
123 lines
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import * as electron from "electron";
import * as fs from "fs-extra";
import * as path from "path";
/* We read/write to this file every time again because this file could be used by multiple processes */
const configFile: string = path.join((electron.app || electron.remote.app).getPath('userData'), "window-bounds.json");
import BrowserWindow = Electron.BrowserWindow;
import Rectangle = Electron.Rectangle;
let changedData: {[key: string]: Rectangle} = {};
let changedDataSaveTimeout: number;
export async function saveChanges() {
try {
const data = (await fs.pathExists(configFile) ? await fs.readJson(configFile) : {}) || {};
Object.assign(data, changedData);
changedData = {};
await fs.ensureFile(configFile);
await fs.writeJson(configFile, data);
configFileExists = true;
console.log("Window bounds have been successfully saved!");
} catch(error) {
console.warn("Failed to save window bounds: %o", error);
let configFileExists: boolean;
export async function loadLastWindowsBounds(key: string) : Promise<Rectangle | undefined> {
try {
if(typeof configFileExists !== "boolean") {
configFileExists = await fs.pathExists(configFile);
if(!configFileExists) {
return undefined;
const data = await fs.readJson(configFile) || {};
if(typeof data[key] === "object") {
return data[key];
} catch(error) {
console.warn("Failed to load window bounds for %s: %o", key, error);
return undefined;
export function startTrackWindowBounds(windowId: string, window: BrowserWindow) {
const events = ['move', 'moved', 'resize'];
const onWindowBoundsChanged = () => {
changedData[windowId] = window.getBounds();
if(window.isMaximized()) {
changedData[windowId].width = -1;
changedData[windowId].height = -1;
changedDataSaveTimeout = setTimeout(saveChanges, 1000) as any;
for(const event of events) {
window.on(event as any, onWindowBoundsChanged);
window.on('closed', () => {
for(const event of events) {
window.removeListener(event as any, onWindowBoundsChanged);
export async function loadWindowBounds(windowId: string, window: BrowserWindow, targetBounds?: Rectangle, options?: { applySize?: boolean; applyPosition?: boolean }) {
const screen = electron.screen || electron.remote.screen;
let maximize = false;
targetBounds = Object.assign({}, targetBounds || await loadLastWindowsBounds(windowId));
let originalBounds = window.getBounds();
if(typeof options?.applySize === "boolean" && !options?.applySize) {
targetBounds.width = originalBounds.width;
targetBounds.height = originalBounds.height;
if(typeof options?.applyPosition === "boolean" && !options.applyPosition) {
targetBounds.x = originalBounds.x;
targetBounds.y = originalBounds.y;
if(targetBounds.width < 0 || targetBounds.height < 0) {
/* Invalid bounds or may -1 and -1 for max window */
const nearestScreen = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint({ x: targetBounds.x + 30, y: targetBounds.y + 30 });
if(nearestScreen) {
maximize = true;
targetBounds = Object.assign({}, nearestScreen.workArea);
} else {
targetBounds.width = originalBounds.width;
targetBounds.height = originalBounds.height;
if(originalBounds.x === targetBounds.x &&
originalBounds.y === targetBounds.y &&
originalBounds.width === targetBounds.width &&
originalBounds.height === targetBounds.height) {
/* no changes */
/* Test if screen will be fully off display */
/* FIXME: TODO! */
window.setBounds(targetBounds, true);
if(maximize) {