only to enter a supported value, otherwise there may be a mismatch between the displayed rate and the actual rate.
<h3>10: Decimation</h3>
Decimation in powers of two from 1 (no decimation) to 64 between the remote device and the remote server, which determines the remote baseband sample rate. This is only supported when the remote server is SDRangel.
<h3>11: Gain</h3>
Specify gain in dB applied in various stages of the remote device. Available gains will depend upon the type of remote device.
<h3>12: AGC</h3>
Check to enable automatic gain control in the remote device. How AGC works is device dependent.
<h3>13: RF Bandwidth</h3>
Specifies the bandwidth in kHz of the analog filter in the remote device. Available bandwidths are dependent upon the remote device.
<h3>14: Remote sink frequency shift from center frequency of reception</h3>
This is the shift of the remote sink channel center frequency from the device center frequency.
This is used to select the desired part of the signal when the remote channel sample rate is lower than the baseband sample rate.
This is only supported when the remote server is SDRangel.
<h3>15: Remote sink gain</h3>
Sets a gain figure in dB that is applied to I/Q samples before transmission via TCP/IP.
This option may be useful for amplifying very small signals from SDRs with high-dynamic range (E.g. 24-bits), when the network sample bit-depth is 8-bits.
This is only supported when the remote server is SDRangel.
<h3>16: Remote sink channel sample rate</h3>
Specifies the channel and network sample rate in samples per second. If this is different from the remote baseband sample rate, the baseband signal will be decimated to the specified rate.
Unless the remote server is SDRangel, the channel sample rate should be the same as the device sample rate.
<h3>17: Local channel sample rate to baseband sample rate</h3>
When checked, the channel sample rate setting is locked to the remote baseband sample rate.
When unchecked, the channel sample rate can be set to any value.
<h3>18: Sample bit depth</h3>
Specifies number of bits per I/Q sample transmitted via TCP/IP.
Selects protocol to use. Set to SDRangel for rtl_tcp, rsp_tcp or SDRangel's own protocol. Alternative, Spy Server can be selected to connect to Spy Servers.
Determines which settings are used when connecting.
When checked, settings in the RemoteTCPInput GUI are written to the remote device upon connection.
When unchecked, if the remote server is using the SDRA protocol, the RemoteTCPInput GUI will be updated with the current settings from the remote device.
If the remote server is using the RTL0 protocol, the GUI will not be updated, which may mean the two are inconsistent.
Determines how many seconds of I/Q samples are buffered locally from the remote device, before being processed in SDRangel.
More buffering can handle more network congestion and other network problems, without gaps in the output, but increases the latency in changes to remote device settings.
Shows how much data is in the output buffer. This should typically be empty. If not empty, this suggests your CPU can't keep up with the amount of data being received.