#include #include "file.h" #include "logger.h" #include "config.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif using namespace std; #ifndef WIN32 #define EXPERIMENTAL_FS #endif #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_FS #include #include namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; #else #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; #endif using namespace log_helper; std::map move_back; std::map backup_mapping; bool rename_or_move(const fs::path& source, const fs::path& target, std::string& error) { try { fs::rename(source, target); return true; } catch(const fs::filesystem_error& ex) { #ifndef WIN32 if(ex.code() == errc::cross_device_link) { /* try with move command */ char buffer[2048]; auto length = snprintf(buffer, 2048, R"(%s "%s" "%s")", "mv", source.c_str(), target.c_str()); /* build the move command */ if(length < 1 || length >= 2049) { error = "failed to prepare move command!"; return false; } auto code = system(buffer); if(code != 0) { error = "move command resulted in " + to_string(code); return false; } return true; } #endif error = "rename returned error code " + to_string(ex.code().value()) + " (" + ex.code().message() + ")"; return false; } } bool file::move(std::string &error, const std::string &source, const std::string &target) { auto source_path = fs::u8path(source); if(!fs::exists(source_path)) { error = "source file does not exists"; return false; } source_path = fs::absolute(source_path); if(target.empty() || target == "/dev/null") { /* delete the file or directory */ logger::debug("Deleting file " + argument_t::value, source_path.c_str()); if(config::backup) { auto backup_target = file::register_backup(source_path.string()); if(backup_target.empty()) { drop_backup(backup_target); error = "failed to register backup"; return false; } if(!rename_or_move(source_path, fs::u8path(backup_target), error)) { drop_backup(backup_target); error = "failed to move file to backup target (" + error + ")"; return false; } } else { if(fs::is_directory(source_path)) { try { if(!fs::remove_all(source_path)) throw fs::filesystem_error("invalid result", error_code()); } catch(const fs::filesystem_error& ex) { error = "failed to delete directory (" + string(ex.what()) + ")"; return false; } } else { try { if(!fs::remove(source_path)) throw fs::filesystem_error("invalid result", error_code()); } catch(const fs::filesystem_error& ex) { error = "failed to delete file (" + string(ex.what()) + ")"; return false; } } } return true; } auto target_path = fs::u8path(target); target_path = fs::absolute(target_path); if(!fs::is_directory(target_path.parent_path())) { if(!fs::exists(target_path.parent_path())) { try { fs::create_directories(target_path.parent_path()); } catch(const fs::filesystem_error& ex) { error = "failed to create target directories (" + std::string{ex.what()} + ")"; return false; } } else { error = "target isn't a directory!"; return false; } } logger::debug("Moving file " + argument_t::value + " to " + argument_t::value, source_path.c_str(), target_path.c_str()); if(fs::exists(target_path)) { logger::debug("Target file already exists. Deleting it"); if(config::backup) { auto path = file::register_backup(target_path.string()); if(path.empty()) { drop_backup(path); error = "failed to create backup path"; return false; } if(!rename_or_move(target_path, fs::u8path(path), error)) { drop_backup(path); error = "failed to delete old target file (" + error + ")"; return false; } } else { try { if(fs::is_directory(target_path)) fs::remove_all(target_path); else fs::remove(target_path); } catch(const fs::filesystem_error& ex) { error = "failed to delete old target file: " + string(ex.what()); return false; } } } move_back[target_path.string()] = source_path.string(); if(!rename_or_move(source_path, target_path, error)) { error = "failed to move file (" + error + ")"; return false; } return true; } string random_string(size_t length) { static const char alphanum[] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; string result; result.resize(length, '\0'); for(char& c : result) c = alphanum[rand() % (sizeof(alphanum) - 1)]; return result; } std::string file::register_backup(const std::string &source) { { auto path = fs::u8path(config::backup_directory); if(!fs::exists(path)) { try { fs::create_directories(path); }catch(const fs::filesystem_error& ex) { logger::error("Failed to create backup directory \"" + argument_t::value + "\": %s", path.c_str(), ex.what()); return ""; } } } std::string key; while(backup_mapping.count((key = random_string(20))) > 0); backup_mapping[key] = source; return fs::absolute(fs::u8path(config::backup_directory) / key).string(); } void file::drop_backup(const std::string &source) { for(const auto& entry : backup_mapping) { if(entry.second == source) { backup_mapping.erase(entry.first); return; } } } void file::rollback() { if(!config::backup) return; logger::info("Rollbacking %d moved files", move_back.size()); for(const auto& [backup, original] : move_back) { logger::debug("Attempting to moveback %s to %s", backup.c_str(), original.c_str()); try { fs::rename(fs::u8path(backup), fs::u8path(original)); } catch(const fs::filesystem_error& ex) { logger::warn("Failed to moveback file from %s to %s (%s)", backup.c_str(), original.c_str(), ex.what()); continue; } logger::debug("=> success"); } logger::info("Rollbacking %d deleted files", backup_mapping.size()); for(const auto& [backup, original] : backup_mapping) { logger::debug("Attempting to restore %s to %s", backup.c_str(), original.c_str()); try { auto source = fs::absolute(fs::u8path(config::backup_directory) / backup); if(!fs::exists(source)) { logger::warn("Failed to restore file %s (Source file missing)", original.c_str()); continue; } auto target = fs::u8path(original); fs::rename(source, target); } catch(const fs::filesystem_error& ex) { logger::warn("Failed to restore file %s (%s)", original.c_str(), ex.what()); continue; } logger::debug("=> success"); } logger::info("Rollback done"); } void file::commit() { if(!config::backup) return; try { if(!fs::remove_all(config::backup_directory)) throw fs::filesystem_error("invalid result", error_code()); } catch(const fs::filesystem_error& ex) { logger::warn("Failed to cleanup backup directory (" + string{ex.what()} + ")"); } backup_mapping.clear(); } #ifdef WIN32 bool file::file_locked(const std::string &file) { auto file_handle = CreateFile( (LPCSTR) file.c_str(), /* file name*/ (DWORD) GENERIC_WRITE, (DWORD) 0, /* we dont want to share */ (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) nullptr, (DWORD) OPEN_EXISTING, /* file should be available */ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr ); if(file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if(GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) return true; /* file is beeing used */ wchar_t buf[256]; FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nullptr, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), buf, (sizeof(buf) / sizeof(wchar_t)), nullptr); buf[255] = L'\0'; /* even if FormatMessageW fails we've a 0 terminator */ auto r = wcschr(buf, L'\r'); if(r) *r = L'\0'; logger::info("Failed to open file! (%S) (%d)", buf, GetLastError()); return true; } CloseHandle(file_handle); return false; } #else bool file::file_locked(const std::string &file) { auto handle = fopen(file.c_str(), "a+"); if(handle) { fclose(handle); return false; } return true; } #endif