = entry.icon; options = { type: entry.subMenu?.length ? "submenu" : "normal", label: typeof entry.label === "string" ? entry.label : entry.label.text, enabled: entry.enabled, click:, id: entry.uniqueId, submenu: entry.subMenu?.length ? => this.wrapEntry(e)).filter(e => !!e) : undefined }; break; case "checkbox": icon = entry.icon; options = { type: "checkbox", label: typeof entry.label === "string" ? entry.label : entry.label.text, enabled: entry.enabled, click:, id: entry.uniqueId, checked: entry.checked }; break; case "separator": return { type: "separator" }; default: return undefined; } if(typeof icon === "object") { const remoteIcon = getIconManager().resolveIcon(icon.iconId, icon.serverUniqueId, icon.handlerId); const wrapped = remoteIconDatafier.resolveIcon(remoteIcon); remoteIconDatafier.unrefIcon(wrapped); /* // Sadly we can't update the icon on the fly, so we've to live with whatever we have this.wrappedIcons.push(wrapped); this.wrappedIconListeners.push(wrapped.onDataUrlChange(dataUrl => { options.icon = electron.nativeImage.createFromDataURL(dataUrl); })); */ if(wrapped.getDataUrl()) { options.icon = electron.remote.nativeImage.createFromDataURL(wrapped.getDataUrl()); } } else if(typeof icon === "string") { options.icon = clientIconClassToImage(icon); } return options; } } setGlobalContextMenuFactory(new class implements ContextMenuFactory { closeContextMenu() { currentMenu?.destroy(); currentMenu = undefined; } spawnContextMenu(position: { pageX: number; pageY: number }, entries: ContextMenuEntry[], callbackClose?: () => void) { this.closeContextMenu(); currentMenu = new ContextMenuInstance(entries, callbackClose); currentMenu.spawn(position.pageX, position.pageY); } });