
200 lines
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2020-04-14 05:49:05 -04:00
#include <string>
#include <array>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <sql/SqlQuery.h>
2020-04-15 09:02:18 -04:00
#if 0
2020-04-14 05:49:05 -04:00
template <typename T>
struct Column {
constexpr explicit Column(const std::string_view& name) : name{name} { }
const std::string name;
struct BindingNameGenerator {
[[nodiscard]] static std::string generate(size_t index) {
assert(index > 0);
std::string result{};
result.resize(std::max(index >> 4U, 1UL));
for(auto it = result.begin(); index > 0; index >>= 4U)
*(it++) = number_map[index & 0xFU];
return result;
constexpr static std::array<char, 16> number_map{
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l',
'm', 'n', 'o', 'p'
template <typename... ColTypes>
struct InsertQueryGenerator {
struct GenerateOptions {
bool enable_ignore{false};
sql::SqlType target{sql::SqlType::TYPE_SQLITE};
explicit InsertQueryGenerator(std::string target_table, Column<ColTypes>... columns) : table_name{std::move(target_table)}, columns{std::move(columns.name)...} { }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr inline auto column_count() const { return sizeof...(ColTypes); };
[[nodiscard]] inline std::string generate_query(size_t entry_count, sql::SqlType target = sql::SqlType::TYPE_SQLITE, bool enable_ignore = false) const {
if(entry_count == 0) return "-- No entries given";
std::string result{"INSERT "};
if(enable_ignore) {
if(target == sql::TYPE_MYSQL)
result += "IGNORE ";
result += "OR IGNORE ";
result += this->table_name + " (";
//"INSERT INTO " + this->table_name + " ("
for(auto it = this->columns.begin();;) {
result += "`" + *it + "`";
if(++it != this->columns.end()) {
result += ", ";
} else {
result += ") VALUES (";
for(size_t index{1}; index <= this->column_count() * entry_count; index++)
result += ":" + BindingNameGenerator::generate(index) + ", ";
result = result.substr(0, result.length() - 2) + ");";
return result;
const std::string table_name{};
const std::array<std::string, sizeof...(ColTypes)> columns{};
template <typename... ColTypes>
struct InsertQuery : public InsertQueryGenerator<ColTypes...> {
struct ExecuteResult {
std::vector<std::tuple<size_t, sql::result>> failed_entries{};
[[nodiscard]] inline auto has_succeeded() const { return this->failed_entries.empty(); }
explicit InsertQuery(const std::string& target_table, Column<ColTypes>... columns) : InsertQueryGenerator<ColTypes...>{target_table, std::move(columns)...} { }
inline void reserve_entries(size_t amount) {
inline void add_entry(const ColTypes&... values) {
this->entries.push_back(std::array<variable, sizeof...(ColTypes)>{variable{"", values}...});
inline ExecuteResult execute(sql::SqlManager* sql, bool ignore_fails = false) {
if(this->entries.empty()) return ExecuteResult{};
ExecuteResult result{};
const auto chunk_size = std::min(2UL, this->entries.size());
sql::model chunk_base{sql, this->generate_query(chunk_size, sql->getType(), ignore_fails)};
sql::model entry_model{sql, this->generate_query(1, sql->getType(), ignore_fails)};
for(size_t chunk{0}; chunk < this->entries.size() / chunk_size; chunk++) {
auto command = chunk_base.command();
size_t parameter_index{1};
for(size_t index{chunk * chunk_size}; index < (chunk + 1) * chunk_size; index++) {
for(auto& var : this->entries[index]) {
var.set_key(":" + BindingNameGenerator::generate(parameter_index++));
auto exec_result = command.execute();
if(!exec_result) {
/* try every entry 'till we've found the error one */
for(size_t index{chunk * chunk_size}; index < (chunk + 1) * chunk_size; index++) {
parameter_index = 1;
auto entry_command = entry_model.command();
for(auto& var : this->entries[index]) {
var.set_key(":" + BindingNameGenerator::generate(parameter_index++));
exec_result = entry_command.execute();
if(!exec_result) {
result.failed_entries.emplace_back(index, std::move(exec_result));
return result;
for(size_t index{(this->entries.size() / chunk_size) * chunk_size}; index < this->entries.size(); index++) {
size_t parameter_index{1};
auto entry_command = entry_model.command();
for(auto& var : this->entries[index]) {
var.set_key(":" + BindingNameGenerator::generate(parameter_index++));
auto exec_result = entry_command.execute();
if(!exec_result) {
result.failed_entries.emplace_back(index, std::move(exec_result));
return result;
return result;
std::vector<std::array<variable, sizeof...(ColTypes)>> entries{};
int main() {
InsertQuery insert{"hello", Column<int>{"column_a"}, Column<std::string>{"column_ab"}};
for(int i{0}; i < 100; i++)
insert.add_entry(i, "X");
std::cout << "Result: " << insert.generate_query(2) << "\n";
std::string value{};
insert.add_entry(2, value);
2020-04-15 09:02:18 -04:00
struct A {
A() {}
~A() = default;
2020-04-16 08:05:56 -04:00
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <src/misc/net.h>
2020-04-15 09:02:18 -04:00
int main() {
2020-04-16 08:05:56 -04:00
#if 0
2020-04-15 09:02:18 -04:00
std::set<int> elements{};
if(!elements.empty()) {
auto it = elements.begin();
const int* last_element{&*(it++)}; /* if elements would be empty this would be undefined behaviour */
while(it != elements.end()) {
const auto now = *it++;
const auto diff = last_element - now;
2020-04-16 08:05:56 -04:00
sockaddr_in addr{};
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(9987);
std::cout << "Result: " << (int) net::address_available(*(sockaddr_storage*) &addr, net::binding_type::TCP) << "\n";
std::cout << strerror(errno) << "\n";
2020-04-14 05:49:05 -04:00