# - Try to find mysql include dirs and libraries # # Usage of this module as follows: # # find_package(mysql) # # Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need # to be set before calling find_package: # # mysql_ROOT_DIR Set this variable to the root installation of # mysql if the module has problems finding the # proper installation path. # # Variables defined by this module: # # mysql_FOUND System has mysql, include and library dirs found # mysql_INCLUDE_DIR The mysql include directories. include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) function(find_mysql) find_path(mysql_ROOT_DIR NAMES include/mysql.h include/mysql_version.h HINTS ${mysql_ROOT_DIR} ) find_path(mysql_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES mysql.h mysql_version.h HINTS ${mysql_ROOT_DIR}/include/ ) if (NOT TARGET mysql::client::static) find_library(MYSQL_CLIENT_STATIC NAMES mysql.lib libmysqlclient.a HINTS ${mysql_ROOT_DIR} ${mysql_ROOT_DIR}/lib ) if(MYSQL_CLIENT_STATIC) add_library(mysql::client::static STATIC IMPORTED) set_target_properties(mysql::client::static PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${MYSQL_CLIENT_STATIC} INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${mysql_INCLUDE_DIR} ) endif() endif () find_package_handle_standard_args(mysql DEFAULT_MSG mysql_INCLUDE_DIR ) mark_as_advanced( mysql_ROOT_DIR mysql_INCLUDE_DIR MYSQL_CLIENT_STATIC ) endfunction() find_mysql()