#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ ${build_os_type} == "win32" ]]; then echo "Windows does not require libunbound" echo "Dont building library" exit 0 fi source ../scripts/build_helper.sh library_path="unbound" requires_rebuild ${library_path} [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && exit 0 generate_build_path "${library_path}" library_event=`pwd`/libevent/out/${build_os_type}_${build_os_arch}/ library_boringssl=`pwd`/boringssl/lib/ if [[ -d ${build_path} ]]; then echo "Removing old build directory" rm -r ${build_path} fi mkdir -p ${build_path} check_err_exit ${library_path} "Failed to create build directory" cd ${build_path} check_err_exit ${library_path} "Failed to enter build directory" if [[ ${build_os_type} == "linux" ]]; then #Failed to build with BoringSSL, so we using openssl. No ABI stuff should be changed! # --with-ssl=${library_boringssl} ../../configure --with-libunbound-only --with-libevent=${library_event} --enable-event-api --enable-shared=yes --enable-static=yes --with-pthreads --prefix=`pwd` check_err_exit ${library_path} "Failed to configure build" make CXXFLAGS="${CXX_FLAGS}" CFLAGS="${C_FLAGS} -fPIC" ${MAKE_OPTIONS} check_err_exit ${library_path} "Failed to build" make install check_err_exit ${library_path} "Failed to install" else echo "Invalid OS!" exit 1 fi cd ../../../ set_build_successful ${library_path}