2019-10-29 22:29:57 +01:00

100 lines
4.6 KiB

import * as electron from "electron";
import {app} from "electron";
export class Arguments {
static readonly DEV_TOOLS = ["t", "dev-tools"];
static readonly DEV_TOOLS_GDB = ["gdb"];
static readonly DEBUG = ["d", "debug"];
static readonly DISABLE_ANIMATION = ["a", "disable-animation"];
static readonly SERVER_URL = ["u", "server-url"];
static readonly UPDATER_UI_DEBUG = ["updater-debug-ui"];
static readonly UPDATER_ENFORCE = ["updater-enforce"];
static readonly UPDATER_CHANNEL = ["updater-channel"];
static readonly UPDATER_LOCAL_VERSION = ["updater-local-version"];
static readonly UPDATER_UI_LOAD_TYPE = ["updater-ui-loader_type"];
static readonly UPDATER_UI_NO_CACHE = ["updater-ui-no-cache"];
static readonly UPDATER_UI_IGNORE_VERSION = ["updater-ui-ignore-version"];
static readonly DISABLE_HARDWARE_ACCELERATION = ["disable-hardware-acceleration"];
static readonly NO_SINGLE_INSTANCE = ["no-single-instance"];
static readonly DUMMY_CRASH_MAIN = ["dummy-crash-main"];
static readonly DUMMY_CRASH_RENDERER = ["dummy-crash-renderer"];
has_flag: (...keys: (string | string[])[]) => boolean;
has_value: (...keys: (string | string[])[]) => boolean;
value: (...keys: (string | string[])[]) => string;
export interface Window {
process_args: Arguments;
export const process_args: Arguments = {} as Arguments;
export function parse_arguments() {
if(!process || !process.type || process.type === 'renderer') {
Object.assign(process_args, electron.remote.getGlobal("process_arguments"));
(window as any).process_args = process_args;
} else {
const is_electron_run = process.argv[0].endsWith("electron") || process.argv[0].endsWith("electron.exe");
const minimist: <T> (args, opts) => T = require("./minimist") as any;
let args = minimist<Arguments>(is_electron_run ? process.argv.slice(2) : process.argv.slice(1), {
boolean: true,
"--": true
}) as Arguments;
args.has_flag = (...keys) => {
for(const key of [].concat(...Array.of(...keys).map(e => Array.isArray(e) ? Array.of(...e) : [e])))
if(typeof process_args[key as any as string] === "boolean")
return process_args[key as any as string];
return false;
args.value = (...keys) => {
for(const key of [].concat(...Array.of(...keys).map(e => Array.isArray(e) ? Array.of(...e) : [e])))
if(typeof process_args[key] !== "undefined")
return process_args[key];
return undefined;
args.has_value = (...keys) => {
return args.value(...keys) !== undefined;
if(args.has_flag(Arguments.DEBUG)) {
const _has_flag = args.has_flag;
args.has_flag = (...keys) => {
const result = _has_flag(...keys);
console.log("Process argument test for parameter %o results in %o", keys, result);
return result;
const _value = args.value;
args.value = (...keys) => {
const result = _value(...keys);
console.log("Process argument test for parameter %o results in %o", keys, result);
return result;
console.log("Parsed CMD arguments %o as %o", process.argv, args);
Object.assign(process_args, args);
Object.assign(global["process_arguments"] = {}, args);
if(process_args.has_flag("help", "h")) {
console.log("TeaClient command line help page");
console.log(" -h --help => Displays this page");
console.log(" -d --debug => Enabled the application debug");
console.log(" -t --dev-tools => Enables dev tools");
console.log(" -u --server-url => Sets the remote client api server url");
console.log(" --updater-channel => Set the updater channel");
console.log(" -a --disable-animation => Disables some cosmetic animations and loadings");
console.log(" --disable-hardware-acceleration => Disables the hardware acceleration for the UI");
console.log(" --no-single-instance => Disable multi instance testing");
//is_debug = process_args.has_flag("debug", "d");
//open_dev_tools = process_args.has_flag("dev-tools", "dt");