/* portable way to get secure random bits to feed a PRNG */ #include "mycrypt.h" #ifdef DEVRANDOM /* on *NIX read /dev/random */ static unsigned long rng_nix(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, void (*callback)(void)) { #ifdef NO_FILE return 0; #else FILE *f; unsigned long x; #ifdef TRY_URANDOM_FIRST f = fopen("/dev/urandom", "rb"); if (f == NULL) #endif /* TRY_URANDOM_FIRST */ f = fopen("/dev/random", "rb"); if (f == NULL) { return 0; } /* disable buffering */ if (setvbuf(f, NULL, _IONBF, 0) != 0) { fclose(f); return 0; } x = (unsigned long)fread(buf, 1, (size_t)len, f); fclose(f); return x; #endif /* NO_FILE */ } #endif /* DEVRANDOM */ #ifdef SONY_PS2 #include #include #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) // Very simple/stupid MD5-based RNG that samples "entropy" from various PS2 control registers static unsigned long rng_ps2(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, void (*callback)(void)) { static unsigned long lastx[2] = { 0xaab7cb4b2fd3b2b9, 0xcec58aff72afe49f }; // md5sum of bits.c unsigned long j; unsigned int samples[10]; // number of sample data sources int l; hash_state md; for (j = 0; j < len; j += sizeof(lastx)) { md5_init(&md); samples[0] = *T2_COUNT; samples[1] = *T3_COUNT; samples[2] = *IPU_TOP; samples[3] = *GIF_TAG0; samples[4] = *GIF_TAG1; samples[5] = *GIF_TAG2; samples[6] = *VIF1_CODE; samples[7] = *VIF0_CODE; samples[8] = *D0_MADR; samples[9] = *D1_MADR; md5_process(&md, (unsigned char *)(&samples[0]), sizeof(samples)); // include previous round md5_process(&md, (unsigned char *)(&lastx[0]), sizeof(lastx)); md5_done(&md, (unsigned char *)(&lastx[0])); l = min(sizeof(lastx), len-j); memcpy(buf+j, &lastx[0], l); //min(sizeof(lastx), len-j)); } return len; } #endif /* SONY_PS2 */ /* on ANSI C platforms with 100 < CLOCKS_PER_SEC < 10000 */ #if !defined(SONY_PS2) && defined(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) #define ANSI_RNG static unsigned long rng_ansic(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, void (*callback)(void)) { clock_t t1; int l, acc, bits, a, b; if (XCLOCKS_PER_SEC < 100 || XCLOCKS_PER_SEC > 10000) { return 0; } l = len; bits = 8; acc = a = b = 0; while (len--) { if (callback != NULL) callback(); while (bits--) { do { t1 = XCLOCK(); while (t1 == XCLOCK()) a ^= 1; t1 = XCLOCK(); while (t1 == XCLOCK()) b ^= 1; } while (a == b); acc = (acc << 1) | a; } *buf++ = acc; acc = 0; bits = 8; } acc = bits = a = b = 0; return l; } #endif /* Try the Microsoft CSP */ #ifdef WIN32 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400 #include #include static unsigned long rng_win32(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, void (*callback)(void)) { HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0; if (!CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, (CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT | CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET)) && !CryptAcquireContext (&hProv, NULL, MS_DEF_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT | CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET | CRYPT_NEWKEYSET)) return 0; if (CryptGenRandom(hProv, len, buf) == TRUE) { CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); return len; } else { CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0); return 0; } } #endif /* WIN32 */ unsigned long rng_get_bytes(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long len, void (*callback)(void)) { unsigned long x; _ARGCHK(buf != NULL); #ifdef SONY_PS2 x = rng_ps2(buf, len, callback); if (x != 0) { return x; } #elif defined(DEVRANDOM) x = rng_nix(buf, len, callback); if (x != 0) { return x; } #endif #ifdef WIN32 x = rng_win32(buf, len, callback); if (x != 0) { return x; } #endif #ifdef ANSI_RNG x = rng_ansic(buf, len, callback); if (x != 0) { return x; } #endif return 0; } int rng_make_prng(int bits, int wprng, prng_state *prng, void (*callback)(void)) { unsigned char buf[256]; int err; _ARGCHK(prng != NULL); /* check parameter */ if ((err = prng_is_valid(wprng)) != CRYPT_OK) { return err; } if (bits < 64 || bits > 1024) { return CRYPT_INVALID_PRNGSIZE; } if ((err = prng_descriptor[wprng].start(prng)) != CRYPT_OK) { return err; } bits = ((bits/8)+((bits&7)!=0?1:0)) * 2; if (rng_get_bytes(buf, (unsigned long)bits, callback) != (unsigned long)bits) { return CRYPT_ERROR_READPRNG; } if ((err = prng_descriptor[wprng].add_entropy(buf, (unsigned long)bits, prng)) != CRYPT_OK) { return err; } if ((err = prng_descriptor[wprng].ready(prng)) != CRYPT_OK) { return err; } #ifdef CLEAN_STACK zeromem(buf, sizeof(buf)); #endif return CRYPT_OK; }