import * as path from "path"; import {remote} from "electron"; import * as electron from "electron"; import * as os from "os"; const Module = require("module"); interface ModuleOverride { name?: string, test: string | RegExp | ((request: string) => boolean); callback: (this: string, request: string, parent?: NodeJS.Module) => any; } const overrides: ModuleOverride[] = []; function proxied_load(request: string, parent?: NodeJS.Module) { for(const override of overrides) { let test_satisfied = false; if(typeof override.test === "string") { test_satisfied = override.test === request; } else if(typeof override.test === "function") { test_satisfied = override.test(request); } else if(typeof override === "object") { if(override.test instanceof RegExp) test_satisfied = !!request.match(override.test); } if(test_satisfied) { //console.log("Using override %s for %s", || "unnamed", request); return override.callback.apply(this, arguments); } } //console.log("No override found for %s", request); return proxied_load.original_load.apply(this, arguments); } function shared_backend_loader(request: string) { if(!request.startsWith("tc-backend/")) throw "invalid target"; if(!backend_root) throw "backend is not available in this context"; const target = request.substr(11); return require(path.join(backend_root, target)); } namespace proxied_load { export let original_load: typeof Module.require; } let backend_root: string; export function initialize(backend_root_: string) { backend_root = backend_root_; proxied_load.original_load = Module._load; Module._load = proxied_load; window["backend-loader"] = { require: shared_backend_loader }; } overrides.push({ name: "tc-loader", test: "tc-loader", callback: () => window["loader"] }); overrides.push({ name: "native loader", test: /^tc-native\/[a-zA-Z_-]+$/, callback: request => { const name = request.substr(10); const file_mapping = { connection: "teaclient_connection.node", ppt: "teaclient_ppt.node", dns: "teaclient_dns.node" }; if(typeof file_mapping[name] !== "string") throw "unknown native module"; const app_path = (remote || electron).app.getAppPath(); let target_path; if(app_path.endsWith(".asar")) { target_path = path.join(path.dirname(app_path), "natives", file_mapping[name]); } else { /* from source code */ target_path = path.join(app_path, "native", "build", os.platform() + "_" + os.arch(), file_mapping[name]); } return require(target_path); } }); overrides.push({ name: "shared loader", test: /^tc-shared\/.*/, callback: request => { if(request.endsWith("/")) return require(request + "index"); const webpack_path = path.dirname("shared/js/" + request.substr(10)); //FIXME: Get the prefix from a variable! const loader = require("tc-loader"); const mapping = loader.module_mapping().find(e => e.application === "client-app"); //FIXME: Variable name! if(!mapping) throw "missing mapping"; const entries = mapping.modules.filter(e => e.context.startsWith(webpack_path)); if(!entries.length) throw "unknown target path"; const basename = path.basename(request, path.extname(request)); const entry = entries.find(e => path.basename(e.resource, path.extname(e.resource)) === basename); if(!entry) { if(basename.indexOf(".") === -1 && !request.endsWith("/")) return require(request + "/index"); debugger; throw "unknown import (" + request + ")"; } return window["shared-require"](; } });