import * as querystring from "querystring"; import * as request from "request"; import {app, dialog} from "electron"; import * as fs from "fs-extra"; import * as ofs from "original-fs"; import * as os from "os"; import * as tar from "tar-stream"; import * as path from "path"; import * as zlib from "zlib"; import * as child_process from "child_process"; import * as progress from "request-progress"; import * as util from "util"; import {parseVersion, Version} from "../../shared/version"; import MessageBoxOptions = Electron.MessageBoxOptions; import {Headers} from "tar-stream"; import {Arguments, processArguments} from "../../shared/process-arguments"; import * as electron from "electron"; import {PassThrough} from "stream"; import ErrnoException = NodeJS.ErrnoException; import { default as validateUpdateConfig } from "./UpdateConfigFile.validator"; import { default as validateAppInfo } from "./AppInfoFile.validator"; import UpdateConfigFile from "./UpdateConfigFile"; import AppInfoFile from "./AppInfoFile"; export type UpdateStatsCallback = (message: string, progress: number) => void; export type UpdateLogCallback = (type: "error" | "info", message: string) => void; export function updateServerUrl() : string { /* FIXME! */ return ""; return processArguments.has_value(...Arguments.SERVER_URL) ? processArguments.value(...Arguments.SERVER_URL) : ""; } export interface UpdateVersion { channel: string; platform: string, arch: string; version: Version; } export interface UpdateData { versions: UpdateVersion[]; updater_version: UpdateVersion; } let remoteVersionCacheTimestamp: number; let remoteVersionCache: Promise; export async function fetchRemoteUpdateData() : Promise { if(remoteVersionCache && remoteVersionCacheTimestamp > - 60 * 60 * 1000) { return remoteVersionCache; } /* TODO: Validate remote response schema */ remoteVersionCacheTimestamp =; return (remoteVersionCache = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request_url = updateServerUrl() + "/api.php?" + querystring.stringify({ type: "update-info" }); console.log("request: %s", request_url); request.get(request_url, { timeout: 2000 }, (error, response, body) => { if(response.statusCode !== 200) { setImmediate(reject, "Invalid status code (" + response.statusCode + (response.statusMessage ? "/" + response.statusMessage : "") + ")"); return; } if(!response) { setImmediate(reject, "Missing response object"); return; } let data: any; try { data = JSON.parse(body); } catch (_error) { setImmediate(reject, "Failed to parse response"); return; } if(!data["success"]) { setImmediate(reject, "Action failed (" + (data["msg"] || "unknown error") + ")"); return; } let resp: UpdateData = {} as any; resp.versions = []; for(const channel of Object.keys(data)) { if(channel == "success") continue; for(const entry of data[channel]) { let version: UpdateVersion = {} as any; = channel; version.arch = entry["arch"]; version.platform = entry["platform"]; version.version = new Version(entry["version"]["major"], entry["version"]["minor"], entry["version"]["patch"], entry["version"]["build"], entry["version"]["timestamp"]); if( == 'updater') { resp.updater_version = version; } else { resp.versions.push(version); } } } setImmediate(resolve, resp); }); })).catch(error => { /* Don't cache errors */ remoteVersionCache = undefined; remoteVersionCacheTimestamp = undefined; return Promise.reject(error); }); } export async function availableRemoteChannels() : Promise { const versions = (await fetchRemoteUpdateData()) =>; return [ Set(versions)]; } export async function newestRemoteClientVersion(channel: string) : Promise { const data = await fetchRemoteUpdateData(); let currentVersion: UpdateVersion; for(const version of data.versions) { if(version.arch == os.arch() && version.platform == os.platform()) { if( == channel) { if(!currentVersion || version.version.newerThan(currentVersion.version)) { currentVersion = version; } } } } return currentVersion; } function getAppDataDirectory() : string { return'userData'); } function generateUpdateFilePath(channel: string, version: Version) : string { let directory = fs.realpathSync(getAppDataDirectory()); const name = channel + "_" + version.major + "_" + version.minor + "_" + version.patch + "_" + + ".tar"; return path.join(directory, "app_versions", name); } export interface ProgressState { percent: number, // Overall percent (between 0 to 1) speed: number, // The download speed in bytes/sec size: { total: number, // The total payload size in bytes transferred: number// The transferred payload size in bytes }, time: { elapsed: number,// The total elapsed seconds since the start (3 decimals) remaining: number // The remaining seconds to finish (3 decimals) } } export async function downloadClientVersion(channel: string, version: Version, status: (state: ProgressState) => any, callbackLog: UpdateLogCallback) : Promise { const targetFilePath = generateUpdateFilePath(channel, version); if(fs.existsSync(targetFilePath)) { callbackLog("info", "Removing old update file located at " + targetFilePath); /* TODO test if this file is valid and can be used */ try { await fs.remove(targetFilePath); } catch(error) { throw "Failed to remove old file: " + error; } } try { await fs.mkdirp(path.dirname(targetFilePath)); } catch(error) { throw "Failed to make target directory: " + path.dirname(targetFilePath); } const requestUrl = updateServerUrl() + "/api.php?" + querystring.stringify({ type: "update-download", platform: os.platform(), arch: os.arch(), version: version.toString(), channel: channel }); callbackLog("info", "Downloading version " + version.toString(false) + " to " + targetFilePath + " from " + updateServerUrl()); console.log("Downloading update from %s. (%s)", updateServerUrl(), requestUrl); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let fired = false; const fireFailed = (reason: string) => { if(fired) { return; } fired = true; setImmediate(reject, reason); }; let stream = progress(request.get(requestUrl, { timeout: 10_000 }, (error, response, _body) => { if(!response) { fireFailed("Missing response object"); return; } if(response.statusCode != 200) { fireFailed("Invalid HTTP response code: " + response.statusCode + (response.statusMessage ? "/" + response.statusMessage : "")); return; } })).on('progress', status).on('error', error => { console.warn("Encountered error within download pipe. Ignoring error: %o", error); }).on('end', function () { callbackLog("info", "Update downloaded."); console.log("Update downloaded successfully. Waiting for write stream to finish."); if(status) { status({ percent: 1, speed: 0, size: { total: 0, transferred: 0}, time: { elapsed: 0, remaining: 0} }); } }); console.log("Decompressing update package while streaming!"); stream = stream.pipe(zlib.createGunzip()); stream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(targetFilePath, { autoClose: true })).on('finish', () => { console.log("Write stream has finished. Download successfully."); if(!fired && (fired = true)) { setImmediate(resolve, targetFilePath); } }).on('error', error => { console.log("Write stream encountered an error while downloading update. Error: %o", error); fireFailed("disk write error"); }); }); } if(typeof(String.prototype.trim) === "undefined") { String.prototype.trim = function() { return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; } export async function ensureTargetFilesAreWriteable(updateFile: string) : Promise { const original_fs = require('original-fs'); if(!fs.existsSync(updateFile)) { throw "Missing update file (" + updateFile + ")"; } let parent_path = app.getAppPath(); if(parent_path.endsWith(".asar")) { parent_path = path.join(parent_path, "..", ".."); parent_path = fs.realpathSync(parent_path); } const test_access = async (file: string, mode: number) => { return await new Promise(resolve => original_fs.access(file, mode, resolve)); }; let code = await test_access(updateFile, original_fs.constants.R_OK); if(code) throw "Failed test read for update file. (" + updateFile + " results in " + code.code + ")"; const fstream = original_fs.createReadStream(updateFile); const tar_stream = tar.extract(); const errors: string[] = []; const tester = async (header: Headers) => { const entry_path = path.normalize(path.join(parent_path,; if(header.type == "file") { if(original_fs.existsSync(entry_path)) { code = await test_access(entry_path, original_fs.constants.W_OK); if(code) errors.push("Failed to acquire write permissions for file " + entry_path + " (Code " + code.code + ")"); } else { let directory = path.dirname(entry_path); while(directory.length != 0 && !original_fs.existsSync(directory)) directory = path.normalize(path.join(directory, "..")); code = await test_access(directory, original_fs.constants.W_OK); if(code) errors.push("Failed to acquire write permissions for directory " + entry_path + " (Code " + code.code + ". Target directory " + directory + ")"); } } else if(header.type == "directory") { let directory = path.dirname(entry_path); while(directory.length != 0 && !original_fs.existsSync(directory)) directory = path.normalize(path.join(directory, "..")); code = await test_access(directory, original_fs.constants.W_OK); if(code) errors.push("Failed to acquire write permissions for directory " + entry_path + " (Code " + code.code + ". Target directory " + directory + ")"); } }; tar_stream.on('entry', (header: Headers, stream, next) => { tester(header).catch(error => { console.log("Emit out of tar_stream.on('entry' ...)"); tar_stream.emit('error', error); }).then(() => { stream.on('end', next); stream.resume(); }); }); fstream.pipe(tar_stream); try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { tar_stream.on('finish', resolve); tar_stream.on('error', error => { reject(error); }); }); } catch(error) { throw "Failed to list files within tar: " + error; } return errors; } namespace install_config { export interface LockFile { filename: string; timeout: number; "error-id": string; } export interface MoveFile { source: string; target: string; "error-id": string; } export interface ConfigFile { version: number; backup: boolean; "backup-directory": string; "callback_file": string; "callback_argument_fail": string; "callback_argument_success": string; moves: MoveFile[]; locks: LockFile[]; } } async function createUpdateInstallConfig(sourceRoot: string, targetRoot: string) : Promise { console.log("Building update install config for target directory: %s. Update source: %o", targetRoot, sourceRoot); const result: install_config.ConfigFile = { } as any; result.version = 1; result.backup = true; { const data = path.parse(sourceRoot); result["backup-directory"] = path.join(data.dir, + "_backup"); } result["permission-test-directory"] = targetRoot; result.callback_file = app.getPath("exe"); result.callback_argument_fail = "--no-single-instance --update-failed-new="; result.callback_argument_success = "--no-single-instance --update-succeed-new="; result.moves = []; result.locks = [ { "error-id": "main-exe-lock", filename: app.getPath("exe"), timeout: 5000 } ]; const ignoreFileList = [ "update-installer.exe", "update-installer" ]; const dirWalker = async (relative_path: string) => { const source_directory = path.join(sourceRoot, relative_path); const target_directory = path.join(targetRoot, relative_path); let files: string[]; try { files = await util.promisify(ofs.readdir)(source_directory); } catch(error) { console.warn("Failed to iterate over source directory \"%s\": %o", source_directory, error); return; } for(const file of files) { let shouldBeExcluded = false; for(const ignoredFile of ignoreFileList) { if(ignoredFile == file) { console.debug("Ignoring file to update (%s/%s)", relative_path, file); shouldBeExcluded = true; break; } } if(shouldBeExcluded) { continue; } const source_file = path.join(source_directory, file); const target_file = path.join(target_directory, file); //TODO check if file content has changed else ignore? const info = await util.promisify(ofs.stat)(source_file); if(info.isDirectory()) { await dirWalker(path.join(relative_path, file)); } else { /* TODO: ensure its a file! */ result.moves.push({ "error-id": "move-file-" + result.moves.length, source: source_file, target: target_file }); } } }; await dirWalker("."); return result; } export async function extractUpdateFile(updateFile: string, callbackLog: UpdateLogCallback) : Promise<{ updateSourceDirectory: string, updateInstallerExecutable: string }> { const temporaryDirectory = path.join(app.getPath("temp"), "teaclient_update_" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)); try { await fs.mkdirp(temporaryDirectory) } catch(error) { console.error("failed to create update source directory (%s): %o", temporaryDirectory, error); throw "failed to create update source directory"; } callbackLog("info", "Extracting update to " + temporaryDirectory); console.log("Extracting update file %s to %s", updateFile, temporaryDirectory); let updateInstallerPath = undefined; const updateFileStream = fs.createReadStream(updateFile); const extract = tar.extract(); extract.on('entry', (header: Headers, stream: PassThrough, callback) => { const extract = async (header: Headers, stream: PassThrough) => { const targetFile = path.join(temporaryDirectory,; console.debug("Extracting entry %s of type %s to %s",, header.type, targetFile); if(header.type == "directory") { await fs.mkdirp(targetFile); } else if(header.type == "file") { const targetPath = path.parse(targetFile); { const directory = targetPath.dir; console.debug("Testing for directory: %s", directory); if(!(await util.promisify(ofs.exists)(directory)) || !(await util.promisify(ofs.stat)(directory)).isDirectory()) { console.log("Creating directory %s", directory); try { await fs.mkdirp(directory); } catch(error) { console.warn("failed to create directory for file %s", header.type); } } } const write_stream = ofs.createWriteStream(targetFile); try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.pipe(write_stream) .on('error', reject) .on('finish', resolve); }); if( === "update-installer" || === "update-installer.exe") { updateInstallerPath = targetFile; callbackLog("info", "Found update installer at " + targetFile); } return; /* success */ } catch(error) { console.error("Failed to extract update file %s: %o",, error); } } else { console.debug("Skipping this unknown file type"); } stream.resume(); /* drain the stream */ }; extract(header, stream).catch(error => { console.log("Ignoring file %s due to an error: %o",, error); }).then(() => { callback(); }); }); updateFileStream.pipe(extract); try { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { extract.on('finish', resolve); extract.on('error', reject); }); } catch(error) { console.error("Failed to unpack update: %o", error); throw "update unpacking failed"; } if(typeof updateInstallerPath !== "string" || !(await fs.pathExists(updateInstallerPath))) { throw "missing update installer executable within update package"; } callbackLog("info", "Update successfully extracted"); return { updateSourceDirectory: temporaryDirectory, updateInstallerExecutable: updateInstallerPath } } let cachedAppInfo: AppInfoFile; async function initializeAppInfo() { let directory = app.getAppPath(); if(!directory.endsWith(".asar")) { /* we're in a development version */ cachedAppInfo = { version: 2, clientVersion: { major: 0, minor: 0, patch: 0, buildIndex: 0, timestamp: }, uiPackChannel: "release", clientChannel: "release" }; return; } cachedAppInfo = validateAppInfo(await fs.readJson(path.join(directory, "..", "..", "app-info.json"))); if(cachedAppInfo.version !== 2) { cachedAppInfo = undefined; throw "invalid app info version"; } } export function clientAppInfo() : AppInfoFile { if(typeof cachedAppInfo !== "object") { throw "app info not initialized"; } return cachedAppInfo; } export async function currentClientVersion() : Promise { if(processArguments.has_value(Arguments.UPDATER_LOCAL_VERSION)) { return parseVersion(processArguments.value(Arguments.UPDATER_LOCAL_VERSION)); } const info = clientAppInfo(); return new Version(info.clientVersion.major, info.clientVersion.minor, info.clientVersion.patch, info.clientVersion.buildIndex, info.clientVersion.timestamp); } let cachedUpdateConfig: UpdateConfigFile; function updateConfigFile() : string { return path.join('userData'), "update-settings.json"); } export async function initializeAppUpdater() { try { await initializeAppInfo(); } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to parse app info: %o", error); throw "Failed to parse app info file"; } const config = updateConfigFile(); if(await fs.pathExists(config)) { try { cachedUpdateConfig = validateUpdateConfig(await fs.readJson(config)); if(cachedUpdateConfig.version !== 1) { cachedUpdateConfig = undefined; throw "invalid update config version"; } } catch (error) { console.warn("Failed to parse update config file: %o. Invalidating it.", error); try { await fs.rename(config, config + "." +; } catch (_) {} } } if(!cachedUpdateConfig) { cachedUpdateConfig = { version: 1, selectedChannel: "release" } } } export function updateConfig() { if(typeof cachedUpdateConfig === "string") { throw "app updater hasn't been initialized yet"; } return cachedUpdateConfig; } export function saveUpdateConfig() { const file = updateConfigFile(); fs.writeJson(file, cachedUpdateConfig).catch(error => { console.error("Failed to save update config: %o", error); }); } /* Attention: The current channel might not be the channel the client has initially been loaded with! */ export function clientUpdateChannel() : string { return updateConfig().selectedChannel; } export function setClientUpdateChannel(channel: string) { if(updateConfig().selectedChannel == channel) { return; } updateConfig().selectedChannel = channel; saveUpdateConfig(); } export async function availableClientUpdate() : Promise { const version = await newestRemoteClientVersion(clientAppInfo().clientChannel); if(!version) { return undefined; } const localVersion = await currentClientVersion(); return !localVersion.isDevelopmentVersion() && version.version.newerThan(localVersion) ? version : undefined; } /** * @returns The callback to execute the update */ export async function prepareUpdateExecute(targetVersion: UpdateVersion, callbackStats: UpdateStatsCallback, callbackLog: UpdateLogCallback) : Promise<{ callbackExecute: () => void, callbackAbort: () => void }> { let targetApplicationPath = app.getAppPath(); if(targetApplicationPath.endsWith(".asar")) { console.log("App path points to ASAR file (Going up to root directory)"); targetApplicationPath = await fs.realpath(path.join(targetApplicationPath, "..", "..")); } else { throw "the source can't be updated"; } callbackStats("Downloading update", 0); const updateFilePath = await downloadClientVersion(, targetVersion.version, status => { callbackStats("Downloading update", status.percent); }, callbackLog); /* TODO: Remove this step and let the actual updater so this. If this fails we'll already receiving appropiate error messages. */ if(os.platform() !== "win32") { callbackLog("info", "Checking file permissions"); callbackStats("Checking file permissions", .25); /* We must be on a unix based system */ try { const inaccessiblePaths = await ensureTargetFilesAreWriteable(updateFilePath); if(inaccessiblePaths.length > 0) { console.log("Failed to access the following files:"); for(const fail of inaccessiblePaths) { console.log(" - " + fail); } const executeCommand = "sudo " + path.normalize(app.getAppPath()) + " --update-execute"; throw "Failed to access target files.\nPlease execute this app with administrator (sudo) privileges.\nUse the following command:\n" + executeCommand; } } catch(error) { console.warn("Failed to validate target file accessibility: %o", error); } } else { /* the windows update already requests admin privileges */ } callbackStats("Extracting update", .5); const { updateSourceDirectory, updateInstallerExecutable } = await extractUpdateFile(updateFilePath, callbackLog); callbackStats("Generating install config", .5); callbackLog("info", "Generating install config"); let installConfig; try { installConfig = await createUpdateInstallConfig(updateSourceDirectory, targetApplicationPath); } catch(error) { console.error("Failed to build update installer config: %o", error); throw "failed to build update installer config"; } const installLogFile = path.join(updateSourceDirectory, "update-log.txt"); const installConfigFile = path.join(updateSourceDirectory, "update_install.json"); console.log("Writing config to %s", installConfigFile); try { await fs.writeJSON(installConfigFile, installConfig); } catch(error) { console.error("Failed to write update install config file: %s", error); throw "failed to write update install config file"; } callbackLog("info", "Generating config generated at " + installConfigFile); let executeCallback: () => void; if(os.platform() == "linux") { console.log("Executing update install on linux"); //We have to unpack it later executeCallback = () => { console.log("Executing command %s with args %o", updateInstallerExecutable, [installLogFile, installConfigFile]); try { let result = child_process.spawnSync(updateInstallerExecutable, [installLogFile, installConfigFile]); if(result.status != 0) { console.error("Failed to execute update installer! Return code: %d", result.status); dialog.showMessageBox({ buttons: ["update now", "remind me later"], title: "Update available", message: "Failed to execute update installer\n" + "Installer exited with code " + result.status } as MessageBoxOptions); } } catch(error) { console.error("Failed to execute update installer (%o)", error); if("errno" in error) { const errno = error as ErrnoException; if(errno.errno == os.constants.errno.EPERM) { dialog.showMessageBox({ buttons: ["quit"], title: "Update execute failed", message: "Failed to execute update installer. (No permissions)\nPlease execute the client with admin privileges!" } as MessageBoxOptions); return; } dialog.showMessageBox({ buttons: ["quit"], title: "Update execute failed", message: "Failed to execute update installer.\nError: " + errno.message } as MessageBoxOptions); return; } dialog.showMessageBox({ buttons: ["quit"], title: "Update execute failed", message: "Failed to execute update installer.\nLookup console for more detail" } as MessageBoxOptions); return; } if(; const ids = child_process.execSync("pgrep TeaClient").toString().split(os.EOL).map(e => e.trim()).reverse().join(" "); console.log("Executing %s", "kill -9 " + ids); child_process.execSync("kill -9 " + ids); }; } else { console.log("Executing update install on windows"); executeCallback = () => { console.log("Executing command %s with args %o", updateInstallerExecutable, [installLogFile, installConfigFile]); try { const pipe = child_process.spawn(updateInstallerExecutable, [installLogFile, installConfigFile], { detached: true, shell: true, cwd: path.dirname(app.getAppPath()), stdio: "ignore" }); pipe.unref(); app.quit(); } catch(error) { console.dir(error); electron.dialog.showErrorBox("Failed to finalize update", "Failed to finalize update.\nInvoking the update-installer.exe failed.\nLookup the console for more details."); } }; } callbackStats("Update successfully prepared", 1); callbackLog("info", "Update successfully prepared"); return { callbackExecute: executeCallback, callbackAbort: () => { /* TODO: Cleanup */ } } }