Ed25519 ------- This is a portable implementation of [Ed25519](http://ed25519.cr.yp.to/). All code is in the public domain. All code is pure ANSI C without any dependencies, except for the random seed generation which uses standard OS cryptography APIs. If you wish to be entirely portable define `ED25519_NO_SEED`. This does disable the `ed25519_create_seed` function however (you can use your own seeding function if you wish.) Usage ----- Simply add all .c and .h files in the `src/` folder to your project and include `ed25519.h` in any file you want to use the API. If you prefer to use a shared library, only copy `ed25519.h` and define `ED25519_DLL` before importing. A windows DLL is pre-built. There are no defined types for seeds, signing keys, verifying keys or signatures. Instead simple `unsigned char` buffers are used with the following sizes: unsigned char seed[32] unsigned char signature[64] unsigned char verify_key[32] unsigned char signing_key[64] API --- int ed25519_create_seed(unsigned char *seed); Creates a 32 byte random seed in `seed` for key generation. `seed` must be a writable 32 byte buffer. Returns 0 on success, and nonzero on failure. int ed25519_create_keypair(unsigned char *verify_key, unsigned char *sign_key, const unsigned char *seed); Creates a new key pair from the given seed. `verify_key` must be a writable 32 byte buffer, `sign_key` must be a writable 64 byte buffer and `seed` must be a 32 byte buffer. Returns 0 on success, and nonzero on failure. int ed25519_sign(unsigned char *signature, const unsigned char *message, size_t message_len, const unsigned char *sign_key); Creates a signature of the given message with `sign_key`. `signature` must be a writable 64 byte buffer. `message` must have at least `message_len` bytes to be read. `sign_key` must be a 64 byte signing key generated by `ed25519_create_keypair`. Returns 0 on success, and nonzero on failure. int ed25519_verify(const unsigned char *signature, const unsigned char *message, size_t message_len, const unsigned char *verify_key); Verifies the signature on the given message using verify_key. `signature` must be a readable 64 byte buffer. `message` must have at least `message_len` bytes to be read. `sign_key` must be a 32 byte verifying key generated by `ed25519_create_keypair`. Returns 0 if the signature matches, 1 otherwise. Example ------- unsigned char seed[32], sign_key[64], verify_key[32], signature[64]; const unsigned char message[] = "TEST MESSAGE"; /* create a random seed, and a keypair out of that seed */ ed25519_create_seed(seed); ed25519_create_keypair(verify_key, sign_key, seed); /* create signature on the message with the sign key */ ed25519_sign(signature, message, strlen(message), sign_key); /* verify the signature */ if (ed25519_verify(signature, message, strlen(message), verify_key)) { printf("invalid signature\n"); } else { printf("valid signature\n"); }