import * as packager from "./package"; import * as deployer from "./deploy"; import * as glob from "glob"; import {parseVersion, Version} from "../modules/shared/version"; const fs = require("fs-extra"); const path = require("path"); const util = require('util'); const cproc = require('child_process'); const proc = require('process'); const ejs = require('ejs'); const exec = util.promisify(cproc.exec); const ejs_render = util.promisify(ejs.renderFile); const filename_update = "TeaClient-windows-x64.tar.gz"; const filename_installer = "TeaClient-windows-x64.exe"; const package_path = "build/TeaClient-win32-x64/"; const symbol_pdb_path = "native/build/symbols/"; const symbol_binary_path = package_path + "/resources/natives/"; let dest_path = undefined; let info; let version: Version; function sign_command(file: string, description: string) { const base = "signtool sign /v /tr /td SHA256 /fd SHA256 /d \"" + description + "\" /du \"\""; return base + " /f " + path.join(__dirname, "../../../CodeSign-Certificate.pfx") + " /p qmsQBxpN2exj " + file; } async function sign_file(file: string, description: string) { const { stdout, stderr } = await exec(sign_command(file, description), {maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 1024}); console.log(stdout.toString()); } async function make_template() : Promise { const content = await ejs_render("installer/WinInstall.ejs", { source_dir: path.resolve(package_path) + "/*", dest_dir: path.resolve(dest_path), icon_file: path.resolve("resources/logo.ico"), version: info["version"], executable_name: filename_installer.substr(0, filename_installer.length - 4), //Remove the .exe sign_arguments: sign_command("$f", "TeaClient installer") }, {}); await fs.mkdirs(dest_path); fs.writeFileSync(dest_path + "/" + "installer.iss", content); return dest_path + "/" + "installer.iss"; } async function make_installer(path: string) { console.log("Compiling path %s", path); const { stdout, stderr } = await exec("\"D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Inno Setup 6\\iscc.exe\" " + path, {maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 1024}); //FIXME relative path? } if(process.argv.length < 3) { console.error("Missing build channel!"); process.exit(1); } packager.pack_info(package_path).then(async info => { const asyncGlob = util.promisify(glob); const executables = await asyncGlob(package_path + "/**/*.exe"); const ddls = await asyncGlob(package_path + "/**/*.dll"); const nodeModules = await asyncGlob(package_path + "/**/*.node"); const exe_description_padding = { "TeaClient.exe": "TeaClient v" + info["version"], "update-installer.exe": "TeaClient update installer" }; const node_description_padding = { "teaclient_connection.node": "TeaClients connection library", "teaclient_crash_handler.node": "TeaClients crash handler", "teaclient_dns.node": "TeaClients dns resolve module", "teaclient_ppt.node": "TeaClients push to talk module" }; console.log("Signing executables:"); for(const executable of executables) { const desc = exe_description_padding[path.basename(executable)]; if(!desc) throw "Missing description for " + executable; await sign_file(executable, ""); } for(const dll of ddls) await sign_file(dll, ""); for(const module of nodeModules) { const desc = node_description_padding[path.basename(module)]; if(!desc) throw "Missing description for " + module; await sign_file(module, ""); } return info; }).then(async _info => { info = _info; version = parseVersion(_info["version"]); version.timestamp =; dest_path = "build/output/" + process.argv[2] + "/" + version.toString() + "/"; await packager.pack_update(package_path, dest_path + "TeaClient-windows-x64.tar.gz"); }).then(async () => { await packager.write_info(dest_path + "info.json", "win32", "x64", filename_update, filename_installer) }).then(async () => { await packager.write_version("build/output/version.json", "win32", "x64", process.argv[2], version); }).then(async () => await make_template()) .then(async path => await make_installer(path)) .then(async () => { console.log("Deploying PDB files"); const files = []; for(const file of await fs.readdir(symbol_binary_path)) { if(!file.endsWith(".node")) { continue; } let file_name = path.basename(file); if(file_name.endsWith(".node")) { file_name = file_name.substr(0, file_name.length - 5); } const binary_path = path.join(symbol_binary_path, file); const pdb_path = path.join(symbol_pdb_path, file_name + ".pdb"); if(!fs.existsSync(pdb_path)) { console.warn("Missing PDB file for binary %s", file); continue; } files.push({ binary: binary_path, pdb: pdb_path }); } await deployer.deploy_win_dbg_files(files, version); console.log("PDB files deployed"); }).then(async () => { await sign_file(dest_path + filename_installer, "TeaSpeak client installer"); }).then(async () => { console.log("Deploying build"); await packager.deploy("win32", "x64", process.argv[2], version, dest_path + filename_update, dest_path + filename_installer, "exe"); }).then(() => { console.log("Succeed"); proc.exit(0); }).catch(error => { console.log(error); proc.exit(1); });