import {ObjectProxyServer} from "../../shared/proxy/Server"; import {ExternalModal, kIPCChannelExternalModal} from "../../shared/ipc/ExternalModal"; import {ProxiedClass} from "../../shared/proxy/Definitions"; import {BrowserWindow, dialog} from "electron"; import {loadWindowBounds, startTrackWindowBounds} from "../../shared/window"; import {Arguments, processArguments} from "../../shared/process-arguments"; import {openURLPreview} from "../url-preview"; import * as path from "path"; class ProxyImplementation extends ProxiedClass implements ExternalModal { private windowInstance: BrowserWindow; public constructor(props) { super(props); } async focus(): Promise { this.windowInstance?.focusOnWebView(); } async minimize(): Promise { this.windowInstance?.minimize(); } async spawnWindow(modalTarget: string, url: string): Promise { if(this.windowInstance) { return; } this.windowInstance = new BrowserWindow({ /* parent: remote.getCurrentWindow(), */ /* do not link them together */ autoHideMenuBar: true, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, preload: path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "renderer-manifest", "preload.js") }, icon: path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "resources", "logo.ico"), minWidth: 600, minHeight: 300, frame: false, transparent: true, show: true }); loadWindowBounds("modal-" + modalTarget, this.windowInstance).then(() => { startTrackWindowBounds("modal-" + modalTarget, this.windowInstance); }); this.windowInstance.webContents.on('new-window', (event, url_str, frameName, disposition, options, additionalFeatures) => { console.error("Open: %O", frameName); if(frameName.startsWith("__modal_external__")) { return; } event.preventDefault(); try { let url: URL; try { url = new URL(url_str); } catch(error) { throw "failed to parse URL"; } { let protocol = url.protocol.endsWith(":") ? url.protocol.substring(0, url.protocol.length - 1) : url.protocol; if(protocol !== "https" && protocol !== "http") { throw "invalid protocol (" + protocol + "). HTTP(S) are only supported!"; } } openURLPreview(url.toString()); } catch(error) { console.error("Failed to open preview window for URL %s: %o", url_str, error); dialog.showErrorBox("Failed to open preview", "Failed to open preview URL: " + url_str + "\nError: " + error); } }); if(processArguments.has_flag(Arguments.DEV_TOOLS)) { this.windowInstance.webContents.openDevTools(); } try { await this.windowInstance.loadURL(url); } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to load external modal main page: %o", error); this.windowInstance.close(); this.windowInstance = undefined; return false; } this.windowInstance.on("closed", () => { this.windowInstance = undefined;; }); return true; } destroy() { if(!this.windowInstance) { return; } this.windowInstance.close(); this.windowInstance = undefined; } } const server = new ObjectProxyServer(kIPCChannelExternalModal, ProxyImplementation); server.initialize();