Updating the license system

This commit is contained in:
WolverinDEV 2019-09-22 12:36:30 +02:00
parent 244b7dc0cb
commit 647248009d
10 changed files with 1065 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ target_link_libraries(TeaLicenseClient

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
#include <shared/License.h>
#include <shared/LicenseRequest.h>
#include <event2/thread.h>
#include <random>
#include <ed25519/ed25519.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
@ -24,7 +26,33 @@ using namespace license;
int main(int ac, char** av){
auto state = evthread_use_pthreads();
assert(state == 0);
string error;
std::array<uint8_t, 32> private_key, public_key;
std::random_device rd;
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t> d;
uint8_t root_seed[64];
for(auto& e : root_seed)
e = d(rd);
ed25519_create_keypair(public_key.data(), private_key.data(), root_seed);
cout << "Key Pair generated:" << endl;
cout << "Private Key:" << hex;
for(auto& e : private_key)
cout << " 0x" << (e <= 0xF ? "0" : "") << (uint32_t) e << ",";
cout << endl;
cout << "Public Key :" << hex;
for(auto& e : public_key)
cout << " 0x" << (e <= 0xF ? "0" : "") << (uint32_t) e << ",";
cout << endl;
return true;
#if 0
cout << "Generating new license" << endl;
@ -83,5 +111,6 @@ int main(int ac, char** av){
cerr << "Could not load info after throwing: " << endl << ex.what() << endl;
return 0;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ message Blacklist {
optional string reason = 2;
message LicenseInfo {
required bytes key = 1;
required string username = 2;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
#include <google/protobuf/message.h>
#include <misc/base64.h>
#include <random>
#include <ed25519/ed25519.h>
//#define NO_OPEN_SSL
#include <misc/digest.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <ed25519/ge.h>
#include <ed25519/sc.h>
#include "crypt.h"
#include "License.h"
@ -100,3 +104,716 @@ namespace license {
this->data = "";
std::array<uint8_t, 32> license::v2::public_root_key = {
0x84, 0x54, 0x2c, 0x2b, 0x46, 0x19, 0x05, 0x6c,
0x01, 0xd8, 0x61, 0x49, 0x4e, 0x48, 0x47, 0x1e,
0x6c, 0x61, 0xfa, 0x6a, 0xde, 0x6b, 0x1c, 0x76,
0x3a, 0xeb, 0x2f, 0x39, 0x49, 0x3d, 0x71, 0x35
namespace license::v2 {
License::~License() {
std::shared_ptr<License> License::create(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const license::v2::HierarchyEntry>> &hierarchy, const std::array<uint8_t, 32> &prv_key) {
auto result = shared_ptr<License>(new License{});
result->_version = 2;
result->crypt_seed = std::mt19937_64{std::random_device{}()}();
result->_hierarchy = hierarchy;
result->private_data = LicensePrivate::create(result, hierarchy.size() - 1, prv_key.data());
return result;
std::shared_ptr<License> License::read(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t length, uint8_t &error) {
auto result = shared_ptr<License>(new License{});
LicenseHeader header{};
BodyHeader body_header{};
if(length < sizeof(header) + sizeof(body_header)) {
error = 2; /* buffer too small */
return nullptr;
memcpy(&header, buffer, sizeof(header));
if(header.version != 2) {
error = 3; /* invalid version */
return nullptr;
result->_version = header.version;
std::mt19937_64 crypt_key_gen{header.crypt_key_seed};
/* verify the crypt key gen */
uint64_t expected = 0;
memcpy(&expected, header.crypt_key_verify, 5);
uint64_t received = crypt_key_gen();
received = received ^ (received >> 40UL);
received &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFULL;
if(expected != received) {
error = 4; /* invalid key sequence */
return nullptr;
auto decoded_buffer_length = length - sizeof(header);
auto decoded_buffer = unique_ptr<uint8_t, decltype(::free)*>{(uint8_t*) malloc(decoded_buffer_length), ::free};
if(!decoded_buffer) {
error = 1; /* out of memory */
return nullptr;
/* "decode" the data */
auto index = 0;
while(index + 4 < decoded_buffer_length) {
auto& memory = *(uint32_t*) (&*decoded_buffer + index);
memory = *(uint32_t*) (buffer + index);
memory ^= (uint32_t) crypt_key_gen();
index += 4;
while(index < decoded_buffer_length) {
auto& memory = *(uint8_t*) (&*decoded_buffer + index);
memory = *(uint8_t*) (buffer + index);
memory ^= (uint8_t) crypt_key_gen();
memcpy(&body_header, &*decoded_buffer, sizeof(body_header));
if(decoded_buffer_length < sizeof(body_header) + body_header.length_hierarchy + body_header.length_private_data) {
error = 2; /* buffer too small */
return nullptr;
auto hierarchy_buffer = &*decoded_buffer + sizeof(body_header) + body_header.length_private_data;
/* test the checksum for the hierarchy (license data indirectly verified via data_sign) */
uint8_t sha_buffer[20];
digest::sha1((char*) hierarchy_buffer, body_header.length_hierarchy, sha_buffer);
if(memcmp(sha_buffer, body_header.checksum_hierarchy, 20) != 0) {
error = 5; /* checksum does not match */
return nullptr;
/* now lets read the hierarchy data */
size_t offset = 0, length = body_header.length_hierarchy;
while(offset < length) {
auto entry = HierarchyEntry::read(hierarchy_buffer, offset, length);
if(!entry) {
error = 6; /* failed to read an entry */
return nullptr;
/* verify the given data */
auto public_key = result->generate_public_key(public_root_key.data());
if(!ed25519_verify(body_header.private_data_sign, &*decoded_buffer + sizeof(body_header), body_header.length_private_data, public_key.data())) {
error = 7; /* failed to verify private data */
return nullptr;
memcpy(result->private_buffer_sign.data(), body_header.private_data_sign, 64);
/* copy the private data */
result->private_buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(body_header.length_private_data);
result->private_buffer_length = body_header.length_private_data;
memcpy(result->private_buffer, &*decoded_buffer + sizeof(body_header), body_header.length_private_data);
/* let parse the private data */
result->private_data = LicensePrivate::read(result, result->_version, result->private_buffer, result->private_buffer_length, error);
if(!result->private_data) {
error = 7; /* failed to parse private data */
return nullptr;
return result;
std::string License::write(int &error) {
if(!this->private_data || !this->private_buffer_length) {
error = 2; /* missing private data */
return "";
/* lets estimate a buffer size */
auto buffer_size = sizeof(LicenseHeader) + sizeof(BodyHeader) + this->private_buffer_length;
for(auto& he : this->_hierarchy)
if(!he->write(nullptr, buffer_size, 0)) {
error = 3; /* failed to estimate buffer size */
return "";
auto buffer = unique_ptr<uint8_t, decltype(::free)*>{(uint8_t*) malloc(buffer_size), ::free};
LicenseHeader license_header{};
BodyHeader body_header{};
/* first copy the private data */
memcpy(body_header.private_data_sign, this->private_buffer_sign.data(), this->private_buffer_sign.size());
memcpy(&*buffer + sizeof(license_header) + sizeof(body_header), this->private_buffer, this->private_buffer_length);
body_header.length_private_data = this->private_buffer_length;
/* lets write the hierarchy */
auto offset = sizeof(license_header) + sizeof(body_header) + this->private_buffer_length;
const auto begin_offset = offset;
for(auto& he : this->_hierarchy)
if(!he->write(&*buffer, offset, buffer_size)) {
error = 3; /* failed to write hierarchy */
return "";
body_header.length_hierarchy = offset - begin_offset;
digest::sha1((char*) &*buffer + begin_offset, body_header.length_hierarchy, body_header.checksum_hierarchy);
/* write the body header */
memcpy(&*buffer + sizeof(license_header), &body_header, sizeof(body_header));
/* lets generate the license header */
std::mt19937_64 rnd{std::random_device{}()};
license_header.version = 2;
license_header.crypt_key_seed = rnd();
license_header.crypt_key_verify_offset = std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t>{}(rnd);
uint64_t expected = rnd();
expected = expected ^ (expected >> 40UL);
expected &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFULL;
memcpy(license_header.crypt_key_verify, &expected, 5);
/* now lets "encrypt" the body */
std::mt19937_64 crypt_key_gen{license_header.crypt_key_seed};
auto index = sizeof(license_header);
while(index + 4 < buffer_size) {
auto& memory = *(uint32_t*) (&*buffer + index);
memory = *(uint32_t*) (&*buffer + index);
memory ^= (uint32_t) crypt_key_gen();
index += 4;
while(index < buffer_size) {
auto& memory = *(uint8_t*) (&*buffer + index);
memory = *(uint8_t*) (&*buffer + index);
memory ^= (uint8_t) crypt_key_gen();
/* write the license header */
memcpy(&*buffer, &license_header, sizeof(license_header));
return std::string((char*) &*buffer, buffer_size);
bool License::private_data_editable() const {
return this->private_data->private_key_calculable(this->_hierarchy.size() - 1);
bool License::write_private_data(const LicensePrivateWriteOptions& write_options) {
uint8_t private_key[64]; //ed25519_sign requires 64 bytes (may it expects a public key in front?)
if(!this->private_data->calculate_private_key(private_key, this->_hierarchy.size() - 1))
return false;
memcpy(private_key + 32, private_key, 32);
auto public_key = this->generate_public_key(public_root_key.data());
size_t length = 0, offset = 0;
if(!this->private_data->write(nullptr, length, 65536, write_options))
return false;
this->private_buffer_length = length;
this->private_buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(length);
if(!this->private_buffer) return false;
if(!this->private_data->write(this->private_buffer, offset, length, write_options))
return false;
ed25519_sign(this->private_buffer_sign.data(), this->private_buffer, length, public_key.data(), private_key);
return true;
std::array<uint8_t, 32> License::generate_public_key(const uint8_t* root_key, int length) const {
uint8_t hash_buffer[64];
ge_p3 parent_key{};
ge_cached parent_cached{};
/* import the main parent key */
ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(&parent_key, root_key);
/* undo the negate */
fe_neg(parent_key.X, parent_key.X);
fe_neg(parent_key.T, parent_key.T);
for(const auto& entry : this->_hierarchy) {
if(length-- == 0) continue;
ge_p3 e_pub_key{};
ge_frombytes_negate_vartime(&e_pub_key, entry->public_key().data());
ge_p3_to_cached(&parent_cached, &parent_key);
/* malloc could fail, but we ignore this for now */
if(!entry->hash(hash_buffer)) /* */;
/* import hash (convert to a valid coordinate) */
memset(hash_buffer + 32, 0, 32); /* yes, we have to drop half of the SHA512 hash :( */
hash_buffer[0] &= 0xF8U;
hash_buffer[31] &= 0x3FU;
hash_buffer[31] |= 0x40U;
/* import the clamp data */
ge_p3 p3_clamp_mul_pKey{};
ge_p2 p2_clamp_mul_pKey{};
ge_scalarmult_vartime(&p2_clamp_mul_pKey, hash_buffer, &e_pub_key);
ge_p2_to_p3(&p3_clamp_mul_pKey, &p2_clamp_mul_pKey);
/* add parent with the clamp data */
ge_p1p1 a{};
ge_add(&a, &p3_clamp_mul_pKey, &parent_cached);
/* convert stuff back */
ge_p3 r2{};
ge_p1p1_to_p3(&r2, &a);
parent_key = r2;
std::array<uint8_t, 32> result{};
ge_p3_tobytes((uint8_t*) result.data(), &parent_key);
return {};
bool License::push_entry(const std::shared_ptr<const HierarchyEntry> &entry, size_t* index) {
auto idx = this->_hierarchy.size();
if(idx > 0 && !this->private_data->private_key_calculable(idx - 1))
return false;
*index = idx;
return true;
typedef duration<int64_t, ratio<hours::period::num * 24, hours::period::den>> days;
typedef duration<int64_t, ratio<days::period::num * 365, days::period::den>> years;
bool License::hierarchy_timestamps_valid() {
system_clock::time_point time_begin{};
system_clock::time_point time_end = system_clock::time_point{} + years{5000};
for(const auto& entry : this->_hierarchy) {
auto end = entry->end_timestamp();
auto begin = entry->begin_timestamp();
if(begin < time_begin)
return false;
if(end > time_end)
return false;
time_begin = begin;
if(end.time_since_epoch().count() != 0) time_end = end;
return true;
void License::_register_raw_private_key(size_t index, uint8_t *data) {
this->private_data->register_raw_private_key(index, data);
bool License::generate_keypair(uint8_t *prv, uint8_t *pbl) {
std::random_device rd;
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint8_t> d;
uint8_t root_seed[64];
for(auto& e : root_seed)
e = d(rd);
ed25519_create_keypair(pbl, prv, root_seed);
return true;
std::shared_ptr<LicensePrivate> LicensePrivate::create(const std::shared_ptr<license::v2::License> &handle, int key_index, const uint8_t *key) {
auto result = shared_ptr<LicensePrivate>(new LicensePrivate{});
result->_handle = handle;
result->precalculated_private_key_index = key_index;
if(key) {
memcpy(result->precalculated_private_key.data(), key, result->precalculated_private_key.size());
} else {
assert(key_index < -1);
return result;
std::shared_ptr<LicensePrivate> LicensePrivate::read(const std::shared_ptr<License>& handle, uint8_t version, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t length, uint8_t& error) {
if(version != 2) {
error = 2; /* invalid version */
return nullptr;
auto result = LicensePrivate::create(handle, -2, nullptr);
size_t offset = 0;
if((offset + 1) > length)
return nullptr;
/* read the precalculated private key */
if(*(buffer + offset++)) {
if((offset + 1 + result->precalculated_private_key.size()) > length)
return nullptr;
result->precalculated_private_key_index = *(buffer + offset++);
memcpy(result->precalculated_private_key.data(), buffer + offset, result->precalculated_private_key.size());
offset += result->precalculated_private_key.size();
/* read raw private keys */
if((offset + 1) > length)
return nullptr;
auto private_key_count = *(buffer + offset++);
if((offset + private_key_count * 33) > length)
return nullptr;
while(private_key_count-- > 0) {
auto index = *(buffer + offset++);
result->register_raw_private_key(index, buffer + offset);
offset += 32;
/* read the metadata */
if((offset + 4) > length)
return nullptr;
auto meta_data_length = *(uint32_t*) (buffer + offset);
offset += 4;
while(meta_data_length-- > 0) {
if((offset + 3) > length)
return nullptr;
auto key_length = *(buffer + offset++);
auto value_length = *(uint16_t*) (buffer + offset);
offset += 2;
if((offset + key_length + value_length) > length)
return nullptr;
result->meta_data[{(char*) buffer + offset, key_length}] = {(char*) buffer + offset + key_length, value_length};
offset += key_length;
offset += value_length;
return result;
bool LicensePrivate::write(uint8_t *buffer, size_t &offset, size_t length, const LicensePrivateWriteOptions& options) {
if(options.precalculated_key_index < -1) {
if(buffer) {
if((offset + 2) < length) return false;
*(buffer + offset++) = 0; /* no precalculated private key */
*(buffer + offset++) = 0; /* no raw private keys */
} else {
offset += 2;
} else {
auto index = options.precalculated_key_index == -1 ? this->precalculated_private_key_index : options.precalculated_key_index;
if(index < 0) return false; /* we will NEVER write the root key */
if(buffer) {
if((offset + 2 + 32) < length) return false;
*(buffer + offset++) = 1;
*(buffer + offset++) = index;
if(!this->calculate_private_key(buffer + offset, index))
return false;
if((offset + 1) < length) return false;
auto& private_key_count = *(buffer + offset++);
private_key_count = 0;
for(auto& [key_index, key] : this->private_keys) {
if(key_index <= index)
if((offset + 1 + key.size()) < length) return false;
*(buffer + offset++) = key_index;
memcpy(buffer + offset, key.data(), key.size());
offset += key.size();
} else {
/* private precalc key */
offset += 2 + 32;
/* raw keys */
offset += 1;
for(auto& [key_index, key] : this->private_keys) {
if(key_index <= index)
offset += 1 + key.size();
if(buffer) {
if((offset + 4) < length) return false;
*(uint32_t*) (buffer + offset) = this->meta_data.size();
offset += 4;
for(auto& [key, value] : this->meta_data) {
if((offset + 3 + key.length() + value.length()) < length) return false;
*(buffer + offset++) = key.length();
*(uint16_t*)(buffer + offset) = value.length();
offset += 2;
memcpy(buffer + offset, key.data(), key.length());
offset += key.length();
memcpy(buffer + offset, value.data(), value.length());
offset += value.length();
} else {
offset += 4;
for(auto& [key, value] : this->meta_data)
offset += 3 + key.length() + value.length();
return true;
bool LicensePrivate::private_key_chain_valid() {
auto handle = this->_handle.lock();
if(!handle) return false;
auto hierarchy = handle->hierarchy();
auto base_index = this->precalculated_private_key_index;
if(base_index >= hierarchy.size()) return false;
if(base_index < -1) return true; /* means we don't have a private key */
while(base_index < hierarchy.size()) {
return false;
return true;
bool LicensePrivate::private_key_calculable(uint8_t index) const {
auto handle = this->_handle.lock();
if(!handle) return false;
auto hierarchy = handle->hierarchy();
if(index >= hierarchy.size()) return false;
auto base_index = this->precalculated_private_key_index;
if(base_index > index) return false;
if(base_index < -1) return false;
while(base_index < index) {
if(this->private_keys.count(base_index) < 1)
return false; /* we're missing a private key here, how is this even possible? */
return true;
bool LicensePrivate::calculate_private_key(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t index) const {
auto handle = this->_handle.lock();
if(!handle) return false;
auto hierarchy = handle->hierarchy();
if(index >= hierarchy.size()) return false;
auto base_index = this->precalculated_private_key_index;
if(base_index > index) return false;
if(base_index < -1) return false;
uint8_t hash_buffer[64];
memcpy(buffer, this->precalculated_private_key.data(), this->precalculated_private_key.size());
while(base_index < index) {
if(this->private_keys.count(base_index) < 1)
return false; /* we're missing a private key here, how is this even possible? */
if(!hierarchy[index]->hash(hash_buffer)) return false;
/* import hash (convert to a valid coordinate) */
memset(hash_buffer + 32, 0, 32); /* yes, we have to drop half of the SHA512 hash :( */
hash_buffer[0] &= 0xF8U;
hash_buffer[31] &= 0x3FU;
hash_buffer[31] |= 0x40U;
sc_muladd(buffer, this->private_keys.at(base_index).data(), hash_buffer, buffer);
return true;
void LicensePrivate::register_raw_private_key(uint8_t index, const uint8_t *buffer) {
auto& target = this->private_keys[index];
memcpy(target.data(), buffer, target.size());
bool LicensePrivate::has_raw_private_key(uint8_t index) const {
return this->private_keys.count(index) > 0;
HierarchyEntry::~HierarchyEntry() {
std::shared_ptr<const HierarchyEntry> HierarchyEntry::read(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t &offset, size_t length) {
auto result = shared_ptr<HierarchyEntry>(new HierarchyEntry{});
if((offset + 43) > length) return nullptr;
result->_entry_type = *(buffer + offset);
memcpy(result->_public_key.data(), buffer + offset, 32);
offset += 32;
memcpy(&result->_timestamp_begin, buffer + offset, 4);
offset += 4;
memcpy(&result->_timestamp_end, buffer + offset, 4);
offset += 4;
uint16_t body_length;
memcpy(&body_length, buffer + offset, 2);
offset += 2;
if(body_length > length) return nullptr;
if(!result->allocate_read_body(body_length)) return nullptr;
if(body_length > 0) {
memcpy(result->read_body, buffer + offset, body_length);
offset += body_length;
result->_hash_set = false;
return result;
bool HierarchyEntry::write(uint8_t *buffer, size_t &offset, size_t length) const {
if(buffer && (offset + 43 + this->read_body_length) > length) return false;
if(buffer) *(buffer + offset) = this->_entry_type;
if(buffer) memcpy(buffer + offset, this->_public_key.data(), 32);
offset += 32;
if(buffer) memcpy(buffer + offset, &this->_timestamp_begin, 4);
offset += 4;
if(buffer) memcpy(buffer + offset, &this->_timestamp_end, 4);
offset += 4;
if(buffer) memcpy(buffer + offset, &this->read_body_length, 2);
offset += 2;
if(this->read_body_length > 0) {
if(buffer) memcpy(buffer + offset, this->read_body, this->read_body_length);
offset += this->read_body_length;
return true;
bool HierarchyEntry::allocate_read_body(size_t size) {
if(this->read_body) {
this->read_body = nullptr;
if(size > 0) {
this->read_body = (uint8_t*) malloc(size);
if(!this->read_body) return false;
return true;
bool HierarchyEntry::hash(uint8_t *target_buffer) const {
if(this->_hash_set) {
memcpy(target_buffer, this->_hash.data(), this->_hash.size());
return true;
size_t length = 42 + this->read_body_length, offset = 0;
auto buffer = (uint8_t*) malloc(length);
if(!buffer) return false;
if(this->write(buffer, offset, length)) {
digest::sha512((char*) buffer, length, this->_hash.data());
this->_hash_set = true;
return this->_hash_set ? this->hash(target_buffer) : false;
namespace hierarchy {
std::string_view Intermediate::description() {
if(this->_length == 0)
return {};
return std::string_view{(const char*) this->_memory + 1, (size_t) *this->_memory};
std::shared_ptr<const HierarchyEntry> Intermediate::create(const uint8_t *pub_key, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point &begin, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point & end, const std::string &description) {
assert(description.size() < 256);
auto result = shared_ptr<HierarchyEntry>(new HierarchyEntry{hierarchy::Intermediate::type, pub_key, begin, end});
if(!result || !result->allocate_read_body(description.size() + 1)) return nullptr;
memcpy(result->read_body + 1, description.data(), description.length());
*result->read_body = (uint8_t) description.length();
return result;
static int test() {
uint8_t errc;
auto license = License::read(nullptr, 0, errc);
license->push_entry<hierarchy::Intermediate>(system_clock::now(), system_clock::now(), "test!");
return 0;

View File

@ -32,46 +32,208 @@ namespace license {
const char cryptKey[64]; //The dummy key for data de/encryption
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));
namespace v2 {
namespace data {
struct ChainHead {
uint32_t chain_version;
uint32_t chain_magic;
uint8_t sign[32];
struct LicenseHeader {
uint16_t version; /* first 16 bytes const version */
uint64_t crypt_key_seed; /* the seed */
uint8_t crypt_key_verify_offset; /* the first 8 bits determine how much generations (n * 3) and the rest what value is expeted. Due to the loss of 8 bits does the highest 8 bits get xored with the lowerst and 56 bits get compared */
uint8_t crypt_key_verify[5];
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));
static_assert(sizeof(LicenseHeader) == 16);
struct BodyHeader {
uint16_t length_private_data;
uint16_t length_hierarchy; /* contains all public data */
uint8_t checksum_hierarchy[20]; /* SHA1 */
uint8_t private_data_sign[64]; /* ed sign from the hierarchy created public key */
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));
struct ChainEntryHead {
uint8_t entry_type; //sign bit = contains private
int64_t entry_begin;
int32_t entry_length;
uint8_t key[32];
} __attribute__ ((__packed__));
extern std::array<uint8_t, 32> public_root_key;
struct LicenseIssuer {
std::string name;
std::string email;
struct LicenseChainEntry {
data::ChainEntryHead head;
struct {
bool contains;
uint8_t key[32];
} prv_key;
LicenseIssuer issuer;
struct LicenseChain {
struct HierarchyEntry;
struct LicensePrivate;
struct LicensePrivateWriteOptions;
struct License {
data::ChainHead head;
std::deque<LicenseChainEntry> entries;
static std::shared_ptr<License> read(const uint8_t* /* buffer */, size_t /* max size */, uint8_t& /* error */);
static std::shared_ptr<License> create(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const HierarchyEntry>>& hierarchy, const std::array<uint8_t, 32>& /* precalculated last entry */);
/* Note for the write method: Make the private version index configurable, so we could "export" the license */
/* Note for the write method: Write "private_buffer" if we're not able to resign the private data. As well enfore (assert) that we have a private buffer (e.g. by the read method) */
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const HierarchyEntry>> hierarchy() const { return this->_hierarchy; }
bool push_entry(const std::shared_ptr<const HierarchyEntry>& /* entry */, size_t* /* index */ = nullptr);
bool hierarchy_timestamps_valid();
template <typename I, typename... Args>
bool push_entry(Args&&... args) {
std::array<uint8_t, 32> key_private{}, key_public{};
if(!this->generate_keypair(key_private.data(), key_public.data())) return false;
auto entry = I::create(key_public.data(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if(!entry) return false;
size_t index;
if(!this->push_entry(entry, &index)) return false;
this->_register_raw_private_key(index, key_private.data());
return true;
std::array<uint8_t, 32> generate_public_key(const uint8_t* /* public key root */, int /* length */ = -1) const;
std::string write(int& /* error */);
bool private_data_editable() const;
bool write_private_data(const LicensePrivateWriteOptions& /* write options */);
inline uint8_t version() const { return this->_version; }
License() = default;
uint8_t _version = 0;
std::array<uint8_t, 64> private_buffer_sign{};
uint8_t* private_buffer = nullptr;
size_t private_buffer_length = 0;
std::shared_ptr<LicensePrivate> private_data{};
uint64_t crypt_seed = 0;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const HierarchyEntry>> _hierarchy{};
bool generate_keypair(uint8_t* /* private key */, uint8_t* /* public key */);
void _register_raw_private_key(size_t /* index */, uint8_t* /* key */);
struct LicensePrivateWriteOptions {
int precalculated_key_index = -2; /* -2 => Do not write any private keys; -1 => Write everything */
struct LicensePrivate {
static std::shared_ptr<LicensePrivate> read(const std::shared_ptr<License>& /* handle */, uint8_t /* version */, const uint8_t* /* buffer */, size_t /* length */, uint8_t& /* error */);
static std::shared_ptr<LicensePrivate> create(const std::shared_ptr<License>& /* handle */, int /* precalculated private key index */, const uint8_t* /* precalculated key */);
bool private_key_chain_valid();
bool has_meta(const std::string& key) const { return this->meta_data.count(key) > 0; }
std::string get_meta(const std::string& key) const { return this->meta_data.at(key); }
void set_meta(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { this->meta_data[key] = value; }
/* if target is null just increase the offset! */
bool write(uint8_t* /* target */, size_t& /* offset */, size_t /* length */, const LicensePrivateWriteOptions& /* options */);
void register_raw_private_key(uint8_t /* index */, const uint8_t* /* key */);
bool has_raw_private_key(uint8_t /* index */) const;
bool private_key_calculable(uint8_t /* index */) const;
bool calculate_private_key(uint8_t* /* response */, uint8_t /* index */) const;
std::weak_ptr<License> _handle;
LicensePrivate() = default;
int precalculated_private_key_index = -2; /* -2 means not set, -1 means root key */
std::array<uint8_t, 32> precalculated_private_key{};
std::map<uint8_t, std::array<uint8_t, 32>> private_keys{};
std::map<std::string, std::string> meta_data{};
namespace hierarchy {
struct Intermediate;
struct HierarchyEntry {
friend struct hierarchy::Intermediate;
static std::shared_ptr<const HierarchyEntry> read(const uint8_t* /* buffer */, size_t& /* offset */, size_t /* max size */);
bool write(uint8_t* /* buffer */, size_t& /* offset */, size_t /* max size */) const;
inline size_t write_length() const { return 43 + this->read_body_length; }
inline uint8_t entry_type() const { return this->_entry_type; }
template <typename T = std::chrono::system_clock>
inline typename T::time_point begin_timestamp() const { return typename T::time_point{} + std::chrono::minutes(this->_timestamp_begin); }
template <typename T = std::chrono::system_clock>
inline typename T::time_point end_timestamp() const { return typename T::time_point{} + std::chrono::minutes(this->_timestamp_end); }
inline const std::array<uint8_t, 32>& public_key() const { return this->_public_key; }
inline std::array<uint8_t, 32>& public_key() {
this->_hash_set = false;
return this->_public_key;
inline const uint8_t* body() const { return this->read_body; }
inline const size_t body_length() const { return this->read_body_length; }
template <typename I>
inline I interpret_as() const {
return I{this->read_body, this->read_body_length};
template <typename I>
inline bool interpretable_as() const { return I::type == this->_entry_type; }
inline bool hash(uint8_t* /* hash result [64] */) const;
template <typename T = std::chrono::system_clock>
HierarchyEntry(uint8_t type, const uint8_t* public_key, const typename T::time_point& begin, const typename T::time_point& end) {
this->_entry_type = type;
memcpy(this->_public_key.data(), public_key, this->_public_key.size());
this->_timestamp_begin = std::chrono::floor<std::chrono::minutes>(begin.time_since_epoch()).count();
this->_timestamp_end = std::chrono::floor<std::chrono::minutes>(end.time_since_epoch()).count();
HierarchyEntry() = default;
mutable std::array<uint8_t, 64> _hash{};
mutable bool _hash_set = false;
uint8_t _entry_type = 0;
std::array<uint8_t, 32> _public_key{};
uint32_t _timestamp_begin = 0; /* Minutes since epoch! */
uint32_t _timestamp_end = 0; /* Minutes since epoch! */
uint8_t* read_body = nullptr;
size_t read_body_length = 0;
bool allocate_read_body(size_t);
namespace hierarchy {
struct BodyInterpreter {
BodyInterpreter() = delete;
BodyInterpreter(const uint8_t* memory, size_t length) { this->_memory = memory; this->_length = length; }
const uint8_t* _memory = nullptr;
size_t _length = 0;
struct Intermediate : public BodyInterpreter {
friend struct HierarchyEntry;
static constexpr uint8_t type = 1;
static std::shared_ptr<const HierarchyEntry> create(
const uint8_t* /* public key */,
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& /* begin */,
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point& /* end */,
const std::string& /* description */
std::string_view description();
Intermediate(const uint8_t* memory, size_t length) : BodyInterpreter(memory, length) {}
enum LicenseType : uint8_t {

server/dependency_resolver.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#WARNING: Any spaces within the path will cause trouble!
#ldd -d
if [[ ! -f "$1" ]]; then
echo "Missing target file ($1)"
exit 1
# This is a multidimensional array
# key /* library file */ => (library name; library file; dependencies ())
declare -A collected_libraries
# This is a one dimensional array
# key /* library file */ => use count
declare -A collected_libraries_use_count
declare -A libraries_of_result
function libraries_of {
local buffer
local index
local data
buffer=$(ldd -d "$1")
for line in ${buffer}; do
index=$(($index + 1))
[[ ${index} == 1 ]] && continue
IFS=$' ' data=(${line})
# We trim the leading and tailing white spaces
_key=$(echo "${data[0]}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')
_value=$(echo "${data[2]}" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//')
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return 1
return 0
function print_lookup_stack {
#echo -n -e "\r\033[K"
echo ""
for (( index = 0; index < $index_max; ++index )); do
arg=$(eval echo \$$((${index} + 1)))
echo -n $(basename ${arg})
[[ $(($index + 1)) -lt ${index_max} ]] && echo -n " => "
#sleep 1
declare -a libraries_of_deep_stack
function libraries_of_deep {
local IFS
local valid_libraries
local inner_array
local result_array
libraries_of $1
#echo "Gathered libraries for $1:"
for library_name in "${!libraries_of_result[@]}"; do
[[ -z "${libraries_of_result[$library_name]}" ]] && {
#echo " The dependency $library_name for $1 could not be resolved"
#echo " $library_name at ${libraries_of_result[$library_name]}";
IFS=$';' inner_array="${valid_libraries[*]}"
IFS=$' ' result_array=("$(basename $1)" "$1" "$inner_array")
print_lookup_stack ${libraries_of_deep_stack[@]}
for library_path in "${valid_libraries[@]}"; do
# echo "Looking up library path $library_path"
[[ ! -z "${collected_libraries[$library_path]}" ]] && {
#echo "Library $library_path already resolved"
collected_libraries_use_count[$library_path]=$((${collected_libraries_use_count[$library_path]} + 1))
#echo "Resolving libraries for path $library_path"
libraries_of_deep ${library_path}
unset 'libraries_of_deep_stack[${#libraries_of_deep_stack[@]}-1]';
libraries_of_deep $1
echo -e -n "\r\033[K" #Clear the stack
for key in "${!collected_libraries[@]}"; do
IFS=$' ' library_data=(${collected_libraries[$key]})
IFS=$';' libraries=(${library_data[2]})
echo "Got library ${library_data[0]} (${library_data[1]}) directly used ${collected_libraries_use_count[$key]} times:"
for library in "${libraries[@]}"; do
echo " $library"

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ ServerManager::ServerManager(InstanceHandler* handle) : handle(handle) {
this->puzzles = new protocol::PuzzleManager();
this->handshakeTickers = new threads::Scheduler(1, "handshake ticker");
this->execute_loop = new event::EventExecutor("executor #");
//this->join_loop = new event::EventExecutor("joiner #");
this->_ioManager = new io::VoiceIOManager();
this->handshakeTickers->schedule("ticker", [&](){ this->tickHandshakeClients(); }, seconds(1));
@ -41,6 +42,11 @@ ServerManager::~ServerManager() {
delete this->execute_loop;
this->execute_loop = nullptr;
delete this->join_loop;
this->join_loop = nullptr;
if(this->handshakeTickers) {

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ namespace ts {
protocol::PuzzleManager* rsaPuzzles() { return this->puzzles; }
event::EventExecutor* get_join_loop() { return this->join_loop; }
event::EventExecutor* get_executor_loop() { return this->execute_loop; }
inline void adjust_executor_threads() {
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ namespace ts {
protocol::PuzzleManager* puzzles = nullptr;
event::EventExecutor* execute_loop = nullptr;
event::EventExecutor* join_loop = nullptr;
threads::Scheduler* handshakeTickers = nullptr;
io::VoiceIOManager* _ioManager = nullptr;

View File

@ -7583,6 +7583,7 @@ CommandResult ConnectedClient::handleCommandDummy_IpChange(ts::Command &cmd) {
this->properties()[property::CONNECTION_CLIENT_IP] = this->getLoggingPeerIp();
return CommandResult::Success;


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 4a9d8f132fe9ca3411e2e3c245922ad778c56aa0
Subproject commit 837852114f92d0f3acb94b5e0807dee265bf40e5