
378 lines
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2019-06-26 16:11:22 -04:00
#define NO_OPEN_SSL /* because we're lazy and dont want to build this lib extra for the TeaClient */
#define FIXEDINT_H_INCLUDED /* else it will be included by ge */
#include "misc/endianness.h"
#include <ed25519/ed25519.h>
#include <ed25519/ge.h>
#include <log/LogUtils.h>
#include "misc/memtracker.h"
#include "misc/digest.h"
#include "CryptionHandler.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ts;
using namespace ts::connection;
using namespace ts::protocol;
CryptionHandler::CryptionHandler() {
CryptionHandler::~CryptionHandler() {
void CryptionHandler::reset() {
this->useDefaultChipherKeyNonce = true;
this->iv_struct_length = 0;
memset(this->iv_struct, 0, sizeof(this->iv_struct));
memcpy(this->current_mac, this->default_mac, sizeof(this->default_mac));
for(auto& cache : this->cache_key_client)
cache.generation = 0xFFEF;
for(auto& cache : this->cache_key_server)
cache.generation = 0xFFEF;
bool CryptionHandler::setupSharedSecret(const std::string& alpha, const std::string& beta, ecc_key *publicKey, ecc_key *ownKey, std::string &error) {
size_t bufferLength = 128;
uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[bufferLength];
int err;
if((err = ecc_shared_secret(ownKey, publicKey, buffer, (unsigned long*) &bufferLength)) != CRYPT_OK){
delete[] buffer;
error = "Could not calculate shared secret. Message: " + string(error_to_string(err));
return false;
auto result = this->setupSharedSecret(alpha, beta, string((const char*) buffer, bufferLength), error);
delete[] buffer;
return result;
bool CryptionHandler::setupSharedSecret(const std::string& alpha, const std::string& beta, std::string sharedKey, std::string &error) {
auto secret_hash = digest::sha1(sharedKey);
char ivStruct[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
memcpy(ivStruct, alpha.data(), 10);
memcpy(&ivStruct[10], beta.data(), 10);
for (int index = 0; index < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; index++) {
ivStruct[index] ^= (uint8_t) secret_hash[index];
lock_guard lock(this->cache_key_lock);
memcpy(this->iv_struct, ivStruct, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
this->iv_struct_length = SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH;
auto iv_hash = digest::sha1(ivStruct, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
memcpy(this->current_mac, iv_hash.data(), 8);
this->useDefaultChipherKeyNonce = false;
return true;
void _fe_neg(fe h, const fe f) {
int32_t f0 = f[0];
int32_t f1 = f[1];
int32_t f2 = f[2];
int32_t f3 = f[3];
int32_t f4 = f[4];
int32_t f5 = f[5];
int32_t f6 = f[6];
int32_t f7 = f[7];
int32_t f8 = f[8];
int32_t f9 = f[9];
int32_t h0 = -f0;
int32_t h1 = -f1;
int32_t h2 = -f2;
int32_t h3 = -f3;
int32_t h4 = -f4;
int32_t h5 = -f5;
int32_t h6 = -f6;
int32_t h7 = -f7;
int32_t h8 = -f8;
int32_t h9 = -f9;
h[0] = h0;
h[1] = h1;
h[2] = h2;
h[3] = h3;
h[4] = h4;
h[5] = h5;
h[6] = h6;
h[7] = h7;
h[8] = h8;
h[9] = h9;
inline std::string keyMul(const uint8_t* publicKey /* compressed */, const uint8_t* privateKey /* uncompressed */, bool negate){
ge_p3 keyA{};
ge_p2 result{};
ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(&keyA, publicKey);
if(negate) {
_fe_neg(*(fe*) &keyA.X, *(const fe*) &keyA.X); /* undo negate */
_fe_neg(*(fe*) &keyA.T, *(const fe*) &keyA.T); /* undo negate */
ge_scalarmult_vartime(&result, privateKey, &keyA);
char buffer[32];
ge_tobytes((uint8_t*) buffer, &result);
return string(buffer, 32);
bool CryptionHandler::setupSharedSecretNew(const std::string &alpha, const std::string &beta, const char* privateKey /* uncompressed */, const char* publicKey /* compressed */) {
assert(alpha.length() == 10);
assert(beta.length() == 54);
string shared;
string sharedIv;
shared.resize(32, '\0');
sharedIv.resize(64, '\0');
ed25519_key_exchange((uint8_t*) shared.data(), (uint8_t*) publicKey, (uint8_t*) privateKey);
shared = keyMul(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(publicKey), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(privateKey), true); //Remote key get negated
sharedIv = digest::sha512(shared);
auto xor_key = alpha + beta;
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
sharedIv[i] ^= xor_key[i];
lock_guard lock(this->cache_key_lock);
memcpy(this->iv_struct, sharedIv.data(), 64);
this->iv_struct_length = 64;
auto digest_buffer = digest::sha1((char*) this->iv_struct, 64);
memcpy(this->current_mac, digest_buffer.data(), 8);
this->useDefaultChipherKeyNonce = false;
return true;
bool CryptionHandler::generate_key_nonce(protocol::BasicPacket* packet, bool use_default, uint8_t(& key)[16], uint8_t(& nonce)[16]){
return this->generate_key_nonce(
dynamic_cast<protocol::ClientPacket *>(packet) != nullptr,
bool CryptionHandler::generate_key_nonce(
bool to_server, /* its from the client to the server */
protocol::PacketType type,
uint16_t packet_id,
uint16_t generation,
bool use_default,
uint8_t (& key)[16],
uint8_t (& nonce)[16]
) {
if (this->useDefaultChipherKeyNonce || use_default) {
memcpy(key, this->default_key, 16);
memcpy(nonce, this->default_nonce, 16);
return true;
auto& key_cache_array = to_server ? this->cache_key_client : this->cache_key_server;
if(type < 0 || type >= key_cache_array.max_size()) {
logError(0, "Tried to generate a crypt key with invalid type ({})!", type);
return false;
auto& key_cache = key_cache_array[type];
if(key_cache.generation != generation) {
const size_t buffer_length = 6 + this->iv_struct_length;
char* buffer = new char[buffer_length];
memset(buffer, 0, 6 + this->iv_struct_length);
if (to_server) {
buffer[0] = 0x31;
} else {
buffer[0] = 0x30;
buffer[1] = (char) (type & 0xF);
le2be32(generation, buffer, 2);
memcpy(&buffer[6], this->iv_struct, this->iv_struct_length);
auto key_nonce = digest::sha256(buffer, 6 + this->iv_struct_length);
memcpy(key_cache.key, key_nonce.data(), 16);
memcpy(key_cache.nonce, key_nonce.data() + 16, 16);
key_cache.generation = generation;
delete[] buffer;
memcpy(key, key_cache.key, 16);
memcpy(nonce, key_cache.nonce, 16);
//Xor the key
key[0] ^= (uint8_t) ((packet_id >> 8) & 0xFF);
key[1] ^=(packet_id & 0xFF);
return true;
bool CryptionHandler::verify_encryption(const pipes::buffer_view &packet, uint16_t packet_id, uint16_t generation) {
int err;
int success = false;
uint8_t key[16], nonce[16];
if(!generate_key_nonce(true, (protocol::PacketType) (packet[12] & 0xF), packet_id, generation, false, key, nonce))
return false;
auto mac = packet.view(0, 8);
auto header = packet.view(8, 5);
auto data = packet.view(13);
auto length = data.length();
const unsigned long target_length = 2048;
uint8_t target_buffer[2048];
if(target_length < length)
return false;
err = eax_decrypt_verify_memory(find_cipher("rijndael"),
(uint8_t *) key, /* the key */
(size_t) 16, /* key is 16 bytes */
(uint8_t *) nonce, /* the nonce */
(size_t) 16, /* nonce is 16 bytes */
(uint8_t *) header.data_ptr(), /* example header */
(unsigned long) header.length(), /* header length */
(const unsigned char *) data.data_ptr(),
(unsigned long) data.length(),
(unsigned char *) target_buffer,
(unsigned char *) mac.data_ptr(),
(unsigned long) mac.length(),
return err == CRYPT_OK && success;
bool CryptionHandler::decryptPacket(protocol::BasicPacket *packet, std::string &error, bool use_default) {
int err;
int success = false;
auto header = packet->header();
auto data = packet->data();
uint8_t key[16], nonce[16];
if(!generate_key_nonce(packet, use_default, key, nonce)) {
error = "Could not generate key/nonce";
return false;
size_t target_length = 2048;
uint8_t target_buffer[2048];
auto length = data.length();
if(target_length < length) {
error = "buffer too large";
return false;
err = eax_decrypt_verify_memory(find_cipher("rijndael"),
(uint8_t *) key, /* the key */
(unsigned long) 16, /* key is 16 bytes */
(uint8_t *) nonce, /* the nonce */
(unsigned long) 16, /* nonce is 16 bytes */
(uint8_t *) header.data_ptr(), /* example header */
(unsigned long) header.length(), /* header length */
(const unsigned char *) data.data_ptr(),
(unsigned long) data.length(),
(unsigned char *) target_buffer,
(unsigned char *) packet->mac().data_ptr(),
(unsigned long) packet->mac().length(),
if((err) != CRYPT_OK){
error = "eax_decrypt_verify_memory(...) returned " + to_string(err) + "/" + error_to_string(err);
return false;
error = "memory verify failed!";
return false;
packet->data(pipes::buffer_view{target_buffer, length});
return true;
bool CryptionHandler::encryptPacket(protocol::BasicPacket *packet, std::string &error, bool use_default) {
uint8_t key[16], nonce[16];
if(!generate_key_nonce(packet, use_default, key, nonce)) {
error = "Could not generate key/nonce";
return false;
size_t length = packet->data().length();
size_t tag_length = 8;
char tag_buffer[8];
size_t target_length = 2048;
uint8_t target_buffer[2048];
if(target_length < length) {
error = "buffer too large";
return false;
int err;
if((err = eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory(find_cipher("rijndael"),
(uint8_t *) key, /* the key */
(unsigned long) 16, /* key is 16 bytes */
(uint8_t *) nonce, /* the nonce */
(unsigned long) 16, /* nonce is 16 bytes */
(uint8_t *) packet->header().data_ptr(), /* example header */
(unsigned long) packet->header().length(), /* header length */
(uint8_t *) packet->data().data_ptr(), /* The plain text */
(unsigned long) packet->data().length(), /* Plain text length */
(uint8_t *) target_buffer, /* The result buffer */
(uint8_t *) tag_buffer,
(unsigned long *) &tag_length
)) != CRYPT_OK){
error = "eax_encrypt_authenticate_memory(...) returned " + to_string(err) + "/" + error_to_string(err);
return false;
assert(tag_length == 8);
packet->data(pipes::buffer_view{target_buffer, length});
packet->mac().write(tag_buffer, tag_length);
return true;
bool CryptionHandler::progressPacketIn(protocol::BasicPacket* packet, std::string& error, bool use_default) {
bool success = decryptPacket(packet, error, use_default);
if(success) packet->setEncrypted(false);
return success;
return true;
bool CryptionHandler::progressPacketOut(protocol::BasicPacket* packet, std::string& error, bool use_default) {
if(packet->hasFlag(PacketFlag::Unencrypted)) {
packet->mac().write(this->current_mac, 8);
} else {
bool success = encryptPacket(packet, error, use_default);
if(success) packet->setEncrypted(true);
return success;
return true;