mirror of https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel.git synced 2024-10-05 03:09:08 -04:00

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2023-09-04 08:01:22 -04:00
// Copyright (C) 2023 Jon Beniston, M7RCE <jon@beniston.com> //
2023-09-04 08:01:22 -04:00
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
#include "util/rtty.h"
// From http://www.ct2fzi.net/abreviations/abreviations.html
const QHash<QString, QString> Rtty::m_acronyms = {
{"AA", "After All"},
{"AB", "All Before"},
{"ABT", "About"},
{"ACK", "Acknowledgement"},
{"ADEE", "Addressee"},
{"ADR", "Address"},
{"AF", "Audio Frequency"},
{"AGN", "Again"},
{"AM", "Amplitude Modulation"},
{"AMU", "Antenna Matching Unit"},
{"ANS", "Answer"},
{"ANT", "Antenna"},
{"ARQ", "Automatic Repeat Request"},
{"ATU", "Antenna Tuning Unit"},
{"B4", "Before"},
{"BCN", "Beacon"},
{"BCNU", "Be Seeing You"},
{"BD", "Bad"},
{"BK", "Break"},
{"BN", "Been"},
{"BTH", "Both"},
{"BTR", "Better"},
{"BTW", "By The Way"},
{"BTU", "Back To You"},
{"C", "Correct"},
{"CBA", "Callbook Address"},
{"CFM", "Confirm"},
{"CK", "Check"},
{"CKT", "Circuit"},
{"CL", "Closing Down"},
{"CLBK", "Callbook"},
{"CLD", "Called"},
{"CLG", "Calling"},
{"CMG", "Coming"},
{"CNT", "Can't"},
{"COMP", "Computer"},
{"CONDX", "Conditions"},
{"COZ", "Because"},
{"CPI", "Copy"},
{"CQ", "General Call"},
{"CRD", "Card"},
{"CS", "Callsign"},
{"CTCSS", "Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System"},
{"CU", "See You"},
{"CUAGN", "See You Again"},
{"CUD", "Could"},
{"CUL", "See You Later"},
{"CUM", "Come"},
{"CUZ", "Because"},
{"CW", "Continuous Wave / Morse"},
{"DA", "Day"},
{"DE", "From"},
{"DF", "Direction Finding"},
{"DIFF", "Difference"},
{"DLD", "Delivered"},
{"DLVD", "Delivered"},
{"DN", "Down"},
{"DR", "Dear"},
{"DSB", "Double Side Band"},
{"DSP", "Digital Signal Processing"},
{"DSW", "Goodbye (Russian)"},
{"DWN", "Down"},
{"DX", "Distance"},
{"EL", "Element"},
{"EME", "Earth-Moon-Earth"},
{"ENUF", "Enough"},
{"ES", "And"},
{"EU", "Europe"},
{"EVE", "Evening"},
{"FB", "Fine Business"},
{"FER", "For"},
{"FIO", "For Information Only"},
{"FM", "Frequency Modulation"},
{"FQ", "Frequency"},
{"FREQ", "Frequency"},
{"FSD", "Full Scale Deflection"},
{"FSK", "Frequency Shift Keying"},
{"FWD", "Forward"},
{"FWIW", "For What It's Worth"},
{"FYI", "For Your Information"},
{"GA", "Good Afternoon"},
{"GB", "Good Bye"},
{"GD", "Good Day"},
{"GE", "Good Evening"},
{"GESS", "Guess"},
{"GG", "Going"},
{"GLD", "Glad"},
{"GM", "Good Morning"},
{"GMT", "Greenwich Mean Time"},
{"GN", "Good Night"},
{"GND", "Ground"},
{"GP", "Ground Plane"},
{"GPS", "Global Positioning System"},
{"GS", "Green Stamp"},
{"GUD", "Good"},
{"GV", "Give"},
{"GVG", "Giving"},
{"HAGD", "Have A Good Day"},
{"HAGWE", "Have A Good Weekend"},
{"HF", "High Frequency"},
{"HI", "High"},
{"HPE", "Hope"},
{"HQ", "Headquarters"},
{"HR", "Here / Hour"},
{"HRD", "Heard"},
{"HV", "Have"},
{"HVG", "Having"},
{"HVY", "Heavy"},
{"HW", "How"},
{"IMHO", "In My Humble Opinion"},
{"IMI", "Say again"},
{"K", "Over"},
{"KN", "Over"},
{"LF", "Low Frequency"},
{"LNG", "Long"},
{"LP", "Long Path"},
{"LSB", "Lower Sideband"},
{"LSN", "Listen"},
{"LTR", "Later"},
{"LV", "Leave"},
{"LVG", "Leaving"},
{"LW", "Long Wire"},
{"MGR", "Manager"},
{"MI", "My"},
{"MNI", "Many"},
{"MOM", "Moment"},
{"MS", "Meteor Scatter"},
{"MSG", "Message"},
{"N", "No"},
{"NCS", "Net Control Station"},
{"ND", "Nothing Doing"},
{"NM", "No More"},
{"NR", "Near / Number"},
{"NW", "Now"},
{"OB", "Old Boy"},
{"OC", "Old Chap"},
{"OM", "Old Man"},
{"OP", "Operator"},
{"OPR", "Operator"},
{"OT", "Old Timer"},
{"OW", "Old Woman"},
{"PA", "Power Amplifier"},
{"PBL", "Preamble"},
{"PKG", "Package"},
{"POV", "Point Of View"},
{"PSE", "Please"},
{"PSK", "Phase Shift Keying"},
{"PT", "Point"},
{"PTT", "Push To Talk"},
{"PWR", "Power"},
{"PX", "Prefix"},
{"QRA", "Address"},
{"QRG", "Frequency"},
{"QRK", "Readability"},
{"QRL", "Busy"},
{"QRM", "Interference"},
{"QRN", "Noise"},
{"QRO", "High Power"},
{"QRP", "Low Power"},
{"QRQ", "Send Faster"},
{"QRS", "Send Slower"},
{"QRSS", "Send Very Slowly"},
{"QRT", "Stop Sending"},
{"QRU", "Nothing Further To Say"},
{"QRV", "Ready"},
{"QRX", "Wait"},
{"QRZ", "Who Is Calling Me"},
{"QSA", "Signal Strength"},
{"QSB", "Fading"},
{"QSK", "Break-in"},
{"QSL", "All Received OK"},
{"QSLL", "I Will Send A QSL Card"},
{"QSO", "Contact"},
{"QSP", "Relay A Message"},
{"QSX", "Listening On Frequency"},
{"QSY", "Change Frequency"},
{"QTH", "Location"},
{"R", "Received OK"},
{"RC", "Ragchew"},
{"RCD", "Recieved"},
{"RCVR", "Receiver"},
{"RE", "Regarding"},
{"REF", "Reference"},
{"RF", "Radio Frequency"},
{"RFI", "Radio Frequency Interference"},
{"RPT", "Repeat / Report"},
{"RST", "Signal Report"},
{"RTTY", "Radio Teletype"},
{"RX", "Receive"},
{"SA", "Say"},
{"SDR", "Software Defined Radio"},
{"SEZ", "Says"},
{"SGD", "Signed"},
{"SHUD", "Should"},
{"SIG", "Signal"},
{"SK", "End Of Work"},
{"SKED", "Schedule"},
{"SN", "Soon"},
{"SP", "Short Path"},
{"SRI", "Sorry"},
{"SSB", "Single Sideband"},
{"STN", "Station"},
{"SUM", "Some"},
{"SVC", "Service"},
{"SWR", "Standing Wave Ratio"},
{"TFC", "Traffic"},
{"TIA", "Thanks In Advance"},
{"TKS", "Thanks"},
{"TMW", "Tomorrow"},
{"TNC", "Terminal Node Controller"},
{"TNX", "Thanks"},
{"TR", "Transmit"},
{"T/R", "Transmit/Receive"},
{"TRBL", "Trouble"},
{"TRF", "Tuned Radio Frequency"},
{"TRIX", "Tricks"},
{"TRX", "Transceiver"},
{"TT", "That"},
{"TTS", "That Is"},
{"TU", "Thank You"},
{"TVI", "Television Interference"},
{"TX", "Transmit"},
{"TXT", "Text"},
{"U", "You"},
{"UHF", "Ultra High Frequency"},
{"UNLIS", "Unlicensed"},
{"UR", "Your"},
{"URS", "Yours"},
{"UTC", "Coordinated Universal Time"},
{"V", "Volts"},
{"VHF", "Very High Frequency"},
{"VE", "Understood"},
{"VERT", "Vertical"},
{"VFB", "Very Fine Business"},
{"VFO", "Variable Frequency Oscillator"},
{"VLF", "Very Low Frequency"},
{"VOX", "Voice Operated"},
{"VSB", "Vestigial Sideband"},
{"VSWR", "Voltage Standing Wave Ratio"},
{"VY", "Very"},
{"W", "Watts"},
{"WA", "Word After"},
{"WAT", "What"},
{"WATSA", "What Say"},
{"WB", "Word Before"},
{"WD", "Word"},
{"WDS", "Words"},
{"WID", "With"},
{"WKD", "Worked"},
{"WKG", "Working"},
{"WL", "Will"},
{"WPM", "Words Per Minute"},
{"WRD", "Word"},
{"WRK", "Work"},
{"WUD", "Would"},
{"WX", "Weather"},
{"XCVR", "Transceiver"},
{"XMTR", "Transmitter"},
{"XTAL", "Crystal"},
{"YF", "Wife"},
{"YL", "Young Lady"},
{"YR", "Year"},
{"Z", "Zulu Time"},
{"30", "I Have Nothing More to Send"},
{"33", "Fondest Regards"},
{"55", "Best Success"},
{"73", "Best Wishes"},
{"88", "Love And Kisses"},