
4195 lines
183 KiB

\def\getsrandom{\stackrel{\rm R}{\gets}}
\def\cat{\hspace{0.5em} \| \hspace{0.5em}}
\def\divides{\hspace{0.3em} | \hspace{0.3em}}
\def\approx{\raisebox{0.2ex}{\mbox{\small $\sim$}}}
\def\lcm{{\rm lcm}}
\def\gcd{{\rm gcd}}
\def\log{{\rm log}}
\def\ord{{\rm ord}}
\def\abs{{\mathit abs}}
\def\rep{{\mathit rep}}
\def\mod{{\mathit\ mod\ }}
\renewcommand{\pmod}[1]{\ ({\rm mod\ }{#1})}
\def\Or{{\rm\ or\ }}
\def\And{{\rm\ and\ }}
\def\undefined{{\rm ``undefined"}}
\def\Proof{\vspace{1ex}\noindent {\bf Proof:}\hspace{1em}}
\def\Pr{{\rm Pr}}
\def\F{{\mathbb F}}
\def\N{{\mathbb N}}
\def\Z{{\mathbb Z}}
\def\R{{\mathbb R}}
\def\C{{\mathbb C}}
\def\Q{{\mathbb Q}}
\def\twiddle{\raisebox{0.3ex}{\mbox{\tiny $\sim$}}}
\title{Multiple-Precision Integer Arithmetic, \\ A Case Study Involving the LibTomMath Project \\ - DRAFT - }
Tom St Denis \\
Algonquin College \\
Mads Rasmussen \\
Open Communications Security \\
Gregory Rose \\
Qualcomm \\
This text in its entirety is copyrighted \copyright{}2003 by Tom St Denis. It may not be redistributed
electronically or otherwise without the sole permission of the author. The text is freely re distributable as long as
it is packaged along with the LibTomMath project in a non-commercial project. Contact the
author for other redistribution rights.
This text corresponds to the v0.17 release of the LibTomMath project.
Tom St Denis
111 Banning Rd
Ottawa, Ontario
K2L 1C3
Phone: 1-613-836-3160
This text is formatted to the international B5 paper size of 176mm wide by 250mm tall using the \LaTeX{}
{\em book} macro package and the Perl {\em booker} package.
\section{Multiple Precision Arithmetic}
\subsection{The Need for Multiple Precision Arithmetic}
The most prevalent use for multiple precision arithmetic (\textit{often referred to as bignum math}) is within public
key cryptography. Algorithms such as RSA, Diffie-Hellman and Elliptic Curve Cryptography require large integers in order to
resist known cryptanalytic attacks. Typical modern programming languages such as C and Java only provide small
single-precision data types which are incapable of precisely representing integers which are often hundreds of bits long.
For example, consider multiplying $1,234,567$ by $9,876,543$ in C with an ``unsigned long'' data type. With an
x86 machine the result is $4,136,875,833$ while the true result is $12,193,254,061,881$. The original inputs
were approximately $21$ and $24$ bits respectively. If the C language cannot multiply two relatively small values
together precisely how does anyone expect it to multiply two values which are considerably larger?
Most advancements in fast multiple precision arithmetic stems from the desire for faster cryptographic primitives. However, cryptography
is not the only field of study that can benefit fast large integer routines. Another auxiliary use for multiple precision integers is
high precision floating point data types. The basic IEEE standard floating point type is made up of an integer mantissa $q$ and an exponent $e$.
Numbers are given in the form $n = q \cdot b^e$ where $b = 2$ is convention. Since IEEE is meant to be implemented in
hardware the precision of the mantissa is often fairly small (\textit{roughly 23 bits}). Since the mantissa is merely an
integer a large multiple precision integer could be used. In effect very high precision floating point arithmetic
could be performed. This would be useful where scientific applications must minimize the total output error over long simulations.
\subsection{Multiple Precision Arithmetic}
\index{multiple precision}
Multiple precision arithmetic attempts to the solve the shortcomings of single precision data types such as those from
the C and Java programming languages. In essence multiple precision arithmetic is a set of operations that can be
performed on members of an algebraic group whose precision is not fixed. The algorithms when implemented to be multiple
precision can allow a developer to work with any practical precision required.
Typically the arithmetic is performed over the ring of integers denoted by a $\Z$ and referred to casually as ``bignum''
routines. However, it is possible to have rings of polynomials as well typically denoted by $\Z/p\Z \left [ X \right ]$
which could have variable precision (\textit{or degree}). This text will discuss implementation of the former, however,
implementing polynomial basis routines should be relatively easy after reading this text.
\subsection{Benefits of Multiple Precision Arithmetic}
\index{precision} \index{accuracy}
Precision is defined loosely as the proximity to the real value a given representation is. Accuracy is defined as the
reproducibility of the result. For example, the calculation $1/3 = 0.25$ is imprecise but can be accurate provided
it is reproducible.
The benefit of multiple precision representations over single precision representations is that
often no precision is lost while representing the result of an operation which requires excess precision. For example,
the multiplication of two $n$-bit integers requires at least $2n$ bits to represent the result. A multiple precision
system would augment the precision of the destination to accomodate the result while a single precision system would
truncate excess bits to maintain a fixed level of precision.
Multiple precision representations allow for the precision to be very high (\textit{if not exacting}) but at a cost of
modest computer resources. The only reasonable case where a multiple precision system will lose precision is when
emulating a floating point data type. However, with multiple precision integer arithmetic no precision is lost.
\subsection{Basis of Operations}
At the heart of all multiple precision integer operations are the ``long-hand'' algorithms we all learnt as children
in grade school. For example, to multiply $1,234$ by $981$ the student is not taught to memorize the times table for
$1,234$ instead they are taught how to long-multiply. That is to multiply each column using simple single digit
multiplications and add the resulting products by column. The representation that most are familiar with is known as
decimal or formally as radix-10. A radix-$n$ representation simply means there are $n$ possible values per digit.
For example, binary would be a radix-2 representation.
In essence computer based multiple precision arithmetic is very much the same. The most notable difference is the usage
of a binary friendly radix. That is to use a radix of the form $2^k$ where $k$ is typically the size of a machine
register. Also occasionally more optimal algorithms are used to perform certain operations such as multiplication and
squaring instead of traditional long-hand algorithms.
\section{Purpose of This Text}
The purpose of this text is to instruct the reader regarding how to implement multiple precision algorithms. That is
to not only explain the core theoretical algorithms but also the various ``house keeping'' tasks that are neglected by
authors of other texts on the subject. Texts such as Knuths' ``The Art of Computer Programming, vol 2.'' and the
Handbook of Applied Cryptography (\textit{HAC}) give considerably detailed explanations of the theoretical aspects of
the algorithms and very little regarding the practical aspects.
That is how an algorithm is explained and how it is actually implemented are two very different
realities. For example, algorithm 14.7 on page 594 of HAC lists a relatively simple algorithm for performing multiple
precision integer addition. However, what the description lacks is any discussion concerning the fact that the two
integer inputs may be of differing magnitudes. Similarly the division routine (\textit{Algorithm 14.20, pp. 598})
does not discuss how to handle sign or handle the dividends decreasing magnitude in the main loop (\textit{Step \#3}).
As well as the numerous practical oversights both of the texts do not discuss several key optimal algorithms required
such as ``Comba'' and Karatsuba multipliers and fast modular inversion. These optimal algorithms are considerably
vital to achieve any form of useful performance in non-trivial applications.
To solve this problem the focus of this text is on the practical aspects of implementing the algorithms that
constitute a multiple precision integer package with light cursory discussions on the theoretical aspects. As a case
study the ``LibTomMath''\footnote{Available freely at} package is used to demonstrate
algorithms with implementations that have been field tested and work very well.
\section{Discussion and Notation}
A multiple precision integer of $n$-digits shall be denoted as $x = (x_n ... x_1 x_0)_{ \beta }$ to be the
multiple precision notation for the integer $x \equiv \sum_{i=0}^{n} x_i\beta^i$. The elements of the array $x$ are
said to be the radix $\beta$ digits of the integer. For example, $x = (15,0,7)_{\beta}$ would represent the
integer $15\cdot\beta^2 + 0\cdot\beta^1 + 7\cdot\beta^0$.
A ``mp\_int'' shall refer to a composite structure which contains the digits of the integer as well as auxilary data
required to manipulate the data. These additional members are discussed in chapter three. For the purposes of this text
a ``multiple precision integer'' and a ``mp\_int'' are synonymous.
\index{single-precision} \index{double-precision} \index{mp\_digit} \index{mp\_word}
For the purposes of this text a single-precision variable must be able to represent integers in the range $0 \le x < 2 \beta$ while
a double-precision variable must be able to represent integers in the range $0 \le x < 2 \beta^2$. Within the source code that will be
presented the data type \textbf{mp\_digit} will represent a single-precision type while \textbf{mp\_word} will represent a
double-precision type. In several algorithms (\textit{notably the Comba routines}) temporary results
will be stored in a double-precision arrays. For the purposes of this text $x_j$ will refer to the
$j$'th digit of a single-precision array and $\hat x_j$ will refer to the $j$'th digit of a double-precision
\subsection{Work Effort}
To measure the efficiency of various algorithms a modified big-O notation is used. In this system all
single precision operations are considered to have the same cost\footnote{Except where explicitly noted.}.
That is a single precision addition, multiplication and division are assumed to take the same time to
complete. While this is generally not true in practice it will simplify the discussions considerably.
Some algorithms have slight advantages over others which is why some constants will not be removed in
the notation. For example, a normal multiplication requires $O(n^2)$ work while a squaring requires
$O({{n^2 + n}\over 2})$ work. In standard big-O notation these would be said to be equivalent. However, in the
context of the this text the magnitude of the inputs will not approach an infinite size. This means the conventional limit
notation wisdom does not apply to the cancellation of constants.
Throughout the discussions various ``work levels'' will be discussed. These levels are the $O(1)$,
$O(n)$, $O(n^2)$, ..., $O(n^k)$ work efforts. For example, operations at the $O(n^k)$ ``level'' are said to be
executed more frequently than operations at the $O(n^m)$ ``level'' when $k > m$. Obviously most optimizations will pay
off the most at the higher levels since they represent the bulk of the effort required.
Within the more advanced chapters a section will be set aside to give the reader some challenging exercises. These exercises are not
designed to be prize winning problems yet instead to be thought provoking. Wherever possible the problems are foreward minded stating
problems that will be answered in subsequent chapters. The reader is encouraged to finish the exercises as they appear to get a
better understanding of the subject material.
Similar to the exercises of \cite{TAOCPV2} as explained on pp.\textit{ix} these exercises are given a scoring system. However, unlike
\cite{TAOCPV2} the problems do not get nearly as hard as often. The scoring of these exercises ranges from one (\textit{the easiest}) to
five (\textit{the hardest}). The following table sumarizes the scoring.
$\left [ 1 \right ]$ & An easy problem that should only take the reader a manner of \\
& minutes to solve. Usually does not involve much computer time. \\
& \\
$\left [ 2 \right ]$ & An easy problem that involves a marginal amount of computer \\
& time usage. Usually requires a program to be written to \\
& solve the problem. \\
& \\
$\left [ 3 \right ]$ & A moderately hard problem that requires a non-trivial amount \\
& of work. Usually involves trivial research and development of \\
& new theory from the perspective of a student. \\
& \\
$\left [ 4 \right ]$ & A moderately hard problem that involves a non-trivial amount \\
& of work and research. The solution to which will demonstrate \\
& a higher mastery of the subject matter. \\
& \\
$\left [ 5 \right ]$ & A hard problem that involves concepts that are non-trivial. \\
& Solutions to these problems will demonstrate a complete mastery \\
& of the given subject. \\
& \\
Essentially problems at the first level are meant to be simple questions that the reader can answer quickly without programming a solution or
devising new theory. These problems are quick tests to see if the material is understood. Problems at the second level are also
designed to be easy but will require a program or algorithm to be implemented to arrive at the answer.
Problems at the third level are meant to be a bit more difficult. Often the answer is fairly obvious but arriving at an exacting solution
requires some thought and skill. These problems will almost always involve devising a new algorithm or implementing a variation of
another algorithm.
Problems at the fourth level are meant to be even more difficult as well as involve some research. The reader will most likely not know
the answer right away nor will this text provide the exact details of the answer (\textit{or at least not until a subsequent chapter}). Problems
at the fifth level are meant to be the hardest problems relative to all the other problems in the chapter. People who can correctly
answer fifth level problems have a mastery of the subject matter at hand.
Often problems will be tied together. The purpose of this is to start a chain of thought that will be discussed in future chapters. The reader
is encouraged to answer the follow-up problems and try to draw the relevence of problems.
\chapter{Introduction to LibTomMath}
\section{What is the LibTomMath?}
LibTomMath is a free and open source multiple precision number theoretic library written in portable ISO C
source code. By portable it is meant that the library does not contain any code that is platform dependent or otherwise
problematic to use on any given platform. The library has been successfully tested under numerous operating systems
including Solaris, MacOS, Windows, Linux, PalmOS and on standalone hardware such as the Gameboy Advance. The
library is designed to contain enough functionality to be able to develop number theoretic applications such as public
key cryptosystems.
\section{Goals of the LibTomMath}
Even though the library is written entirely in portable ISO C considerable care has been taken to
optimize the algorithm implementations within the library. Specifically the code has been written to work well with
the GNU C Compiler (\textit{GCC}) on both x86 and ARMv4 processors. Wherever possible optimal
algorithms (\textit{such as Karatsuba multiplication, sliding window exponentiation and Montgomery reduction.}) have
been provided to make the library as efficient as possible. Even with the optimal and sometimes specialized
algorithms that have been included the API has been kept as simple as possible. Often generic place holder routines
will make use of specialized algorithms automatically without the developers attention. One such example
is the generic multiplication algorithm \textbf{mp\_mul()} which will automatically use Karatsuba multiplication if the
inputs are of a specific size.
Making LibTomMath as efficient as possible is not the only goal of the LibTomMath project. Ideally the library should
be source compatible with another popular library which makes it more attractive for developers to use. In this case the
MPI library was used as a API template for all the basic functions.
The project is also meant to act as a learning tool for students. The logic being that no easy to follow ``bignum''
library exists which can be used to teach computer science students how to perform fast and reliable multiple precision
arithmetic. To this end the source code has been given quite a few comments and algorithm discussion points. Often
where applicable routines have more comments than lines of code.
\section{Choice of LibTomMath}
LibTomMath was chosen as the case study of this text not only because the author of both projects is one and the same but
for more worthy reasons. Other libraries such as GMP, MPI, LIP and OpenSSL have multiple precision
integer arithmetic routines but would not be ideal for this text for numerous reasons as will be explained in the
following sub-sections.
\subsection{Code Base}
The LibTomMath code base is all portable ISO C source code. This means that there are no platform dependent conditional
segments of code littered throughout the source. This clean and uncluttered approach to the library means that a
developer can more readily ascertain the true intent of a given section of source code without trying to keep track of
what conditional code will be used.
The code base of LibTomMath is also exceptionally well organized. Each function is in its own separate source code file
which allows the reader to find a given function very fast. When compiled with GCC for the x86 processor the entire
library is a mere 87,760 bytes (\textit{$116,182$ bytes for ARMv4 processors}). This includes every single function
LibTomMath provides from basic arithmetic to various number theoretic functions such as modular exponentiation, various
reduction algorithms and Jacobi symbol computation.
By comparison MPI which has fewer number theoretic functions than LibTomMath compiled with the same conditions is
45,429 bytes (\textit{$54,536$ for ARMv4}). GMP which has rather large collection of functions with the default
configuration on an x86 Athlon is 2,950,688 bytes. Note that while LibTomMath has fewer functions than GMP it has been
been used as the sole basis for several public key cryptosystems without having to seek additional outside functions
to supplement the library.
\subsection{API Simplicity}
LibTomMath is designed after the MPI library and shares the API design. Quite often programs that use MPI will build
with LibTomMath without change. The function names are relatively straight forward as to what they perform. Almost all of the
functions except for a few minor exceptions which as will be discussed are for good reasons share the same parameter passing
convention. The learning curve is fairly shallow with the API provided which is an extremely valuable benefit for the
student and developer alike.
The LIP library is an example of a library with an API that is awkward to work with. LIP uses function names that are often ``compressed'' to
illegible short hand. LibTomMath does not share this fault.
While LibTomMath is certainly not the fastest library (\textit{GMP often beats LibTomMath by a factor of two}) it does
feature a set of optimal algorithms for tasks ranging from modular reduction to squaring. GMP and LIP also feature
such optimizations while MPI only uses baseline algorithms with no optimizations.
LibTomMath is almost always a magnitude faster than the MPI library at computationally expensive tasks such as modular
exponentiation. In the grand scheme of ``bignum'' libraries LibTomMath is faster than the average library and usually
slower than the best libraries such as GMP and OpenSSL by a small factor.
\subsection{Portability and Stability}
LibTomMath will build ``out of the box'' on any platform equipped with a modern version of the GNU C Compiler
(\textit{GCC}). This means that without changes the library will build without configuration or setting up any
variables. LIP and MPI will build ``out of the box'' as well but have numerous known bugs. Most notably the author of
MPI is not working on his library anymore.
GMP requires a configuration script to run and will not build out of the box. GMP and LibTomMath are still in active
development and are very stable across a variety of platforms.
LibTomMath is a relatively compact, well documented, highly optimized and portable library which seems only natural for
the case study of this text. Various source files from the LibTomMath project will be included within the text. However, the
reader is encouraged to download their own copy of the library to actually be able to work with the library.
\chapter{Getting Started}
\section{Library Basics}
To get the ``ball rolling'' so to speak a primitive data type and a series of primitive algorithms must be established. First a data
type that will hold the information required to maintain a multiple precision integer must be designed. With this basic data type of a series
of low level algorithms for initializing, clearing, growing and clamping integers can be developed to form the basis of the entire
package of algorithms.
\section{The mp\_int structure}
First the data type for storing multiple precision integers must be designed. This data type must be able to hold information to
maintain an array of digits, how many are actually used in the representation and the sign. The ISO C standard does not provide for
any such data type but it does provide for making composite data types known as structures. The following is the structure definition
used within LibTomMath.
typedef struct {
int used, alloc, sign;
mp_digit *dp;
} mp_int;
The \textbf{used} parameter denotes how many digits of the array \textbf{dp} are actually being used. The array
\textbf{dp} holds the digits that represent the integer desired. The \textbf{alloc} parameter denotes how
many digits are available in the array to use by functions before it has to increase in size. When the \textbf{used} count
of a result would exceed the \textbf{alloc} count all LibTomMath routines will automatically increase the size of the
array to accommodate the precision of the result. The \textbf{sign} parameter denotes the sign as either zero/positive
(\textbf{MP\_ZPOS}) or negative (\textbf{MP\_NEG}).
\section{Argument Passing}
A convention of arugment passing must be adopted early on in the development of any library. Making the function prototypes
consistent will help eliminate many headaches in the future as the library grows to significant complexity. In LibTomMath the multiple precision
integer functions accept parameters from left to right as pointers to mp\_int structures. That means that the source operands are
placed on the left and the destination on the right. Consider the following examples.
mp_mul(&a, &b, &c); /* c = a * b */
mp_add(&a, &b, &a); /* a = a + b */
mp_sqr(&a, &b); /* b = a * a */
The left to right order is a fairly natural way to implement the functions since it lets the developer read aloud the
functions and make sense of them. For example, the first function would read ``multiply a and b and store in c''.
Certain libraries (\textit{LIP by Lenstra for instance}) accept parameters the other way around. That is the destination
on the left and arguments on the right. In truth it is entirely a matter of preference.
Another very useful design consideration is whether to allow argument sources to also be a destination. For example, the
second example (\textit{mp\_add}) adds $a$ to $b$ and stores in $a$. This is an important feature to implement since it
allows the higher up functions to cut down on the number of variables. However, to implement this feature specific
care has to be given to ensure the destination is not written before the source is fully read.
\section{Return Values}
A well implemented library, no matter what its purpose, should trap as many runtime errors as possible and return them to the
caller. By catching runtime errors a library can be guaranteed to prevent undefined behaviour within reason. In a multiple precision
library the only errors that are bound to occur are related to inappropriate inputs (\textit{division by zero for instance}) or
memory allocation errors.
In LibTomMath any function that can cause a runtime error will return an error as an \textbf{int} data type with one of the
following values.
\index{MP\_OKAY} \index{MP\_VAL} \index{MP\_MEM}
\hline \textbf{Value} & \textbf{Meaning} \\
\hline \textbf{MP\_OKAY} & The function was successful \\
\hline \textbf{MP\_VAL} & One of the input value(s) was invalid \\
\hline \textbf{MP\_MEM} & The function ran out of heap memory \\
When an error is detected within a function it should free any memory they allocated and return as soon as possible. The goal
is to leave the system in the same state the system was when the function was called. Error checking with this style of API is fairly simple.
int err;
if ((err = mp_add(&a, &b, &c)) != MP_OKAY) {
printf("Error: %d\n", err);
The GMP library uses C style \textit{signals} to flag errors which is of questionable use. Not all errors are fatal
and it is not ideal to force developers to have signal handlers for such cases.
\section{Initialization and Clearing}
The logical starting point when actually writing multiple precision integer functions is the initialization and
clearing of the integers. These two functions will be used by far the most throughout the algorithms whenever
temporary integers are required.
Given the basic mp\_int structure an initialization routine must first allocate memory to hold the digits of
the integer. Often it is optimal to allocate a sufficiently large pre-set number of digits even considering
the initial integer will represent zero. If only a single digit were allocated quite a few re-allocations
would occur for the majority of inputs. There exists a tradeoff between how many default digits to allocate
and how many re-allocations are tolerable.
If the memory for the digits has been successfully allocated then the rest of the members of the structure must
be initialized. Since the initial state is to represent a zero integer the digits allocated must all be zeroed. The
\textbf{used} count set to zero and \textbf{sign} set to \textbf{MP\_ZPOS}.
\subsection{Initializing an mp\_int}
To initialize an mp\_int the mp\_init algorithm shall be used. The purpose of this algorithm is to allocate
the memory required and initialize the integer to a default representation of zero.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_init}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ \\
\textbf{Output}. Allocate memory for the digits and set to a zero state. \\
\hline \\
1. Allocate memory for \textbf{MP\_PREC} digits. \\
2. If the allocation failed then return(\textit{MP\_MEM}) \\
3. for $n$ from $0$ to $MP\_PREC - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}3.1 $a_n \leftarrow 0$\\
4. $a.sign \leftarrow MP\_ZPOS$\\
5. $a.used \leftarrow 0$\\
6. $a.alloc \leftarrow MP\_PREC$\\
7. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY})\\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_init}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_init.}
The \textbf{MP\_PREC} variable is a simple constant used to dictate minimal precision of allocated integers. It is ideally at least equal to $32$ but
can be any reasonable power of two. Step one and two allocate the memory and account for it. If the allocation fails the algorithm returns
immediately to signal the failure. Step three will ensure that all the digits are in the default state of zero. Finally steps
four through six set the default settings of the \textbf{sign}, \textbf{used} and \textbf{alloc} members of the mp\_int structure.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_init.c
017 /* init a new bigint */
018 int
019 mp_init (mp_int * a)
020 \{
021 /* allocate ram required and clear it */
022 a->dp = OPT_CAST calloc (sizeof (mp_digit), MP_PREC);
023 if (a->dp == NULL) \{
024 return MP_MEM;
025 \}
027 /* set the used to zero, allocated digit to the default precision
028 * and sign to positive */
029 a->used = 0;
030 a->alloc = MP_PREC;
031 a->sign = MP_ZPOS;
033 return MP_OKAY;
034 \}
The \textbf{OPT\_CAST} type cast on line 22 is designed to allow C++ compilers to build the code out of
the box. Microsoft C V5.00 is known to cause problems without the cast. Also note that if the memory
allocation fails the other members of the mp\_int will be in an undefined state. The code from
line 29 to line 31 sets the default state for a mp\_int which is zero, positive and no used digits.
\subsection{Clearing an mp\_int}
When an mp\_int is no longer required the memory allocated for it can be cleared from the heap with
the mp\_clear algorithm.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_clear}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ \\
\textbf{Output}. The memory for $a$ is cleared. \\
\hline \\
1. If $a$ has been previously freed then return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
2. Free the digits of $a$ and mark $a$ as freed. \\
3. $a.used \leftarrow 0$ \\
4. $a.alloc \leftarrow 0$ \\
5. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_clear}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_clear.}
In steps one and two the memory for the digits are only free'd if they had not been previously released before.
This is more of concern for the implementation since it is used to prevent ``double-free'' errors. It also helps catch
code errors where mp\_ints are used after being cleared. Simiarly steps three and four set the
\textbf{used} and \textbf{alloc} to known values which would be easy to spot during debugging. For example, if an mp\_int is expected
to be non-zero and its \textbf{used} member observed to be zero (\textit{due to being cleared}) then an obvious bug in the code has been
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_clear.c
017 /* clear one (frees) */
018 void
019 mp_clear (mp_int * a)
020 \{
021 if (a->dp != NULL) \{
023 /* first zero the digits */
024 memset (a->dp, 0, sizeof (mp_digit) * a->used);
026 /* free ram */
027 free (a->dp);
029 /* reset members to make debugging easier */
030 a->dp = NULL;
031 a->alloc = a->used = 0;
032 \}
033 \}
The \textbf{if} statement on line 21 prevents the heap from being corrupted if a user double-frees an
mp\_int. For example, a trivial case of this bug would be as follows.
mp_int a;
Without that check the code would try to free the memory allocated for the digits twice which will cause most standard C
libraries to cause a fault. Also by setting the pointer to \textbf{NULL} it helps debug code that may inadvertently
free the mp\_int before it is truly not needed. The allocated digits are set to zero before being freed on line 24.
This is ideal for cryptographic situations where the mp\_int is a secret parameter.
The following snippet is an example of using both the init and clear functions.
#include <tommath.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
mp_int num;
int err;
/* init the bignum */
if ((err = mp_init(&num)) != MP_OKAY) {
printf("Error: %d\n", err);
/* do work with it ... */
/* clear up */
\section{Other Initialization Routines}
It is often helpful to have specialized initialization algorithms to simplify the design of other algorithms. For example, an
initialization followed by a copy is a common operation when temporary copies of integers are required. It is quite
beneficial to have a series of simple helper functions available.
\subsection{Initializing Variable Sized mp\_int Structures}
Occasionally the number of digits required will be known in advance of an initialization. In these
cases the mp\_init\_size algorithm can be of use. The purpose of this algorithm is similar to mp\_init except that
it will allocate \textit{at least} a specified number of digits. This is ideal to prevent re-allocations when the
input size is known.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_init\_size}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ and the requested number of digits $b$\\
\textbf{Output}. $a$ is initialized to hold at least $b$ digits. \\
\hline \\
1. $u \leftarrow b\mbox{ (mod }MP\_PREC\mbox{)}$ \\
2. $v \leftarrow b + 2 \cdot MP\_PREC - u$ \\
3. Allocate $v$ digits. \\
4. If the allocation failed then return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
5. for $n$ from $0$ to $v - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}5.1 $a_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
6. $a.sign \leftarrow MP\_ZPOS$\\
7. $a.used \leftarrow 0$\\
8. $a.alloc \leftarrow v$\\
9. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY})\\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_init\_size}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_init\_size.}
The value of $v$ is calculated to be at least the requested amount of digits $b$ plus additional padding. The padding is calculated
to be at least \textbf{MP\_PREC} digits plus enough digits to make the digit count a multiple of \textbf{MP\_PREC}. This padding is used to
prevent trivial allocations from becomming a bottleneck in the rest of the algorithms that depend on this.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_init\_size.c
017 /* init a mp_init and grow it to a given size */
018 int
019 mp_init_size (mp_int * a, int size)
020 \{
022 /* pad size so there are always extra digits */
023 size += (MP_PREC * 2) - (size & (MP_PREC - 1));
025 /* alloc mem */
026 a->dp = OPT_CAST calloc (sizeof (mp_digit), size);
027 if (a->dp == NULL) \{
028 return MP_MEM;
029 \}
030 a->used = 0;
031 a->alloc = size;
032 a->sign = MP_ZPOS;
034 return MP_OKAY;
035 \}
Line 23 will ensure that the number of digits actually allocated is padded up to the next multiple of
\textbf{MP\_PREC} plus an additional \textbf{MP\_PREC}. This ensures that the number of allocated digit is
always greater than the amount requested. As a result it prevents many trivial memory allocations. The value of
\textbf{MP\_PREC} is defined in ``tommath.h'' and must be a power of two.
\subsection{Creating a Clone}
Another common sequence of operations is to make a local temporary copy of an argument. To initialize then copy a mp\_int will be known as
creating a clone. This is useful within functions that need to modify an integer argument but do not wish to actually modify the original copy.
The mp\_init\_copy algorithm will perform this very task.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_init\_copy}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ and $b$\\
\textbf{Output}. $a$ is initialized to be a copy of $b$. \\
\hline \\
1. Init $a$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_init}) \\
2. If the init of $a$ was unsuccessful return(\textit{MP\_MEM}) \\
3. Copy $b$ to $a$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_copy}) \\
4. Return the status of the copy operation. \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_init\_copy}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_init\_copy.}
This algorithm will initialize a mp\_int variable and copy another previously initialized mp\_int variable into it. The algorithm will
detect when the initialization fails and returns the error to the calling algorithm. As such this algorithm will perform two operations
in one step.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_init\_copy.c
017 /* creates "a" then copies b into it */
018 int
019 mp_init_copy (mp_int * a, mp_int * b)
020 \{
021 int res;
023 if ((res = mp_init (a)) != MP_OKAY) \{
024 return res;
025 \}
026 return mp_copy (b, a);
027 \}
This will initialize \textbf{a} and make it a verbatim copy of the contents of \textbf{b}. Note that
\textbf{a} will have its own memory allocated which means that \textbf{b} may be cleared after the call
and \textbf{a} will be left intact.
\subsection{Multiple Integer Initializations}
Occasionally a function will require a series of mp\_int data types to be made available. The mp\_init\_multi algorithm
is provided to simplify such cases. The purpose of this algorithm is to initialize a variable length array of mp\_int
structures at once. As a result algorithms that require multiple integers only has to use
one algorithm to initialize all the mp\_int variables.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_init\_multi}. \\
\textbf{Input}. Variable length array of mp\_int variables of length $k$. \\
\textbf{Output}. The array is initialized such that each each mp\_int is ready to use. \\
\hline \\
1. for $n$ from 0 to $k - 1$ do \\
\hspace{+3mm}1.1. Initialize the $n$'th mp\_int (\textit{hint: use mp\_init}) \\
\hspace{+3mm}1.2. If initialization failed then do \\
\hspace{+6mm}1.2.1. for $j$ from $0$ to $n$ do \\
\hspace{+9mm} Free the $j$'th mp\_int (\textit{hint: use mp\_clear}) \\
\hspace{+6mm}1.2.2. Return(\textit{MP\_MEM}) \\
2. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}) \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_init\_multi}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_init\_multi.}
The algorithm will initialize the array of mp\_int variables one at a time. As soon as an runtime error is detected (\textit{step 1.2}) all of
the previously initialized variables are cleared. The goal is an ``all or nothing'' initialization which allows for quick recovery from runtime
\subsection{Multiple Integer Clearing}
Similarly to clear a variable length list of mp\_int structures the mp\_clear\_multi algorithm will be used.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_multi.c
016 #include <stdarg.h>
018 int mp_init_multi(mp_int *mp, ...)
019 \{
020 mp_err res = MP_OKAY; /* Assume ok until proven otherwise */
021 int n = 0; /* Number of ok inits */
022 mp_int* cur_arg = mp;
023 va_list args;
025 va_start(args, mp); /* init args to next argument from caller */
026 while (cur_arg != NULL) \{
027 if (mp_init(cur_arg) != MP_OKAY) \{
028 /* Oops - error! Back-track and mp_clear what we already
029 succeeded in init-ing, then return error.
030 */
031 va_list clean_args;
033 /* end the current list */
034 va_end(args);
036 /* now start cleaning up */
037 cur_arg = mp;
038 va_start(clean_args, mp);
039 while (n--) \{
040 mp_clear(cur_arg);
041 cur_arg = va_arg(clean_args, mp_int*);
042 \}
043 va_end(clean_args);
044 res = MP_MEM;
045 break;
046 \}
047 n++;
048 cur_arg = va_arg(args, mp_int*);
049 \}
050 va_end(args);
051 return res; /* Assumed ok, if error flagged above. */
052 \}
054 void mp_clear_multi(mp_int *mp, ...)
055 \{
056 mp_int* next_mp = mp;
057 va_list args;
058 va_start(args, mp);
059 while (next_mp != NULL) \{
060 mp_clear(next_mp);
061 next_mp = va_arg(args, mp_int*);
062 \}
063 va_end(args);
064 \}
Consider the following snippet which demonstrates how to use both routines.
#include <tommath.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
mp_int num1, num2, num3;
int err;
if ((err = mp_init_multi(&num1, &num2, &num3, NULL)) !- MP_OKAY) {
printf("Error: %d\n", err);
/* at this point num1/num2/num3 are ready */
/* free them */
mp_clear_multi(&num1, &num2, &num3, NULL);
A small useful collection of mp\_int maintenance functions will also prove useful.
\subsection{Augmenting Integer Precision}
When storing a value in an mp\_int sufficient digits must be available to accomodate the entire value without
loss of precision. Quite often the size of the array given by the \textbf{alloc} member is large enough to simply
increase the \textbf{used} digit count. However, when the size of the array is too small it must be re-sized
appropriately to accomodate the result. The mp\_grow algorithm will provide this functionality.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_grow}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ and an integer $b$. \\
\textbf{Output}. $a$ is expanded to accomodate $b$ digits. \\
\hline \\
1. if $a.alloc \ge b$ then return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}) \\
2. $u \leftarrow b\mbox{ (mod }MP\_PREC\mbox{)}$ \\
3. $v \leftarrow b + 2 \cdot MP\_PREC - u$ \\
4. Re-Allocate the array of digits $a$ to size $v$ \\
5. If the allocation failed then return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
6. for n from a.alloc to $v - 1$ do \\
\hspace{+3mm}6.1 $a_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
7. $a.alloc \leftarrow v$ \\
8. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}) \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_grow}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_grow.}
Step one will prevent a re-allocation from being performed if it was not required. This is useful to prevent mp\_ints
from growing excessively in code that erroneously calls mp\_grow. Similar to mp\_init\_size the requested digit count
is padded to provide more digits than requested.
In step four it is assumed that the reallocation leaves the lower $a.alloc$ digits intact. Much akin to how the
\textit{realloc} function from the standard C library works. Since the newly allocated digits are assumed to contain
undefined values they are also initially zeroed.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_grow.c
017 /* grow as required */
018 int
019 mp_grow (mp_int * a, int size)
020 \{
021 int i;
023 /* if the alloc size is smaller alloc more ram */
024 if (a->alloc < size) \{
025 /* ensure there are always at least MP_PREC digits extra on top */
026 size += (MP_PREC * 2) - (size & (MP_PREC - 1));
028 a->dp = OPT_CAST realloc (a->dp, sizeof (mp_digit) * size);
029 if (a->dp == NULL) \{
030 return MP_MEM;
031 \}
033 /* zero excess digits */
034 i = a->alloc;
035 a->alloc = size;
036 for (; i < a->alloc; i++) \{
037 a->dp[i] = 0;
038 \}
039 \}
040 return MP_OKAY;
041 \}
The first step is to see if we actually need to perform a re-allocation at all. This is tested for on line
24. Similar to mp\_init\_size the same code on line 26 was used to resize the
digits requested. A simple for loop from line 34 to line 38 will zero all digits that were above the
old \textbf{alloc} limit to make sure the integer is in a known state.
\subsection{Clamping Excess Digits}
When a function anticipates a result will be $n$ digits it is simpler to assume this is true within the body of
the function. For example, a multiplication of a $i$ digit number by a $j$ digit produces a result of at most
$i + j + 1$ digits. It is entirely possible that the result is $i + j$ though, with no final carry into the last
position. However, suppose the destination had to be first expanded (\textit{via mp\_grow}) to accomodate $i + j$
digits than further expanded to accomodate the final carry. That would be a considerable waste of time since heap
operations are relatively slow.
The ideal solution is to always assume the result is $i + j + 1$ and fix up the \textbf{used} count after the function
terminates. This way a single heap operation (\textit{at most}) is required. However, if the result was not checked
there would be an excess high order zero digit.
For example, suppose the product of two integers was $x_n = (0x_{n-1}x_{n-2}...x_0)_{\beta}$. The leading zero digit
will not contribute to the precision of the result. In fact, through subsequent operations more leading zero digits would
accumulate to the point the size of the integer would be prohibitive. As a result even though the precision is very
low the representation is excessively large.
The mp\_clamp algorithm is designed to solve this very problem. It will trim leading zeros by decrementing the
\textbf{used} count until a non-zero leading digit is found. Also in this system, zero is considered to be a positive
number which means that if the \textbf{used} count is decremented to zero the sign must be set to \textbf{MP\_ZPOS}.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_clamp}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ \\
\textbf{Output}. Any excess leading zero digits of $a$ are removed \\
\hline \\
1. while $a.used > 0$ and $a_{a.used - 1} = 0$ do \\
\hspace{+3mm}1.1 $a.used \leftarrow a.used - 1$ \\
2. if $a.used = 0$ then do \\
\hspace{+3mm}2.1 $a.sign \leftarrow MP\_ZPOS$ \\
\hline \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_clamp}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_clamp.}
As can be expected this algorithm is very simple. The loop on step one is indended to be iterate only once or twice at
the most. For example, for cases where there is not a carry to fill the last position. Step two fixes the sign for
when all of the digits are zero to ensure that the mp\_int is valid at all times.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_clamp.c
017 /* trim unused digits
018 *
019 * This is used to ensure that leading zero digits are
020 * trimed and the leading "used" digit will be non-zero
021 * Typically very fast. Also fixes the sign if there
022 * are no more leading digits
023 */
024 void
025 mp_clamp (mp_int * a)
026 \{
027 while (a->used > 0 && a->dp[a->used - 1] == 0) \{
028 --(a->used);
029 \}
030 if (a->used == 0) \{
031 a->sign = MP_ZPOS;
032 \}
033 \}
Note on line 27 how to test for the \textbf{used} count is made on the left of the \&\& operator. In the C programming
language the terms to \&\& are evaluated left to right with a boolean short-circuit if any condition fails. This is
important since if the \textbf{used} is zero the test on the right would fetch below the array. That is obviously
undesirable. The parenthesis on line 28 is used to make sure the \textbf{used} count is decremented and not
the pointer ``a''.
$\left [ 1 \right ]$ & Discuss the relevance of the \textbf{used} member of the mp\_int structure. \\
& \\
$\left [ 1 \right ]$ & Discuss the consequences of not using padding when performing allocations. \\
& \\
$\left [ 2 \right ]$ & Estimate an ideal value for \textbf{MP\_PREC} when performing 1024-bit RSA \\
& encryption when $\beta = 2^{28}$. \\
& \\
$\left [ 1 \right ]$ & Discuss the relevance of the algorithm mp\_clamp. What does it prevent? \\
& \\
$\left [ 1 \right ]$ & Give an example of when the algorithm mp\_init\_copy might be useful. \\
& \\
\chapter{Basic Operations}
\section{Copying an Integer}
After the various house-keeping routines are in place, simpl algorithms can be designed to take advantage of them. Being able
to make a verbatim copy of an integer is a very useful function to have. To copy an integer the mp\_copy algorithm will be used.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_copy}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ and $b$. \\
\textbf{Output}. Store a copy of $a$ in $b$. \\
\hline \\
1. Check if $a$ and $b$ point to the same location in memory. \\
2. If true then return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
3. If $b.alloc < a.used$ then grow $b$ to $a.used$ digits. (\textit{hint: use mp\_grow}) \\
4. If failed to grow then return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
5. for $n$ from 0 to $a.used - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}5.1 $b_{n} \leftarrow a_{n}$ \\
6. if $a.used < b.used - 1$ then \\
\hspace{3mm}6.1. for $n$ from $a.used$ to $b.used - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}6.1.1 $b_{n} \leftarrow 0$ \\
7. $b.used \leftarrow a.used$ \\
8. $b.sign \leftarrow a.sign$ \\
9. return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}) \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_copy}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_copy.}
Step 1 and 2 make sure that the two mp\_ints are unique. This allows the user to call the copy function with
potentially the same input and not waste time. Step 3 and 4 ensure that the destination is large enough to
hold a copy of the input $a$. Note that the \textbf{used} member of $b$ may be smaller than the \textbf{used}
member of $a$ but a memory re-allocation is only required if the \textbf{alloc} member of $b$ is smaller. This
prevents trivial memory reallocations.
Step 5 copies the digits from $a$ to $b$ while step 6 ensures that if initially $\vert b \vert > \vert a \vert$,
the leading digits of $b$ will be zeroed. Finally steps 7 and 8 copies the \textbf{used} and \textbf{sign} members over
which completes the copy operation.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_copy.c
017 /* copy, b = a */
018 int
019 mp_copy (mp_int * a, mp_int * b)
020 \{
021 int res, n;
023 /* if dst == src do nothing */
024 if (a == b || a->dp == b->dp) \{
025 return MP_OKAY;
026 \}
028 /* grow dest */
029 if ((res = mp_grow (b, a->used)) != MP_OKAY) \{
030 return res;
031 \}
033 /* zero b and copy the parameters over */
034 \{
035 register mp_digit *tmpa, *tmpb;
037 /* pointer aliases */
038 tmpa = a->dp;
039 tmpb = b->dp;
041 /* copy all the digits */
042 for (n = 0; n < a->used; n++) \{
043 *tmpb++ = *tmpa++;
044 \}
046 /* clear high digits */
047 for (; n < b->used; n++) \{
048 *tmpb++ = 0;
049 \}
050 \}
051 b->used = a->used;
052 b->sign = a->sign;
053 return MP_OKAY;
054 \}
Source lines 23-31 do the initial house keeping. That is to see if the input is unique and if so to
make sure there is enough room. If not enough space is available it returns the error and leaves the destination variable
The inner loop of the copy operation is contained between lines 34 and 50. Many LibTomMath routines are designed with this source code style
in mind, making aliases to shorten lengthy pointers (\textit{see line 38 and 39}) for rapid to use. Also the
use of nested braces creates a simple way to denote various portions of code that reside on various work levels. Here, the copy loop is at the
$O(n)$ level.
\section{Zeroing an Integer}
Reseting an mp\_int to the default state is a common step in many algorithms. The mp\_zero algorithm will be the algorithm used to
perform this task.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_zero}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ \\
\textbf{Output}. Zero the contents of $a$ \\
\hline \\
1. $a.used \leftarrow 0$ \\
2. $a.sign \leftarrow$ MP\_ZPOS \\
3. for $n$ from 0 to $a.alloc - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}3.1 $a_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_zero}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_zero.}
This algorithm simply resets a mp\_int to the default state.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_zero.c
017 /* set to zero */
018 void
019 mp_zero (mp_int * a)
020 \{
021 a->sign = MP_ZPOS;
022 a->used = 0;
023 memset (a->dp, 0, sizeof (mp_digit) * a->alloc);
024 \}
After the function is completed, all of the digits are zeroed, the \textbf{used} count is zeroed and the
\textbf{sign} variable is set to \textbf{MP\_ZPOS}.
\section{Sign Manipulation}
\subsection{Absolute Value}
With the mp\_int representation of an integer, calculating the absolute value is trivial. The mp\_abs algorithm will compute
the absolute value of an mp\_int.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_abs}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ \\
\textbf{Output}. Computes $b = \vert a \vert$ \\
\hline \\
1. Copy $a$ to $b$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_copy}) \\
2. If the copy failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
3. $b.sign \leftarrow MP\_ZPOS$ \\
4. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}) \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_abs}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_abs.}
This algorithm computes the absolute of an mp\_int input. As can be expected the algorithm is very trivial.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_abs.c
017 /* b = |a|
018 *
019 * Simple function copies the input and fixes the sign to positive
020 */
021 int
022 mp_abs (mp_int * a, mp_int * b)
023 \{
024 int res;
025 if ((res = mp_copy (a, b)) != MP_OKAY) \{
026 return res;
027 \}
028 b->sign = MP_ZPOS;
029 return MP_OKAY;
030 \}
\subsection{Integer Negation}
With the mp\_int representation of an integer, calculating the negation is also trivial. The mp\_neg algorithm will compute
the negative of an mp\_int input.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_neg}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ \\
\textbf{Output}. Computes $b = -a$ \\
\hline \\
1. Copy $a$ to $b$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_copy}) \\
2. If the copy failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
3. If $a.sign = MP\_ZPOS$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}3.1 $b.sign = MP\_NEG$. \\
4. else do \\
\hspace{3mm}4.1 $b.sign = MP\_ZPOS$. \\
5. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}) \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_neg}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_neg.}
This algorithm computes the negation of an input.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_neg.c
017 /* b = -a */
018 int
019 mp_neg (mp_int * a, mp_int * b)
020 \{
021 int res;
022 if ((res = mp_copy (a, b)) != MP_OKAY) \{
023 return res;
024 \}
025 b->sign = (a->sign == MP_ZPOS) ? MP_NEG : MP_ZPOS;
026 return MP_OKAY;
027 \}
\section{Small Constants}
\subsection{Setting Small Constants}
Often a mp\_int must be set to a relatively small value such as $1$ or $2$. For these cases the mp\_set algorithm is useful.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_set}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ and a digit $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. Make $a$ equivalent to $b$ \\
\hline \\
1. Zero $a$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_zero}). \\
2. $a_0 \leftarrow b \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
3. $a.used \leftarrow \left \lbrace \begin{array}{ll}
1 & \mbox{if }a_0 > 0 \\
0 & \mbox{if }a_0 = 0
\end{array} \right .$ \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_set}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_set.}
This algorithm sets a mp\_int to a small single digit value. Step number 1 ensures that the integer is reset to the default state. The
single digit is set (\textit{modulo $\beta$}) and the \textbf{used} count is adjusted accordingly.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_set.c
017 /* set to a digit */
018 void
019 mp_set (mp_int * a, mp_digit b)
020 \{
021 mp_zero (a);
022 a->dp[0] = b & MP_MASK;
023 a->used = (a->dp[0] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
024 \}
Line 21 calls mp\_zero() to clear the mp\_int and reset the sign. Line 22 actually copies digit
into the least significant location. Note the usage of a new constant \textbf{MP\_MASK}. This constant is used to quickly
reduce an integer modulo $\beta$. Since $\beta = 2^k$ it suffices to perform a binary AND with $MP\_MASK = 2^k - 1$ to perform
the reduction. Finally line 23 will set the \textbf{used} member with respect to the digit actually set. This function
will always make the integer positive.
One important limitation of this function is that it will only set one digit. The size of a digit is not fixed, meaning source that uses
this function should take that into account. The define \textbf{DIGIT\_BIT} in ``tommath.h''
defines how many bits per digit are available. Generally at least seven bits are guaranteed to be available per
digit. This means that trivially small constants can be set using this function.
\subsection{Setting Large Constants}
To overcome the limitations of the mp\_set algorithm the mp\_set\_int algorithm is provided. It accepts a ``long''
data type as input and will always treat it as a 32-bit integer.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_set\_int}. \\
\textbf{Input}. An mp\_int $a$ and a ``long'' integer $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. Make $a$ equivalent to $b$ \\
\hline \\
1. Zero $a$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_zero}) \\
2. for $n$ from 0 to 7 do \\
\hspace{3mm}2.1 $a \leftarrow a \cdot 16$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_mul2d}) \\
\hspace{3mm}2.2 $u \leftarrow \lfloor b / 2^{4(7 - n)} \rfloor \mbox{ (mod }16\mbox{)}$\\
\hspace{3mm}2.3 $a_0 \leftarrow a_0 + u$ \\
\hspace{3mm}2.4 $a.used \leftarrow a.used + \lfloor 32 / lg(\beta) \rfloor + 1$ \\
3. Clamp excess used digits (\textit{hint: use mp\_clamp}) \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_set\_int}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_set\_int.}
The algorithm performs eight iterations of a simple loop where in each iteration four bits from the source are added to the
mp\_int. Step 2.1 will multiply the current result by sixteen making room for four more bits. In step 2.2 the
next four bits from the source are extracted. The four bits are added to the mp\_int and the \textbf{used} digit count is
incremented. The \textbf{used} digit counter is incremented since if any of the leading digits were zero the mp\_int would have
zero digits used and the newly added four bits would be ignored.
Excess zero digits are trimmed in steps 2.1 and 3 by using higher level algorithms mp\_mul2d and mp\_clamp.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_set\_int.c
017 /* set a 32-bit const */
018 int
019 mp_set_int (mp_int * a, unsigned int b)
020 \{
021 int x, res;
023 mp_zero (a);
024 /* set four bits at a time */
025 for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) \{
026 /* shift the number up four bits */
027 if ((res = mp_mul_2d (a, 4, a)) != MP_OKAY) \{
028 return res;
029 \}
031 /* OR in the top four bits of the source */
032 a->dp[0] |= (b >> 28) & 15;
034 /* shift the source up to the next four bits */
035 b <<= 4;
037 /* ensure that digits are not clamped off */
038 a->used += 32 / DIGIT_BIT + 2;
039 \}
040 mp_clamp (a);
041 return MP_OKAY;
042 \}
This function sets four bits of the number at a time to handle all practical \textbf{DIGIT\_BIT} sizes. The weird
addition on line 38 ensures that the newly added in bits are added to the number of digits. While it may not
seem obvious as to why the digit counter does not grow exceedingly large it is because of the shift on line 27
as well as the call to mp\_clamp() on line 40. Both functions will clamp excess leading digits which keeps
the number of used digits low.
\subsection{Unsigned Comparisions}
Comparing a multiple precision integer is performed with the exact same algorithm used to compare two decimal numbers. For example,
to compare $1,234$ to $1,264$ the digits are extracted by their positions. That is we compare $1 \cdot 10^3 + 2 \cdot 10^2 + 3 \cdot 10^1 + 4 \cdot 10^0$
to $1 \cdot 10^3 + 2 \cdot 10^2 + 6 \cdot 10^1 + 4 \cdot 10^0$ by comparing single digits at a time starting with the highest magnitude
positions. If any leading digit of one integer is greater than a digit in the same position of another integer then obviously it must be greater.
The first comparision routine that will be developed is the unsigned magnitude compare which will perform a comparison based on the digits of two
mp\_int variables alone. It will ignore the sign of the two inputs. Such a function is useful when an absolute comparison is required or if the
signs are known to agree in advance.
To facilitate working with the results of the comparison functions three constants are required.
\hline \textbf{Constant} & \textbf{Meaning} \\
\hline \textbf{MP\_GT} & Greater Than \\
\hline \textbf{MP\_EQ} & Equal To \\
\hline \textbf{MP\_LT} & Less Than \\
\caption{Comparison Return Codes}
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_cmp\_mag}. \\
\textbf{Input}. Two mp\_ints $a$ and $b$. \\
\textbf{Output}. Unsigned comparison results ($a$ to the left of $b$). \\
\hline \\
1. If $a.used > b.used$ then return(\textit{MP\_GT}) \\
2. If $a.used < b.used$ then return(\textit{MP\_LT}) \\
3. for n from $a.used - 1$ to 0 do \\
\hspace{+3mm}3.1 if $a_n > b_n$ then return(\textit{MP\_GT}) \\
\hspace{+3mm}3.2 if $a_n < b_n$ then return(\textit{MP\_LT}) \\
4. Return(\textit{MP\_EQ}) \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_cmp\_mag}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_cmp\_mag.}
By saying ``$a$ to the left of $b$'' it is meant that the comparison is with respect to $a$, that is if $a$ is greater than $b$ it will return
\textbf{MP\_GT} and similar with respect to when $a = b$ and $a < b$. The first two steps compare the number of digits used in both $a$ and $b$.
Obviously if the digit counts differ there would be an imaginary zero digit in the smaller number where the leading digit of the larger number is.
If both have the same number of digits than the actual digits themselves must be compared starting at the leading digit.
By step three both inputs must have the same number of digits so its safe to start from either $a.used - 1$ or $b.used - 1$ and count down to
the zero'th digit. If after all of the digits have been compared and no difference found the algorithm simply returns \textbf{MP\_EQ}.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_cmp\_mag.c
017 /* compare maginitude of two ints (unsigned) */
018 int
019 mp_cmp_mag (mp_int * a, mp_int * b)
020 \{
021 int n;
023 /* compare based on # of non-zero digits */
024 if (a->used > b->used) \{
025 return MP_GT;
026 \}
028 if (a->used < b->used) \{
029 return MP_LT;
030 \}
032 /* compare based on digits */
033 for (n = a->used - 1; n >= 0; n--) \{
034 if (a->dp[n] > b->dp[n]) \{
035 return MP_GT;
036 \}
038 if (a->dp[n] < b->dp[n]) \{
039 return MP_LT;
040 \}
041 \}
042 return MP_EQ;
043 \}
The two if statements on lines 24 and 28 compare the number of digits in the two inputs. These two are performed before all of the digits
are compared since it is a very cheap test to perform and can potentially save considerable time. The implementation given is also not valid
without those two statements. $b.alloc$ may be smaller than $a.used$, meaning that undefined values will be read from $b$ passed the end of the
array of digits.
\subsection{Signed Comparisons}
Comparing with sign considerations is also fairly critical in several routines (\textit{division for example}). Based on an unsigned magnitude
comparison a trivial signed comparison algorithm can be written.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_cmp}. \\
\textbf{Input}. Two mp\_ints $a$ and $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. Signed Comparison Results ($a$ to the left of $b$) \\
\hline \\
1. if $a.sign = MP\_NEG$ and $b.sign = MP\_ZPOS$ then return(\textit{MP\_LT}) \\
2. if $a.sign = MP\_ZPOS$ and $b.sign = MP\_NEG$ then return(\textit{MP\_GT}) \\
3. if $a.sign = MP\_NEG$ then \\
\hspace{+3mm}3.1 Return the unsigned comparison of $b$ and $a$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_cmp\_mag}) \\
4 Otherwise \\
\hspace{+3mm}4.1 Return the unsigned comparison of $a$ and $b$ \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_cmp}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_cmp.}
The first two steps compare the signs of the two inputs. If the signs do not agree then it can return right away with the appropriate
comparison code. When the signs are equal the digits of the inputs must be compared to determine the correct result. In step
three the unsigned comparision flips the order of the arguments since they are both negative. For instance, if $-a > -b$ then
$\vert a \vert < \vert b \vert$. Step number four will compare the two when they are both positive.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_cmp.c
017 /* compare two ints (signed)*/
018 int
019 mp_cmp (mp_int * a, mp_int * b)
020 \{
021 /* compare based on sign */
022 if (a->sign == MP_NEG && b->sign == MP_ZPOS) \{
023 return MP_LT;
024 \}
026 if (a->sign == MP_ZPOS && b->sign == MP_NEG) \{
027 return MP_GT;
028 \}
030 /* compare digits */
031 if (a->sign == MP_NEG) \{
032 /* if negative compare opposite direction */
033 return mp_cmp_mag(b, a);
034 \} else \{
035 return mp_cmp_mag(a, b);
036 \}
037 \}
The two if statements on lines 22 and 26 perform the initial sign comparison. If the signs are not the equal then which ever
has the positive sign is larger. At line 31, the inputs are compared based on magnitudes. If the signs were both negative then
the unsigned comparison is performed in the opposite direction (\textit{line 33}). Otherwise, the signs are assumed to
be both positive and a forward direction unsigned comparison is performed.
$\left [ 2 \right ]$ & Modify algorithm mp\_set\_int to accept as input a variable length array of bits. \\
& \\
$\left [ 3 \right ]$ & Give the probability that algorithm mp\_cmp\_mag will have to compare $k$ digits \\
& of two random digits (of equal magnitude) before a difference is found. \\
& \\
$\left [ 1 \right ]$ & Suggest a simple method to speed up the implementation of mp\_cmp\_mag based \\
& on the observations made in the previous problem. \\
\chapter{Basic Arithmetic}
\section{Building Blocks}
At this point algorithms for initialization, de-initialization, zeroing, copying, comparing and setting small constants have been
established. The next logical set of algorithms to develop are the addition, subtraction and digit movement algorithms. These
algorithms make use of the lower level algorithms and are the cruicial building block for the multipliers. It is very important that these
algorithms are highly optimized. On their own they are simple $O(n)$ algorithms but they can be called from higher level algorithms
which easily places them at $O(n^2)$ or even $O(n^3)$ work levels.
All nine algorithms within this chapter make use of the logical bit shift operations denoted by $<<$ and $>>$ for left and right
logical shifts respectively. A logical shift is analogous to sliding the decimal point of radix-10 representations. For example, the real
number $0.9345$ is equivalent to $93.45\%$ which is found by sliding the the decimal two places to the right (\textit{multiplying by $10^2$}).
Mathematically a logical shift is equivalent to a division or multiplication by a power of two.
For example, $a << k = a \cdot 2^k$ while $a >> k = \lfloor a/2^k \rfloor$.
One significant difference between a logical shift and the way decimals are shifted is that digits below the zero'th position are removed
from the number. For example, consider $1101_2 >> 1$ using decimal notation this would produce $110.1_2$. However, with a logical shift the
result is $110_2$.
\section{Addition and Subtraction}
In normal fixed precision arithmetic negative numbers are easily represented by subtraction from the modulus. For example, with 32-bit integers
$a - b\mbox{ (mod }2^{32}\mbox{)}$ is the same as $a + (2^{32} - b) \mbox{ (mod }2^{32}\mbox{)}$ since $2^{32} \equiv 0 \mbox{ (mod }2^{32}\mbox{)}$.
As a result subtraction can be performed with a trivial series of logical operations and an addition.
However, in multiple precision arithmetic negative numbers are not represented in the same way. Instead a sign flag is used to keep track of the
sign of the integer. As a result signed addition and subtraction are actually implemented as conditional usage of lower level addition or
subtraction algorithms with the sign fixed up appropriately.
The lower level algorithms will add or subtract integers without regard to the sign flag. That is they will add or subtract the magnitude of
the integers respectively.
\subsection{Low Level Addition}
An unsigned addition of multiple precision integers is performed with the same long-hand algorithm used to add decimal numbers. That is to add the
trailing digits first and propagate the resulting carry upwards. Since this is a lower level algorithm the name will have a ``s\_'' prefix.
Historically that convention stems from the MPI library where ``s\_'' stood for static functions that were hidden from the developer entirely.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{s\_mp\_add}. \\
\textbf{Input}. Two mp\_ints $a$ and $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. The unsigned addition $c = \vert a \vert + \vert b \vert$. \\
\hline \\
1. if $a.used > b.used$ then \\
\hspace{+3mm}1.1 $min \leftarrow b.used$ \\
\hspace{+3mm}1.2 $max \leftarrow a.used$ \\
\hspace{+3mm}1.3 $x \leftarrow a$ \\
2. else \\
\hspace{+3mm}2.1 $min \leftarrow a.used$ \\
\hspace{+3mm}2.2 $max \leftarrow b.used$ \\
\hspace{+3mm}2.3 $x \leftarrow b$ \\
3. If $c.alloc < max + 1$ then grow $c$ to hold at least $max + 1$ digits (\textit{hint: use mp\_grow}) \\
4. If failed to grow $c$ return(\textit{MP\_MEM}) \\
5. $oldused \leftarrow c.used$ \\
6. $c.used \leftarrow max + 1$ \\
7. $u \leftarrow 0$ \\
8. for $n$ from $0$ to $min - 1$ do \\
\hspace{+3mm}8.1 $c_n \leftarrow a_n + b_n + u$ \\
\hspace{+3mm}8.2 $u \leftarrow c_n >> lg(\beta)$ \\
\hspace{+3mm}8.3 $c_n \leftarrow c_n \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
9. if $min \ne max$ then do \\
\hspace{+3mm}9.1 for $n$ from $min$ to $max - 1$ do \\
\hspace{+6mm}9.1.1 $c_n \leftarrow x_n + u$ \\
\hspace{+6mm}9.1.2 $u \leftarrow c_n >> lg(\beta)$ \\
\hspace{+6mm}9.1.3 $c_n \leftarrow c_n \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
10. $c_{max} \leftarrow u$ \\
11. if $olduse > max$ then \\
\hspace{+3mm}11.1 for $n$ from $max + 1$ to $olduse - 1$ do \\
\hspace{+6mm}11.1.1 $c_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
12. Clamp excess digits in $c$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_clamp}) \\
13. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}) \\
\caption{Algorithm s\_mp\_add}
\textbf{Algorithm s\_mp\_add.}
This algorithm is loosely based on algorithm 14.7 of \cite[pp. 594]{HAC} but has been extended to allow the inputs to have different magnitudes.
Coincidentally the description of algorithm A in \cite[pp. 266]{TAOCPV2} shares the same flaw as that from \cite{HAC}. Even the MIX pseudo
machine code presented \cite[pp. 266-267]{TAOCPV2} is incapable of handling inputs which are of different magnitudes.
Steps 1 and 2 will sort the two inputs based on their \textbf{used} digit count. This allows the inputs to have varying magnitudes which not
only makes it more efficient than the trivial algorithm presented in the other references but more flexible. The variable $min$ is given the lowest
digit count while $max$ is given the highest digit count. If both inputs have the same \textbf{used} digit count both $min$ and $max$ are
set to the same. The variable $x$ is an \textit{alias} for the largest input and not meant to be a copy of it. After the inputs are sorted steps
3 and 4 will ensure that the destination $c$ can accommodate the result. The old \textbf{used} count from $c$ is copied to $oldused$ and the
new count is set to $max + 1$.
At step 7 the carry variable $u$ is set to zero and the first leg of the addition loop can begin. The first step of the loop (\textit{8.1}) adds
digits from the two inputs together along with the carry variable $u$. The following step extracts the carry bit by shifting the result of the
preceding step right $lg(\beta)$ positions. The shift to extract the carry is similar to how carry extraction works with decimal addition.
Consider adding $77$ to $65$, the first addition of the first column is $7 + 5$ which produces the result $12$. The trailing digit of the result
is $2 \equiv 12 \mbox{ (mod }10\mbox{)}$ and the carry is found by dividing (\textit{and ignoring the remainder}) $12$ by the radix or in this case $10$. The
division and multiplication of $10$ is simply a logical shift right or left respectively of the digits. In otherwords the carry can be extracted
by shifting one digit to the right.
Note that $lg()$ is simply the base two logarithm such that $lg(2^k) = k$. This implies that $lg(\beta)$ is the number of bits in a radix-$\beta$
digit. Therefore, a logical shift right of the single digit by $lg(\beta)$ will extract the carry. The final step of the loop reduces the digit
modulo the radix $\beta$ to ensure it is in range.
After step 8 the smallest input (\textit{or both if they are the same magnitude}) has been exhausted. Step 9 decides whether
the inputs were of equal magnitude. If not than another loop similar to that in step 8 must be executed. The loop at step
number 9.1 differs from the previous loop since it only adds the mp\_int $x$ along with the carry.
Step 10 finishes the addition phase by copying the final carry to the highest location in the result $c_{max}$. Step 11 ensures that
leading digits that were originally present in $c$ are cleared. Finally excess leading digits are clamped and the algorithm returns success.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_s\_mp\_add.c
017 /* low level addition, based on HAC pp.594, Algorithm 14.7 */
018 int
019 s_mp_add (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c)
020 \{
021 mp_int *x;
022 int olduse, res, min, max;
024 /* find sizes, we let |a| <= |b| which means we have to sort
025 * them. "x" will point to the input with the most digits
026 */
027 if (a->used > b->used) \{
028 min = b->used;
029 max = a->used;
030 x = a;
031 \} else \{
032 min = a->used;
033 max = b->used;
034 x = b;
035 \}
037 /* init result */
038 if (c->alloc < max + 1) \{
039 if ((res = mp_grow (c, max + 1)) != MP_OKAY) \{
040 return res;
041 \}
042 \}
044 /* get old used digit count and set new one */
045 olduse = c->used;
046 c->used = max + 1;
048 /* set the carry to zero */
049 \{
050 register mp_digit u, *tmpa, *tmpb, *tmpc;
051 register int i;
053 /* alias for digit pointers */
055 /* first input */
056 tmpa = a->dp;
058 /* second input */
059 tmpb = b->dp;
061 /* destination */
062 tmpc = c->dp;
064 /* zero the carry */
065 u = 0;
066 for (i = 0; i < min; i++) \{
067 /* Compute the sum at one digit, T[i] = A[i] + B[i] + U */
068 *tmpc = *tmpa++ + *tmpb++ + u;
070 /* U = carry bit of T[i] */
071 u = *tmpc >> ((mp_digit)DIGIT_BIT);
073 /* take away carry bit from T[i] */
074 *tmpc++ &= MP_MASK;
075 \}
077 /* now copy higher words if any, that is in A+B
078 * if A or B has more digits add those in
079 */
080 if (min != max) \{
081 for (; i < max; i++) \{
082 /* T[i] = X[i] + U */
083 *tmpc = x->dp[i] + u;
085 /* U = carry bit of T[i] */
086 u = *tmpc >> ((mp_digit)DIGIT_BIT);
088 /* take away carry bit from T[i] */
089 *tmpc++ &= MP_MASK;
090 \}
091 \}
093 /* add carry */
094 *tmpc++ = u;
096 /* clear digits above oldused */
097 for (i = c->used; i < olduse; i++) \{
098 *tmpc++ = 0;
099 \}
100 \}
102 mp_clamp (c);
103 return MP_OKAY;
104 \}
Lines 27 to 35 perform the initial sorting of the inputs and determine the $min$ and $max$ variables. Note that $x$ is pointer to a
mp\_int assigned to the largest input, in effect it is a local alias. Lines 37 to 42 ensure that the destination is grown to
accomodate the result of the addition.
Similar to the implementation of mp\_copy this function uses the braced code and local aliases coding style. The three aliases on
lines 56, 59 and 62 are the for the two inputs and destination respectively. These aliases are used to ensure the
compiler does not have to dereference $a$, $b$ or $c$ (respectively) to access the digits of the respective mp\_int.
The initial carry $u$ is cleared on line 65, note that $u$ is of type mp\_digit which ensures type compatibility within the
implementation. The initial addition loop begins on line 66 and ends on line 75. Similarly the conditional addition loop
begins on line 81 and ends on line 90. The addition is finished with the final carry being stored in $tmpc$ on line 94.
Note the ``++'' operator on the same line. After line 94 $tmpc$ will point to the $c.used$'th digit of the mp\_int $c$. This is useful
for the next loop on lines 97 to 99 which set any old upper digits to zero.
\subsection{Low Level Subtraction}
The low level unsigned subtraction algorithm is very similar to the low level unsigned addition algorithm. The principle difference is that the
unsigned subtraction algorithm requires the result to be positive. That is when computing $a - b$ the condition $\vert a \vert \ge \vert b\vert$ must
be met for this algorithm to function properly. Keep in mind this low level algorithm is not meant to be used in higher level algorithms directly.
This algorithm as will be shown can be used to create functional signed addition and subtraction algorithms.
For this algorithm a new variable is required to make the description simpler. Recall from section 1.3.1 that a mp\_digit must be able to represent
the range $0 \le x < 2\beta$. It is allowable that a mp\_digit represent a larger range of values. For this algorithm we will assume that
the variable $\gamma$ represents the number of bits available in a mp\_digit (\textit{this implies $2^{\gamma} > \beta$}).
\hline Algorithm \textbf{s\_mp\_sub}. \\
\textbf{Input}. Two mp\_ints $a$ and $b$ ($\vert a \vert \ge \vert b \vert$) \\
\textbf{Output}. The unsigned subtraction $c = \vert a \vert - \vert b \vert$. \\
\hline \\
1. $min \leftarrow b.used$ \\
2. $max \leftarrow a.used$ \\
3. If $c.alloc < max$ then grow $c$ to hold at least $max$ digits. (\textit{hint: use mp\_grow}) \\
4. If the reallocation failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
5. $oldused \leftarrow c.used$ \\
6. $c.used \leftarrow max$ \\
7. $u \leftarrow 0$ \\
8. for $n$ from $0$ to $min - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}8.1 $c_n \leftarrow a_n - b_n - u$ \\
\hspace{3mm}8.2 $u \leftarrow c_n >> (\gamma - 1)$ \\
\hspace{3mm}8.3 $c_n \leftarrow c_n \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
9. if $min < max$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}9.1 for $n$ from $min$ to $max - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}9.1.1 $c_n \leftarrow a_n - u$ \\
\hspace{6mm}9.1.2 $u \leftarrow c_n >> (\gamma - 1)$ \\
\hspace{6mm}9.1.3 $c_n \leftarrow c_n \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
10. if $oldused > max$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}10.1 for $n$ from $max$ to $oldused - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}10.1.1 $c_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
11. Clamp excess digits of $c$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_clamp}). \\
12. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm s\_mp\_sub}
\textbf{Algorithm s\_mp\_sub.}
This algorithm performs the unsigned subtraction of two mp\_int variables under the restriction that the result must be positive. That is when
passing variables $a$ and $b$ the condition that $\vert a \vert \ge \vert b \vert$ must be met for the algorithm to function correctly. This
algorithm is loosely based on algorithm 14.9 \cite[pp. 595]{HAC} and is similar to algorithm S in \cite[pp. 267]{TAOCPV2} as well. As was the case
of the algorithm s\_mp\_add both other references lack discussion concerning various practical details such as when the inputs differ in magnitude.
The initial sorting of the inputs is trivial in this algorithm since $a$ is guaranteed to have at least the same magnitude of $b$. Steps 1 and 2
set the $min$ and $max$ variables. Unlike the addition routine there is guaranteed to be no carry which means that the final result can be at
most $max$ digits in length as oppose to $max + 1$. Similar to the addition algorithm the \textbf{used} count of $c$ is copied locally and
set to the maximal count for the operation.
The subtraction loop that begins on step 8 is essentially the same as the addition loop of algorithm s\_mp\_add except single precision
subtraction is used instead. Note the use of the $\gamma$ variable to extract the carry within the subtraction loops. Under the assumption
that two's complement single precision arithmetic is used this will successfully extract the carry.
For example, consider subtracting $0101_2$ from
$0100_2$ where $\gamma = 4$. The least significant bit will force a carry upwards to the third bit which will be set to zero after the borrow. After
the very first bit has been subtracted $4 - 1 \equiv 0011_2$ will remain, When the third bit of $0101_2$ is subtracted from the result it will cause
another carry. In this case though the carry will be forced to propagate all the way to the most significant bit.
Recall that $\beta < 2^{\gamma}$. This means that if a carry does occur it will propagate all the way to the most significant bit. Therefore a single
logical shift right by $\gamma - 1$ positions is sufficient to extract the carry. This method of carry extraction may seem awkward but the reason for
it becomes apparent when the implementation is discussed.
If $b$ has a smaller magnitude than $a$ then step 9 will force the carry and copy operation to propagate through the larger input $a$ into $c$. Step
10 will ensure that any leading digits of $c$ above the $max$'th position are zeroed.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_s\_mp\_sub.c
017 /* low level subtraction (assumes |a| > |b|), HAC pp.595 Algorithm 14.9 */
018 int
019 s_mp_sub (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c)
020 \{
021 int olduse, res, min, max;
023 /* find sizes */
024 min = b->used;
025 max = a->used;
027 /* init result */
028 if (c->alloc < max) \{
029 if ((res = mp_grow (c, max)) != MP_OKAY) \{
030 return res;
031 \}
032 \}
033 olduse = c->used;
034 c->used = max;
036 /* sub digits from lower part */
037 \{
038 register mp_digit u, *tmpa, *tmpb, *tmpc;
039 register int i;
041 /* alias for digit pointers */
042 tmpa = a->dp;
043 tmpb = b->dp;
044 tmpc = c->dp;
046 /* set carry to zero */
047 u = 0;
048 for (i = 0; i < min; i++) \{
049 /* T[i] = A[i] - B[i] - U */
050 *tmpc = *tmpa++ - *tmpb++ - u;
052 /* U = carry bit of T[i]
053 * Note this saves performing an AND operation since
054 * if a carry does occur it will propagate all the way to the
055 * MSB. As a result a single shift is required to get the carry
056 */
057 u = *tmpc >> ((mp_digit)(CHAR_BIT * sizeof (mp_digit) - 1));
059 /* Clear carry from T[i] */
060 *tmpc++ &= MP_MASK;
061 \}
063 /* now copy higher words if any, e.g. if A has more digits than B */
064 for (; i < max; i++) \{
065 /* T[i] = A[i] - U */
066 *tmpc = *tmpa++ - u;
068 /* U = carry bit of T[i] */
069 u = *tmpc >> ((mp_digit)(CHAR_BIT * sizeof (mp_digit) - 1));
071 /* Clear carry from T[i] */
072 *tmpc++ &= MP_MASK;
073 \}
075 /* clear digits above used (since we may not have grown result above) */
076 for (i = c->used; i < olduse; i++) \{
077 *tmpc++ = 0;
078 \}
079 \}
081 mp_clamp (c);
082 return MP_OKAY;
083 \}
Line 24 and 25 perform the initial hardcoded sorting. In reality they are only aliases and are only used to make the source easier to
read. Again the pointer alias optimization is used within this algorithm. Lines 42, 43 and 44 initialize the aliases for
$a$, $b$ and $c$ respectively.
The first subtraction loop occurs on lines 47 through 61. The theory behind the subtraction loop is exactly the same as that for
the addition loop. As remarked earlier there is an implementation reason for using the ``awkward'' method of extracting the carry
(\textit{see line 57}). The traditional method for extracting the carry would be to shift by $lg(\beta)$ positions and logically AND
the least significant bit. The AND operation is required because all of the bits above the $\lg(\beta)$'th bit will be set to one after a carry
occurs from subtraction. This carry extraction requires two relatively cheap operations to extract the carry. The other method is to simply
shift the most significant bit to the least significant bit thus extracting the carry with a single cheap operation. This optimization only works on
twos compliment machines which is a safe assumption to make.
If $a$ has a higher magnitude than $b$ an additional loop (\textit{see lines 64 through 73}) is required to propagate the carry through
$a$ and copy the result to $c$.
\subsection{High Level Addition}
Now that both lower level addition and subtraction algorithms have been established an effective high level signed addition algorithm can be
established. This high level addition algorithm will be what other algorithms and developers will use to perform addition of mp\_int data
Recall from section 5.2 that an mp\_int represents an integer with an unsigned mantissa (\textit{the array of digits}) and a \textbf{sign}
flag. A high level addition is actually performed as a series of eight seperate cases which can be optimized down to three unique cases.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_add}. \\
\textbf{Input}. Two mp\_ints $a$ and $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. The signed addition $c = a + b$. \\
\hline \\
1. if $a.sign = b.sign$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}1.1 $c.sign \leftarrow a.sign$ \\
\hspace{3mm}1.2 $c \leftarrow \vert a \vert + \vert b \vert$ (\textit{hint: use s\_mp\_add})\\
2. else do \\
\hspace{3mm}2.1 if $\vert a \vert < \vert b \vert$ then do (\textit{hint: use mp\_cmp\_mag}) \\
\hspace{6mm}2.1.1 $c.sign \leftarrow b.sign$ \\
\hspace{6mm}2.1.2 $c \leftarrow \vert b \vert - \vert a \vert$ (\textit{hint: use s\_mp\_sub}) \\
\hspace{3mm}2.2 else do \\
\hspace{6mm}2.2.1 $c.sign \leftarrow a.sign$ \\
\hspace{6mm}2.2.2 $c \leftarrow \vert a \vert - \vert b \vert$ \\
3. If any of the lower level operations failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}) \\
4. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_add}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_add.}
This algorithm performs the signed addition of two mp\_int variables. There is no reference algorithm to draw upon from either \cite{TAOCPV2} or
\cite{HAC} since they both only provide unsigned operations. The algorithm is fairly straightforward but restricted since subtraction can only
produce positive results. Consider the following chart of possible inputs.
\hline \textbf{Sign of $a$} & \textbf{Sign of $b$} & \textbf{$\vert a \vert > \vert b \vert $} & \textbf{Unsigned Operation} & \textbf{Result Sign Flag} \\
\hline $+$ & $+$ & Yes & $c = a + b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline $+$ & $+$ & No & $c = a + b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline $-$ & $-$ & Yes & $c = a + b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline $-$ & $-$ & No & $c = a + b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline &&&&\\
\hline $+$ & $-$ & No & $c = b - a$ & $b.sign$ \\
\hline $-$ & $+$ & No & $c = b - a$ & $b.sign$ \\
\hline &&&&\\
\hline $+$ & $-$ & Yes & $c = a - b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline $-$ & $+$ & Yes & $c = a - b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\caption{Addition Guide Chart}
The chart lists all of the eight possible input combinations and is sorted to show that only three specific cases need to be handled. The
return code of the unsigned operations at step 1.2, 2.1.2 and 2.2.2 are forwarded to step 3 to check for errors. This simpliies the description
of the algorithm considerably and best follows how the implementation actually was achieved.
Also note how the \textbf{sign} is set before the unsigned addition or subtraction is performed. Recall from the descriptions of algorithms
s\_mp\_add and s\_mp\_sub that the mp\_clamp function is used at the end to trim excess digits. The mp\_clamp algorithm will set the \textbf{sign}
to \textbf{MP\_ZPOS} when the \textbf{used} digit count reaches zero.
For example, consider performing $-a + a$ with algorithm mp\_add. By the description of the algorithm the sign is set to \textbf{MP\_NEG} which would
produce a result of $-0$. However, since the sign is set first then the unsigned addition is performed the subsequent usage of algorithm mp\_clamp
within algorithm s\_mp\_add will force $-0$ to become $0$.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_add.c
017 /* high level addition (handles signs) */
018 int
019 mp_add (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c)
020 \{
021 int sa, sb, res;
023 /* get sign of both inputs */
024 sa = a->sign;
025 sb = b->sign;
027 /* handle two cases, not four */
028 if (sa == sb) \{
029 /* both positive or both negative */
030 /* add their magnitudes, copy the sign */
031 c->sign = sa;
032 res = s_mp_add (a, b, c);
033 \} else \{
034 /* one positive, the other negative */
035 /* subtract the one with the greater magnitude from */
036 /* the one of the lesser magnitude. The result gets */
037 /* the sign of the one with the greater magnitude. */
038 if (mp_cmp_mag (a, b) == MP_LT) \{
039 c->sign = sb;
040 res = s_mp_sub (b, a, c);
041 \} else \{
042 c->sign = sa;
043 res = s_mp_sub (a, b, c);
044 \}
045 \}
046 return res;
047 \}
The source code follows the algorithm fairly closely. The most notable new source code addition is the usage of the $res$ integer variable which
is used to pass result of the unsigned operations forward. Unlike in the algorithm, the variable $res$ is merely returned as is without
explicitly checking it and returning the constant \textbf{MP\_OKAY}. The observation is this algorithm will succeed or fail only if the lower
level functions do so. Returning their return code is sufficient.
\subsection{High Level Subtraction}
The high level signed subtraction algorithm is essentially the same as the high level signed addition algorithm.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_sub}. \\
\textbf{Input}. Two mp\_ints $a$ and $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. The signed subtraction $c = a - b$. \\
\hline \\
1. if $a.sign \ne b.sign$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}1.1 $c.sign \leftarrow a.sign$ \\
\hspace{3mm}1.2 $c \leftarrow \vert a \vert + \vert b \vert$ (\textit{hint: use s\_mp\_add}) \\
2. else do \\
\hspace{3mm}2.1 if $\vert a \vert \ge \vert b \vert$ then do (\textit{hint: use mp\_cmp\_mag}) \\
\hspace{6mm}2.1.1 $c.sign \leftarrow a.sign$ \\
\hspace{6mm}2.1.2 $c \leftarrow \vert a \vert - \vert b \vert$ (\textit{hint: use s\_mp\_sub}) \\
\hspace{3mm}2.2 else do \\
\hspace{6mm}2.2.1 $c.sign \leftarrow \left \lbrace \begin{array}{ll}
MP\_ZPOS & \mbox{if }a.sign = MP\_NEG \\
MP\_NEG & \mbox{otherwise} \\
\end{array} \right .$ \\
\hspace{6mm}2.2.2 $c \leftarrow \vert b \vert - \vert a \vert$ \\
3. If any of the lower level operations failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
4. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_sub}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_sub.}
This algorithm performs the signed subtraction of two inputs. Similar to algorithm mp\_add there is no reference in either \cite{TAOCPV2} or
\cite{HAC}. Also this algorithm is restricted by algorithm s\_mp\_sub. The following chart lists the eight possible inputs and
the operations required.
\hline \textbf{Sign of $a$} & \textbf{Sign of $b$} & \textbf{$\vert a \vert \ge \vert b \vert $} & \textbf{Unsigned Operation} & \textbf{Result Sign Flag} \\
\hline $+$ & $-$ & Yes & $c = a + b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline $+$ & $-$ & No & $c = a + b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline $-$ & $+$ & Yes & $c = a + b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline $-$ & $+$ & No & $c = a + b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline &&&& \\
\hline $+$ & $+$ & Yes & $c = a - b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline $-$ & $-$ & Yes & $c = a - b$ & $a.sign$ \\
\hline &&&& \\
\hline $+$ & $+$ & No & $c = b - a$ & $\mbox{opposite of }a.sign$ \\
\hline $-$ & $-$ & No & $c = b - a$ & $\mbox{opposite of }a.sign$ \\
\caption{Subtraction Guide Chart}
Similar to the case of algorithm mp\_add the \textbf{sign} is set first before the unsigned addition or subtraction. That is to prevent the
algorithm from producing $-a - -a = -0$ as a result.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_sub.c
017 /* high level subtraction (handles signs) */
018 int
019 mp_sub (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c)
020 \{
021 int sa, sb, res;
023 sa = a->sign;
024 sb = b->sign;
026 if (sa != sb) \{
027 /* subtract a negative from a positive, OR */
028 /* subtract a positive from a negative. */
029 /* In either case, ADD their magnitudes, */
030 /* and use the sign of the first number. */
031 c->sign = sa;
032 res = s_mp_add (a, b, c);
033 \} else \{
034 /* subtract a positive from a positive, OR */
035 /* subtract a negative from a negative. */
036 /* First, take the difference between their */
037 /* magnitudes, then... */
038 if (mp_cmp_mag (a, b) != MP_LT) \{
039 /* Copy the sign from the first */
040 c->sign = sa;
041 /* The first has a larger or equal magnitude */
042 res = s_mp_sub (a, b, c);
043 \} else \{
044 /* The result has the *opposite* sign from */
045 /* the first number. */
046 c->sign = (sa == MP_ZPOS) ? MP_NEG : MP_ZPOS;
047 /* The second has a larger magnitude */
048 res = s_mp_sub (b, a, c);
049 \}
050 \}
051 return res;
052 \}
Much like the implementation of algorithm mp\_add the variable $res$ is used to catch the return code of the unsigned addition or subtraction operations
and forward it to the end of the function. On line 38 the ``not equal to'' \textbf{MP\_LT} expression is used to emulate a
``greater than or equal to'' comparison.
\section{Bit and Digit Shifting}
It is quite common to think of a multiple precision integer as a polynomial in $x$, that is $y = f(\beta)$ where $f(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_i x^i$.
This notation arises within discussion of Montgomery and Diminished Radix Reduction as well as Karatsuba multiplication and squaring.
In order to facilitate operations on polynomials in $x$ as above a series of simple ``digit'' algorithms have to be established. That is to shift
the digits left or right as well to shift individual bits of the digits left and right. It is important to note that not all ``shift'' operations
are on radix-$\beta$ digits.
\subsection{Multiplication by Two}
In a binary system where the radix is a power of two multiplication by two not only arises often in other algorithms it is a fairly efficient
operation to perform. A single precision logical shift left is sufficient to multiply a single digit by two.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_mul\_2}. \\
\textbf{Input}. One mp\_int $a$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $b = 2a$. \\
\hline \\
1. If $b.alloc < a.used + 1$ then grow $b$ to hold $a.used + 1$ digits. (\textit{hint: use mp\_grow}) \\
2. If the reallocation failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
3. $oldused \leftarrow b.used$ \\
4. $b.used \leftarrow a.used$ \\
5. $r \leftarrow 0$ \\
6. for $n$ from 0 to $a.used - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}6.1 $rr \leftarrow a_n >> (lg(\beta) - 1)$ \\
\hspace{3mm}6.2 $b_n \leftarrow (a_n << 1) + r \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
\hspace{3mm}6.3 $r \leftarrow rr$ \\
7. If $r \ne 0$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}7.1 $b_{a.used} = 1$ \\
\hspace{3mm}7.2 $b.used \leftarrow b.used + 1$ \\
8. If $b.used < oldused - 1$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}8.1 for $n$ from $b.used$ to $oldused - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}8.1.1 $b_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
9. $b.sign \leftarrow a.sign$ \\
10. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}).\\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_mul\_2}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_mul\_2.}
This algorithm will quickly multiply a mp\_int by two provided $\beta$ is a power of two. Neither \cite{TAOCPV2} nor \cite{HAC} describe such
an algorithm despite the fact it arises often in other algorithms. The algorithm is setup much like the lower level algorithm s\_mp\_add since
it is for all intents and purposes equivalent to the operation $b = \vert a \vert + \vert a \vert$.
Step 1 and 2 grow the input as required to accomodate the maximum number of \textbf{used} digits in the result. The initial \textbf{used} count
is set to $a.used$ at step 4. Only if there is a final carry will the \textbf{used} count require adjustment.
Step 6 is an optimization implementation of the addition loop for this specific case. That is since the two values being added together
are the same there is no need to perform two reads from the digits of $a$. Step 6.1 performs a single precision shift on the current digit $a_n$ to
obtain what will be the carry for the next iteration. Step 6.2 calculates the $n$'th digit of the result as single precision shift of $a_n$ plus
the previous carry. Recall from section 5.1 that $a_n << 1$ is equivalent to $a_n \cdot 2$. An iteration of the addition loop is finished with
forwarding the carry to the next iteration.
Step 7 takes care of any final carry by setting the $a.used$'th digit of the result to one and augmenting the \textbf{used} count. Step 8 clears
any original leading digits of $b$.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_mul\_2.c
017 /* b = a*2 */
018 int
019 mp_mul_2 (mp_int * a, mp_int * b)
020 \{
021 int x, res, oldused;
023 /* grow to accomodate result */
024 if (b->alloc < a->used + 1) \{
025 if ((res = mp_grow (b, a->used + 1)) != MP_OKAY) \{
026 return res;
027 \}
028 \}
030 oldused = b->used;
031 b->used = a->used;
033 \{
034 register mp_digit r, rr, *tmpa, *tmpb;
036 /* alias for source */
037 tmpa = a->dp;
039 /* alias for dest */
040 tmpb = b->dp;
042 /* carry */
043 r = 0;
044 for (x = 0; x < a->used; x++) \{
046 /* get what will be the *next* carry bit from the
047 * MSB of the current digit
048 */
049 rr = *tmpa >> ((mp_digit)(DIGIT_BIT - 1));
051 /* now shift up this digit, add in the carry [from the previous] */
052 *tmpb++ = ((*tmpa++ << ((mp_digit)1)) | r) & MP_MASK;
054 /* copy the carry that would be from the source
055 * digit into the next iteration
056 */
057 r = rr;
058 \}
060 /* new leading digit? */
061 if (r != 0) \{
062 /* add a MSB which is always 1 at this point */
063 *tmpb = 1;
064 ++b->used;
065 \}
067 /* now zero any excess digits on the destination
068 * that we didn't write to
069 */
070 tmpb = b->dp + b->used;
071 for (x = b->used; x < oldused; x++) \{
072 *tmpb++ = 0;
073 \}
074 \}
075 b->sign = a->sign;
076 return MP_OKAY;
077 \}
This implementation is essentially an optimized implementation of s\_mp\_add for the case of doubling an input. The only noteworthy difference
is the use of the logical shift operator on line 52 to perform a single precision doubling.
\subsection{Division by Two}
A division by two can just as easily be accomplished with a logical shift right as multiplication by two can be with a logical shift left.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_div\_2}. \\
\textbf{Input}. One mp\_int $a$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $b = a/2$. \\
\hline \\
1. If $b.alloc < a.used$ then grow $b$ to hold $a.used$ digits. (\textit{hint: use mp\_grow}) \\
2. If the reallocation failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
3. $oldused \leftarrow b.used$ \\
4. $b.used \leftarrow a.used$ \\
5. $r \leftarrow 0$ \\
6. for $n$ from $b.used - 1$ to $0$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}6.1 $rr \leftarrow a_n \mbox{ (mod }2\mbox{)}$\\
\hspace{3mm}6.2 $b_n \leftarrow (a_n >> 1) + (r << (lg(\beta) - 1)) \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
\hspace{3mm}6.3 $r \leftarrow rr$ \\
7. If $b.used < oldused - 1$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}7.1 for $n$ from $b.used$ to $oldused - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}7.1.1 $b_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
8. $b.sign \leftarrow a.sign$ \\
9. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}).\\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_div\_2}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_div\_2.}
This algorithm will divide an mp\_int by two using logical shifts to the right. Like mp\_mul\_2 it uses a modified low level addition
core as the basis of the algorithm. Unlike mp\_mul\_2 the shift operations work from the leading digit to the trailing digit. The algorithm
could be written to work from the trailing digit to the leading digit however, it would have to stop one short of $a.used - 1$ digits to prevent
reading passed the end of the array of digits.
Essentially the loop at step 6 is similar to that of mp\_mul\_2 except the logical shifts go in the opposite direction and the carry is at the
least significant bit not the most significant bit.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_div\_2.c
017 /* b = a/2 */
018 int
019 mp_div_2 (mp_int * a, mp_int * b)
020 \{
021 int x, res, oldused;
023 /* copy */
024 if (b->alloc < a->used) \{
025 if ((res = mp_grow (b, a->used)) != MP_OKAY) \{
026 return res;
027 \}
028 \}
030 oldused = b->used;
031 b->used = a->used;
032 \{
033 register mp_digit r, rr, *tmpa, *tmpb;
035 /* source alias */
036 tmpa = a->dp + b->used - 1;
038 /* dest alias */
039 tmpb = b->dp + b->used - 1;
041 /* carry */
042 r = 0;
043 for (x = b->used - 1; x >= 0; x--) \{
044 /* get the carry for the next iteration */
045 rr = *tmpa & 1;
047 /* shift the current digit, add in carry and store */
048 *tmpb-- = (*tmpa-- >> 1) | (r << (DIGIT_BIT - 1));
050 /* forward carry to next iteration */
051 r = rr;
052 \}
054 /* zero excess digits */
055 tmpb = b->dp + b->used;
056 for (x = b->used; x < oldused; x++) \{
057 *tmpb++ = 0;
058 \}
059 \}
060 b->sign = a->sign;
061 mp_clamp (b);
062 return MP_OKAY;
063 \}
\section{Polynomial Basis Operations}
Recall from section 5.3 that any integer can be represented as a polynomial in $x$ as $y = f(\beta)$. Such a representation is also known as
the polynomial basis \cite[pp. 48]{ROSE}. Given such a notation a multiplication or division by $x$ amounts to shifting whole digits a single
place. The need for such operations arises in several other higher level algorithms such as Barrett and Montgomery reduction, integer
division and Karatsuba multiplication.
Converting from an array of digits to polynomial basis is very simple. Consider the integer $y \equiv (a_2, a_1, a_0)_{\beta}$ and recall that
$y = \sum_{i=0}^{2} a_i \beta^i$. Simply replace $\beta$ with $x$ and the expression is in polynomial basis. For example, $f(x) = 8x + 9$ is the
polynomial basis representation for $89$ using radix ten. That is, $f(10) = 8(10) + 9 = 89$.
\subsection{Multiplication by $x$}
Given a polynomial in $x$ such as $f(x) = a_n x^n + a_{n-1} x^{n-1} + ... + a_0$ multiplying by $x$ amounts to shifting the coefficients up one
degree. In this case $f(x) \cdot x = a_n x^{n+1} + a_{n-1} x^n + ... + a_0 x$. From a scalar basis point of view multiplying by $x$ is equivalent to
multiplying by the integer $\beta$.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_lshd}. \\
\textbf{Input}. One mp\_int $a$ and an integer $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $a \leftarrow a \cdot \beta^b$ (Multiply by $x^b$). \\
\hline \\
1. If $b \le 0$ then return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
2. If $a.alloc < a.used + b$ then grow $a$ to at least $a.used + b$ digits. (\textit{hint: use mp\_grow}). \\
3. If the reallocation failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
4. $a.used \leftarrow a.used + b$ \\
5. $i \leftarrow a.used - 1$ \\
6. $j \leftarrow a.used - 1 - b$ \\
7. for $n$ from $a.used - 1$ to $b$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}7.1 $a_{i} \leftarrow a_{j}$ \\
\hspace{3mm}7.2 $i \leftarrow i - 1$ \\
\hspace{3mm}7.3 $j \leftarrow j - 1$ \\
8. for $n$ from 0 to $b - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}8.1 $a_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
9. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_lshd}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_lshd.}
This algorithm multiplies an mp\_int by the $b$'th power of $x$. This is equivalent to multiplying by $\beta^b$. The algorithm differs
from the other algorithms presented so far as it performs the operation in place instead storing the result in a seperate location. The algorithm
will return success immediately if $b \le 0$ since the rest of algorithm is only valid when $b > 0$.
First the destination $a$ is grown as required to accomodate the result. The counters $i$ and $j$ are used to form a \textit{sliding window} over
the digits of $a$ of length $b$. The head of the sliding window is at $i$ (\textit{the leading digit}) and the tail at $j$ (\textit{the trailing digit}).
The loop on step 7 copies the digit from the tail to the head. In each iteration the window is moved down one digit. The last loop on
step 8 sets the lower $b$ digits to zero.
\caption{Sliding Window Movement}
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_lshd.c
017 /* shift left a certain amount of digits */
018 int
019 mp_lshd (mp_int * a, int b)
020 \{
021 int x, res;
023 /* if its less than zero return */
024 if (b <= 0) \{
025 return MP_OKAY;
026 \}
028 /* grow to fit the new digits */
029 if (a->alloc < a->used + b) \{
030 if ((res = mp_grow (a, a->used + b)) != MP_OKAY) \{
031 return res;
032 \}
033 \}
035 \{
036 register mp_digit *tmpa, *tmpaa;
038 /* increment the used by the shift amount than copy upwards */
039 a->used += b;
041 /* top */
042 tmpa = a->dp + a->used - 1;
044 /* base */
045 tmpaa = a->dp + a->used - 1 - b;
047 /* much like mp_rshd this is implemented using a sliding window
048 * except the window goes the otherway around. Copying from
049 * the bottom to the top. see bn_mp_rshd.c for more info.
050 */
051 for (x = a->used - 1; x >= b; x--) \{
052 *tmpa-- = *tmpaa--;
053 \}
055 /* zero the lower digits */
056 tmpa = a->dp;
057 for (x = 0; x < b; x++) \{
058 *tmpa++ = 0;
059 \}
060 \}
061 return MP_OKAY;
062 \}
The if statement on line 24 ensures that the $b$ variable is greater than zero. The \textbf{used} count is incremented by $b$ before
the copy loop begins. This elminates the need for an additional variable in the for loop. The variable $tmpa$ on line 42 is an alias
for the leading digit while $tmpaa$ on line 45 is an alias for the trailing edge. The aliases form a window of exactly $b$ digits
over the input.
\subsection{Division by $x$}
Division by powers of $x$ is easily achieved by shifting the digits right and removing any that will end up to the right of the zero'th digit.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_rshd}. \\
\textbf{Input}. One mp\_int $a$ and an integer $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $a \leftarrow a / \beta^b$ (Divide by $x^b$). \\
\hline \\
1. If $b \le 0$ then return. \\
2. If $a.used \le b$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}2.1 Zero $a$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_zero}). \\
\hspace{3mm}2.2 Return. \\
3. $i \leftarrow 0$ \\
4. $j \leftarrow b$ \\
5. for $n$ from 0 to $a.used - b - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}5.1 $a_i \leftarrow a_j$ \\
\hspace{3mm}5.2 $i \leftarrow i + 1$ \\
\hspace{3mm}5.3 $j \leftarrow j + 1$ \\
6. for $n$ from $a.used - b$ to $a.used - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}6.1 $a_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
7. Clamp excess digits. (\textit{hint: use mp\_clamp}). \\
8. Return. \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_rshd}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_rshd.}
This algorithm divides the input in place by the $b$'th power of $x$. It is analogous to dividing by a $\beta^b$ but much quicker since
it does not require single precision division. This algorithm does not actually return an error code as it cannot fail.
If the input $b$ is less than one the algorithm quickly returns without performing any work. If the \textbf{used} count is less than or equal
to the shift count $b$ then it will simply zero the input and return.
After the trivial cases of inputs have been handled the sliding window is setup. Much like the case of algorithm mp\_lshd a sliding window that
is $b$ digits wide is used to copy the digits. Unlike mp\_lshd the window slides in the opposite direction from the trailing to the leading digit.
Also the digits are copied from the leading to the trailing edge.
Once the window copy is complete the upper digits must be zeroed. Finally algorithm mp\_clamp is used to trim excess digits.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_rshd.c
017 /* shift right a certain amount of digits */
018 void
019 mp_rshd (mp_int * a, int b)
020 \{
021 int x;
023 /* if b <= 0 then ignore it */
024 if (b <= 0) \{
025 return;
026 \}
028 /* if b > used then simply zero it and return */
029 if (a->used <= b) \{
030 mp_zero (a);
031 return;
032 \}
034 \{
035 register mp_digit *tmpa, *tmpaa;
037 /* shift the digits down */
039 /* base */
040 tmpa = a->dp;
042 /* offset into digits */
043 tmpaa = a->dp + b;
045 /* this is implemented as a sliding window where
046 * the window is b-digits long and digits from
047 * the top of the window are copied to the bottom
048 *
049 * e.g.
051 b-2 | b-1 | b0 | b1 | b2 | ... | bb | ---->
052 /\symbol{92} | ---->
053 \symbol{92}-------------------/ ---->
054 */
055 for (x = 0; x < (a->used - b); x++) \{
056 *tmpa++ = *tmpaa++;
057 \}
059 /* zero the top digits */
060 for (; x < a->used; x++) \{
061 *tmpa++ = 0;
062 \}
063 \}
064 mp_clamp (a);
065 \}
The only noteworthy element of this routine is the lack of a return type. This function cannot fail and as such it is more optimal to not
return anything.
\section{Powers of Two}
Now that algorithms for moving single bits as well as whole digits exist algorithms for moving the ``in between'' distances are required. For
example, to quickly multiply by $2^k$ for any $k$ without using a full multiplier algorithm would prove useful. Instead of performing single
shifts $k$ times to achieve a multiplication by $2^{\pm k}$ a mixture of whole digit shifting and partial digit shifting is employed.
\subsection{Multiplication by Power of Two}
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_mul\_2d}. \\
\textbf{Input}. One mp\_int $a$ and an integer $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $c \leftarrow a \cdot 2^b$. \\
\hline \\
1. $c \leftarrow a$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_copy}) \\
2. If $c.alloc < c.used + \lfloor b / lg(\beta) \rfloor + 2$ then grow $c$ accordingly. \\
3. If the reallocation failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
4. If $b \ge lg(\beta)$ then \\
\hspace{3mm}4.1 $c \leftarrow c \cdot \beta^{\lfloor b / lg(\beta) \rfloor}$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_lshd}). \\
\hspace{3mm}4.2 If step 4.1 failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
5. $d \leftarrow b \mbox{ (mod }lg(\beta)\mbox{)}$ \\
6. If $d \ne 0$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}6.1 $mask \leftarrow 2^d$ \\
\hspace{3mm}6.2 $r \leftarrow 0$ \\
\hspace{3mm}6.3 for $n$ from $0$ to $c.used - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}6.3.1 $rr \leftarrow c_n >> (lg(\beta) - d) \mbox{ (mod }mask\mbox{)}$ \\
\hspace{6mm}6.3.2 $c_n \leftarrow (c_n << d) + r \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
\hspace{6mm}6.3.3 $r \leftarrow rr$ \\
\hspace{3mm}6.4 If $r > 0$ then do \\
\hspace{6mm}6.4.1 $c_{c.used} \leftarrow r$ \\
\hspace{6mm}6.4.2 $c.used \leftarrow c.used + 1$ \\
7. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_mul\_2d}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_mul\_2d.}
This algorithm multiplies $a$ by $2^b$ and stores the result in $c$. The algorithm uses algorithm mp\_lshd and a derivative of algorithm mp\_mul\_2 to
quickly compute the product.
First the algorithm will multiply $a$ by $x^{\lfloor b / lg(\beta) \rfloor}$ which will ensure that the remainder multiplicand is less than
$\beta$. For example, if $b = 37$ and $\beta = 2^{28}$ then this step will multiply by $x$ leaving a multiplication by $2^{37 - 28} = 2^{9}$
The logarithm of the residue is calculated on step 5. If it is non-zero a modified shift loop is used to calculate the remaining product.
Essentially the loop is a generic version of algorith mp\_mul2 designed to handle any shift count in the range $1 \le x < lg(\beta)$. The $mask$
variable is used to extract the upper $d$ bits to form the carry for the next iteration.
This algorithm is loosely measured as a $O(2n)$ algorithm which means that if the input is $n$-digits that it takes $2n$ ``time'' to
complete. It is possible to optimize this algorithm down to a $O(n)$ algorithm at a cost of making the algorithm slightly harder to follow.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_mul\_2d.c
017 /* NOTE: This routine requires updating. For instance the c->used = c->all
oc bit
018 is wrong. We should just shift c->used digits then set the carry as c->d
p[c->used] = carry
020 To be fixed for LTM 0.18
021 */
023 /* shift left by a certain bit count */
024 int
025 mp_mul_2d (mp_int * a, int b, mp_int * c)
026 \{
027 mp_digit d;
028 int res;
030 /* copy */
031 if (a != c) \{
032 if ((res = mp_copy (a, c)) != MP_OKAY) \{
033 return res;
034 \}
035 \}
037 if (c->alloc < (int)(c->used + b/DIGIT_BIT + 2)) \{
038 if ((res = mp_grow (c, c->used + b / DIGIT_BIT + 2)) != MP_OKAY) \{
039 return res;
040 \}
041 \}
043 /* shift by as many digits in the bit count */
044 if (b >= (int)DIGIT_BIT) \{
045 if ((res = mp_lshd (c, b / DIGIT_BIT)) != MP_OKAY) \{
046 return res;
047 \}
048 \}
049 c->used = c->alloc;
051 /* shift any bit count < DIGIT_BIT */
052 d = (mp_digit) (b % DIGIT_BIT);
053 if (d != 0) \{
054 register mp_digit *tmpc, mask, r, rr;
055 register int x;
057 /* bitmask for carries */
058 mask = (((mp_digit)1) << d) - 1;
060 /* alias */
061 tmpc = c->dp;
063 /* carry */
064 r = 0;
065 for (x = 0; x < c->used; x++) \{
066 /* get the higher bits of the current word */
067 rr = (*tmpc >> (DIGIT_BIT - d)) & mask;
069 /* shift the current word and OR in the carry */
070 *tmpc = ((*tmpc << d) | r) & MP_MASK;
071 ++tmpc;
073 /* set the carry to the carry bits of the current word */
074 r = rr;
075 \}
076 \}
077 mp_clamp (c);
078 return MP_OKAY;
079 \}
Notes to be revised when code is updated. -- Tom
\subsection{Division by Power of Two}
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_div\_2d}. \\
\textbf{Input}. One mp\_int $a$ and an integer $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $c \leftarrow \lfloor a / 2^b \rfloor, d \leftarrow a \mbox{ (mod }2^b\mbox{)}$. \\
\hline \\
1. If $b \le 0$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}1.1 $c \leftarrow a$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_copy}) \\
\hspace{3mm}1.2 $d \leftarrow 0$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_zero}) \\
\hspace{3mm}1.3 Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
2. $c \leftarrow a$ \\
3. $d \leftarrow a \mbox{ (mod }2^b\mbox{)}$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_mod\_2d}) \\
4. If $b \ge lg(\beta)$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}4.1 $c \leftarrow \lfloor c/\beta^{\lfloor b/lg(\beta) \rfloor} \rfloor$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_rshd}). \\
5. $k \leftarrow b \mbox{ (mod }lg(\beta)\mbox{)}$ \\
6. If $k \ne 0$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}6.1 $mask \leftarrow 2^k$ \\
\hspace{3mm}6.2 $r \leftarrow 0$ \\
\hspace{3mm}6.3 for $n$ from $c.used - 1$ to $0$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}6.3.1 $rr \leftarrow c_n \mbox{ (mod }mask\mbox{)}$ \\
\hspace{6mm}6.3.2 $c_n \leftarrow (c_n >> k) + (r << (lg(\beta) - k))$ \\
\hspace{6mm}6.3.3 $r \leftarrow rr$ \\
7. Clamp excess digits of $c$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_clamp}) \\
8. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_div\_2d}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_div\_2d.}
This algorithm will divide an input $a$ by $2^b$ and produce the quotient and remainder. The algorithm is designed much like algorithm
mp\_mul\_2d by first using whole digit shifts then single precision shifts. This algorithm will also produce the remainder of the division
by using algorithm mp\_mod\_2d.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_div\_2d.c
017 /* shift right by a certain bit count (store quotient in c, remainder in d)
018 int
019 mp_div_2d (mp_int * a, int b, mp_int * c, mp_int * d)
020 \{
021 mp_digit D, r, rr;
022 int x, res;
023 mp_int t;
026 /* if the shift count is <= 0 then we do no work */
027 if (b <= 0) \{
028 res = mp_copy (a, c);
029 if (d != NULL) \{
030 mp_zero (d);
031 \}
032 return res;
033 \}
035 if ((res = mp_init (&t)) != MP_OKAY) \{
036 return res;
037 \}
039 /* get the remainder */
040 if (d != NULL) \{
041 if ((res = mp_mod_2d (a, b, &t)) != MP_OKAY) \{
042 mp_clear (&t);
043 return res;
044 \}
045 \}
047 /* copy */
048 if ((res = mp_copy (a, c)) != MP_OKAY) \{
049 mp_clear (&t);
050 return res;
051 \}
053 /* shift by as many digits in the bit count */
054 if (b >= (int)DIGIT_BIT) \{
055 mp_rshd (c, b / DIGIT_BIT);
056 \}
058 /* shift any bit count < DIGIT_BIT */
059 D = (mp_digit) (b % DIGIT_BIT);
060 if (D != 0) \{
061 register mp_digit *tmpc, mask;
063 /* mask */
064 mask = (((mp_digit)1) << D) - 1;
066 /* alias */
067 tmpc = c->dp + (c->used - 1);
069 /* carry */
070 r = 0;
071 for (x = c->used - 1; x >= 0; x--) \{
072 /* get the lower bits of this word in a temp */
073 rr = *tmpc & mask;
075 /* shift the current word and mix in the carry bits from the previous
word */
076 *tmpc = (*tmpc >> D) | (r << (DIGIT_BIT - D));
077 --tmpc;
079 /* set the carry to the carry bits of the current word found above */
080 r = rr;
081 \}
082 \}
083 mp_clamp (c);
084 res = MP_OKAY;
085 if (d != NULL) \{
086 mp_exch (&t, d);
087 \}
088 mp_clear (&t);
089 return MP_OKAY;
090 \}
The implementation of algorithm mp\_div\_2d is slightly different than the algorithm specifies. The remainder $d$ may be optionally
ignored by passing \textbf{NULL} as the pointer to the mp\_int variable. The temporary mp\_int variable $t$ is used to hold the
result of the remainder operation until the end. This allows $d = a$ to be true without overwriting the input before they are no longer required.
The remainder of the source code is essentially the same as the source code for mp\_mul\_2d. (-- Fix this paragraph up later, Tom).
\subsection{Remainder of Division by Power of Two}
The last algorithm in the series of polynomial basis power of two algorithms is calculating the remainder of division by $2^b$. This
algorithm benefits from the fact that in twos complement arithmetic $a \mbox{ (mod }2^b\mbox{)}$ is the same as $a$ AND $2^b - 1$.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_mod\_2d}. \\
\textbf{Input}. One mp\_int $a$ and an integer $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $c \leftarrow a \mbox{ (mod }2^b\mbox{)}$. \\
\hline \\
1. If $b \le 0$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}1.1 $c \leftarrow 0$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_zero}) \\
\hspace{3mm}1.2 Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
2. If $b > a.used \cdot lg(\beta)$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}2.1 $c \leftarrow a$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_copy}) \\
\hspace{3mm}2.2 Return the result of step 2.1. \\
3. $c \leftarrow a$ \\
4. If step 3 failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
5. for $n$ from $\lceil b / lg(\beta) \rceil$ to $c.used$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}5.1 $c_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
6. $k \leftarrow b \mbox{ (mod }lg(\beta)\mbox{)}$ \\
7. $c_{\lfloor b / lg(\beta) \rfloor} \leftarrow c_{\lfloor b / lg(\beta) \rfloor} \mbox{ (mod }2^{k}\mbox{)}$. \\
8. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_mod\_2d}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_mod\_2d.}
This algorithm will quickly calculate the value of $a \mbox{ (mod }2^b\mbox{)}$. First if $b$ is less than or equal to zero the
result is set to zero. If $b$ is greater than the number of bits in $a$ then it simply copies $a$ to $c$ and returns. Otherwise, $a$
is copied to $b$, leading digits are removed and the remaining leading digit is trimed to the exact bit count.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_mp\_mod\_2d.c
017 /* calc a value mod 2\b */
018 int
019 mp_mod_2d (mp_int * a, int b, mp_int * c)
020 \{
021 int x, res;
024 /* if b is <= 0 then zero the int */
025 if (b <= 0) \{
026 mp_zero (c);
027 return MP_OKAY;
028 \}
030 /* if the modulus is larger than the value than return */
031 if (b > (int) (a->used * DIGIT_BIT)) \{
032 res = mp_copy (a, c);
033 return res;
034 \}
036 /* copy */
037 if ((res = mp_copy (a, c)) != MP_OKAY) \{
038 return res;
039 \}
041 /* zero digits above the last digit of the modulus */
042 for (x = (b / DIGIT_BIT) + ((b % DIGIT_BIT) == 0 ? 0 : 1); x < c->used; x+
+) \{
043 c->dp[x] = 0;
044 \}
045 /* clear the digit that is not completely outside/inside the modulus */
046 c->dp[b / DIGIT_BIT] &=
047 (mp_digit) ((((mp_digit) 1) << (((mp_digit) b) % DIGIT_BIT)) - ((mp_digi
t) 1));
048 mp_clamp (c);
049 return MP_OKAY;
050 \}
-- Add comments later, Tom.
$\left [ 3 \right ] $ & Devise an algorithm that performs $a \cdot 2^b$ for generic values of $b$ \\
& in $O(n)$ time. \\
$\left [ 3 \right ] $ & Devise an efficient algorithm to multiply by small low hamming \\
& weight values such as $3$, $5$ and $9$. Extend it to handle all values \\
& upto $64$ with a hamming weight less than three. \\
$\left [ 2 \right ] $ & Modify the preceding algorithm to handle values of the form \\
& $2^k - 1$ as well. \\
$\left [ 3 \right ] $ & Using only algorithms mp\_mul\_2, mp\_div\_2 and mp\_add create an \\
& algorithm to multiply two integers in roughly $O(2n^2)$ time for \\
& any $n$-bit input. Note that the time of addition is ignored in the \\
& calculation. \\
& \\
$\left [ 5 \right ] $ & Improve the previous algorithm to have a working time of at most \\
& $O \left (2^{(k-1)}n + \left ({2n^2 \over k} \right ) \right )$ for an appropriate choice of $k$. Again ignore \\
& the cost of addition. \\
& \\
$\left [ 1 \right ] $ & There exists an improvement on the previous algorithm to \\
& slightly reduce the number of additions required. Modify the \\
& previous algorithm to include this improvement. \\
& \\
$\left [ 2 \right ] $ & Devise a chart to find optimal values of $k$ for the previous problem \\
& for $n = 64 \ldots 1024$ in steps of $64$. \\
& \\
$\left [ 2 \right ] $ & Using only algorithms mp\_abs and mp\_sub devise another method for \\
& calculating the result of a signed comparison. \\
\chapter{Multiplication and Squaring}
\section{The Multipliers}
For most number theoretic systems including public key cryptographic algorithms the set of algorithms collectively known as the
``multipliers'' form the most important subset of algorithms of any multiple precision integer package. The set of multipliers
include multiplication, squaring and modular reduction algorithms.
The importance of these algorithms is driven by the fact that most popular public key algorithms are based on modular
exponentiation. That is performing $d \equiv a^b \mbox{ (mod }c\mbox{)}$ for some arbitrary choice of $a$, $b$, $c$ and $d$. Roughly
speaking the a modular exponentiation will spend about 40\% of the time in modular reductions, 35\% of the time in squaring and 25\% of
the time in multiplications. Only a small trivial amount of time is spent on lower level algorithms such as mp\_clamp, mp\_init, etc...
This chapter will discuss only two of the multipliers algorithms, multiplication and squaring. As will be discussed shortly very efficient
multiplier algorithms are not always straightforward and deserve a lot of attention.
\subsection{The Baseline Multiplication}
\index{baseline multiplication}
Computing the product of two integers in software can be achieved using a trivial adaptation of the standard $O(n^2)$ long-hand multiplication
algorithm school children are taught. The ``baseline multiplication'' algorithm is designed to act as the ``catch-all'' algorithm only called
when the faster algorithms cannot be used. This algorithm does not use any particularly interesting optimizations.
The first algorithm to review is the unsigned multiplication algorithm from which a signed multiplication algorithm can be established. One important
facet of this algorithm to note is that it has been modified to only produce a certain amount of output digits as resolution. Recall that for
a $n$ and $m$ digit input the product will be at most $n + m + 1$ digits. Therefore, this algorithm can be reduced to a full multiplier by
telling it to produce $n + m + 1$ digits.
Recall from sub-section 5.2.2 the definition of $\gamma$ as the number of bits in the type \textbf{mp\_digit}. We shall now extend this variable set to
include $\alpha$ which shall represent the number of bits in the type \textbf{mp\_word}. This implies that $2^{\alpha} > 2 \cdot \beta^2$. The
constant $\delta = 2^{\alpha - 2lg(\beta)}$ will represent the maximal weight of any column in a product (\textit{see sub-section 6.2.2 for more information}).
\hline Algorithm \textbf{s\_mp\_mul\_digs}. \\
\textbf{Input}. mp\_int $a$, mp\_int $b$ and an integer $digs$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $c \leftarrow \vert a \vert \cdot \vert b \vert \mbox{ (mod }\beta^{digs}\mbox{)}$. \\
\hline \\
1. If min$(a.used, b.used) < \delta$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}1.1 Calculate $c = \vert a \vert \cdot \vert b \vert$ by the Comba method. \\
\hspace{3mm}1.2 Return the result of step 1.1 \\
Allocate and initialize a temporary mp\_int. \\
2. Init $t$ to be of size $digs$ \\
3. If step 2 failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
4. $t.used \leftarrow digs$ \\
Compute the product. \\
5. for $ix$ from $0$ to $a.used - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}5.1 $u \leftarrow 0$ \\
\hspace{3mm}5.2 $pb \leftarrow \mbox{min}(b.used, digs - ix)$ \\
\hspace{3mm}5.3 If $pb < 1$ then goto step 6. \\
\hspace{3mm}5.4 for $iy$ from $0$ to $pb - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}5.4.1 $\hat r \leftarrow t_{iy + ix} + a_{ix} \cdot b_{iy} + u$ \\
\hspace{6mm}5.4.2 $t_{iy + ix} \leftarrow \hat r \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
\hspace{6mm}5.4.3 $u \leftarrow \lfloor \hat r / \beta \rfloor$ \\
\hspace{3mm}5.5 if $ix + iy < digs$ then do \\
\hspace{6mm}5.5.1 $t_{ix + pb} \leftarrow u$ \\
6. Clamp excess digits of $t$. \\
7. Swap $c$ with $t$ \\
8. Clear $t$ \\
9. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm s\_mp\_mul\_digs}
\textbf{Algorithm s\_mp\_mul\_digs.}
This algorithm computes the unsigned product of two inputs $a$ and $c$ limited to an output precision of $digs$ digits. While it may seem
a bit awkward to modify the function from its simple $O(n^2)$ description the usefulness of partial multipliers will arise in a future
algorithm. The algorithm is loosely based on algorithm 14.12 from \cite[pp. 595]{HAC} and is similar to Algorithm M \cite[pp. 268]{TAOCPV2}. The
algorithm differs from those cited references because it can produce a variable output precision regardless of the precision of the inputs.
The first thing this algorithm checks for is whether a Comba multiplier can be used instead. That is if the minimal digit count of either
input is less than $\delta$ the Comba method is used. After the Comba method is ruled out the baseline algorithm begins. A
temporary mp\_int variable $t$ is used to hold the intermediate result of the product. This allows the algorithm to be used to
compute products when either $a = c$ or $b = c$ without overwriting the inputs.
All of step 5 is the infamous $O(n^2)$ multiplication loop slightly modified to only produce upto $digs$ digits of output. The $pb$ variable
is given the count of digits to read from $b$ inside the nested loop. If $pb < 0$ then no more output digits can be produced and the algorithm
will exit the loop. The best way to think of the loops are as a series of $pb \times 1$ multiplication. That is, in each pass of the
innermost loop $a_{ix}$ is multiplied against $b$ and the result is added (\textit{with an appropriate shift}) to $t$.
For example, consider multiplying $576$ by $241$. That is equivalent to computing $10^0(1)(576) + 10^1(4)(576) + 10^2(2)(576)$ which is best
visualized as the following table.
\hline && & 5 & 7 & 6 & \\
\hline $\times$&& & 2 & 4 & 1 & \\
\hline &&&&&&\\
&& & 5 & 7 & 6 & $10^0(1)(576)$ \\
&2 & 3 & 0 & 4 & 0 & $10^1(4)(576)$ \\
1 & 1 & 5 & 2 & 0 & 0 & $10^2(2)(576)$ \\
\caption{Long-Hand Multiplication Diagram}
Each row of the product is added to the result after being shifted to the left (\textit{multiplied by a power of the radix}) by the appropriate
count. That is in pass $ix$ of the inner loop the product is added starting at the $ix$'th digit of the reult.
Step 5.4.1 introduces the hat symbol (\textit{e.g. $\hat x$}) which represents a double precision variable. The multiplication on that step
is assumed to be a double wide output single precision multiplication. That is, two single precision variables are multiplied to produce a
double precision result. The step is somewhat optimized from a long-hand multiplication algorithm because the carry from the addition in step
5.4.1 is forwarded through the nested loop. If the carry was ignored it would overflow the single precision digit $t_{ix+iy}$ and the result
would be lost.
At step 5.5 the nested loop is finished and any carry that was left over should be forwarded. That is provided $ix + iy < digs$ otherwise the
carry is ignored since it will not be part of the result anyways.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_s\_mp\_mul\_digs.c
017 /* multiplies |a| * |b| and only computes upto digs digits of result
018 * HAC pp. 595, Algorithm 14.12 Modified so you can control how
019 * many digits of output are created.
020 */
021 int
022 s_mp_mul_digs (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c, int digs)
023 \{
024 mp_int t;
025 int res, pa, pb, ix, iy;
026 mp_digit u;
027 mp_word r;
028 mp_digit tmpx, *tmpt, *tmpy;
030 /* can we use the fast multiplier? */
031 if (((digs) < MP_WARRAY) &&
032 MIN (a->used, b->used) <
033 (1 << ((CHAR_BIT * sizeof (mp_word)) - (2 * DIGIT_BIT)))) \{
034 return fast_s_mp_mul_digs (a, b, c, digs);
035 \}
037 if ((res = mp_init_size (&t, digs)) != MP_OKAY) \{
038 return res;
039 \}
040 t.used = digs;
042 /* compute the digits of the product directly */
043 pa = a->used;
044 for (ix = 0; ix < pa; ix++) \{
045 /* set the carry to zero */
046 u = 0;
048 /* limit ourselves to making digs digits of output */
049 pb = MIN (b->used, digs - ix);
051 /* setup some aliases */
052 /* copy of the digit from a used within the nested loop */
053 tmpx = a->dp[ix];
055 /* an alias for the destination shifted ix places */
056 tmpt = t.dp + ix;
058 /* an alias for the digits of b */
059 tmpy = b->dp;
061 /* compute the columns of the output and propagate the carry */
062 for (iy = 0; iy < pb; iy++) \{
063 /* compute the column as a mp_word */
064 r = ((mp_word) *tmpt) +
065 ((mp_word) tmpx) * ((mp_word) * tmpy++) +
066 ((mp_word) u);
068 /* the new column is the lower part of the result */
069 *tmpt++ = (mp_digit) (r & ((mp_word) MP_MASK));
071 /* get the carry word from the result */
072 u = (mp_digit) (r >> ((mp_word) DIGIT_BIT));
073 \}
074 /* set carry if it is placed below digs */
075 if (ix + iy < digs) \{
076 *tmpt = u;
077 \}
078 \}
080 mp_clamp (&t);
081 mp_exch (&t, c);
083 mp_clear (&t);
084 return MP_OKAY;
085 \}
Lines 31 to 35 determine if the Comba method can be used first. The conditions for using the Comba routine are that min$(a.used, b.used) < \delta$ and
the number of digits of output is less than \textbf{MP\_WARRAY}. This new constant is used to control the stack usage in the Comba routines. By
default it is set to $\delta$ but can be reduced when memory is at a premium.
Of particular importance is the calculation of the $ix+iy$'th column on lines 64, 65 and 66. Note how all of the
variables are cast to the type \textbf{mp\_word}. That is to ensure that double precision operations are used instead of single precision. The
multiplication on line 65 is a bit of a GCC optimization. On the outset it looks like the compiler will have to use a double precision
multiplication to produce the result required. Such an operation would be horribly slow on most processors and drag this to a crawl. However,
GCC is smart enough to realize that double wide output single precision multipliers can be used. For example, the instruction ``MUL'' on the
x86 processor can multiply two 32-bit values and produce a 64-bit result.
\subsection{Faster Multiplication by the ``Comba'' Method}
One of the huge drawbacks of the ``baseline'' algorithms is that at the $O(n^2)$ level the carry must be computed and propagated upwards. This
makes the nested loop very sequential and hard to unroll and implement in parallel. The ``Comba'' method is named after little known
(\textit{in cryptographic venues}) Paul G. Comba where in \cite{COMBA} a method of implementing fast multipliers that do not require nested
carry fixup operations was presented.
At the heart of algorithm is once again the long-hand algorithm for multiplication. Except in this case a slight twist is placed on how
the columns of the result are produced. In the standard long-hand algorithm rows of products are produced then added together to form the
final result. In the baseline algorithm the columns are added together to get the result instantaneously.
In the Comba algorithm however, the columns of the result are produced entirely independently of each other. That is at the $O(n^2)$ level a
simple multiplication and addition step is performed. Or more succintly that
x_n = \sum_{i+j = n} a_ib_j
Where $x_n$ is the $n'th$ column of the output vector. To see how this works consider once again multiplying $576$ by $241$.
\hline & & 5 & 7 & 6 & First Input\\
\hline $\times$ & & 2 & 4 & 1 & Second Input\\
\hline & & $1 \cdot 5 = 5$ & $1 \cdot 7 = 7$ & $1 \cdot 6 = 6$ & First pass \\
& $4 \cdot 5 = 20$ & $4 \cdot 7+5=33$ & $4 \cdot 6+7=31$ & 6 & Second pass \\
$2 \cdot 5 = 10$ & $2 \cdot 7 + 20 = 34$ & $2 \cdot 6+33=45$ & 31 & 6 & Third pass \\
\hline 10 & 34 & 45 & 31 & 6 & Final Result \\
\caption{Comba Multiplication Diagram}
At this point the vector $x = \left < 10, 34, 45, 31, 6 \right >$ is the result of the first step of the Comba multipler.
Now the columns must be fixed by propagating the carry upwards. The following trivial algorithm will accomplish this.
\item for $n$ from 0 to $k - 1$ do
\item \hspace{3mm} $x_{n+1} \leftarrow x_{n+1} + \lfloor x_{n}/\beta \rfloor$
\item \hspace{3mm} $x_{n} \leftarrow x_{n} \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$
With that algorithm and $k = 5$ and $\beta = 10$ the following vector is produced $y = \left < 1, 3, 8, 8, 1, 6 \right >$. In this case
$241 \cdot 576$ is in fact $138816$ and the procedure succeeded. If the algorithm is correct and as will be demonstrated shortly more
efficient than the baseline algorithm why not simply always use this algorithm?
\subsubsection{Column Weight.}
At the nested $O(n^2)$ level the Comba method adds the product of two single precision variables to a each column of the output
independently. A serious obstacle is if the carry is lost due to lack of precision before the algorithm has a chance to fix
the carries. For example, in the multiplication of two three-digit numbers the third column of output will be the sum of
three single precision multiplications. If the precision of the accumulator for the output digits is less then $3 \cdot (\beta - 1)^2$ then
an overflow can occur and the carry information will be lost. For any $m$ and $n$ digit input the maximal weight of any column is
min$(m, n)$ which is fairly obvious.
The maximal number of terms in any column of a product is known as the ``column weight'' and strictly governs when the algorithm can be used. Recall
from earlier that a double precision type has $\alpha$ bits of resolution and a single precision digit has $lg(\beta)$ bits of precision. Given these
two quantities we may not violate the following
k \cdot \left (\beta - 1 \right )^2 < 2^{\alpha}
Which reduces to
k \cdot \left ( \beta^2 - 2\beta + 1 \right ) < 2^{\alpha}
Let $\rho = lg(\beta)$ represent the number of bits in a single precision digit. By further re-arrangement of the equation the final solution is
k \cdot \left (2^{2\rho} - 2^{\rho + 1} + 1 \right ) < 2^{\alpha}
The defaults for LibTomMath are $\beta = 2^{28}, \alpha = 2^{64}$ which simplies to $72057593501057025 \cdot k < 2^{64}$ which when divided out
result in $k < 257$. This implies that the smallest input may not have more than $256$ digits if the Comba method is to be used in
this configuration. This is quite satisfactory for most applications since $256$ digits would be allow for numbers in the range of $2^{7168}$
which is much larger than the typical $2^{100}$ to $2^{4000}$ range most public key cryptographic algorithms use.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{fast\_s\_mp\_mul\_digs}. \\
\textbf{Input}. mp\_int $a$, mp\_int $b$ and an integer $digs$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $c \leftarrow \vert a \vert \cdot \vert b \vert \mbox{ (mod }\beta^{digs}\mbox{)}$. \\
\hline \\
Place an array of \textbf{MP\_WARRAY} double precision digits named $\hat W$ on the stack. \\
1. If $c.alloc < digs$ then grow $c$ to $digs$ digits. (\textit{hint: use mp\_grow}) \\
2. If step 1 failed return(\textit{MP\_MEM}).\\
Zero the temporary array $\hat W$. \\
3. for $n$ from $0$ to $digs - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}3.1 $\hat W_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
Compute the columns. \\
4. for $ix$ from $0$ to $a.used - 1$ do \\
\hspace{3mm}4.1 $pb \leftarrow \mbox{min}(b.used, digs - ix)$ \\
\hspace{3mm}4.2 If $pb < 1$ then goto step 5. \\
\hspace{3mm}4.3 for $iy$ from $0$ to $pb - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}4.3.1 $\hat W_{ix+iy} \leftarrow \hat W_{ix+iy} + a_{ix}b_{iy}$ \\
Propagate the carries upwards. \\
5. $oldused \leftarrow c.used$ \\
6. $c.used \leftarrow digs$ \\
7. If $digs > 1$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}7.1. for $ix$ from $1$ to $digs - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}7.1.1 $\hat W_{ix} \leftarrow \hat W_{ix} + \lfloor \hat W_{ix-1} / \beta \rfloor$ \\
\hspace{6mm}7.1.2 $c_{ix - 1} \leftarrow \hat W_{ix - 1} \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
8. else do \\
\hspace{3mm}8.1 $ix \leftarrow 0$ \\
9. $c_{ix} \leftarrow \hat W_{ix} \mbox{ (mod }\beta\mbox{)}$ \\
Zero excess digits. \\
10. If $digs < oldused$ then do \\
\hspace{3mm}10.1 for $n$ from $digs$ to $oldused - 1$ do \\
\hspace{6mm}10.1.1 $c_n \leftarrow 0$ \\
11. Clamp excessive digits of $c$. (\textit{hint: use mp\_clamp}) \\
12. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}). \\
\caption{Algorithm fast\_s\_mp\_mul\_digs}
\textbf{Algorithm fast\_s\_mp\_mul\_digs.}
This algorithm performs the unsigned multiplication of $a$ and $b$ using the Comba method limited to $digs$ digits of precision. The algorithm
essentially peforms the same calculation as algorithm s\_mp\_mul\_digs but much faster.
The array $\hat W$ is meant to be on the stack when the algorithm is used. The size of the array does not change which is ideal. Note also that
unlike algorithm s\_mp\_mul\_digs no temporary mp\_int is required since the result is calculated in place in $\hat W$.
The $O(n^2)$ loop on step four is where the Comba method starts to show through. First there is no carry variable in the loop. Second the
double precision multiply and add step does not have a carry fixup of any sort. In fact the nested loop is very simple and can be implemented
in parallel.
What makes the Comba method so attractive is that the carry propagation only takes place outside the $O(n^2)$ nested loop. For example, if the
cost in terms of time of a multiply and add is $p$ and the cost of a carry propagation is $q$ then a baseline multiplication would require
$O \left ((p + q)n^2 \right )$ time to multiply two $n$-digit numbers. The Comba method only requires $pn^2 + qn$ time, however, in practice
the speed increase is actually much more. With $O(n)$ space the algorithm can be reduced to $O(pn + qn)$ time by implementing the $n$ multiply
and add operations in the nested loop in parallel.
The carry propagation loop on step 7 is fairly straightforward. It could have been written phased the other direction, that is, to assign
to $c_{ix}$ instead of $c_{ix-1}$ in each iteration. However, it would still require pre-caution to make sure that $\hat W_{ix+1}$ is not beyond
the \textbf{MP\_WARRAY} words set aside.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: bn\_fast\_s\_mp\_mul\_digs.c
017 /* Fast (comba) multiplier
018 *
019 * This is the fast column-array [comba] multiplier. It is
020 * designed to compute the columns of the product first
021 * then handle the carries afterwards. This has the effect
022 * of making the nested loops that compute the columns very
023 * simple and schedulable on super-scalar processors.
024 *
025 * This has been modified to produce a variable number of
026 * digits of output so if say only a half-product is required
027 * you don't have to compute the upper half (a feature
028 * required for fast Barrett reduction).
029 *
030 * Based on Algorithm 14.12 on pp.595 of HAC.
031 *
032 */
033 int
034 fast_s_mp_mul_digs (mp_int * a, mp_int * b, mp_int * c, int digs)
035 \{
036 int olduse, res, pa, ix;
037 mp_word W[MP_WARRAY];
039 /* grow the destination as required */
040 if (c->alloc < digs) \{
041 if ((res = mp_grow (c, digs)) != MP_OKAY) \{
042 return res;
043 \}
044 \}
046 /* clear temp buf (the columns) */
047 memset (W, 0, sizeof (mp_word) * digs);
049 /* calculate the columns */
050 pa = a->used;
051 for (ix = 0; ix < pa; ix++) \{
052 /* this multiplier has been modified to allow you to
053 * control how many digits of output are produced.
054 * So at most we want to make upto "digs" digits of output.
055 *
056 * this adds products to distinct columns (at ix+iy) of W
057 * note that each step through the loop is not dependent on
058 * the previous which means the compiler can easily unroll
059 * the loop without scheduling problems
060 */
061 \{
062 register mp_digit tmpx, *tmpy;
063 register mp_word *_W;
064 register int iy, pb;
066 /* alias for the the word on the left e.g. A[ix] * A[iy] */
067 tmpx = a->dp[ix];
069 /* alias for the right side */
070 tmpy = b->dp;
072 /* alias for the columns, each step through the loop adds a new
073 term to each column
074 */
075 _W = W + ix;
077 /* the number of digits is limited by their placement. E.g.
078 we avoid multiplying digits that will end up above the # of
079 digits of precision requested
080 */
081 pb = MIN (b->used, digs - ix);
083 for (iy = 0; iy < pb; iy++) \{
084 *_W++ += ((mp_word) tmpx) * ((mp_word) * tmpy++);
085 \}
086 \}
088 \}
090 /* setup dest */
091 olduse = c->used;
092 c->used = digs;
094 \{
095 register mp_digit *tmpc;
097 /* At this point W[] contains the sums of each column. To get the
098 * correct result we must take the extra bits from each column and
099 * carry them down
100 *
101 * Note that while this adds extra code to the multiplier it
102 * saves time since the carry propagation is removed from the
103 * above nested loop.This has the effect of reducing the work
104 * from N*(N+N*c)==N**2 + c*N**2 to N**2 + N*c where c is the
105 * cost of the shifting. On very small numbers this is slower
106 * but on most cryptographic size numbers it is faster.
107 */
108 tmpc = c->dp;
109 for (ix = 1; ix < digs; ix++) \{
110 W[ix] += (W[ix - 1] >> ((mp_word) DIGIT_BIT));
111 *tmpc++ = (mp_digit) (W[ix - 1] & ((mp_word) MP_MASK));
112 \}
113 *tmpc++ = (mp_digit) (W[digs - 1] & ((mp_word) MP_MASK));
115 /* clear unused */
116 for (; ix < olduse; ix++) \{
117 *tmpc++ = 0;
118 \}
119 \}
121 mp_clamp (c);
122 return MP_OKAY;
123 \}
The memset on line 47 clears the initial $\hat W$ array to zero in a single step. Like the slower baseline multiplication
implementation a series of aliases (\textit{lines 67, 70 and 75}) are used to simplify the inner $O(n^2)$ loop.
In this case a new alias $\_\hat W$ has been added which refers to the double precision columns offset by $ix$ in each pass.
The inner loop on line 84 is where the algorithm will spend the majority of the time. Which is why it has been stripped to the
bones of any extra baggage\footnote{Hence the pointer aliases.}. On x86 processors the multiply and add amounts to at the very least five
instructions (\textit{two loads, two additions, one multiply}) while on the ARMv4 processors it amounts to only three (\textit{one load, one store,
one multiply-add}). On both the x86 and ARMv4 processors GCC v3.2 does a very good job at unrolling the loop and scheduling it so there
are very few dependency stalls.
In theory the difference between the baseline and comba algorithms is a mere $O(qn)$ time difference. However, in the $O(n^2)$ nested loop of the
baseline method there are dependency stalls as the algorithm must wait for the multiplier to finish before propagating the carry to the next
digit. As a result fewer of the often multiple execution units\footnote{The AMD Athlon has three execution units and the Intel P4 has four.} can
be simultaneously used.
\subsection{Multiplication at New Bounds by Karatsuba Method}
So far two methods of multiplication have been presented. Both of the algorithms require asymptotically $O(n^2)$ time to multiply two $n$-digit
numbers together. While the Comba method is much faster than the baseline algorithm it still requires far too much time to multiply
large inputs together. In fact it was not until \cite{KARA} in 1962 that a faster algorithm had been proposed at all.
The idea behind Karatsubas method is that an input can be represented in polynomial basis as two halves then multiplied. For example, if
$f(x) = ax + b$ and $g(x) = cx + b$ then the product of the two polynomials $h(x) = f(x)g(x)$ will allow $h(\beta) = (f(\beta))(g(\beta))$.
So how does this help? First expand the product $h(x)$.
$h(x)$ & $=$ & $f(x)g(x)$ \\
& $=$ & $(ax + b)(cx + d)$ \\
& $=$ & $acx^2 + adx + bcx + bd$ \\
The next equation is a bit of genius on the part of Karatsuba. He proved that the previous equation is equivalent to
h(x) = acx^2 + ((a - c)(b - d) + bd + ac)x + bd
Essentially the proof lies in some fairly light algebraic number theory (\textit{see \cite{KARAP} for details}) that is not important for
the discussion. At first glance it appears that the Karatsuba method is actually harder than the straight $O(n^2)$ approach.
However, further investigation will prove otherwise.
The first important observation is that both $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ are the polynomial basis representation of two-digit numbers. This means that
$\left < a, b, c, d \right >$ are single digit values. Using either the baseline or straight polynomial multiplication the old method requires
$O \left (4(n/2)^2 \right ) = O(n^2)$ single precision multiplications. Looking closer at Karatsubas equation there are only three unique multiplications
required which are $ac$, $bd$ and $(a - c)(b - d)$. As a result only $O \left (3 \cdot (n/2)^2 \right ) = O \left ( {3 \over 4}n^2 \right )$
multiplications are required.
So far the algorithm has been discussed from the point of view of ``two-digit'' numbers. However, there is no reason why two digits implies a range of
$\beta^2$. It could just as easily represent a range of $\left (\beta^k \right)^2$ as well. For example, the polynomial
$f(x) = a_3x^3 + a_2x^2 + a_1x + a_0$ could also be written as $f'(x) = a'_1x + a'_0$ where $f(\beta) = f'(\beta^2)$. Fortunately representing an
integer which is already in an array of radix-$\beta$ digits in polynomial basis in terms of a power of $\beta$ is very simple.
The Karatsuba multiplication algorithm can be applied to practically any size of input. Therefore, it is possible that the Karatsuba method itself
be used for the three multiplications required. For example, when multiplying two four-digit numbers there will be three multiplications of two-digit
numbers. In this case the smaller multiplication requires $p(n) = {3 \over 4}n^2$ time to complete while the larger multiplication requires
$q(n) = 3 \cdot p(n/2)$ multiplications.
By expanding $q(n)$ the following equation is achieved.
$q(n)$ & $=$ & $3 \cdot p(n/2)$ \\
& $=$ & $3 \cdot (3 \cdot ((n/2)/2)^2)$ \\
& $=$ & $9 \cdot (n/4)^2$ \\
& $=$ & ${9 \over 16}n^2$ \\
The generic expression for the multiplicand is simply $\left ( {3 \over 4} \right )^k$ for $k \ge 1$ recurisions. The maximal number of recursions
is approximately $lg(n)$. Putting this all in terms of a base $n$ logarithm the asymptotic running time can be deduced.
$lg_n \left ( \left ( {3 \over 4} \right )^{lg_2 n} \cdot n^2 \right )$ & $=$ & $lg_2 n \cdot lg_n \left ( { 3 \over 4 } \right ) + 2$ \\
& $=$ & $\left ( {log N \over log 2} \right ) \cdot \left ( {log \left ( {3 \over 4} \right ) \over log N } \right ) + 2$ \\
& $=$ & ${ log 3 - log 2^2 + 2 \cdot log 2} \over log 2$ \\
& $=$ & $log 3 \over log 2$ \\
Which leads to a running time of $O \left ( n^{lg(3)} \right )$ which is approximately $O(n^{1.584})$. This can lead to
impressive savings with fairly moderate sized numbers. For example, when multiplying two 128-digit numbers the Karatsuba
method saves $14,197$ (\textit{or $86\%$ of the total}) single precision multiplications.
The immediate question becomes why not simply use Karatsuba multiplication all the time and forget about the baseline and Comba algorithms?
While the Karatsuba method saves on the number of single precision multiplications required this savings is not entirely free. The product
of three half size products must be stored somewhere as well as four additions and two subtractions performed. These operations incur sufficient
overhead that often for fairly trivial sized inputs the Karatsuba method is slower.
\index{cutoff point}
The \textit{cutoff point} for Karatsuba multiplication is the point at which the Karatsuba multiplication and baseline (\textit{or Comba}) meet.
For the purposes of this discussion call this value $x$. For any input with $n$ digits such that $n < x$ Karatsuba multiplication will be slower
and for $n > x$ it will be faster. Often the break between the two algorithms is not so clean cut in reality. The cleaner the cut the more
efficient multiplication will be which is why tuning the multiplication is a very important process. For example, a properly tuned Karatsuba
multiplication algorithm can multiply two $4,096$ bit numbers up to five times faster on an Athlon processor compared to the standard baseline
The exact placement of the value of $x$ depends on several key factors. The cost of allocating storage for the temporary variables, the cost of
performing the additions and most importantly the cost of performing a single precision multiplication. With a processor where single precision
multiplication is fast\footnote{The AMD Athlon for instance has a six cycle multiplier compared to the Intel P4 which has a 15 cycle multiplier.} the
cutoff point will move upwards. Similarly with a slower processor the cutoff point will move downwards.
\hline Algorithm \textbf{mp\_karatsuba\_mul}. \\
\textbf{Input}. mp\_int $a$ and mp\_int $b$ \\
\textbf{Output}. $c \leftarrow \vert a \vert \cdot \vert b \vert$ \\
\hline \\
1. $B \leftarrow \mbox{min}(a.used, b.used)/2$ \\
2. Init the following mp\_int variables: $x0$, $x1$, $y0$, $y1$, $t1$, $x0y0$, $x1y1$.\\
3. If step 2 failed then return(\textit{MP\_MEM}). \\
Split the input. e.g. $a = x1 \cdot \beta^B + x0$ \\
4. $x0 \leftarrow a \mbox{ (mod }\beta^B\mbox{)}$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_mod\_2d}) \\
5. $y0 \leftarrow b \mbox{ (mod }\beta^B\mbox{)}$ \\
6. $x1 \leftarrow \lfloor a / \beta^B \rfloor$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_rshd}) \\
7. $y1 \leftarrow \lfloor b / \beta^B \rfloor$ \\
Calculate the three products. \\
8. $x0y0 \leftarrow x0 \cdot y0$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_mul}) \\
9. $x1y1 \leftarrow x1 \cdot y1$ \\
10. $t1 \leftarrow x1 - x0$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_sub}) \\
11. $x0 \leftarrow y1 - y0$ \\
12. $t1 \leftarrow t1 \cdot x0$ \\
Calculate the middle term. \\
13. $x0 \leftarrow x0y0 + x1y1$ \\
14. $t1 \leftarrow x0 - t1$ \\
Calculate the final product. \\
15. $t1 \leftarrow t1 \cdot \beta^B$ (\textit{hint: use mp\_lshd}) \\
16. $x1y1 \leftarrow x1y1 \cdot \beta^{2B}$ \\
17. $t1 \leftarrow x0y0 + t1$ \\
18. $c \leftarrow t1 + x1y1$ \\
19. Clear all of the temporary variables. \\
20. Return(\textit{MP\_OKAY}).\\
\caption{Algorithm mp\_karatsuba\_mul}
\textbf{Algorithm mp\_karatsuba\_mul.}
\subsection{The Baseline Squaring Algorithm}
\subsection{Faster Squaring by the ``Comba'' Method}
\subsection{Karatsuba Squaring}
\section{Tuning Algorithms}
\subsection{How to Tune Karatsuba Algorithms}
\chapter{Modular Reductions}
\section{Basics of Modular Reduction}
\section{The Barrett Reduction}
\section{The Montgomery Reduction}
\subsection{Faster ``Comba'' Montgomery Reduction}
\subsection{Example Montgomery Algorithms}
\section{The Diminished Radix Algorithm}
\section{Algorithm Comparison}
\section{Single Digit Exponentiation}
\section{Modular Exponentiation}
\subsection{General Case}
\subsection{Odd or Diminished Radix Moduli}
\section{Quick Power of Two}
\chapter{Higher Level Algorithms}
\section{Integer Division with Remainder}
\section{Single Digit Helpers}
\subsection{Single Digit Addition}
\subsection{Single Digit Subtraction}
\subsection{Single Digit Multiplication}
\subsection{Single Digit Division}
\subsection{Single Digit Modulo}
\subsection{Single Digit Root Extraction}
\section{Random Number Generation}
\section{Formatted Output}
\subsection{Getting The Output Size}
\subsection{Generating Radix-n Output}
\subsection{Reading Radix-n Input}
\section{Unformatted Output}
\subsection{Getting The Output Size}
\subsection{Generating Output}
\subsection{Reading Input}
\chapter{Number Theoretic Algorithms}
\section{Greatest Common Divisor}
\section{Least Common Multiple}
\section{Jacobi Symbol Computation}
\section{Modular Inverse}
\subsection{General Case}
\subsection{Odd Moduli}
\section{Primality Tests}
\subsection{Trial Division}
\subsection{The Fermat Test}
\subsection{The Miller-Rabin Test}
\subsection{Primality Test in a Bottle}
\subsection{The Next Prime}
\section{Root Extraction}
Donald Knuth, \textit{The Art of Computer Programming}, Third Edition, Volume Two, Seminumerical Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 1998
A. Menezes, P. van Oorschot, S. Vanstone, \textit{Handbook of Applied Cryptography}, CRC Press, 1996
Michael Rosing, \textit{Implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography}, Manning Publications, 1999
Paul G. Comba, \textit{Exponentiation Cryptosystems on the IBM PC}. IBM Systems Journal 29(4): 526-538 (1990)
A. Karatsuba, Doklay Akad. Nauk SSSR 145 (1962), pp.293-294
Andre Weimerskirch and Christof Paar, \textit{Generalizations of the Karatsuba Algorithm for Polynomial Multiplication}, Submitted to Design, Codes and Cryptography, March 2002
\subsection*{Appendix A -- Source Listing of tommath.h}
The following is the source listing of the header file ``tommath.h'' for the LibTomMath project. It contains many of
the definitions used throughout the code such as \textbf{mp\_int}, \textbf{MP\_PREC} and so on. The header is
presented here for completeness.
\hspace{-5.1mm}{\bf File}: tommath.h
001 /* LibTomMath, multiple-precision integer library -- Tom St Denis
002 *
003 * LibTomMath is library that provides for multiple-precision
004 * integer arithmetic as well as number theoretic functionality.
005 *
006 * The library is designed directly after the MPI library by
007 * Michael Fromberger but has been written from scratch with
008 * additional optimizations in place.
009 *
010 * The library is free for all purposes without any express
011 * guarantee it works.
012 *
013 * Tom St Denis,,
014 */
015 #ifndef BN_H_
016 #define BN_H_
018 #include <stdio.h>
019 #include <string.h>
020 #include <stdlib.h>
021 #include <ctype.h>
022 #include <limits.h>
024 #undef MIN
025 #define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
026 #undef MAX
027 #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
029 #ifdef __cplusplus
030 extern "C" \{
032 /* C++ compilers don't like assigning void * to mp_digit * */
033 #define OPT_CAST (mp_digit *)
035 #else
037 /* C on the other hand doesn't care */
038 #define OPT_CAST
040 #endif
042 /* some default configurations.
043 *
044 * A "mp_digit" must be able to hold DIGIT_BIT + 1 bits
045 * A "mp_word" must be able to hold 2*DIGIT_BIT + 1 bits
046 *
047 * At the very least a mp_digit must be able to hold 7 bits
048 * [any size beyond that is ok provided it doesn't overflow the data type]
049 */
050 #ifdef MP_8BIT
051 typedef unsigned char mp_digit;
052 typedef unsigned short mp_word;
053 #elif defined(MP_16BIT)
054 typedef unsigned short mp_digit;
055 typedef unsigned long mp_word;
056 #elif defined(MP_64BIT)
057 /* for GCC only on supported platforms */
058 #ifndef CRYPT
059 typedef unsigned long long ulong64;
060 typedef signed long long long64;
061 #endif
063 typedef ulong64 mp_digit;
064 typedef unsigned long mp_word __attribute__ ((mode(TI)));
066 #define DIGIT_BIT 60
067 #else
068 /* this is the default case, 28-bit digits */
070 /* this is to make porting into LibTomCrypt easier :-) */
071 #ifndef CRYPT
072 #ifdef _MSC_VER
073 typedef unsigned __int64 ulong64;
074 typedef signed __int64 long64;
075 #else
076 typedef unsigned long long ulong64;
077 typedef signed long long long64;
078 #endif
079 #endif
081 typedef unsigned long mp_digit;
082 typedef ulong64 mp_word;
084 #define DIGIT_BIT 28
085 #endif
087 /* otherwise the bits per digit is calculated automatically from the size of
a mp_digit */
088 #ifndef DIGIT_BIT
089 #define DIGIT_BIT ((CHAR_BIT * sizeof(mp_digit) - 1)) /* bits per di
git */
090 #endif
094 #define MP_MASK ((((mp_digit)1)<<((mp_digit)DIGIT_BIT))-((mp_digit)
095 #define MP_DIGIT_MAX MP_MASK
097 /* equalities */
098 #define MP_LT -1 /* less than */
099 #define MP_EQ 0 /* equal to */
100 #define MP_GT 1 /* greater than */
102 #define MP_ZPOS 0 /* positive integer */
103 #define MP_NEG 1 /* negative */
105 #define MP_OKAY 0 /* ok result */
106 #define MP_MEM -2 /* out of mem */
107 #define MP_VAL -3 /* invalid input */
108 #define MP_RANGE MP_VAL
110 typedef int mp_err;
112 /* you'll have to tune these... */
113 extern int KARATSUBA_MUL_CUTOFF,
117 /* various build options */
118 #define MP_PREC 64 /* default digits of precision (must
be power of two) */
120 /* define this to use lower memory usage routines (exptmods mostly) */
121 /* #define MP_LOW_MEM */
123 /* size of comba arrays, should be at least 2 * 2**(BITS_PER_WORD - BITS_PER
_DIGIT*2) */
124 #define MP_WARRAY (1 << (sizeof(mp_word) * CHAR_BIT - 2 * DIGI
T_BIT + 1))
126 typedef struct \{
127 int used, alloc, sign;
128 mp_digit *dp;
129 \} mp_int;
131 #define USED(m) ((m)->used)
132 #define DIGIT(m,k) ((m)->dp[k])
133 #define SIGN(m) ((m)->sign)
135 /* ---> init and deinit bignum functions <--- */
137 /* init a bignum */
138 int mp_init(mp_int *a);
140 /* free a bignum */
141 void mp_clear(mp_int *a);
143 /* init a null terminated series of arguments */
144 int mp_init_multi(mp_int *mp, ...);
146 /* clear a null terminated series of arguments */
147 void mp_clear_multi(mp_int *mp, ...);
149 /* exchange two ints */
150 void mp_exch(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
152 /* shrink ram required for a bignum */
153 int mp_shrink(mp_int *a);
155 /* grow an int to a given size */
156 int mp_grow(mp_int *a, int size);
158 /* init to a given number of digits */
159 int mp_init_size(mp_int *a, int size);
161 /* ---> Basic Manipulations <--- */
163 #define mp_iszero(a) (((a)->used == 0) ? 1 : 0)
164 #define mp_iseven(a) (((a)->used == 0 || (((a)->dp[0] & 1) == 0)) ? 1 : 0)
165 #define mp_isodd(a) (((a)->used > 0 && (((a)->dp[0] & 1) == 1)) ? 1 : 0)
167 /* set to zero */
168 void mp_zero(mp_int *a);
170 /* set to a digit */
171 void mp_set(mp_int *a, mp_digit b);
173 /* set a 32-bit const */
174 int mp_set_int(mp_int *a, unsigned int b);
176 /* copy, b = a */
177 int mp_copy(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
179 /* inits and copies, a = b */
180 int mp_init_copy(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
182 /* trim unused digits */
183 void mp_clamp(mp_int *a);
185 /* ---> digit manipulation <--- */
187 /* right shift by "b" digits */
188 void mp_rshd(mp_int *a, int b);
190 /* left shift by "b" digits */
191 int mp_lshd(mp_int *a, int b);
193 /* c = a / 2**b */
194 int mp_div_2d(mp_int *a, int b, mp_int *c, mp_int *d);
196 /* b = a/2 */
197 int mp_div_2(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
199 /* c = a * 2**b */
200 int mp_mul_2d(mp_int *a, int b, mp_int *c);
202 /* b = a*2 */
203 int mp_mul_2(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
205 /* c = a mod 2**d */
206 int mp_mod_2d(mp_int *a, int b, mp_int *c);
208 /* computes a = 2**b */
209 int mp_2expt(mp_int *a, int b);
211 /* makes a pseudo-random int of a given size */
212 int mp_rand(mp_int *a, int digits);
214 /* ---> binary operations <--- */
215 /* c = a XOR b */
216 int mp_xor(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
218 /* c = a OR b */
219 int mp_or(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
221 /* c = a AND b */
222 int mp_and(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
224 /* ---> Basic arithmetic <--- */
226 /* b = -a */
227 int mp_neg(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
229 /* b = |a| */
230 int mp_abs(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
232 /* compare a to b */
233 int mp_cmp(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
235 /* compare |a| to |b| */
236 int mp_cmp_mag(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
238 /* c = a + b */
239 int mp_add(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
241 /* c = a - b */
242 int mp_sub(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
244 /* c = a * b */
245 int mp_mul(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
247 /* b = a*a */
248 int mp_sqr(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
250 /* a/b => cb + d == a */
251 int mp_div(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c, mp_int *d);
253 /* c = a mod b, 0 <= c < b */
254 int mp_mod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
256 /* ---> single digit functions <--- */
258 /* compare against a single digit */
259 int mp_cmp_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit b);
261 /* c = a + b */
262 int mp_add_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit b, mp_int *c);
264 /* c = a - b */
265 int mp_sub_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit b, mp_int *c);
267 /* c = a * b */
268 int mp_mul_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit b, mp_int *c);
270 /* a/b => cb + d == a */
271 int mp_div_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit b, mp_int *c, mp_digit *d);
273 /* c = a**b */
274 int mp_expt_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit b, mp_int *c);
276 /* c = a mod b, 0 <= c < b */
277 int mp_mod_d(mp_int *a, mp_digit b, mp_digit *c);
279 /* ---> number theory <--- */
281 /* d = a + b (mod c) */
282 int mp_addmod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c, mp_int *d);
284 /* d = a - b (mod c) */
285 int mp_submod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c, mp_int *d);
287 /* d = a * b (mod c) */
288 int mp_mulmod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c, mp_int *d);
290 /* c = a * a (mod b) */
291 int mp_sqrmod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
293 /* c = 1/a (mod b) */
294 int mp_invmod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
296 /* c = (a, b) */
297 int mp_gcd(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
299 /* c = [a, b] or (a*b)/(a, b) */
300 int mp_lcm(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
302 /* finds one of the b'th root of a, such that |c|**b <= |a|
303 *
304 * returns error if a < 0 and b is even
305 */
306 int mp_n_root(mp_int *a, mp_digit b, mp_int *c);
308 /* shortcut for square root */
309 #define mp_sqrt(a, b) mp_n_root(a, 2, b)
311 /* computes the jacobi c = (a | n) (or Legendre if b is prime) */
312 int mp_jacobi(mp_int *a, mp_int *n, int *c);
314 /* used to setup the Barrett reduction for a given modulus b */
315 int mp_reduce_setup(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
317 /* Barrett Reduction, computes a (mod b) with a precomputed value c
318 *
319 * Assumes that 0 < a <= b*b, note if 0 > a > -(b*b) then you can merely
320 * compute the reduction as -1 * mp_reduce(mp_abs(a)) [pseudo code].
321 */
322 int mp_reduce(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
324 /* setups the montgomery reduction */
325 int mp_montgomery_setup(mp_int *a, mp_digit *mp);
327 /* computes a = B**n mod b without division or multiplication useful for
328 * normalizing numbers in a Montgomery system.
329 */
330 int mp_montgomery_calc_normalization(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
332 /* computes x/R == x (mod N) via Montgomery Reduction */
333 int mp_montgomery_reduce(mp_int *a, mp_int *m, mp_digit mp);
335 /* returns 1 if a is a valid DR modulus */
336 int mp_dr_is_modulus(mp_int *a);
338 /* sets the value of "d" required for mp_dr_reduce */
339 void mp_dr_setup(mp_int *a, mp_digit *d);
341 /* reduces a modulo b using the Diminished Radix method */
342 int mp_dr_reduce(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_digit mp);
344 /* d = a**b (mod c) */
345 int mp_exptmod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c, mp_int *d);
347 /* ---> Primes <--- */
349 /* number of primes */
350 #ifdef MP_8BIT
351 #define PRIME_SIZE 31
352 #else
353 #define PRIME_SIZE 256
354 #endif
356 /* table of first PRIME_SIZE primes */
357 extern const mp_digit __prime_tab[];
359 /* result=1 if a is divisible by one of the first PRIME_SIZE primes */
360 int mp_prime_is_divisible(mp_int *a, int *result);
362 /* performs one Fermat test of "a" using base "b".
363 * Sets result to 0 if composite or 1 if probable prime
364 */
365 int mp_prime_fermat(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, int *result);
367 /* performs one Miller-Rabin test of "a" using base "b".
368 * Sets result to 0 if composite or 1 if probable prime
369 */
370 int mp_prime_miller_rabin(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, int *result);
372 /* performs t rounds of Miller-Rabin on "a" using the first
373 * t prime bases. Also performs an initial sieve of trial
374 * division. Determines if "a" is prime with probability
375 * of error no more than (1/4)**t.
376 *
377 * Sets result to 1 if probably prime, 0 otherwise
378 */
379 int mp_prime_is_prime(mp_int *a, int t, int *result);
381 /* finds the next prime after the number "a" using "t" trials
382 * of Miller-Rabin.
383 */
384 int mp_prime_next_prime(mp_int *a, int t);
387 /* ---> radix conversion <--- */
388 int mp_count_bits(mp_int *a);
390 int mp_unsigned_bin_size(mp_int *a);
391 int mp_read_unsigned_bin(mp_int *a, unsigned char *b, int c);
392 int mp_to_unsigned_bin(mp_int *a, unsigned char *b);
394 int mp_signed_bin_size(mp_int *a);
395 int mp_read_signed_bin(mp_int *a, unsigned char *b, int c);
396 int mp_to_signed_bin(mp_int *a, unsigned char *b);
398 int mp_read_radix(mp_int *a, char *str, int radix);
399 int mp_toradix(mp_int *a, char *str, int radix);
400 int mp_radix_size(mp_int *a, int radix);
402 int mp_fread(mp_int *a, int radix, FILE *stream);
403 int mp_fwrite(mp_int *a, int radix, FILE *stream);
405 #define mp_read_raw(mp, str, len) mp_read_signed_bin((mp), (str), (len))
406 #define mp_raw_size(mp) mp_signed_bin_size(mp)
407 #define mp_toraw(mp, str) mp_to_signed_bin((mp), (str))
408 #define mp_read_mag(mp, str, len) mp_read_unsigned_bin((mp), (str), (len))
409 #define mp_mag_size(mp) mp_unsigned_bin_size(mp)
410 #define mp_tomag(mp, str) mp_to_unsigned_bin((mp), (str))
412 #define mp_tobinary(M, S) mp_toradix((M), (S), 2)
413 #define mp_tooctal(M, S) mp_toradix((M), (S), 8)
414 #define mp_todecimal(M, S) mp_toradix((M), (S), 10)
415 #define mp_tohex(M, S) mp_toradix((M), (S), 16)
417 /* lowlevel functions, do not call! */
418 int s_mp_add(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
419 int s_mp_sub(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
420 #define s_mp_mul(a, b, c) s_mp_mul_digs(a, b, c, (a)->used + (b)->used + 1)
421 int fast_s_mp_mul_digs(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c, int digs);
422 int s_mp_mul_digs(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c, int digs);
423 int fast_s_mp_mul_high_digs(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c, int digs);
424 int s_mp_mul_high_digs(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c, int digs);
425 int fast_s_mp_sqr(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
426 int s_mp_sqr(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
427 int mp_karatsuba_mul(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
428 int mp_karatsuba_sqr(mp_int *a, mp_int *b);
429 int fast_mp_invmod(mp_int *a, mp_int *b, mp_int *c);
430 int fast_mp_montgomery_reduce(mp_int *a, mp_int *m, mp_digit mp);
431 int mp_exptmod_fast(mp_int *G, mp_int *X, mp_int *P, mp_int *Y, int mode);
432 void bn_reverse(unsigned char *s, int len);
434 #ifdef __cplusplus
435 \}
436 #endif
438 #endif