import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; import * as _node_ssh from "node-ssh"; import * as ssh2 from "ssh2"; import * as util from "util"; import * as crypto from "crypto"; declare namespace node_ssh { export type PutFilesOptions = { sftp?: Object, sftpOptions?: Object, concurrency?: number, } export type PutDirectoryOptions = { sftp?: Object, sftpOptions?: Object, concurrency?: number, recursive?: boolean, tick?: ((localPath: string, remotePath: string, error?: Error) => void), validate?: ((localPath: string) => boolean), } export type ExecOptions = { cwd?: string, options?: Object // passed to ssh2.exec stdin?: string, stream?: 'stdout' | 'stderr' | 'both', onStdout?: ((chunk: Buffer) => void), onStderr?: ((chunk: Buffer) => void), } export class Instance { connect(config: ssh2.ConnectConfig): Promise requestSFTP(): Promise requestShell(): Promise mkdir(path: string, method: 'sftp' | 'exec', givenSftp?: Object): Promise exec(command: string, parameters: Array, options: ExecOptions): Promise execCommand(command: string, options?: { cwd: string, stdin: string }): Promise<{ stdout: string, options?: Object, stderr: string, signal?: string, code: number }> putFile(localFile: string, remoteFile: string, sftp?: Object, opts?: Object): Promise getFile(localFile: string, remoteFile: string, sftp?: Object, opts?: Object): Promise putFiles(files: Array<{ local: string, remote: string }>, options: PutFilesOptions): Promise putDirectory(localDirectory: string, remoteDirectory: string, options: PutDirectoryOptions): Promise dispose(): void } } let instance: node_ssh.Instance; export async function setup() { if(instance) throw "already initiaized"; instance = new _node_ssh(); try { await instance.connect({ host: '', username: 'TeaSpeak-Jenkins-Client', privateKey: path.join(__dirname, "ssh_key") }) } catch(error) { try { instance.dispose(); } finally { instance = undefined; } console.error("Failed to connect: %o", error); throw "failed to connect"; } } async function update_remote_file(local_path: string, remote_path: string) { if(!instance) throw "Invalid instance"; let sftp: ssh2.SFTPWrapper; try { let sha512_remote, sha512_local; try { const sha512_remote_result = await instance.execCommand('sha512sum ' + remote_path); if(sha512_remote_result.code != 0) sha512_remote = undefined; /* file does not exists! */ else { const result = sha512_remote_result.stdout.toString(); sha512_remote = result.split(" ")[0]; //console.log("File %s has a remote sha512: %o", remote_path, sha512_remote); } } catch(error) { console.log("Failed to calculate remote sha521 for file %s: %o", remote_path, error); return; } if(sha512_remote) { /* if the remote hasn't the file then we've def a "new" version */ const hash_processor = crypto.createHash('sha512'); const local_stream = fs.createReadStream(local_path); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { local_stream.on('error', reject); local_stream.on('data', chunk => hash_processor.update(chunk)); local_stream.on('end', resolve); }); sha512_local = hash_processor.digest('hex'); local_stream.close(); } if(sha512_remote) { if(sha512_remote == sha512_local) { console.log("File %s (%s) is already up to date.", path.basename(local_path), local_path); return; } else { console.log("Updating file %s (%s) at %s. Local sum: %s Remote sum: %s", path.basename(local_path), local_path, remote_path, sha512_local, sha512_remote); } } else { console.log("Uploading file %s (%s) to %s.", path.basename(local_path), local_path, remote_path); } try { await instance.putFile(local_path, remote_path); } catch(error) { console.error("Failed to upload file %s (%s): %s", path.basename(local_path), local_path, error); throw "Upload failed"; } } finally { if(sftp) sftp.end(); } } export async function deploy_crash_dumps(local_path: string, remote_path: string) { console.log("Uploading crash dumps from %s to %s", local_path, remote_path); const do_dir = async (local_path, remote_path) => { for(const file of await util.promisify(fs.readdir)(local_path)) { const local_file = path.join(local_path, file); const remote_file = remote_path + "/" + file; if((await util.promisify(fs.stat)(local_file)).isDirectory()) await do_dir(local_file, remote_file); else await update_remote_file(local_file, remote_file); } }; await do_dir(local_path, remote_path); } const test = async () => { await setup(); await deploy_crash_dumps(path.join(__dirname, "../../build/symbols/"), "symbols"); }; test();