#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Find 'find'; use File::Basename 'basename'; use File::Glob 'bsd_glob'; sub read_file { my $f = shift; open my $fh, "<", $f or die "FATAL: read_rawfile() cannot open file '$f': $!"; binmode $fh; return do { local $/; <$fh> }; } sub write_file { my ($f, $data) = @_; die "FATAL: write_file() no data" unless defined $data; open my $fh, ">", $f or die "FATAL: write_file() cannot open file '$f': $!"; binmode $fh; print $fh $data or die "FATAL: write_file() cannot write to '$f': $!"; close $fh or die "FATAL: write_file() cannot close '$f': $!"; return; } sub check_source { my @all_files = (bsd_glob("makefile*"), bsd_glob("*.sh"), bsd_glob("*.pl")); find({ wanted=>sub { push @all_files, $_ if -f $_ }, no_chdir=>1 }, qw/src testprof demos/); my $fails = 0; for my $file (sort @all_files) { next unless $file =~ /\.(c|h|pl|py|sh)$/ || basename($file) =~ /^makefile/i; my $troubles = {}; my $lineno = 1; my $content = read_file($file); push @{$troubles->{crlf_line_end}}, '?' if $content =~ /\r/; for my $l (split /\n/, $content) { push @{$troubles->{merge_conflict}}, $lineno if $l =~ /^(<<<<<<<|=======|>>>>>>>)([^<=>]|$)/; push @{$troubles->{trailing_space}}, $lineno if $l =~ / $/; push @{$troubles->{tab}}, $lineno if $l =~ /\t/ && basename($file) !~ /^makefile/i; push @{$troubles->{non_ascii_char}}, $lineno if $l =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/; push @{$troubles->{cpp_comment}}, $lineno if $file =~ /\.(c|h)$/ && ($l =~ /\s\/\// || $l =~ /\/\/\s/); # in ./src we prefer using XMEMCPY, XMALLOC, XFREE ... push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memcpy}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemcpy\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_malloc}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmalloc\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_realloc}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\brealloc\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_calloc}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bcalloc\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_free}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bfree\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memset}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemset\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memcpy}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemcpy\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_memcmp}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bmemcmp\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_strcmp}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bstrcmp\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_clock}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bclock\s*\(/; push @{$troubles->{unwanted_qsort}}, $lineno if $file =~ /^src\/.*\.c$/ && $l =~ /\bqsort\s*\(/; $lineno++; } for my $k (sort keys %$troubles) { warn "[$k] $file line:" . join(",", @{$troubles->{$k}}) . "\n"; $fails++; } } warn( $fails > 0 ? "check-source: FAIL $fails\n" : "check-source: PASS\n" ); return $fails; } sub check_defines { my $fails = 0; my $cust_h = read_file("src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h"); my $cryp_c = read_file("src/misc/crypt/crypt.c"); $cust_h =~ s|/\*.*?\*/||sg; # remove comments $cryp_c =~ s|/\*.*?\*/||sg; # remove comments my %def = map { $_ => 1 } map { $_ =~ s/^\s*#define\s+(LTC_\S+).*$/$1/; $_ } grep { /^\s*#define\s+LTC_\S+/ } split /\n/, $cust_h; for my $d (sort keys %def) { next if $d =~ /^LTC_(DH\d+|ECC\d+|ECC_\S+|MPI|MUTEX_\S+\(x\)|NO_\S+)$/; warn "$d missing in src/misc/crypt/crypt.c\n" and $fails++ if $cryp_c !~ /\Q$d\E/; } warn( $fails > 0 ? "check-defines: FAIL $fails\n" : "check-defines: PASS\n" ); return $fails; } sub prepare_variable { my ($varname, @list) = @_; my $output = "$varname="; my $len = length($output); foreach my $obj (sort @list) { $len = $len + length $obj; $obj =~ s/\*/\$/; if ($len > 100) { $output .= "\\\n"; $len = length $obj; } $output .= $obj . ' '; } $output =~ s/ $//; return $output; } sub prepare_msvc_files_xml { my ($all, $exclude_re, $targets) = @_; my $last = []; my $depth = 2; # sort files in the same order as visual studio (ugly, I know) my @parts = (); for my $orig (@$all) { my $p = $orig; $p =~ s|/|/~|g; $p =~ s|/~([^/]+)$|/$1|g; # now we have: 'src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_hash.c' > 'src/~pk/~rsa/rsa_verify_hash.c' my @l = map { sprintf "% -99s", $_ } split /\//, $p; push @parts, [ $orig, join(':', @l) ]; } my @sorted = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @parts; my $files = "<Files>\r\n"; for my $full (@sorted) { my @items = split /\//, $full; # split by '/' $full =~ s|/|\\|g; # replace '/' bt '\' shift @items; # drop first one (src) pop @items; # drop last one (filename.ext) my $current = \@items; if (join(':', @$current) ne join(':', @$last)) { my $common = 0; $common++ while ($last->[$common] && $current->[$common] && $last->[$common] eq $current->[$common]); my $back = @$last - $common; if ($back > 0) { $files .= ("\t" x --$depth) . "</Filter>\r\n" for (1..$back); } my $fwd = [ @$current ]; splice(@$fwd, 0, $common); for my $i (0..scalar(@$fwd) - 1) { $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "<Filter\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\tName=\"$fwd->[$i]\"\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t>\r\n"; $depth++; } $last = $current; } $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "<File\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\tRelativePath=\"$full\"\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t>\r\n"; if ($full =~ $exclude_re) { for (@$targets) { $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t<FileConfiguration\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\tName=\"$_\"\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\tExcludedFromBuild=\"true\"\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t>\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t<Tool\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tName=\"VCCLCompilerTool\"\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tAdditionalIncludeDirectories=\"\"\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tPreprocessorDefinitions=\"\"\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t/>\r\n"; $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t</FileConfiguration>\r\n"; } } ########### aes_enc "hack" disabled - discussion: https://github.com/libtom/libtomcrypt/pull/158 # if ($full eq 'src\ciphers\aes\aes.c') { #hack # my %cmd = ( # 'Debug|Win32' => [ 'Debug/aes.obj;Debug/aes_enc.obj', 'cl /nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "src\headers" /I "..\libtommath" /D "_DEBUG" /D "LTM_DESC" /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /D "LTC_SOURCE" /D "USE_LTM" /Fp"Debug/libtomcrypt.pch" /YX /Fo"Debug/" /Fd"Debug/" /FD /GZ /c $(InputPath)
cl /nologo /DENCRYPT_ONLY /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "src\headers" /I "..\libtommath" /D "_DEBUG" /D "LTM_DESC" /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /D "LTC_SOURCE" /D "USE_LTM" /Fp"Debug/libtomcrypt.pch" /YX /Fo"Debug/aes_enc.obj" /Fd"Debug/" /FD /GZ /c $(InputPath)
' ], # 'Release|Win32' => [ 'Release/aes.obj;Release/aes_enc.obj', 'cl /nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "src\headers" /I "..\libtommath" /D "_DEBUG" /D "LTM_DESC" /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /D "LTC_SOURCE" /D "USE_LTM" /Fp"Release/libtomcrypt.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /GZ /c $(InputPath)
cl /nologo /DENCRYPT_ONLY /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "src\headers" /I "..\libtommath" /D "_DEBUG" /D "LTM_DESC" /D "WIN32" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /D "LTC_SOURCE" /D "USE_LTM" /Fp"Release/libtomcrypt.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/aes_enc.obj" /Fd"Release/" /FD /GZ /c $(InputPath)
' ], # ); # for (@$targets) { # next unless $cmd{$_}; # $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t<FileConfiguration\r\n"; # $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\tName=\"$_\"\r\n"; # $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t>\r\n"; # $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t<Tool\r\n"; # $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tName=\"VCCustomBuildTool\"\r\n"; # $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tCommandLine=\"$cmd{$_}[1]\"\r\n"; # $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t\tOutputs=\"$cmd{$_}[0]\"\r\n"; # $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t\t/>\r\n"; # $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "\t</FileConfiguration>\r\n"; # } # } $files .= ("\t" x $depth) . "</File>\r\n"; } $files .= ("\t" x --$depth) . "</Filter>\r\n" for (@$last); $files .= "\t</Files>"; return $files; } sub patch_makefile { my ($in_ref, $out_ref, $data) = @_; open(my $src, '<', $in_ref); open(my $dst, '>', $out_ref); my $l = 0; while (<$src>) { if ($_ =~ /START_INS/) { print {$dst} $_; $l = 1; print {$dst} $data; } elsif ($_ =~ /END_INS/) { print {$dst} $_; $l = 0; } elsif ($l == 0) { print {$dst} $_; } } close $dst; close $src; } sub process_makefiles { my $write = shift; my $changed_count = 0; my @c = (); find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { push @c, $_ if -f $_ && $_ =~ /\.c$/ && $_ !~ /tab.c$/ } }, 'src'); my @h = (); find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { push @h, $_ if -f $_ && $_ =~ /\.h$/ && $_ !~ /dh_static.h$/ } }, 'src'); my @all = (); find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { push @all, $_ if -f $_ && $_ =~ /\.(c|h)$/ } }, 'src'); my @o = sort ('src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o', map { $_ =~ s/\.c$/.o/; $_ } @c); my $var_o = prepare_variable("OBJECTS", @o); (my $var_obj = $var_o) =~ s/\.o\b/.obj/sg; my $var_h = prepare_variable("HEADERS", (sort @h, 'testprof/tomcrypt_test.h')); my $msvc_files = prepare_msvc_files_xml(\@all, qr/tab\.c$/, ['Debug|Win32', 'Release|Win32', 'Debug|x64', 'Release|x64']); for my $m (qw/libtomcrypt_VS2008.vcproj/) { my $old = read_file($m); my $new = $old; $new =~ s|<Files>.*</Files>|$msvc_files|s; if ($old ne $new) { write_file($m, $new) if $write; warn "changed: $m\n"; $changed_count++; } } my @makefiles = qw( makefile makefile.icc makefile.shared makefile.unix makefile.mingw makefile.msvc ); for my $m (@makefiles) { my $old = read_file($m); my $new; if ($m eq 'makefile.msvc') { patch_makefile(\$old, \$new, "$var_obj\n\n$var_h\n\n"); } else { patch_makefile(\$old, \$new, "$var_o\n\n$var_h\n\n"); } if ($old ne $new) { write_file($m, $new) if $write; warn "changed: $m\n"; $changed_count++; } } if ($write) { return 0; # no failures } else { warn( $changed_count > 0 ? "check-makefiles: FAIL $changed_count\n" : "check-makefiles: PASS\n" ); return $changed_count; } } sub die_usage { die <<"MARKER"; usage: $0 --check-source $0 --check-defines $0 --check-makefiles $0 --check-all $0 --update-makefiles MARKER } GetOptions( "check-source" => \my $check_source, "check-defines" => \my $check_defines, "check-makefiles" => \my $check_makefiles, "check-all" => \my $check_all, "update-makefiles" => \my $update_makefiles, "help" => \my $help ) or die_usage; my $failure; $failure ||= check_source() if $check_all || $check_source; $failure ||= check_defines() if $check_all || $check_defines; $failure ||= process_makefiles(0) if $check_all || $check_makefiles; $failure ||= process_makefiles(1) if $update_makefiles; die_usage unless defined $failure; exit $failure ? 1 : 0;