
227 lines
5.6 KiB

#include "log/LogUtils.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <array>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <typeindex>
#include "memtracker.h"
#define NO_IMPL //For fast disable (e.g. when you dont want to recompile the whole source)
#ifndef __GLIBC__
#ifndef WIN32
#include <cxxabi.h>
#ifdef WIN32
typedef int64_t ssize_t;
inline bool should_track_mangled(const char* mangled) {
if(strstr(mangled, "ViewEntry")) return true;
if(strstr(mangled, "ViewEntry")) return true;
if(strstr(mangled, "ClientChannelView")) return true;
if(strstr(mangled, "LinkedTreeEntry")) return true;
return false;
using namespace std;
namespace memtrack {
struct TypeInfo {
const char* name;
std::string mangled;
explicit TypeInfo(const char* name) : name(name) {}
bool operator==(const TypeInfo& other) {
return other.name == this->name || strcmp(other.name, this->name) == 0;
bool operator!=(const TypeInfo& other) {
return ! this->operator==(other);
bool operator<(const TypeInfo& __rhs) const noexcept
{ return this->before(__rhs); }
bool operator<=(const TypeInfo& __rhs) const noexcept
{ return !__rhs.before(*this); }
bool operator>(const TypeInfo& __rhs) const noexcept
{ return __rhs.before(*this); }
bool operator>=(const TypeInfo& __rhs) const noexcept
{ return !this->before(__rhs); }
inline bool before(const TypeInfo& __arg) const _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
{ return (name[0] == '*' && __arg.name[0] == '*')
? name < __arg.name
: strcmp (name, __arg.name) < 0; }
inline std::string as_mangled() {
#ifndef WIN32
int status;
std::unique_ptr<char[], void (*)(void*)> result(abi::__cxa_demangle(name, 0, 0, &status), std::free);
if(status != 0)
return "error: " + to_string(status);
this->mangled = result.get();
//FIXME Implement!
this->mangled = this->name;
return this->mangled;
class entry {
/* std::string name; */
size_t type;
void* address = nullptr;
entry() {}
entry(size_t type, void* address) : type(type), address(address) {}
~entry() {}
template <int N>
class brick {
inline bool insert(size_t type, void* address) {
auto slot = free_slot();
if(slot == N) return false;
entries[slot] = entry{type, address};
findex = slot + 1;
return true;
inline bool remove(size_t type, void* address) {
for(int index = 0; index < N; index++) {
auto& e = entries[index];
if(e.address == address && e.type == type) {
e = entry{};
findex = index;
return true;
return false;
inline int capacity() { return N; }
array<entry, N> entries;
inline int free_slot() {
while (findex < N && entries[findex].address) findex++;
return findex;
int findex = 0;
typedef brick<1024> InfoBrick;
template <typename T, T N>
struct DefaultValued {
T value = N;
map<TypeInfo, DefaultValued<ssize_t, -1>> type_indexes;
vector<InfoBrick*> bricks;
mutex bricks_lock;
void allocated(const char* name, void* address) {
#ifdef NO_IMPL
logTrace(lstream << "[MEMORY] Allocated a new instance of '" << name << "' at " << address);
if(!should_track_mangled(name)) return;
lock_guard<mutex> lock(bricks_lock);
TypeInfo local_info(name);
auto& type_index = type_indexes[local_info];
if(type_index.value == -1) {
type_index.value = type_indexes.size() - 1;
auto _value = (size_t) type_index.value;
for(auto it = bricks.begin(); it != bricks.end(); it++)
if((*it)->insert(_value, address)) return;
bricks.push_back(new InfoBrick{});
auto success = bricks.back()->insert(type_index.value, address);
void freed(const char* name, void* address) {
#ifdef NO_IMPL
logTrace(lstream << "[MEMORY] Deallocated a instance of '" << name << "' at " << address);
if(!should_track_mangled(name)) return;
lock_guard<mutex> lock(bricks_lock);
TypeInfo local_info(name);
auto& type_index = type_indexes[local_info];
if(type_index.value == -1)
type_index.value = type_indexes.size() - 1;
auto _value = (size_t) type_index.value;
for (auto &brick : bricks)
if(brick->remove(_value, address)) return;
logError(lstream << "[MEMORY] Got deallocated notify, but never the allocated! (Address: " << address << " Name: " << name << ")");
void statistics() {
#ifdef NO_IMPL
logError("memtracker::statistics() does not work due compiler flags (NO_IMPL)");
map<size_t, deque<void*>> objects;
map<size_t, std::string> mapping;
lock_guard<mutex> lock(bricks_lock);
for(auto& brick : bricks)
for(auto& entry : brick->entries)
if(entry.address) {
for(auto& type : type_indexes)
mapping[type.second.value] = type.first.as_mangled();
logMessage("Allocated object types: " + to_string(objects.size()));
for(const auto& entry : objects) {
logMessage(" " + mapping[entry.first] + ": " + to_string(entry.second.size()));
if (entry.second.size() < 50) {
stringstream ss;
for (int index = 0; index < entry.second.size(); index++) {
if (index % 16 == 0) {
if (index + 1 >= entry.second.size()) break;
if (index != 0)
ss = stringstream();
ss << " ";
ss << entry.second[index] << " ";
if (!ss.str().empty())
} else {