# suppress compiler/linker output *.[oa] *.obj [Dd]ebug/ [Rr]elease/ # suppress output of build process gcc_[12].txt testok.txt test_*.txt tv.txt *_tv.txt # *nix/windows test executables test test.exe tv_gen tv_gen.exe timing timing.exe # Visual Studio special files # ignore user specific settings *.user *.suo # ignore non-compressed browse file (holds information for ClassView, IntelliSense and WizardBar) *.ncb # ignore VS intermediate and program database files *.idb *.pdb # oops ;) but we don't want them to appear in the repository... *.stackdump *.core # misc *.rej *.patch *.diff *.orig *.out *.ll *.gcda *.gcno *.gcov # coverity intermediate directory etc. cov-int/ .coverity_* libtomcrypt.lzma