
134 lines
4.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <variant>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
namespace license::client {
class LicenseServerClient;
namespace google::protobuf {
class Message;
namespace ts::server::license {
struct InstanceLicenseInfo {
std::shared_ptr<::license::License> license{nullptr};
std::string web_certificate_revision{};
struct metrics_ {
size_t servers_online{0};
size_t client_online{0};
size_t web_clients_online{0};
size_t bots_online{0};
size_t queries_online{0};
size_t speech_total{0};
size_t speech_varianz{0};
size_t speech_online{0};
size_t speech_dead{0};
} metrics;
struct info_ {
std::chrono::milliseconds timestamp{};
std::string version{};
std::string uname{};
std::string unique_id{};
} info;
class LicenseService {
[[nodiscard]] bool initialize(std::string& /* error */);
void shutdown();
/* whatever it failed/succeeded */
bool execute_request_sync(const std::chrono::milliseconds& /* timeout */);
[[nodiscard]] inline bool verbose() const { return this->verbose_; }
void execute_tick(); /* should not be essential to the core functionality! */
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startup_timepoint_;
enum struct request_state {
/* initializing */
/* connected states */
/* disconnecting */
bool verbose_{false};
std::recursive_timed_mutex request_lock{};
request_state request_state_{request_state::empty};
std::unique_ptr<::license::client::LicenseServerClient> current_client{nullptr};
std::shared_ptr<InstanceLicenseInfo> license_request_data{nullptr};
std::condition_variable sync_request_cv;
std::mutex sync_request_lock;
struct _timings {
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point last_request{};
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point next_request{};
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point last_succeeded{};
size_t failed_count{0};
} timings;
struct _dns {
std::shared_ptr<std::recursive_mutex> lock{nullptr};
struct _lookup {
std::shared_ptr<std::recursive_mutex> lock{nullptr};
std::thread thread{};
LicenseService* handle{nullptr}; /* may be null, locked via lock */
}* current_lookup{nullptr};
} dns;
std::optional<std::string> license_invalid_reason{}; /* set if the last license is invalid */
void schedule_next_request(bool /* last request succeeded */);
void begin_request();
void client_send_message(::license::protocol::PacketType /* type */, ::google::protobuf::Message& /* message */);
void handle_check_fail(const std::string& /* error */); /* might be called form the DNS loop */
void handle_check_succeeded();
/* if not disconnect message has been set it will just close the connection */
void abort_request(std::lock_guard<std::recursive_timed_mutex>& /* request lock */, const std::string& /* disconnect message */);
void abort_dns_request();
void execute_dns_request();
/* will be called while dns lock has been locked! */
void handle_dns_lookup_result(bool /* success */, const std::variant<std::string, sockaddr_in>& /* data */);
/* all callbacks bellow are called from the current_client. It will not be null while being within the callback. */
void handle_client_connected();
void handle_client_disconnected(const std::string& /* error */);
void handle_message(::license::protocol::PacketType /* type */, const void* /* buffer */, size_t /* length */);
void handle_message_license_info(const void* /* buffer */, size_t /* length */);
void handle_message_license_update(const void* /* buffer */, size_t /* length */);
void handle_message_property_adjustment(const void* /* buffer */, size_t /* length */);
void send_license_validate_request();
bool send_license_update_request();
void send_property_update_request();