import * as electron from "electron"; import * as crash_handler from "./modules/crash_handler"; import * as child_process from "child_process"; import {app} from "electron"; import * as Sentry from "@sentry/electron"; /* Sentry.init({ dsn: "", appName: "TeaSpeak - Client", release: "TeaClient@" + }); */ /* just swallow this... */ process.on('uncaughtException', err => { console.error('Uncaught Exception thrown: %o', err); => { electron.dialog.showMessageBox({ type: "error", message: "An uncaught exception has reached the stack root.\nClosing application.", title: "Caught an uncaught exception" }).then(() => { process.exit(1); }); }); }); const is_electron_run = process.argv[0].endsWith("electron") || process.argv[0].endsWith("electron.exe"); const process_arguments = is_electron_run ? process.argv.slice(2) : process.argv.slice(1); if(process_arguments.length > 0 && process_arguments[0] === "crash-handler") { /* crash handler callback */ crash_handler.handle_crash_callback(process_arguments.slice(1)); } else if(process_arguments.length > 0 && process_arguments[0] === "dtest") { console.log("Executing installer"); try { let pipe = child_process.spawn("\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TeaSpeak\\update-installer.exe\"", [], { detached: true, shell: true, cwd: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TeaSpeak", stdio: "ignore" }); } catch(error) { console.dir(error); } setTimeout(() => app.exit(0), 2000); } else { if(process_arguments.length > 0 && process_arguments[0] == "--main-crash-handler") crash_handler.initialize_handler("main", is_electron_run); /* app execute */ { const versions = process.versions; console.log("Versions:"); console.log(" TeaSpeak Client: " +; for (const key of Object.keys(versions)) console.log(" %s: %s", key, versions[key]); } const tea_client = require("./modules/core/main.js"); tea_client.execute(); }