import {AbstractDeviceList, DeviceListEvents, IDevice, PermissionState} from "tc-shared/audio/recorder"; import {Registry} from "tc-shared/events"; import * as loader from "tc-loader"; import {audio} from "tc-native/connection"; interface NativeIDevice extends IDevice { isDefault: boolean } class InputDeviceList extends AbstractDeviceList { private cachedDevices: NativeIDevice[]; constructor() { super(); this.setPermissionState("granted"); } isRefreshAvailable(): boolean { return false; } async refresh(): Promise { throw "not supported"; } async requestPermissions(): Promise { return "granted"; } getDefaultDeviceId(): string { return this.getDevices().find(e => e.isDefault)?.deviceId || "default"; } getDevices(): NativeIDevice[] { if(this.cachedDevices) return this.cachedDevices; this.cachedDevices = audio.available_devices() .filter(e => e.input_supported || e.input_default) .filter(e => e.driver !== "Windows WDM-KS") /* If we're using WDM-KS and opening the microphone view, for some reason the channels get blocked an never release.... */ .map(device => { return { deviceId: device.device_id, name:, driver: device.driver, isDefault: device.input_default } }); this.setState("healthy"); return this.cachedDevices; } getEvents(): Registry { return; } } export let inputDeviceList; loader.register_task(loader.Stage.JAVASCRIPT_INITIALIZING, { function: async () => { inputDeviceList = new InputDeviceList(); inputDeviceList.getDevices(); }, priority: 80, name: "initialize input devices" });