OSSL_CRMF_MSG_set_validity, OSSL_CRMF_MSG_set_certReqId, OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE_fill, OSSL_CRMF_MSG_set0_extensions, OSSL_CRMF_MSG_push0_extension, OSSL_CRMF_MSG_create_popo, OSSL_CRMF_MSGS_verify_popo - functions populating and verifying CRMF CertReqMsg structures


 #include <openssl/crmf.h>
 int OSSL_CRMF_MSG_set_validity(OSSL_CRMF_MSG *crm, time_t from, time_t to);
 int OSSL_CRMF_MSG_set_certReqId(OSSL_CRMF_MSG *crm, int rid);
                                 EVP_PKEY *pubkey,
                                 const X509_NAME *subject,
                                 const X509_NAME *issuer,
                                 const ASN1_INTEGER *serial);
 int OSSL_CRMF_MSG_set0_extensions(OSSL_CRMF_MSG *crm, X509_EXTENSIONS *exts);
 int OSSL_CRMF_MSG_push0_extension(OSSL_CRMF_MSG *crm, X509_EXTENSION *ext);
 int OSSL_CRMF_MSG_create_popo(OSSL_CRMF_MSG *crm, EVP_PKEY *pkey,
                               int dgst, int ppmtd);
 int OSSL_CRMF_MSGS_verify_popo(const OSSL_CRMF_MSGS *reqs,
                                int rid, int acceptRAVerified);


OSSL_CRMF_MSG_set_validity() sets from as notBefore and to as notAfter as the validity in the certTemplate of crm.

OSSL_CRMF_MSG_set_certReqId() sets rid as the certReqId of crm.

OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE_fill() sets those fields of the certTemplate tmpl for which non-NULL values are provided: pubkey, subject, issuer, and/or serial. On success the reference counter of the pubkey (if given) is incremented, while the subject, issuer, and serial structures (if given) are copied.

OSSL_CRMF_MSG_set0_extensions() sets exts as the extensions in the certTemplate of crm. Frees any pre-existing ones and consumes exts.

OSSL_CRMF_MSG_push0_extension() pushes the X509 extension ext to the extensions in the certTemplate of crm. Consumes ext.

OSSL_CRMF_MSG_create_popo() creates and sets the Proof-of-Possession (POPO) according to the method ppmtd in crm. In case the method is OSSL_CRMF_POPO_SIGNATURE the POPO is calculated using the private pkey and the digest algorithm NID dgst.

ppmtd can be one of the following:

OSSL_CRMF_MSGS_verify_popo verifies the Proof-of-Possession of the request with the given rid in the list of reqs. Optionally accepts RAVerified.


All functions return 1 on success, 0 on error.


RFC 4211


The OpenSSL CRMF support was added in OpenSSL 3.0.


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