
361 lines
13 KiB

// Created by wolverindev on 08.10.17.
#include <tommath.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include "Connection.h"
#include "misc/base64.h"
#include "misc/endianness.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace ts;
using namespace ts::connection;
using namespace ts::protocol;
const int InitVersionLength = 4;
const uint8_t InitVersion[InitVersionLength] = {0x09, 0x83, 0x8C, 0xCF};
* Maybe memset to 0 for security?
#define RESET_DATA \
bufferIndex = 0; \
delete pkt; \
pkt = nullptr;
inline ClientPacket *solvePuzzle(shared_ptr<ServerPacket> response, Identity *, std::string &);
inline std::string toString(mp_int* num){
char buffer[2048];
memset(buffer, 0, 2048);
auto len = mp_todecimal(num, buffer);
return string(buffer);
extern void hexdump(std::ostream& outs, const std::string& s, size_t line_len = 16);
bool ServerConnection::handshake(std::string &errorMessage) {
//setup the init mac
* Low level
ts::protocol::ClientPacket *pkt;
shared_ptr<ServerPacket> response;
int maxBufferSize = 512;
size_t bufferIndex = 0;
uint8_t buffer[maxBufferSize];
memset(buffer, 0, maxBufferSize);
int err = 0;
string error = "success";
memcpy(buffer, InitVersion, InitVersionLength);
bufferIndex += InitVersionLength;
buffer[bufferIndex++] = 0x00; //Login state
auto millis = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
memcpy(&buffer[bufferIndex], &millis, 4);
bufferIndex += 4;
//generate the alpha key
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) buffer[bufferIndex++] = (uint8_t) std::rand();
bufferIndex += 8; //Reserved bytes
pkt = new ts::protocol::ClientPacket(ts::protocol::PacketTypeInfo::Init1, pipes::buffer_view((void *) buffer, bufferIndex));
pkt->toggle(ts::protocol::PacketFlag::Unencrypted, true);
pkt->applyPacketId(101, 0);
response = readNextPacket();
if (!response) {
errorMessage = "could not get a valid response!";
return false;
if (response->type() != protocol::PacketTypeInfo::Init1) {
errorMessage = "invalid response type. Got: " + response->type().name();
return false;
if (response->data()[0] != 1) {
errorMessage = "iInvalid requested login type (" + to_string((int) response->data()[0]) + " == 1)";
return false;
//the second request of the manager
memcpy(buffer, InitVersion, InitVersionLength);
bufferIndex += InitVersionLength;
buffer[bufferIndex++] = 0x02; //Login state
memcpy(&buffer[bufferIndex], response->data().string().substr(1, 16).data(), 16);
bufferIndex += 16; //Servers 16 bytes
memcpy(&buffer[bufferIndex], response->data().string().substr(17, 4).data(), 4);
bufferIndex += 4; //My own 16 bytes, reversed
pkt = new ts::protocol::ClientPacket(ts::protocol::PacketTypeInfo::Init1, pipes::buffer_view((void *) buffer, bufferIndex));
pkt->toggle(ts::protocol::PacketFlag::Unencrypted, true);
pkt->applyPacketId(101, 0);
//We got the RSA challenge
response = readNextPacket();
if (!response) {
errorMessage = "could not get a valid response!";
return false;
if (response->type() != protocol::PacketTypeInfo::Init1) {
errorMessage = "invalid response type";
return false;
if (response->data()[0] != 3) {
if(response->data()[0] == 127) {
cout << "COOCIE RESET!" << endl;
goto beginCoocie;
hexdump(cout, response->data().string());
errorMessage = "Invalid requested login type (" + to_string((int) response->data()[0]) + " == 3 | unencripted -> " + (response->hasFlag(PacketFlag::Unencrypted) ? "true" : "false") + ")";
return false;
//Generate puzzel response
std::string alpha;
pkt = solvePuzzle(response, this->clientIdentity, alpha);
pkt->applyPacketId(101, 0);
cout << "manager init done" << endl;
this->encriptAck = true;
response = readNextPacket();
if (!response) {
errorMessage = "could not get a valid response!";
return false;
if (response->type() != protocol::PacketTypeInfo::Command) {
errorMessage = "invalid response type: " + response->type().name();
return false;
auto command = response->asCommand();
if (command.getCommand().compare("initivexpand") != 0) {
// errorMessage = "invalid response command. Got: " + command.getCommand() + " Expected: initivexpand";
return this->handshakeNew(command, alpha, errorMessage);
//std::string alpha = base64::decode(command[0]["alpha"]);
std::string beta = base64::decode(command[0]["beta"]);
std::string omega = base64::decode(command[0]["omega"]); //Remotes public key
cout << "RESPONSE! -> " << command.build() << endl;
//Read public key
ecc_key remotePublicKey{};
if ((err = ecc_import((const unsigned char *) omega.data(), omega.length(), &remotePublicKey)) != CRYPT_OK) {
errorMessage = "ecc_import(...) returned " + to_string(err) + "/" + error_to_string(err);
return false;
if(strcmp(remotePublicKey.dp->name, "ECC-256") != 0){
errorMessage = "invalid imported public key! Curve found " + string(remotePublicKey.dp->name);
return false;
size_t sharedSecretLength = 32;
char sharedSecret[sharedSecretLength];
if ((err = ecc_shared_secret(clientIdentity->getKeyPair(), &remotePublicKey, (unsigned char *) sharedSecret, &sharedSecretLength)) != CRYPT_OK) {
errorMessage = "ecc_shared_secret(...) returned " + to_string(err) + "/" + error_to_string(err);
return false;
if (!setupSharedSecret(alpha, beta, string(sharedSecret, sharedSecretLength), error)) {
errorMessage = "setupSharedSecret(...) failed: " + error;
return false;
//TS 3.1
response = readNextPacket();
if (!response) {
errorMessage = "could not get a valid response!";
return false;
if (response->type() != protocol::PacketType::Command) {
errorMessage = "invalid response type: " + response->type().name();
return false;
command = response->asCommand();
cout << "Having initiv2 -> " << response->data() << endl;
Command clientinit("clientinit");
//clientinit["client_badges"] = "badges=450f81c1-ab41-4211-a338-222fa94ed157,c9e97536-5a2d-4c8e-a135-af404587a472,94ec66de-5940-4e38-b002-970df0cf6c94"; //,62444179-0d99-42ba-a45c-c6b1557d079a
clientinit["client_nickname"] = "Wolf C++ XXXX";
clientinit["client_version"] = "3.1 [Build: 1471417187]";
clientinit["client_platform"] = "Windows";
clientinit["client_version_sign"] = "Vr9F7kbVorcrkV5b/Iw+feH9qmDGvfsW8tpa737zhc1fDpK5uaEo6M5l2DzgaGqqOr3GKl5A7PF9Sj6eTM26Aw==";
clientinit["client_input_hardware"] = true;
clientinit["client_output_hardware"] = true;
clientinit["client_default_channel"] = "";
clientinit["client_default_channel_password"] = "";
string password;
char passwordBuffer[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
SHA1((const unsigned char *) password.data(), password.length(), (unsigned char *) passwordBuffer);
password = base64_encode(string(passwordBuffer, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH));
clientinit["client_server_password"] = password;
clientinit["client_meta_data"] = "";
clientinit["client_key_offset"] = this->clientIdentity->lastValidKeyOffset();
clientinit["client_nickname_phonetic"] = "";
clientinit["client_default_token"] = "";
clientinit["hwid"] = "123,456123123123";
response = readNextPacket();
if (!response) {
errorMessage = "could not get a valid response!";
return false;
if(response->type() == PacketTypeInfo::Ack) continue;
//TODO check ack id
if (!response) {
errorMessage = "could not get a valid response!";
return false;
if (response->type() != protocol::PacketTypeInfo::Command) {
errorMessage = "invalid response type: " + response->type().name();
return false;
if(response->asCommand().getCommand() == "initserver"){ //Got success
this->autoHandle = true;
cout << "Successfull connected!" << endl;
usleep(1000 * 1000);
cout << " -> send extra command" << endl;
//this->sendCommand(Command("channelsubscribeall return_code=1:i"));
//this->sendCommand(Command("getconnectioninfo clid=320 return_code=1:112"));
//this->sendCommand(Command("ftgetfilelist cid=0 cpw path=\\/icons return_code=1:z0"));
this->sendCommand(Command("servergrouppermlist sgid=6 return_code=1:112"));
usleep(10 * 1000 * 1000);
//Command cmd("channelgetdescription cid=1 return_code=1:3o");
//Command cmd("clientupdate client_nickname=WolverinDEV22 return_code=__1_");
//Command cmd("clientdisconnect reasonid=8 reasonmsg=leaving");
//this->sendCommand(Command("permissionlist return_code=__1_"));
//this->sendCommand(Command("clientgetvariables clid=" + to_string(this->clientId)));
return true;
cout << "Invalid connect: " << response->data() << endl;
//TODO error handling
return true;
inline ClientPacket* solvePuzzle(shared_ptr<ServerPacket> response, Identity *identity, std::string &alpha) {
uint32_t puzzelLength = be2le32(&((char*) response->data().data_ptr())[1 + 128]); //1 for the first byte (the state byte)
auto buffer = (char*) response->data().data_ptr();
char alphaBuffer[10];
for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++)
alphaBuffer[index] = 0; //rand();
alpha = string(alphaBuffer, 10);
//Generating command
auto pkey = identity->publicKey();
ts::Command command("clientinitiv", {
{"alpha", base64_encode(alphaBuffer, 10)},
{"omega", pkey},
{"ip", ""},
{"ot", 1} //Required by 3.1
std::string cmd = command.build();
//Sloving puzzel
mp_int x{};
mp_int n{};
mp_int result{};
//mp_init_multi(&x, &n, &result);
char numBuffer[2048];
mp_read_unsigned_bin(&x, (const unsigned char *) &response->data()[1], 64); //One offset
mp_read_unsigned_bin(&n, (const unsigned char *) &response->data()[1 + 64], 64); //1 + 64 offset
cout << "X: " << toString(&x) << endl;
cout << "N: " << toString(&n) << endl;
cout << "Length: " << puzzelLength << endl;
mp_int exp{};
mp_2expt(&exp, puzzelLength);
//x ** (2 ** puzzelLength) mod n
int err = 0;
if ((err = mp_exptmod(&x, &exp, &n, &result)) != CRYPT_OK) {
cerr << "Invalid crypt: " << err << "/" << error_to_string(err) << endl;
int resultBufferLength = mp_unsigned_bin_size(&result);
char resultBuffer[resultBufferLength];
mp_to_unsigned_bin(&result, (unsigned char *) resultBuffer);
//mp_clear_multi(&x, &n, &exp, &result);
size_t packetBufferLength = InitVersionLength + 1 + 232 + 64 + cmd.length();
char packetBuffer[packetBufferLength];
memset(packetBuffer, 0, packetBufferLength);
memcpy(packetBuffer, InitVersion, InitVersionLength);
packetBuffer[InitVersionLength] = 0x04;
//Copy old data
memcpy(&packetBuffer[InitVersionLength + 1], &response->data()[1], 232);
memcpy(&packetBuffer[InitVersionLength + 1 + 232 + (64 - resultBufferLength)], resultBuffer, resultBufferLength);
memcpy(&packetBuffer[InitVersionLength + 1 + 232 + 64], cmd.data(), cmd.length());
cout << "sending puzzel sulution" << endl;
auto pkt = new ts::protocol::ClientPacket(ts::protocol::PacketTypeInfo::Init1, pipes::buffer_view((void *) packetBuffer, packetBufferLength));
pkt->toggle(ts::protocol::PacketFlag::Unencrypted, true);
return pkt;