// Quit when all windows are closed. import * as electron from "electron"; import * as app_updater from "./app-updater"; import { app } from "electron"; import MessageBoxOptions = electron.MessageBoxOptions; import {process_args, parse_arguments, Arguments} from "../shared/process-arguments"; import {open as open_changelog} from "./app-updater/changelog"; import * as crash_handler from "../crash_handler"; import {open_preview} from "./url-preview"; async function execute_app() { /* legacy, will be removed soon */ if(process_args.has_value("update-failed")) { const result = electron.dialog.showMessageBox({ type: "error", message: "Failed to execute update:\n" + process_args.value("update-failed"), title: "Update failed!", buttons: ["retry", "ignore"] } as MessageBoxOptions); if(result == 0) if(await app_updater.execute_graphical(await app_updater.selected_channel(), false)) return; } else if(process_args.has_value("update-succeed")) { const result = electron.dialog.showMessageBox({ type: "info", message: "Update successfully installed!\nShould we launch TeaClient?", title: "Update succeeded!", buttons: ["yes", "no"] } as MessageBoxOptions); if(result != 0) { electron.app.exit(0); return; //Not really required here! } } if(process_args.has_value("update-execute")) { console.log("Executing update " + process_args.value("update-execute")); await app_updater.execute_update(process_args.value("update-execute"), callback => { console.log("Update preconfig successful. Extracting update. (The client should start automatically)"); app.quit(); setImmediate(callback); }); return; } else if(process_args.has_value("update-failed-new") || process_args.has_value("update-succeed-new")) { const success = process_args.has_value("update-succeed-new"); let data: { parse_success: boolean; log_file?: string; error_id?: string; error_message?: string; } = { parse_success: false }; try { let encoded_data = Buffer.from(process_args.value("update-failed-new") || process_args.value("update-succeed-new"), "base64").toString(); for(const part of encoded_data.split(";")) { const index = part.indexOf(':'); if(index == -1) data[part] = true; else { data[part.substr(0, index)] = Buffer.from(part.substr(index + 1), "base64").toString(); } } data.parse_success = true; } catch($) { console.error($); } console.log("Update success: %o. Update data: %o", success, data); let title = ""; let type = ""; let message = ""; const buttons: ({ key: string, callback: () => Promise })[] = []; if(success) { open_changelog(); type = "info"; title = "Update succeeded!"; message = "Update has been successfully installed!\nWhat do you want to do next?"; buttons.push({ key: "Launch client", callback: async () => false }); if(data.parse_success && data.log_file) { buttons.push({ key: "Open update log", callback: async () => { electron.shell.openItem(data.log_file); return true; } }); } } else { type = "error"; title = "Update failed!"; message = "Failed to install update."; if(data.parse_success) { message += "\n\n"; message += "Error ID: " + (data.error_id || "undefined") + "\n"; message += "Error Message: " + (data.error_message || "undefined") + "\n"; message += "Installer log: " + (data.log_file || "undefined"); } else { message += "\nUnknown error! Lookup the console for more details."; } buttons.push({ key: "Ignore", callback: async () => false }); buttons.push({ key: "Retry update", callback: async () => { await app_updater.execute_graphical(await app_updater.selected_channel(), false); return true; } }); if(data.parse_success && data.log_file) { buttons.push({ key: "Open update log", callback: async () => { electron.shell.openItem(data.log_file); return true; } }); } } buttons.push({ key: "Close", callback: async () => true }); const result = await new Promise(resolve => electron.dialog.showMessageBox({ type: type, message: message, title: title, buttons: buttons.map(e => e.key) } as MessageBoxOptions, resolve)); if(buttons[result].callback) { if(await buttons[result].callback()) return; } } try { { const version = await app_updater.current_version(); global["app_version_client"] = version.toString(); } const main = require("./main_window"); main.execute(); app_updater.start_auto_update_check(); } catch (error) { console.dir(error); const result = electron.dialog.showMessageBox({ type: "error", message: "Failed to execute app main!\n" + error, title: "Main execution failed!", buttons: ["close"] } as MessageBoxOptions); electron.app.exit(1); } } function main() { process.on('uncaughtException', err => { console.error(err, 'Uncaught Exception thrown'); console.dir(err); process.exit(1); }); /* if(false) { SegfaultHandler = require('segfault-handler'); SegfaultHandler.registerHandler("crash.log"); // With no argument, SegfaultHandler will generate a generic log file name } const SegfaultHandler = require('segfault-handler'); SegfaultHandler.registerHandler("crash.log"); // With no argument, SegfaultHandler will generate a generic log file name */ if(app) { //We're executed! parse_arguments(); if(process_args.has_value(Arguments.DISABLE_HARDWARE_ACCELERATION)) app.disableHardwareAcceleration(); if(process_args.has_value(Arguments.DUMMY_CRASH_MAIN)) crash_handler.handler.crash(); if(!process_args.has_value(Arguments.DEBUG) && !process_args.has_value(Arguments.NO_SINGLE_INSTANCE)) { if(!app.requestSingleInstanceLock()) { console.log("Another instance is already running. Closing this instance"); app.exit(0); } } app.on('ready', execute_app); } } export const execute = main;