
338 lines
15 KiB

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include "escape.h"
#include "converters/converter.h"
#include "command_exception.h"
namespace ts {
namespace impl {
inline bool value_raw_impl(const std::string_view& data, const std::string_view& key, size_t& begin, size_t* end) {
size_t index{0}, findex, max{data.size()}, key_size{key.size()};
do {
findex = data.find(key, index);
if(findex > max) return false;
/* not starting with a space so not a match */
if(findex != 0 && data[findex - 1] != ' ') {
index = findex + key_size;
findex += key_size;
if(findex < max) {
if(data[findex] == '=')
begin = findex + 1;
else if(data[findex] == ' ')
begin = findex; /* empty value */
else {
index = findex + key_size;
if(end) *end = data.find(' ', findex);
return true;
} else {
begin = max;
if(end) *end = max;
return true;
} while(true);
class command_string_parser {
[[nodiscard]] inline bool is_empty() const noexcept { return this->data.empty(); }
[[nodiscard]] inline bool has_key(const std::string_view& key) const {
size_t begin{0};
return value_raw_impl(this->data, key, begin, nullptr);
[[nodiscard]] inline std::string_view value_raw(const std::string_view& key) const {
bool tmp;
auto result = this->value_raw(key, tmp);
if(!tmp) throw command_value_missing_exception{index, std::string{key}};
return result;
[[nodiscard]] inline std::string_view value_raw(const std::string_view& key, bool& has_been_found) const noexcept {
size_t begin{0}, end;
has_been_found = value_raw_impl(this->data, key, begin, &end);
if(!has_been_found) return {};
return this->data.substr(begin, end - begin);
[[nodiscard]] inline std::string value(const std::string_view& key) const {
const auto value = this->value_raw(key);
if(value.empty()) return std::string{};
return query::unescape(std::string{value}, false);
[[nodiscard]] inline std::string value(const std::string_view& key, bool& has_been_found) const noexcept {
const auto value = this->value_raw(key, has_been_found);
if(value.empty()) return std::string{};
return query::unescape(std::string{value}, false);
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] inline T value_as(const std::string_view& key) const {
static_assert(converter<T>::supported, "Target type isn't supported!");
static_assert(!converter<T>::supported || converter<T>::from_string_view, "Target type dosn't support parsing");
return converter<T>::from_string_view(this->value(key));
[[nodiscard]] inline size_t command_character_index() const { return this->abs_index; }
[[nodiscard]] inline size_t key_command_character_index(const std::string_view& key) const {
size_t begin{0};
if(!value_raw_impl(this->data, key, begin, nullptr)) return this->abs_index;
return this->abs_index + begin;
command_string_parser(size_t index, size_t abs_index, std::string_view data) : index{index}, abs_index{abs_index}, data{data} {}
size_t abs_index{};
size_t index{};
std::string_view data{};
struct command_bulk : public impl::command_string_parser {
command_bulk(size_t index, size_t abs_index, std::string_view data) : command_string_parser{index, abs_index, data} {}
inline bool next_entry(size_t& index, std::string_view& key, std::string& value) const {
auto next_key = this->data.find_first_not_of(' ', index);
if(next_key == std::string::npos) return false;
auto key_end = this->data.find_first_of(" =", next_key);
if(key_end == std::string::npos || this->data[key_end] == ' ') {
key = this->data.substr(next_key, key_end - next_key);
index = key_end;
} else {
key = this->data.substr(next_key, key_end - next_key);
auto value_end = this->data.find_first_of(' ', key_end + 1);
if(value_end == std::string::npos) {
value = query::unescape(value = this->data.substr(key_end + 1), false);
index = value_end;
} else {
value = query::unescape(value = this->data.substr(key_end + 1, value_end - key_end - 1), false);
index = value_end + 1;
return true;
class command_parser : public impl::command_string_parser {
enum struct parse_status {
explicit command_parser(std::string command) : impl::command_string_parser{std::string::npos, 0, command}, _command{std::move(command)} { }
bool parse(bool /* contains identifier */);
[[nodiscard]] inline const std::string_view& identifier() const noexcept { return this->command_type; }
[[nodiscard]] inline size_t bulk_count() const noexcept { return this->_bulks.size(); }
[[nodiscard]] inline const command_bulk& bulk(size_t index) const noexcept {
if(this->_bulks.size() <= index) return empty_bulk;
return this->_bulks[index];
const command_bulk& operator[](size_t index) const { return this->bulk(index); }
[[nodiscard]] inline bool has_switch(const std::string_view& key) const noexcept {
size_t index{0};
do {
index = this->data.find(key, index);
index -= 1;
if(index > key.size()) return false;
if(this->data[index] == '-') return index == 0 || this->data[index - 1] == ' ';
index += 2;
} while(true);
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<command_bulk>& bulks() const { return this->_bulks; }
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<size_t> next_bulk_containing(const std::string_view& /* key */, size_t /* bulk offset */) const;
static command_bulk empty_bulk;
const std::string _command{};
std::string_view command_type{};
std::vector<command_bulk> _bulks{};
class command_builder_bulk {
template <typename vector_t>
friend class command_builder_impl;
inline void reserve(size_t length, bool accumulative = true) {
this->bulk.reserve(length + (accumulative ? this->bulk.size() : 0));
inline void put(const std::string_view& key, const std::string_view& value) {
size_t begin, end;
if(impl::value_raw_impl(this->bulk, key, begin, &end)) {
std::string result{};
result.append(this->bulk, 0, begin - key.size() - 1); /* key incl = */
result.append(this->bulk, end + 1); /* get rid of the space */
this->bulk = result;
this->impl_put_unchecked(key, value);
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<!(std::is_same<T, std::string_view>::value || std::is_same<T, std::string>::value), int> = 1>
inline void put(const std::string_view& key, const T& value) {
static_assert(converter<T>::supported, "Target type isn't supported!");
static_assert(!converter<T>::supported || converter<T>::to_string, "Target type dosn't support building");
auto data = converter<T>::to_string(value);
this->put(key, std::string_view{data});
template <typename PropertyType, typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<PropertyType>::value, int> = 0>
inline void put(PropertyType key, const T& value) {
this->put(property::name(key), value);
/* directly puts data without checking for duplicates */
inline void put_unchecked(const std::string_view& key, const std::string_view& value) {
this->impl_put_unchecked(key, value);
inline void put_unchecked(const std::string_view& key, const std::string& value) {
this->put_unchecked(key, std::string_view{value});
template <typename PropertyType, typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<PropertyType>::value, int> = 0>
inline void put_unchecked(PropertyType key, const T& value) {
this->put_unchecked(property::name(key), value);
template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<!(std::is_same<T, std::string_view>::value || std::is_same<T, std::string>::value), int> = 1>
inline void put_unchecked(const std::string_view& key, const T& value) {
static_assert(converter<T>::supported, "Target type isn't supported!");
static_assert(!converter<T>::supported || converter<T>::to_string, "Target type dosn't support building");
auto data = converter<T>::to_string(value);
this->put_unchecked(key, std::string_view{data});
bool& flag_changed;
std::string& bulk;
explicit command_builder_bulk(bool& change_flag, std::string& bulk) : flag_changed{change_flag}, bulk{bulk} {}
void impl_put_unchecked(const std::string_view& key, const std::string_view& value) {
auto escaped_value = ts::query::escape(std::string{value});
this->bulk.reserve(this->bulk.length() + key.size() + escaped_value.size() + 2);
if(!escaped_value.empty()) {
this->bulk.append(" ");
this->flag_changed = true;
template <typename vector_t = std::vector<std::string>>
class command_builder_impl {
explicit command_builder_impl(std::string command, size_t expected_bulk_size = 128, size_t expected_bulks = 1) : _identifier{std::move(command)}, expected_bulk_size{expected_bulk_size} {
for(size_t index = 0; index < expected_bulks; index++)
this->bulks.emplace_back(" ").reserve(expected_bulk_size);
inline command_builder_impl<std::vector<std::string>> as_normalized() {
return command_builder_impl<std::vector<std::string>>{this->expected_bulk_size, this->_identifier, this->bulks.begin(), this->bulks.end()};
inline std::string build(bool with_empty = false) const {
if(this->builded.has_value() && !this->flag_changed)
return this->builded.value();
std::string result{};
size_t required_size{this->_identifier.size()};
for(auto& entry : this->bulks)
required_size += entry.size() + 1;
for(auto it = this->bulks.begin(); it != this->bulks.end(); it++) {
if(it->empty() && !with_empty) continue;
result.append(*it, 0, it->length() - 1);
if(it + 1 != this->bulks.end())
if(!with_empty && result.ends_with('|'))
this->builded = result.substr(0, result.length() - 1);
this->builded = result;
this->flag_changed = false;
return this->builded.value();
inline void reserve_bulks(size_t count) { this->bulks.reserve(count); }
[[nodiscard]] inline command_builder_bulk bulk(size_t index) {
while(this->bulks.size() <= index)
return command_builder_bulk{this->flag_changed, this->bulks[index]};
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
inline void put(size_t index, const KeyT& key, const ValueT& value) {
this->bulk(index).put(key, value);
/* directly puts data without checking for duplicates */
template <typename KeyT, typename ValueT>
inline void put_unchecked(size_t index, const KeyT& key, const ValueT& value) {
this->bulk(index).put_unchecked(key, value);
[[nodiscard]] inline size_t current_size() const {
if(this->bulks.empty()) return 0;
size_t result{0};
for(const auto& entry : this->bulks)
result += entry.length() + 2;
return result;
inline void reset() {
for(auto& bulk : this->bulks)
bulk = " ";
command_builder_impl(size_t expected, std::string identifier, typename vector_t::iterator begin, typename vector_t::iterator end) : expected_bulk_size{expected}, _identifier{std::move(identifier)}, bulks{begin, end} {}
const size_t expected_bulk_size;
const std::string _identifier;
mutable bool flag_changed{false};
mutable std::optional<std::string> builded{};
vector_t bulks{};
using command_builder = command_builder_impl<>;