// Copyright(c) 2015-present, Gabi Melman & spdlog contributors. // Distributed under the MIT License (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) #pragma once #ifndef SPDLOG_HEADER_ONLY #include "spdlog/details/file_helper.h" #endif #include "spdlog/details/os.h" #include "spdlog/common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace spdlog { namespace details { SPDLOG_INLINE file_helper::~file_helper() { close(); } SPDLOG_INLINE void file_helper::open(const filename_t &fname, bool truncate) { close(); auto *mode = truncate ? SPDLOG_FILENAME_T("wb") : SPDLOG_FILENAME_T("ab"); _filename = fname; for (int tries = 0; tries < open_tries; ++tries) { if (!os::fopen_s(&fd_, fname, mode)) { return; } details::os::sleep_for_millis(open_interval); } SPDLOG_THROW(spdlog_ex("Failed opening file " + os::filename_to_str(_filename) + " for writing", errno)); } SPDLOG_INLINE void file_helper::reopen(bool truncate) { if (_filename.empty()) { SPDLOG_THROW(spdlog_ex("Failed re opening file - was not opened before")); } open(_filename, truncate); } SPDLOG_INLINE void file_helper::flush() { std::fflush(fd_); } SPDLOG_INLINE void file_helper::close() { if (fd_ != nullptr) { std::fclose(fd_); fd_ = nullptr; } } SPDLOG_INLINE void file_helper::write(const fmt::memory_buffer &buf) { size_t msg_size = buf.size(); auto data = buf.data(); if (std::fwrite(data, 1, msg_size, fd_) != msg_size) { SPDLOG_THROW(spdlog_ex("Failed writing to file " + os::filename_to_str(_filename), errno)); } } SPDLOG_INLINE size_t file_helper::size() const { if (fd_ == nullptr) { SPDLOG_THROW(spdlog_ex("Cannot use size() on closed file " + os::filename_to_str(_filename))); } return os::filesize(fd_); } SPDLOG_INLINE const filename_t &file_helper::filename() const { return _filename; } SPDLOG_INLINE bool file_helper::file_exists(const filename_t &fname) { return os::file_exists(fname); } // // return file path and its extension: // // "mylog.txt" => ("mylog", ".txt") // "mylog" => ("mylog", "") // "mylog." => ("mylog.", "") // "/dir1/dir2/mylog.txt" => ("/dir1/dir2/mylog", ".txt") // // the starting dot in filenames is ignored (hidden files): // // ".mylog" => (".mylog". "") // "my_folder/.mylog" => ("my_folder/.mylog", "") // "my_folder/.mylog.txt" => ("my_folder/.mylog", ".txt") SPDLOG_INLINE std::tuple file_helper::split_by_extension(const filename_t &fname) { auto ext_index = fname.rfind('.'); // no valid extension found - return whole path and empty string as // extension if (ext_index == filename_t::npos || ext_index == 0 || ext_index == fname.size() - 1) { return std::make_tuple(fname, filename_t()); } // treat casese like "/etc/rc.d/somelogfile or "/abc/.hiddenfile" auto folder_index = fname.rfind(details::os::folder_sep); if (folder_index != filename_t::npos && folder_index >= ext_index - 1) { return std::make_tuple(fname, filename_t()); } // finally - return a valid base and extension tuple return std::make_tuple(fname.substr(0, ext_index), fname.substr(ext_index)); } } // namespace details } // namespace spdlog