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// Copyright (C) 2023 Edouard Griffiths, F4EXB. //
// //
// This is the code from ft8mon: https://github.com/rtmrtmrtmrtm/ft8mon //
// written by Robert Morris, AB1HL //
// reformatted and adapted to Qt and SDRangel context //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation as version 3 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License V3 for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //
// An FT8 receiver in C++.
// Many ideas and protocol details borrowed from Franke
// and Taylor's WSJT-X code.
// Robert Morris, AB1HL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <complex>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <random>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include "util.h"
#include "fft.h"
#include "ft8.h"
#include "libldpc.h"
#include "osd.h"
namespace FT8 {
// 1920-point FFT at 12000 samples/second
// 6.25 Hz spacing, 0.16 seconds/symbol
// encode chain:
// 77 bits
// append 14 bits CRC (for 91 bits)
// LDPC(174,91) yields 174 bits
// that's 58 3-bit FSK-8 symbols
// gray code each 3 bits
// insert three 7-symbol Costas sync arrays
// at symbol #s 0, 36, 72 of final signal
// thus: 79 FSK-8 symbols
// total transmission time is 12.64 seconds
// tunable parameters
int nthreads = 8; // number of parallel threads, for multi-core
int npasses_one = 3; // number of spectral subtraction passes
int npasses_two = 3; // number of spectral subtraction passes
int ldpc_iters = 25; // how hard LDPC decoding should work
int snr_win = 7; // averaging window, in symbols, for SNR conversion
int snr_how = 3; // technique to measure "N" for SNR. 0 means median of the 8 tones.
float shoulder200 = 10; // for 200 sps bandpass filter
float shoulder200_extra = 0.0; // for bandpass filter
float second_hz_win = 3.5; // +/- hz
int second_hz_n = 8; // divide total window into this many pieces
float second_off_win = 0.5; // +/- search window in symbol-times
int second_off_n = 10;
int third_hz_n = 3;
float third_hz_win = 0.25;
int third_off_n = 4;
float third_off_win = 0.075;
float log_tail = 0.1;
float log_rate = 8.0;
int problt_how_noise = 0;
int problt_how_sig = 0;
int use_apriori = 1;
int use_hints = 2; // 1 means use all hints, 2 means just CQ hints
int win_type = 1;
int osd_depth = 0; // 6; // don't increase beyond 6, produces too much garbage
int osd_ldpc_thresh = 70; // demand this many correct LDPC parity bits before OSD
int ncoarse = 1; // number of offsets per hz produced by coarse()
int ncoarse_blocks = 1;
float tminus = 2.2; // start looking at 0.5 - tminus seconds
float tplus = 2.4;
int coarse_off_n = 4;
int coarse_hz_n = 4;
float already_hz = 27;
float overlap = 20;
int overlap_edges = 0;
float nyquist = 0.925;
int oddrate = 1;
float pass0_frac = 1.0;
int reduce_how = 2;
float go_extra = 3.5;
int do_reduce = 1;
int pass_threshold = 1;
int strength_how = 4;
int known_strength_how = 7;
int coarse_strength_how = 6;
float reduce_shoulder = -1;
float reduce_factor = 0.25;
float reduce_extra = 0;
float coarse_all = -1;
int second_count = 3;
int soft_phase_win = 2;
float subtract_ramp = 0.11;
extern int fftw_type; // fft.cc. MEASURE=0, ESTIMATE=64, PATIENT=32
int soft_ones = 2;
int soft_pairs = 1;
int soft_triples = 1;
int do_second = 1;
int do_fine_hz = 1;
int do_fine_off = 1;
int do_third = 2;
float fine_thresh = 0.19;
int fine_max_off = 2;
int fine_max_tone = 4;
int known_sparse = 1;
float c_soft_weight = 7;
int c_soft_win = 2;
int bayes_how = 1;
// return a Hamming window of length n.
std::vector<float> hamming(int n)
std::vector<float> h(n);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
h[k] = 0.54 - 0.46 * cos(2 * M_PI * k / (n - 1.0));
return h;
// blackman window
std::vector<float> blackman(int n)
std::vector<float> h(n);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
h[k] = 0.42 - 0.5 * cos(2 * M_PI * k / n) + 0.08 * cos(4 * M_PI * k / n);
return h;
// symmetric blackman window
std::vector<float> sym_blackman(int n)
std::vector<float> h(n);
for (int k = 0; k < (n / 2) + 1; k++)
h[k] = 0.42 - 0.5 * cos(2 * M_PI * k / n) + 0.08 * cos(4 * M_PI * k / n);
for (int k = n - 1; k >= (n / 2) + 1; --k)
h[k] = h[(n - 1) - k];
return h;
// blackman-harris window
std::vector<float> blackmanharris(int n)
float a0 = 0.35875;
float a1 = 0.48829;
float a2 = 0.14128;
float a3 = 0.01168;
std::vector<float> h(n);
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
// symmetric
h[k] =
a0 - a1 * cos(2 * M_PI * k / (n - 1)) + a2 * cos(4 * M_PI * k / (n - 1)) - a3 * cos(6 * M_PI * k / (n - 1));
// periodic
// h[k] =
// a0
// - a1 * cos(2 * M_PI * k / n)
// + a2 * cos(4 * M_PI * k / n)
// - a3 * cos(6 * M_PI * k / n);
return h;
// manage statistics for soft decoding, to help
// decide how likely each symbol is to be correct,
// to drive LDPC decoding.
// meaning of the how (problt_how) parameter:
// 0: gaussian
// 1: index into the actual distribution
// 2: do something complex for the tails.
// 3: index into the actual distribution plus gaussian for tails.
// 4: similar to 3.
// 5: laplace
class Stats
std::vector<float> a_;
float sum_;
bool finalized_;
float mean_; // cached
float stddev_; // cached
float b_; // cached
int how_;
Stats(int how) : sum_(0), finalized_(false), how_(how) {}
void add(float x)
sum_ += x;
finalized_ = false;
void finalize()
finalized_ = true;
int n = a_.size();
mean_ = sum_ / n;
float var = 0;
float bsum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
float y = a_[i] - mean_;
var += y * y;
bsum += fabs(y);
var /= n;
stddev_ = sqrt(var);
b_ = bsum / n;
// prepare for binary search to find where values lie
// in the distribution.
if (how_ != 0 && how_ != 5)
std::sort(a_.begin(), a_.end());
float mean()
if (!finalized_)
return mean_;
float stddev()
if (!finalized_)
return stddev_;
// fraction of distribution that's less than x.
// assumes normal distribution.
// this is PHI(x), or the CDF at x,
// or the integral from -infinity
// to x of the PDF.
float gaussian_problt(float x)
float SDs = (x - mean()) / stddev();
float frac = 0.5 * (1.0 + erf(SDs / sqrt(2.0)));
return frac;
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace_distribution
// m and b from page 116 of Mark Owen's Practical Signal Processing.
float laplace_problt(float x)
float m = mean();
float cdf;
if (x < m)
cdf = 0.5 * exp((x - m) / b_);
cdf = 1.0 - 0.5 * exp(-(x - m) / b_);
return cdf;
// look into the actual distribution.
float problt(float x)
if (!finalized_)
if (how_ == 0)
return gaussian_problt(x);
if (how_ == 5)
return laplace_problt(x);
// binary search.
auto it = std::lower_bound(a_.begin(), a_.end(), x);
int i = it - a_.begin();
int n = a_.size();
if (how_ == 1)
// index into the distribution.
// works poorly for values that are off the ends
// of the distribution, since those are all
// mapped to 0.0 or 1.0, regardless of magnitude.
return i / (float)n;
if (how_ == 2)
// use a kind of logistic regression for
// values near the edges of the distribution.
if (i < log_tail * n)
float x0 = a_[(int)(log_tail * n)];
float y = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-log_rate * (x - x0)));
// y is 0..0.5
y /= 5;
return y;
else if (i > (1 - log_tail) * n)
float x0 = a_[(int)((1 - log_tail) * n)];
float y = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-log_rate * (x - x0)));
// y is 0.5..1
// we want (1-log_tail)..1
y -= 0.5;
y *= 2;
y *= log_tail;
y += (1 - log_tail);
return y;
return i / (float)n;
if (how_ == 3)
// gaussian for values near the edge of the distribution.
if (i < log_tail * n)
return gaussian_problt(x);
else if (i > (1 - log_tail) * n)
return gaussian_problt(x);
return i / (float)n;
if (how_ == 4)
// gaussian for values outside the distribution.
if (x < a_[0] || x > a_.back())
return gaussian_problt(x);
return i / (float)n;
return 0;
// a-priori probability of each of the 174 LDPC codeword
// bits being one. measured from reconstructed correct
// codewords, into ft8bits, then python bprob.py.
// from ft8-n4
float apriori174[] = {
class FT8
std::thread *th_;
float min_hz_;
float max_hz_;
std::vector<float> samples_; // input to each pass
std::vector<float> nsamples_; // subtract from here
int start_; // sample number of 0.5 seconds into samples[]
int rate_; // samples/second
float deadline_; // start time + budget
float final_deadline_; // keep going this long if no decodes
std::vector<int> hints1_;
std::vector<int> hints2_;
int pass_;
float down_hz_;
static std::mutex cb_mu_;
cb_t cb_; // call-back into Python
std::mutex hack_mu_;
int hack_size_;
int hack_off_;
int hack_len_;
float hack_0_;
float hack_1_;
const float *hack_data_;
std::vector<std::complex<float>> hack_bins_;
std::vector<cdecode> prevdecs_;
Plan *plan32_;
FT8(const std::vector<float> &samples,
float min_hz,
float max_hz,
int start, int rate,
int hints1[], int hints2[], float deadline,
float final_deadline, cb_t cb,
std::vector<cdecode> prevdecs)
samples_ = samples;
min_hz_ = min_hz;
max_hz_ = max_hz;
prevdecs_ = prevdecs;
start_ = start;
rate_ = rate;
deadline_ = deadline;
final_deadline_ = final_deadline;
cb_ = cb;
down_hz_ = 0;
for (int i = 0; hints1[i]; i++)
for (int i = 0; hints2[i]; i++)
hack_size_ = -1;
hack_data_ = 0;
hack_off_ = -1;
hack_len_ = -1;
plan32_ = 0;
// strength of costas block of signal with tone 0 at bi0,
// and symbol zero at si0.
float one_coarse_strength(const ffts_t &bins, int bi0, int si0)
int costas[] = {3, 1, 4, 0, 6, 5, 2};
assert(si0 >= 0 && si0 + 72 + 8 <= (int)bins.size());
assert(bi0 >= 0 && bi0 + 8 <= (int)bins[0].size());
float sig = 0.0;
float noise = 0.0;
if (coarse_all >= 0)
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
float mx;
int mxi = -1;
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
float x = std::abs(bins[si0 + si][bi0 + i]);
sum += x;
if (mxi < 0 || x > mx)
mxi = i;
mx = x;
if (si >= 0 && si < 7)
float x = std::abs(bins[si0 + si][bi0 + costas[si - 0]]);
sig += x;
noise += sum - x;
else if (si >= 36 && si < 36 + 7)
float x = std::abs(bins[si0 + si][bi0 + costas[si - 36]]);
sig += x;
noise += sum - x;
else if (si >= 72 && si < 72 + 7)
float x = std::abs(bins[si0 + si][bi0 + costas[si - 72]]);
sig += x;
noise += sum - x;
sig += coarse_all * mx;
noise += coarse_all * (sum - mx);
// coarse_all = -1
// just costas symbols
for (int si = 0; si < 7; si++)
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
float x = 0;
x += std::abs(bins[si0 + si][bi0 + bi]);
x += std::abs(bins[si0 + 36 + si][bi0 + bi]);
x += std::abs(bins[si0 + 72 + si][bi0 + bi]);
if (bi == costas[si])
sig += x;
noise += x;
if (coarse_strength_how == 0)
return sig - noise;
else if (coarse_strength_how == 1)
return sig - noise / 7;
else if (coarse_strength_how == 2)
return sig / (noise / 7);
else if (coarse_strength_how == 3)
return sig / (sig + (noise / 7));
else if (coarse_strength_how == 4)
return sig;
else if (coarse_strength_how == 5)
return sig / (sig + noise);
else if (coarse_strength_how == 6)
// this is it.
return sig / noise;
return 0;
// return symbol length in samples at the given rate.
// insist on integer symbol lengths so that we can
// use whole FFT bins.
int blocksize(int rate)
// FT8 symbol length is 1920 at 12000 samples/second.
int xblock = 1920 / (12000.0 / rate);
assert(xblock == (int)xblock);
int block = xblock;
return block;
class Strength
float hz_;
int off_;
float strength_; // higher is better
// look for potential signals by searching FFT bins for Costas symbol
// blocks. returns a vector of candidate positions.
std::vector<Strength> coarse(const ffts_t &bins, int si0, int si1)
int block = blocksize(rate_);
int nbins = bins[0].size();
float bin_hz = rate_ / (float)block;
int min_bin = min_hz_ / bin_hz;
int max_bin = max_hz_ / bin_hz;
std::vector<Strength> strengths;
for (int bi = min_bin; bi < max_bin && bi + 8 <= nbins; bi++)
std::vector<Strength> sv;
for (int si = si0; si < si1 && si + 79 < (int)bins.size(); si++)
float s = one_coarse_strength(bins, bi, si);
Strength st;
st.strength_ = s;
st.hz_ = bi * 6.25;
st.off_ = si * block;
if (sv.size() < 1)
// save best ncoarse offsets, but require that they be separated
// by at least one symbol time.
std::sort(sv.begin(), sv.end(),
[](const Strength &a, const Strength &b) -> bool
{ return a.strength_ > b.strength_; });
int nn = 1;
for (int i = 1; nn < ncoarse && i < (int)sv.size(); i++)
if (std::abs(sv[i].off_ - sv[0].off_) > ncoarse_blocks * block)
return strengths;
// reduce the sample rate from arate to brate.
// center hz0..hz1 in the new nyquist range.
// but first filter to that range.
// sets delta_hz to hz moved down.
std::vector<float> reduce_rate(const std::vector<float> &a, float hz0, float hz1,
int arate, int brate,
float &delta_hz)
assert(brate < arate);
assert(hz1 - hz0 <= brate / 2);
// the pass band is hz0..hz1
// stop bands are 0..hz00 and hz11..nyquist.
float hz00, hz11;
hz0 = std::max(0.0f, hz0 - reduce_extra);
hz1 = std::min(arate / 2.0f, hz1 + reduce_extra);
if (reduce_shoulder > 0)
hz00 = hz0 - reduce_shoulder;
hz11 = hz1 + reduce_shoulder;
float mid = (hz0 + hz1) / 2;
hz00 = mid - (brate * reduce_factor);
hz00 = std::min(hz00, hz0);
hz11 = mid + (brate * reduce_factor);
hz11 = std::max(hz11, hz1);
int alen = a.size();
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bins1 = one_fft(a, 0, alen,
"reduce_rate1", 0);
int nbins1 = bins1.size();
float bin_hz = arate / (float)alen;
if (reduce_how == 2)
// band-pass filter the FFT output.
bins1 = fbandpass(bins1, bin_hz,
if (reduce_how == 3)
for (int i = 0; i < nbins1; i++)
if (i < (hz0 / bin_hz))
bins1[i] = 0;
else if (i > (hz1 / bin_hz))
bins1[i] = 0;
// shift down.
int omid = ((hz0 + hz1) / 2) / bin_hz;
int nmid = (brate / 4.0) / bin_hz;
int delta = omid - nmid; // amount to move down
assert(delta < nbins1);
int blen = round(alen * (brate / (float)arate));
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bbins(blen / 2 + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)bbins.size(); i++)
if (delta > 0)
bbins[i] = bins1[i + delta];
bbins[i] = bins1[i];
// use ifft to reduce the rate.
std::vector<float> vvv = one_ifft(bbins, "reduce_rate2");
delta_hz = delta * bin_hz;
return vvv;
void go(int npasses)
// cache to avoid cost of fftw planner mutex.
plan32_ = get_plan(32, "cache32");
if (0)
fprintf(stderr, "go: %.0f .. %.0f, %.0f, rate=%d\n",
min_hz_, max_hz_, max_hz_ - min_hz_, rate_);
// trim to make samples_ a good size for FFTW.
int nice_sizes[] = {18000, 18225, 36000, 36450,
54000, 54675, 72000, 72900,
144000, 145800, 216000, 218700,
int nice = -1;
for (int i = 0; nice_sizes[i]; i++)
int sz = nice_sizes[i];
if (fabs(samples_.size() - sz) < 0.05 * samples_.size())
nice = sz;
if (nice != -1)
assert(min_hz_ >= 0 && max_hz_ + 50 <= rate_ / 2);
// can we reduce the sample rate?
int nrate = -1;
for (int xrate = 100; xrate < rate_; xrate += 100)
if (xrate < rate_ && (oddrate || (rate_ % xrate) == 0))
if (((max_hz_ - min_hz_) + 50 + 2 * go_extra) < nyquist * (xrate / 2))
nrate = xrate;
if (do_reduce && nrate > 0 && nrate < rate_ * 0.75)
// filter and reduce the sample rate from rate_ to nrate.
float t0 = now();
int osize = samples_.size();
float delta_hz; // how much it moved down
samples_ = reduce_rate(samples_,
min_hz_ - 3.1 - go_extra,
max_hz_ + 50 - 3.1 + go_extra,
rate_, nrate, delta_hz);
float t1 = now();
if (t1 - t0 > 0.1)
fprintf(stderr, "reduce oops, size %d -> %d, rate %d -> %d, took %.2f\n",
t1 - t0);
if (0)
fprintf(stderr, "%.0f..%.0f, range %.0f, rate %d -> %d, delta hz %.0f, %.6f sec\n",
min_hz_, max_hz_,
max_hz_ - min_hz_,
rate_, nrate, delta_hz, t1 - t0);
if (delta_hz > 0)
down_hz_ = delta_hz; // to adjust hz for Python.
min_hz_ -= down_hz_;
max_hz_ -= down_hz_;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)prevdecs_.size(); i++)
prevdecs_[i].hz0 -= delta_hz;
prevdecs_[i].hz1 -= delta_hz;
assert(max_hz_ + 50 < nrate / 2);
assert(min_hz_ >= 0);
float ratio = nrate / (float)rate_;
rate_ = nrate;
start_ = round(start_ * ratio);
int block = blocksize(rate_);
// start_ is the sample number of 0.5 seconds, the nominal start time.
// make sure there's at least tplus*rate_ samples after the end.
if (start_ + tplus * rate_ + 79 * block + block > samples_.size())
int need = start_ + tplus * rate_ + 79 * block - samples_.size();
// round up to a whole second, to ease fft plan caching.
if ((need % rate_) != 0)
need += rate_ - (need % rate_);
std::default_random_engine generator;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(0, samples_.size() - 1);
auto rnd = std::bind(distribution, generator);
std::vector<float> v(need);
for (int i = 0; i < need; i++)
// v[i] = 0;
v[i] = samples_[rnd()];
samples_.insert(samples_.end(), v.begin(), v.end());
int si0 = (start_ - tminus * rate_) / block;
if (si0 < 0)
si0 = 0;
int si1 = (start_ + tplus * rate_) / block;
// a copy from which to subtract.
nsamples_ = samples_;
int any = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)prevdecs_.size(); i++)
auto d = prevdecs_[i];
if (d.hz0 >= min_hz_ && d.hz0 <= max_hz_)
// reconstruct correct 79 symbols from LDPC output.
std::vector<int> re79 = recode(d.bits);
// fine up hz/off again now that we have more samples
float best_hz = (d.hz0 + d.hz1) / 2.0;
float best_off = d.off; // seconds
search_both_known(samples_, rate_, re79,
best_hz, best_off);
// subtract from nsamples_.
subtract(re79, best_hz, best_hz, best_off);
any += 1;
if (any)
samples_ = nsamples_;
for (pass_ = 0; pass_ < npasses; pass_++)
float total_remaining = deadline_ - now();
float remaining = total_remaining / (npasses - pass_);
if (pass_ == 0)
remaining *= pass0_frac;
float deadline = now() + remaining;
int new_decodes = 0;
samples_ = nsamples_;
std::vector<Strength> order;
// search coarsely for Costas blocks.
// in fractions of bins in off and hz.
// just do this once, re-use for every fractional fft_shift
// and down_v7_f() to 200 sps.
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bins = one_fft(samples_, 0, samples_.size(),
"go1", 0);
for (int hz_frac_i = 0; hz_frac_i < coarse_hz_n; hz_frac_i++)
// shift down by hz_frac
float hz_frac = hz_frac_i * (6.25 / coarse_hz_n);
std::vector<float> samples1;
if (hz_frac_i == 0)
samples1 = samples_;
samples1 = fft_shift_f(bins, rate_, hz_frac);
for (int off_frac_i = 0; off_frac_i < coarse_off_n; off_frac_i++)
int off_frac = off_frac_i * (block / coarse_off_n);
ffts_t bins = ffts(samples1, off_frac, block, "go2");
std::vector<Strength> oo = coarse(bins, si0, si1);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)oo.size(); i++)
oo[i].hz_ += hz_frac;
oo[i].off_ += off_frac;
order.insert(order.end(), oo.begin(), oo.end());
// sort strongest-first.
std::sort(order.begin(), order.end(),
[](const Strength &a, const Strength &b) -> bool
{ return a.strength_ > b.strength_; });
char already[2000]; // XXX
for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(already) / sizeof(already[0])); i++)
already[i] = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < (int)order.size(); ii++)
float tt = now();
if (ii > 0 &&
tt > deadline &&
(tt > deadline_ || new_decodes >= pass_threshold) &&
(pass_ < npasses - 1 || tt > final_deadline_))
float hz = order[ii].hz_;
if (already[(int)round(hz / already_hz)])
int off = order[ii].off_;
int ret = one(bins, samples_.size(), hz, off);
if (ret)
if (ret == 2)
already[(int)round(hz / already_hz)] = 1;
// what's the strength of the Costas sync blocks of
// the signal starting at hz and off?
float one_strength(const std::vector<float> &samples200, float hz, int off)
int bin0 = round(hz / 6.25);
int costas[] = {3, 1, 4, 0, 6, 5, 2};
int starts[] = {0, 36, 72};
float sig = 0;
float noise = 0;
for (int which = 0; which < 3; which++)
int start = starts[which];
for (int si = 0; si < 7; si++)
auto fft = one_fft(samples200, off + (si + start) * 32, 32, "one_strength", plan32_);
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
float x = std::abs(fft[bin0 + bi]);
if (bi == costas[si])
sig += x;
noise += x;
if (strength_how == 0)
return sig - noise;
else if (strength_how == 1)
return sig - noise / 7;
else if (strength_how == 2)
return sig / (noise / 7);
else if (strength_how == 3)
return sig / (sig + (noise / 7));
else if (strength_how == 4)
return sig;
else if (strength_how == 5)
return sig / (sig + noise);
else if (strength_how == 6)
return sig / noise;
return 0;
// given a complete known signal's symbols in syms,
// how strong is it? used to look for the best
// offset and frequency at which to subtract a
// decoded signal.
float one_strength_known(
const std::vector<float> &samples,
int rate,
const std::vector<int> &syms,
float hz, int off
int block = blocksize(rate);
assert(syms.size() == 79);
int bin0 = round(hz / 6.25);
float sig = 0;
float noise = 0;
float sum7 = 0;
std::complex<float> prev = 0;
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si += known_sparse)
auto fft = one_fft(samples, off + si * block, block, "one_strength_known", 0);
if (known_strength_how == 7)
std::complex<float> c = fft[bin0 + syms[si]];
if (si > 0)
sum7 += std::abs(c - prev);
prev = c;
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
float x = std::abs(fft[bin0 + bi]);
if (bi == syms[si])
sig += x;
noise += x;
if (known_strength_how == 0)
return sig - noise;
else if (known_strength_how == 1)
return sig - noise / 7;
else if (known_strength_how == 2)
return sig / (noise / 7);
else if (known_strength_how == 3)
return sig / (sig + (noise / 7));
else if (known_strength_how == 4)
return sig;
else if (known_strength_how == 5)
return sig / (sig + noise);
else if (known_strength_how == 6)
return sig / noise;
else if (known_strength_how == 7)
return -sum7;
return 0;
int search_time_fine(
const std::vector<float> &samples200,
int off0, int offN,
float hz,
int gran,
float &str
if (off0 < 0)
off0 = 0;
// shift in frequency to put hz at 25.
// only shift the samples we need, both for speed,
// and try to always shift down the same number of samples
// to make it easier to cache fftw plans.
int len = (offN - off0) + 79 * 32 + 32;
if (off0 + len > (int)samples200.size())
// len = samples200.size() - off0;
// don't provoke random-length FFTs.
return -1;
std::vector<float> downsamples200 = shift200(samples200, off0, len, hz);
int best_off = -1;
float best_sum = 0.0;
for (int g = 0; g <= (offN - off0) && g + 79 * 32 <= len; g += gran)
float sum = one_strength(downsamples200, 25, g);
if (sum > best_sum || best_off == -1)
best_off = g;
best_sum = sum;
str = best_sum;
assert(best_off >= 0);
return off0 + best_off;
int search_time_fine_known(
const std::vector<std::complex<float>> &bins,
int rate,
const std::vector<int> &syms,
int off0, int offN,
float hz,
int gran,
float &str
if (off0 < 0)
off0 = 0;
// nearest FFT bin center.
float hz0 = round(hz / 6.25) * 6.25;
// move hz to hz0, so it is centered in a symbol-sized bin.
std::vector<float> downsamples = fft_shift_f(bins, rate, hz - hz0);
int best_off = -1;
int block = blocksize(rate);
float best_sum = 0.0;
for (int g = off0; g <= offN; g += gran)
if (g >= 0 && g + 79 * block <= (int)downsamples.size())
float sum = one_strength_known(downsamples, rate, syms, hz0, g);
if (sum > best_sum || best_off == -1)
best_off = g;
best_sum = sum;
if (best_off < 0)
return -1;
str = best_sum;
return best_off;
// search for costas blocks in an MxN time/frequency grid.
// hz0 +/- hz_win in hz_inc increments. hz0 should be near 25.
// off0 +/- off_win in off_inc incremenents.
std::vector<Strength> search_both(
const std::vector<float> &samples200,
float hz0,
int hz_n,
float hz_win,
int off0,
int off_n,
int off_win
assert(hz0 >= 25 - 6.25 / 2 && hz0 <= 25 + 6.25 / 2);
std::vector<Strength> strengths;
float hz_inc = 2 * hz_win / hz_n;
int off_inc = round(2 * off_win / (float)off_n);
if (off_inc < 1)
off_inc = 1;
for (float hz = hz0 - hz_win; hz <= hz0 + hz_win + 0.01; hz += hz_inc)
float str = 0;
int off = search_time_fine(samples200, off0 - off_win, off0 + off_win, hz,
off_inc, str);
if (off >= 0)
Strength st;
st.hz_ = hz;
st.off_ = off;
st.strength_ = str;
return strengths;
void search_both_known(
const std::vector<float> &samples,
int rate,
const std::vector<int> &syms,
float hz0,
float off_secs0, // seconds
float &hz_out, float &off_out
assert(hz0 >= 0 && hz0 + 50 < rate / 2);
int off0 = round(off_secs0 * (float)rate);
int off_win = third_off_win * blocksize(rate_);
if (off_win < 1)
off_win = 1;
int off_inc = trunc((2.0 * off_win) / (third_off_n - 1.0));
if (off_inc < 1)
off_inc = 1;
int got_best = 0;
float best_hz = 0;
int best_off = 0;
float best_strength = 0;
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bins = one_fft(samples, 0, samples.size(), "stfk", 0);
float hz_start, hz_inc, hz_end;
if (third_hz_n > 1)
hz_inc = (2.0 * third_hz_win) / (third_hz_n - 1.0);
hz_start = hz0 - third_hz_win;
hz_end = hz0 + third_hz_win;
hz_inc = 1;
hz_start = hz0;
hz_end = hz0;
for (float hz = hz_start; hz <= hz_end + 0.0001; hz += hz_inc)
float strength = 0;
int off = search_time_fine_known(bins, rate, syms,
off0 - off_win, off0 + off_win, hz,
off_inc, strength);
if (off >= 0 && (got_best == 0 || strength > best_strength))
got_best = 1;
best_hz = hz;
best_off = off;
best_strength = strength;
if (got_best)
hz_out = best_hz;
off_out = best_off / (float)rate;
// shift frequency by shifting the bins of one giant FFT.
// so no problem with phase mismatch &c at block boundaries.
// surprisingly fast at 200 samples/second.
// shifts *down* by hz.
std::vector<float> fft_shift(
const std::vector<float> &samples,
int off,
int len,
int rate,
float hz
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bins;
// horrible hack to avoid repeated FFTs on the same input.
if ((int)samples.size() == hack_size_ && samples.data() == hack_data_ &&
off == hack_off_ && len == hack_len_ &&
samples[0] == hack_0_ && samples[1] == hack_1_)
bins = hack_bins_;
bins = one_fft(samples, off, len, "fft_shift", 0);
hack_bins_ = bins;
hack_size_ = samples.size();
hack_off_ = off;
hack_len_ = len;
hack_0_ = samples[0];
hack_1_ = samples[1];
hack_data_ = samples.data();
return fft_shift_f(bins, rate, hz);
// shift down by hz.
std::vector<float> fft_shift_f(
const std::vector<std::complex<float>> &bins,
int rate,
float hz
int nbins = bins.size();
int len = (nbins - 1) * 2;
float bin_hz = rate / (float)len;
int down = round(hz / bin_hz);
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bins1(nbins);
for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++)
int j = i + down;
if (j >= 0 && j < nbins)
bins1[i] = bins[j];
bins1[i] = 0;
std::vector<float> out = one_ifft(bins1, "fft_shift");
return out;
// shift the frequency by a fraction of 6.25,
// to center hz on bin 4 (25 hz).
std::vector<float> shift200(
const std::vector<float> &samples200,
int off,
int len,
float hz
if (std::abs(hz - 25) < 0.001 && off == 0 && len == (int)samples200.size())
return samples200;
return fft_shift(samples200, off, len, 200, hz - 25.0);
// return hilbert_shift(samples200, hz - 25.0, hz - 25.0, 200);
// returns a mini-FFT of 79 8-tone symbols.
ffts_t extract(const std::vector<float> &samples200, float, int off)
ffts_t bins3 = ffts(samples200, off, 32, "extract");
ffts_t m79(79);
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
if (si < (int)bins3.size())
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
auto x = bins3[si][4 + bi];
m79[si][bi] = x;
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
m79[si][bi] = 0;
return m79;
// m79 is a 79x8 array of complex.
ffts_t un_gray_code_c(const ffts_t &m79)
ffts_t m79a(79);
int map[] = {0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 7};
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
m79a[si][map[bi]] = m79[si][bi];
return m79a;
// m79 is a 79x8 array of float.
un_gray_code_r(const std::vector<std::vector<float>> &m79)
std::vector<std::vector<float>> m79a(79);
int map[] = {0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 7};
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
m79a[si][map[bi]] = m79[si][bi];
return m79a;
// normalize levels by windowed median.
// this helps, but why?
std::vector<std::vector<float>> convert_to_snr(const std::vector<std::vector<float>> &m79)
if (snr_how < 0 || snr_win < 0)
return m79;
// for each symbol time, what's its "noise" level?
std::vector<float> mm(79);
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
std::vector<float> v(8);
float sum = 0.0;
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
float x = m79[si][bi];
v[bi] = x;
sum += x;
if (snr_how != 1)
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
if (snr_how == 0)
// median
mm[si] = (v[3] + v[4]) / 2;
else if (snr_how == 1)
mm[si] = sum / 8;
else if (snr_how == 2)
// all but strongest tone.
mm[si] = (v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3] + v[4] + v[5] + v[6]) / 7;
else if (snr_how == 3)
mm[si] = v[0]; // weakest tone
else if (snr_how == 4)
mm[si] = v[7]; // strongest tone
else if (snr_how == 5)
mm[si] = v[6]; // second-strongest tone
mm[si] = 1.0;
// we're going to take a windowed average.
std::vector<float> winwin;
if (snr_win > 0)
winwin = blackman(2 * snr_win + 1);
std::vector<std::vector<float>> n79(79);
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
float sum = 0;
for (int dd = si - snr_win; dd <= si + snr_win; dd++)
int wi = dd - (si - snr_win);
if (dd >= 0 && dd < 79)
sum += mm[dd] * winwin[wi];
else if (dd < 0)
sum += mm[0] * winwin[wi];
sum += mm[78] * winwin[wi];
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
n79[si][bi] = m79[si][bi] / sum;
return n79;
// normalize levels by windowed median.
// this helps, but why?
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<float>>> c_convert_to_snr(
const std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<float>>> &m79
if (snr_how < 0 || snr_win < 0)
return m79;
// for each symbol time, what's its "noise" level?
std::vector<float> mm(79);
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
std::vector<float> v(8);
float sum = 0.0;
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
float x = std::abs(m79[si][bi]);
v[bi] = x;
sum += x;
if (snr_how != 1)
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
if (snr_how == 0)
// median
mm[si] = (v[3] + v[4]) / 2;
else if (snr_how == 1)
mm[si] = sum / 8;
else if (snr_how == 2)
// all but strongest tone.
mm[si] = (v[0] + v[1] + v[2] + v[3] + v[4] + v[5] + v[6]) / 7;
else if (snr_how == 3)
mm[si] = v[0]; // weakest tone
else if (snr_how == 4)
mm[si] = v[7]; // strongest tone
else if (snr_how == 5)
mm[si] = v[6]; // second-strongest tone
mm[si] = 1.0;
// we're going to take a windowed average.
std::vector<float> winwin;
if (snr_win > 0)
winwin = blackman(2 * snr_win + 1);
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<float>>> n79(79);
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
float sum = 0;
for (int dd = si - snr_win; dd <= si + snr_win; dd++)
int wi = dd - (si - snr_win);
if (dd >= 0 && dd < 79)
sum += mm[dd] * winwin[wi];
else if (dd < 0)
sum += mm[0] * winwin[wi];
sum += mm[78] * winwin[wi];
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
n79[si][bi] = m79[si][bi] / sum;
return n79;
// statistics to decide soft probabilities,
// to drive LDPC decoder.
// distribution of strongest tones, and
// distribution of noise.
void make_stats(
const std::vector<std::vector<float>> &m79,
Stats &bests,
Stats &all
int costas[] = {3, 1, 4, 0, 6, 5, 2};
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
if (si < 7 || (si >= 36 && si < 36 + 7) || si >= 72)
// Costas.
int ci;
if (si >= 72)
ci = si - 72;
else if (si >= 36)
ci = si - 36;
ci = si;
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
float x = m79[si][bi];
if (bi == costas[ci])
float mx = 0;
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
float x = m79[si][bi];
if (x > mx)
mx = x;
// convert 79x8 complex FFT bins to magnitudes.
// exploits local phase coherence by decreasing magnitudes of bins
// whose phase is far from the phases of nearby strongest tones.
// relies on each tone being reasonably well centered in its FFT bin
// (in time and frequency) so that each tone completes an integer
// number of cycles and thus preserves phase from one symbol to the
// next.
std::vector<std::vector<float>> soft_c2m(const ffts_t &c79)
std::vector<std::vector<float>> m79(79);
std::vector<float> raw_phases(79); // of strongest tone in each symbol time
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
int mxi = -1;
float mx;
float mx_phase;
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
float x = std::abs(c79[si][bi]);
m79[si][bi] = x;
if (mxi < 0 || x > mx)
mxi = bi;
mx = x;
mx_phase = std::arg(c79[si][bi]); // -pi .. pi
raw_phases[si] = mx_phase;
if (soft_phase_win <= 0)
return m79;
// phase around each symbol.
std::vector<float> phases(79);
// for each symbol time, median of nearby phases
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
std::vector<float> v;
for (int si1 = si - soft_phase_win; si1 <= si + soft_phase_win; si1++)
if (si1 >= 0 && si1 < 79)
float x = raw_phases[si1];
// choose the phase that has the lowest total distance to other
// phases. like median but avoids -pi..pi wrap-around.
int n = v.size();
int best = -1;
float best_score = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
float score = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (i == j)
float d = fabs(v[i] - v[j]);
if (d > M_PI)
d = 2 * M_PI - d;
score += d;
if (best == -1 || score < best_score)
best = i;
best_score = score;
phases[si] = v[best];
// project each tone against the median phase around that symbol time.
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
for (int bi = 0; bi < 8; bi++)
float mag = std::abs(c79[si][bi]);
float angle = std::arg(c79[si][bi]);
float d = angle - phases[si];
float factor = 0.1;
if (d < M_PI / 2 && d > -M_PI / 2)
factor = cos(d);
m79[si][bi] = factor * mag;
return m79;
// guess the probability that a bit is zero vs one,
// based on strengths of strongest tones that would
// give it those values. for soft LDPC decoding.
// returns log-likelihood, zero is positive, one is negative.
float bayes(
float best_zero,
float best_one,
int lli,
Stats &bests,
Stats &all
float maxlog = 4.97;
float ll = 0;
float pzero = 0.5;
float pone = 0.5;
if (use_apriori)
pzero = 1.0 - apriori174[lli];
pone = apriori174[lli];
// Bayes combining rule normalization from:
// http://cs.wellesley.edu/~anderson/writing/naive-bayes.pdf
// a = P(zero)P(e0|zero)P(e1|zero)
// b = P(one)P(e0|one)P(e1|one)
// p = a / (a + b)
// also see Mark Owen's book Practical Signal Processing,
// Chapter 6.
// zero
float a = pzero *
bests.problt(best_zero) *
(1.0 - all.problt(best_one));
if (bayes_how == 1)
a *= all.problt(all.mean() + (best_zero - best_one));
// one
float b = pone *
bests.problt(best_one) *
(1.0 - all.problt(best_zero));
if (bayes_how == 1)
b *= all.problt(all.mean() + (best_one - best_zero));
float p;
if (a + b == 0)
p = 0.5;
p = a / (a + b);
if (1 - p == 0.0)
ll = maxlog;
ll = log(p / (1 - p));
if (ll > maxlog)
ll = maxlog;
if (ll < -maxlog)
ll = -maxlog;
return ll;
// c79 is 79x8 complex tones, before un-gray-coding.
void soft_decode(const ffts_t &c79, float ll174[])
std::vector<std::vector<float>> m79(79);
// m79 = absolute values of c79.
// still pre-un-gray-coding so we know which
// are the correct Costas tones.
m79 = soft_c2m(c79);
m79 = convert_to_snr(m79);
// statistics to decide soft probabilities.
// distribution of strongest tones, and
// distribution of noise.
Stats bests(problt_how_sig);
Stats all(problt_how_noise);
make_stats(m79, bests, all);
m79 = un_gray_code_r(m79);
int lli = 0;
for (int i79 = 0; i79 < 79; i79++)
if (i79 < 7 || (i79 >= 36 && i79 < 36 + 7) || i79 >= 72)
// Costas, skip
// for each of the three bits, look at the strongest tone
// that would make it a zero, and the strongest tone that
// would make it a one. use Bayes to decide which is more
// likely, comparing each against the distribution of noise
// and the distribution of strongest tones.
// most-significant-bit first.
for (int biti = 0; biti < 3; biti++)
// tone numbers that make this bit zero or one.
int zeroi[4];
int onei[4];
if (biti == 0)
// high bit
zeroi[0] = 0;
zeroi[1] = 1;
zeroi[2] = 2;
zeroi[3] = 3;
onei[0] = 4;
onei[1] = 5;
onei[2] = 6;
onei[3] = 7;
if (biti == 1)
// middle bit
zeroi[0] = 0;
zeroi[1] = 1;
zeroi[2] = 4;
zeroi[3] = 5;
onei[0] = 2;
onei[1] = 3;
onei[2] = 6;
onei[3] = 7;
if (biti == 2)
// low bit
zeroi[0] = 0;
zeroi[1] = 2;
zeroi[2] = 4;
zeroi[3] = 6;
onei[0] = 1;
onei[1] = 3;
onei[2] = 5;
onei[3] = 7;
// strongest tone that would make this bit be zero.
int got_best_zero = 0;
float best_zero = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
float x = m79[i79][zeroi[i]];
if (got_best_zero == 0 || x > best_zero)
got_best_zero = 1;
best_zero = x;
// strongest tone that would make this bit be one.
int got_best_one = 0;
float best_one = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
float x = m79[i79][onei[i]];
if (got_best_one == 0 || x > best_one)
got_best_one = 1;
best_one = x;
float ll = bayes(best_zero, best_one, lli, bests, all);
ll174[lli++] = ll;
assert(lli == 174);
// c79 is 79x8 complex tones, before un-gray-coding.
void c_soft_decode(const ffts_t &c79x, float ll174[])
ffts_t c79 = c_convert_to_snr(c79x);
int costas[] = {3, 1, 4, 0, 6, 5, 2};
std::complex<float> maxes[79];
for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++)
std::complex<float> m;
if (i < 7)
// Costas.
m = c79[i][costas[i]];
else if (i >= 36 && i < 36 + 7)
// Costas.
m = c79[i][costas[i - 36]];
else if (i >= 72)
// Costas.
m = c79[i][costas[i - 72]];
int got = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (got == 0 || std::abs(c79[i][j]) > std::abs(m))
got = 1;
m = c79[i][j];
maxes[i] = m;
std::vector<std::vector<float>> m79(79);
for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
std::complex<float> c = c79[i][j];
int n = 0;
float sum = 0;
for (int k = i - c_soft_win; k <= i + c_soft_win; k++)
if (k < 0 || k >= 79)
if (k == i)
sum -= c_soft_weight * std::abs(c);
// we're expecting all genuine tones to have
// about the same phase and magnitude.
// so set m79[i][j] to the distance from the
// phase/magnitude predicted by surrounding
// genuine-looking tones.
std::complex<float> c1 = maxes[k];
std::complex<float> d = c1 - c;
sum += std::abs(d);
n += 1;
m79[i][j] = 0 - (sum / n);
// statistics to decide soft probabilities.
// distribution of strongest tones, and
// distribution of noise.
Stats bests(problt_how_sig);
Stats all(problt_how_noise);
make_stats(m79, bests, all);
m79 = un_gray_code_r(m79);
int lli = 0;
for (int i79 = 0; i79 < 79; i79++)
if (i79 < 7 || (i79 >= 36 && i79 < 36 + 7) || i79 >= 72)
// Costas, skip
// for each of the three bits, look at the strongest tone
// that would make it a zero, and the strongest tone that
// would make it a one. use Bayes to decide which is more
// likely, comparing each against the distribution of noise
// and the distribution of strongest tones.
// most-significant-bit first.
for (int biti = 0; biti < 3; biti++)
// tone numbers that make this bit zero or one.
int zeroi[4];
int onei[4];
if (biti == 0)
// high bit
zeroi[0] = 0;
zeroi[1] = 1;
zeroi[2] = 2;
zeroi[3] = 3;
onei[0] = 4;
onei[1] = 5;
onei[2] = 6;
onei[3] = 7;
if (biti == 1)
// middle bit
zeroi[0] = 0;
zeroi[1] = 1;
zeroi[2] = 4;
zeroi[3] = 5;
onei[0] = 2;
onei[1] = 3;
onei[2] = 6;
onei[3] = 7;
if (biti == 2)
// low bit
zeroi[0] = 0;
zeroi[1] = 2;
zeroi[2] = 4;
zeroi[3] = 6;
onei[0] = 1;
onei[1] = 3;
onei[2] = 5;
onei[3] = 7;
// strongest tone that would make this bit be zero.
int got_best_zero = 0;
float best_zero = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
float x = m79[i79][zeroi[i]];
if (got_best_zero == 0 || x > best_zero)
got_best_zero = 1;
best_zero = x;
// strongest tone that would make this bit be one.
int got_best_one = 0;
float best_one = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
float x = m79[i79][onei[i]];
if (got_best_one == 0 || x > best_one)
got_best_one = 1;
best_one = x;
float ll = bayes(best_zero, best_one, lli, bests, all);
ll174[lli++] = ll;
assert(lli == 174);
// turn 79 symbol numbers into 174 bits.
// strip out the three Costas sync blocks,
// leaving 58 symbol numbers.
// each represents three bits.
// (all post-un-gray-code).
// str is per-symbol strength; must be positive.
// each returned element is < 0 for 1, > 0 for zero,
// scaled by str.
std::vector<float> extract_bits(const std::vector<int> &syms, const std::vector<float> str)
assert(syms.size() == 79);
assert(str.size() == 79);
std::vector<float> bits;
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
if (si < 7 || (si >= 36 && si < 36 + 7) || si >= 72)
// costas -- skip
bits.push_back((syms[si] & 4) == 0 ? str[si] : -str[si]);
bits.push_back((syms[si] & 2) == 0 ? str[si] : -str[si]);
bits.push_back((syms[si] & 1) == 0 ? str[si] : -str[si]);
return bits;
// decode successive pairs of symbols. exploits the likelyhood
// that they have the same phase, by summing the complex
// correlations for each possible pair and using the max.
void soft_decode_pairs(
const ffts_t &m79x,
float ll174[]
ffts_t m79 = c_convert_to_snr(m79x);
struct BitInfo
float zero; // strongest correlation that makes it zero
float one; // and one
std::vector<BitInfo> bitinfo(79 * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)bitinfo.size(); i++)
bitinfo[i].zero = 0;
bitinfo[i].one = 0;
Stats all(problt_how_noise);
Stats bests(problt_how_sig);
int map[] = {0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 7}; // un-gray-code
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si += 2)
float mx = 0;
float corrs[8 * 8];
for (int s1 = 0; s1 < 8; s1++)
for (int s2 = 0; s2 < 8; s2++)
// sum up the correlations.
std::complex<float> csum = m79[si][s1];
if (si + 1 < 79)
csum += m79[si + 1][s2];
float x = std::abs(csum);
corrs[s1 * 8 + s2] = x;
if (x > mx)
mx = x;
// first symbol
int i = map[s1];
for (int bit = 0; bit < 3; bit++)
int bitind = (si + 0) * 3 + (2 - bit);
if ((i & (1 << bit)))
// symbol i would make this bit a one.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].one)
bitinfo[bitind].one = x;
// symbol i would make this bit a zero.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].zero)
bitinfo[bitind].zero = x;
// second symbol
if (si + 1 < 79)
i = map[s2];
for (int bit = 0; bit < 3; bit++)
int bitind = (si + 1) * 3 + (2 - bit);
if ((i & (1 << bit)))
// symbol i would make this bit a one.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].one)
bitinfo[bitind].one = x;
// symbol i would make this bit a zero.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].zero)
bitinfo[bitind].zero = x;
if (si == 0 || si == 36 || si == 72)
bests.add(corrs[3 * 8 + 1]);
else if (si == 2 || si == 38 || si == 74)
bests.add(corrs[4 * 8 + 0]);
else if (si == 4 || si == 40 || si == 76)
bests.add(corrs[6 * 8 + 5]);
int lli = 0;
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
if (si < 7 || (si >= 36 && si < 36 + 7) || si >= 72)
// costas
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
float best_zero = bitinfo[si * 3 + i].zero;
float best_one = bitinfo[si * 3 + i].one;
// ll174[lli++] = best_zero > best_one ? 4.99 : -4.99;
float ll = bayes(best_zero, best_one, lli, bests, all);
ll174[lli++] = ll;
assert(lli == 174);
void soft_decode_triples(
const ffts_t &m79x,
float ll174[]
ffts_t m79 = c_convert_to_snr(m79x);
struct BitInfo
float zero; // strongest correlation that makes it zero
float one; // and one
std::vector<BitInfo> bitinfo(79 * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)bitinfo.size(); i++)
bitinfo[i].zero = 0;
bitinfo[i].one = 0;
Stats all(problt_how_noise);
Stats bests(problt_how_sig);
int map[] = {0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 7}; // un-gray-code
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si += 3)
float mx = 0;
float corrs[8 * 8 * 8];
for (int s1 = 0; s1 < 8; s1++)
for (int s2 = 0; s2 < 8; s2++)
for (int s3 = 0; s3 < 8; s3++)
std::complex<float> csum = m79[si][s1];
if (si + 1 < 79)
csum += m79[si + 1][s2];
if (si + 2 < 79)
csum += m79[si + 2][s3];
float x = std::abs(csum);
corrs[s1 * 64 + s2 * 8 + s3] = x;
if (x > mx)
mx = x;
// first symbol
int i = map[s1];
for (int bit = 0; bit < 3; bit++)
int bitind = (si + 0) * 3 + (2 - bit);
if ((i & (1 << bit)))
// symbol i would make this bit a one.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].one)
bitinfo[bitind].one = x;
// symbol i would make this bit a zero.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].zero)
bitinfo[bitind].zero = x;
// second symbol
if (si + 1 < 79)
i = map[s2];
for (int bit = 0; bit < 3; bit++)
int bitind = (si + 1) * 3 + (2 - bit);
if ((i & (1 << bit)))
// symbol i would make this bit a one.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].one)
bitinfo[bitind].one = x;
// symbol i would make this bit a zero.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].zero)
bitinfo[bitind].zero = x;
// third symbol
if (si + 2 < 79)
i = map[s3];
for (int bit = 0; bit < 3; bit++)
int bitind = (si + 2) * 3 + (2 - bit);
if ((i & (1 << bit)))
// symbol i would make this bit a one.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].one)
bitinfo[bitind].one = x;
// symbol i would make this bit a zero.
if (x > bitinfo[bitind].zero)
bitinfo[bitind].zero = x;
// costas: 3, 1, 4, 0, 6, 5, 2
if (si == 0 || si == 36 || si == 72)
bests.add(corrs[3 * 64 + 1 * 8 + 4]);
else if (si == 3 || si == 39 || si == 75)
bests.add(corrs[0 * 64 + 6 * 8 + 5]);
int lli = 0;
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
if (si < 7 || (si >= 36 && si < 36 + 7) || si >= 72)
// costas
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
float best_zero = bitinfo[si * 3 + i].zero;
float best_one = bitinfo[si * 3 + i].one;
// ll174[lli++] = best_zero > best_one ? 4.99 : -4.99;
float ll = bayes(best_zero, best_one, lli, bests, all);
ll174[lli++] = ll;
assert(lli == 174);
// given log likelyhood for each bit, try LDPC and OSD decoders.
// on success, puts corrected 174 bits into a174[].
int decode(const float ll174[], int a174[], int use_osd, std::string &comment)
void ldpc_decode(float llcodeword[], int iters, int plain[], int *ok);
void ldpc_decode_log(float codeword[], int iters, int plain[], int *ok);
int plain[174]; // will be 0/1 bits.
int ldpc_ok = 0; // 83 will mean success.
ldpc_decode((float *)ll174, ldpc_iters, plain, &ldpc_ok);
int ok_thresh = 83; // 83 is perfect
if (ldpc_ok >= ok_thresh)
// plain[] is 91 systematic data bits, 83 parity bits.
for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++)
a174[i] = plain[i];
if (check_crc(a174))
// success!
return 1;
if (use_osd && osd_depth >= 0 && ldpc_ok >= osd_ldpc_thresh)
extern int osd_decode(float codeword[174], int depth, int out[91], int *);
extern void ldpc_encode(int plain[91], int codeword[174]);
int oplain[91];
int got_depth = -1;
int osd_ok = osd_decode((float *)ll174, osd_depth, oplain, &got_depth);
if (osd_ok)
// reconstruct all 174.
comment += "OSD-" + std::to_string(got_depth) + "-" + std::to_string(ldpc_ok);
ldpc_encode(oplain, a174);
return 1;
return 0;
// bandpass filter some FFT bins.
// smooth transition from stop-band to pass-band,
// so that it's not a brick-wall filter, so that it
// doesn't ring.
std::vector<std::complex<float>> fbandpass(
const std::vector<std::complex<float>> &bins0,
float bin_hz,
float low_outer, // start of transition
float low_inner, // start of flat area
float high_inner, // end of flat area
float high_outer // end of transition
// assert(low_outer >= 0);
assert(low_outer <= low_inner);
assert(low_inner <= high_inner);
assert(high_inner <= high_outer);
// assert(high_outer <= bin_hz * bins0.size());
int nbins = bins0.size();
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bins1(nbins);
for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++)
float ihz = i * bin_hz;
// cos(x)+flat+cos(x) taper
float factor;
if (ihz <= low_outer || ihz >= high_outer)
factor = 0;
else if (ihz >= low_outer && ihz < low_inner)
// rising shoulder
#if 1
factor = (ihz - low_outer) / (low_inner - low_outer); // 0 .. 1
float theta = (ihz - low_outer) / (low_inner - low_outer); // 0 .. 1
theta -= 1; // -1 .. 0
theta *= 3.14159; // -pi .. 0
factor = cos(theta); // -1 .. 1
factor = (factor + 1) / 2; // 0 .. 1
else if (ihz > high_inner && ihz <= high_outer)
// falling shoulder
#if 1
factor = (high_outer - ihz) / (high_outer - high_inner); // 1 .. 0
float theta = (high_outer - ihz) / (high_outer - high_inner); // 1 .. 0
theta = 1.0 - theta; // 0 .. 1
theta *= 3.14159; // 0 .. pi
factor = cos(theta); // 1 .. -1
factor = (factor + 1) / 2; // 1 .. 0
factor = 1.0;
bins1[i] = bins0[i] * factor;
return bins1;
// move hz down to 25, filter+convert to 200 samples/second.
// like fft_shift(). one big FFT, move bins down and
// zero out those outside the band, then IFFT,
// then re-sample.
// XXX maybe merge w/ fft_shift() / shift200().
std::vector<float> down_v7(const std::vector<float> &samples, float hz)
int len = samples.size();
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bins = one_fft(samples, 0, len, "down_v7a", 0);
return down_v7_f(bins, len, hz);
std::vector<float> down_v7_f(const std::vector<std::complex<float>> &bins, int len, float hz)
int nbins = bins.size();
float bin_hz = rate_ / (float)len;
int down = round((hz - 25) / bin_hz);
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bins1(nbins);
for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++)
int j = i + down;
if (j >= 0 && j < nbins)
bins1[i] = bins[j];
bins1[i] = 0;
// now filter to fit in 200 samples/second.
float low_inner = 25.0 - shoulder200_extra;
float low_outer = low_inner - shoulder200;
if (low_outer < 0)
low_outer = 0;
float high_inner = 75 - 6.25 + shoulder200_extra;
float high_outer = high_inner + shoulder200;
if (high_outer > 100)
high_outer = 100;
bins1 = fbandpass(bins1, bin_hz,
low_outer, low_inner,
high_inner, high_outer);
// convert back to time domain and down-sample to 200 samples/second.
int blen = round(len * (200.0 / rate_));
std::vector<std::complex<float>> bbins(blen / 2 + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)bbins.size(); i++)
bbins[i] = bins1[i];
std::vector<float> out = one_ifft(bbins, "down_v7b");
return out;
// putative start of signal is at hz and symbol si0.
// return 2 if it decodes to a brand-new message.
// return 1 if it decodes but we've already seen it,
// perhaps in a different pass.
// return 0 if we could not decode.
// XXX merge with one_iter().
int one(const std::vector<std::complex<float>> &bins, int len, float hz, int off)
// set up to search for best frequency and time offset.
// move down to 25 hz and re-sample to 200 samples/second,
// i.e. 32 samples/symbol.
std::vector<float> samples200 = down_v7_f(bins, len, hz);
int off200 = round((off / (float)rate_) * 200.0);
int ret = one_iter(samples200, off200, hz);
return ret;
// return 2 if it decodes to a brand-new message.
// return 1 if it decodes but we've already seen it,
// perhaps in a different pass.
// return 0 if we could not decode.
int one_iter(const std::vector<float> &samples200, int best_off, float hz_for_cb)
if (do_second)
std::vector<Strength> strengths =
25, second_hz_n, second_hz_win,
best_off, second_off_n, second_off_win * 32);
// sort strongest-first.
std::sort(strengths.begin(), strengths.end(),
[](const Strength &a, const Strength &b) -> bool
{ return a.strength_ > b.strength_; });
for (int i = 0; i < (int)strengths.size() && i < second_count; i++)
float hz = strengths[i].hz_;
int off = strengths[i].off_;
int ret = one_iter1(samples200, off, hz, hz_for_cb, hz_for_cb);
if (ret > 0)
return ret;
int ret = one_iter1(samples200, best_off, 25, hz_for_cb, hz_for_cb);
return ret;
return 0;
// estimate SNR, yielding numbers vaguely similar to WSJT-X.
// m79 is a 79x8 complex FFT output.
float guess_snr(const ffts_t &m79)
int costas[] = {3, 1, 4, 0, 6, 5, 2};
float noises = 0;
float signals = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
signals += std::abs(m79[i][costas[i]]);
signals += std::abs(m79[36 + i][costas[i]]);
signals += std::abs(m79[72 + i][costas[i]]);
noises += std::abs(m79[i][(costas[i] + 4) % 8]);
noises += std::abs(m79[36 + i][(costas[i] + 4) % 8]);
noises += std::abs(m79[72 + i][(costas[i] + 4) % 8]);
for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++)
if (i < 7 || (i >= 36 && i < 36 + 7) || (i >= 72 && i < 72 + 7))
std::vector<float> v(8);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
v[j] = std::abs(m79[i][j]);
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
signals += v[7]; // strongest tone, probably the signal
noises += (v[2] + v[3] + v[4]) / 3;
noises /= 79;
signals /= 79;
noises *= noises; // square yields power
signals *= signals;
float raw = signals / noises;
raw -= 1; // turn (s+n)/n into s/n
if (raw < 0.1)
raw = 0.1;
raw /= (2500.0 / 2.7); // 2.7 hz noise b/w -> 2500 hz b/w
float snr = 10 * log10(raw);
snr += 5;
snr *= 1.4;
return snr;
// compare phases of successive symbols to guess whether
// the starting offset is a little too high or low.
// we expect each symbol to have the same phase.
// an error in causes the phase to advance at a steady rate.
// so if hz is wrong, we expect the phase to advance
// or retard at a steady pace.
// an error in offset causes each symbol to start at
// a phase that depends on the symbol's frequency;
// a particular offset error causes a phase error
// that depends on frequency.
// hz0 is actual FFT bin number of m79[...][0] (always 4).
// the output adj_hz is relative to the FFT bin center;
// a positive number means the real signal seems to be
// a bit higher in frequency that the bin center.
// adj_off is the amount to change the offset, in samples.
// should be subtracted from offset.
void fine(const ffts_t &m79, int, float &adj_hz, float &adj_off)
adj_hz = 0.0;
adj_off = 0.0;
// tone number for each of the 79 symbols.
int sym[79];
float symval[79];
float symphase[79];
int costas[] = {3, 1, 4, 0, 6, 5, 2};
for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++)
if (i < 7)
sym[i] = costas[i];
else if (i >= 36 && i < 36 + 7)
sym[i] = costas[i - 36];
else if (i >= 72)
sym[i] = costas[i - 72];
int mxj = -1;
float mx = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
float x = std::abs(m79[i][j]);
if (mxj < 0 || x > mx)
mx = x;
mxj = j;
sym[i] = mxj;
symphase[i] = std::arg(m79[i][sym[i]]);
symval[i] = std::abs(m79[i][sym[i]]);
float sum = 0;
float weight_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 79 - 1; i++)
float d = symphase[i + 1] - symphase[i];
while (d > M_PI)
d -= 2 * M_PI;
while (d < -M_PI)
d += 2 * M_PI;
float w = symval[i];
sum += d * w;
weight_sum += w;
float mean = sum / weight_sum;
float err_rad = mean; // radians per symbol time
float err_hz = (err_rad / (2 * M_PI)) / 0.16; // cycles per symbol time
// if each symbol's phase is a bit more than we expect,
// that means the real frequency is a bit higher
// than we thought, so increase our estimate.
adj_hz = err_hz;
// now think about offset error.
// the higher tones have many cycles per
// symbol -- e.g. tone 7 has 11 cycles
// in each symbol. a one- or two-sample
// offset error at such a high tone will
// change the phase by pi or more,
// which makes the phase-to-samples
// conversion ambiguous. so only try
// to distinguish early-ontime-late,
// not the amount.
int nearly = 0;
int nlate = 0;
float early = 0.0;
float late = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i < 79; i++)
float ph0 = std::arg(m79[i - 1][sym[i - 1]]);
float ph = std::arg(m79[i][sym[i]]);
float d = ph - ph0;
d -= err_rad; // correct for hz error.
while (d > M_PI)
d -= 2 * M_PI;
while (d < -M_PI)
d += 2 * M_PI;
// if off is correct, each symbol will have the same phase (modulo
// the above hz correction), since each FFT bin holds an integer
// number of cycles.
// if off is too small, the phase is altered by the trailing part
// of the previous symbol. if the previous tone was lower,
// the phase won't have advanced as much as expected, and
// this symbol's phase will be lower than the previous phase.
// if the previous tone was higher, the phase will be more
// advanced than expected. thus off too small leads to
// a phase difference that's the reverse of the tone difference.
// if off is too high, then the FFT started a little way into
// this symbol, which causes the phase to be advanced a bit.
// of course the previous symbol's phase was also advanced
// too much. if this tone is higher than the previous symbol,
// its phase will be more advanced than the previous. if
// less, less.
// the point: if successive phases and tone differences
// are positively correlated, off is too high. if negatively,
// too low.
// fine_max_tone:
// if late, ignore if a high tone, since ambiguous.
// if early, ignore if prev is a high tone.
if (sym[i] > sym[i - 1])
if (d > 0 && sym[i] <= fine_max_tone)
late += d / std::abs(sym[i] - sym[i - 1]);
if (d < 0 && sym[i - 1] <= fine_max_tone)
early += fabs(d) / std::abs(sym[i] - sym[i - 1]);
else if (sym[i] < sym[i - 1])
if (d > 0 && sym[i - 1] <= fine_max_tone)
early += d / std::abs(sym[i] - sym[i - 1]);
if (d < 0 && sym[i] <= fine_max_tone)
late += fabs(d) / std::abs(sym[i] - sym[i - 1]);
if (nearly > 0)
early /= nearly;
if (nlate > 0)
late /= nlate;
// printf("early %d %.1f, late %d %.1f\n", nearly, early, nlate, late);
// assumes 32 samples/symbol.
if (nearly > 2 * nlate)
adj_off = round(32 * early / fine_thresh);
if (adj_off > fine_max_off)
adj_off = fine_max_off;
else if (nlate > 2 * nearly)
adj_off = 0 - round(32 * late / fine_thresh);
if (fabs(adj_off) > fine_max_off)
adj_off = -fine_max_off;
// the signal is at roughly 25 hz in samples200.
// return 2 if it decodes to a brand-new message.
// return 1 if it decodes but we've already seen it,
// perhaps in a different pass.
// return 0 if we could not decode.
int one_iter1(
const std::vector<float> &samples200x,
int best_off,
float best_hz,
float hz0_for_cb,
float hz1_for_cb
// put best_hz in the middle of bin 4, at 25.0.
std::vector<float> samples200 = shift200(samples200x, 0, samples200x.size(),
// mini 79x8 FFT.
ffts_t m79 = extract(samples200, 25, best_off);
// look at symbol-to-symbol phase change to try
// to improve best_hz and best_off.
if (do_fine_hz || do_fine_off)
float adj_hz = 0;
float adj_off = 0;
fine(m79, 4, adj_hz, adj_off);
if (do_fine_hz == 0)
adj_hz = 0;
if (do_fine_off == 0)
adj_off = 0;
if (fabs(adj_hz) < 6.25 / 4 && fabs(adj_off) < 4)
best_hz += adj_hz;
best_off += round(adj_off);
if (best_off < 0)
best_off = 0;
samples200 = shift200(samples200x, 0, samples200x.size(), best_hz);
m79 = extract(samples200, 25, best_off);
float ll174[174];
if (soft_ones)
if (soft_ones == 1)
soft_decode(m79, ll174);
c_soft_decode(m79, ll174);
int ret = try_decode(samples200, ll174, best_hz, best_off,
hz0_for_cb, hz1_for_cb, 1, "", m79);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (soft_pairs)
float p174[174];
soft_decode_pairs(m79, p174);
int ret = try_decode(samples200, p174, best_hz, best_off,
hz0_for_cb, hz1_for_cb, 1, "", m79);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (soft_ones == 0)
memcpy(ll174, p174, sizeof(ll174));
if (soft_triples)
float p174[174];
soft_decode_triples(m79, p174);
int ret = try_decode(samples200, p174, best_hz, best_off,
hz0_for_cb, hz1_for_cb, 1, "", m79);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (use_hints)
for (int hi = 0; hi < (int)hints1_.size(); hi++)
int h = hints1_[hi]; // 28-bit number, goes in ll174 0..28
if (use_hints == 2 && h != 2)
// just CQ
float n174[174];
for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++)
if (i < 28)
int bit = h & (1 << 27);
if (bit)
n174[i] = -4.97;
n174[i] = 4.97;
h <<= 1;
n174[i] = ll174[i];
int ret = try_decode(samples200, n174, best_hz, best_off,
hz0_for_cb, hz1_for_cb, 0, "hint1", m79);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (use_hints == 1)
for (int hi = 0; hi < (int)hints2_.size(); hi++)
int h = hints2_[hi]; // 28-bit number, goes in ll174 29:29+28
float n174[174];
for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++)
if (i >= 29 && i < 29 + 28)
int bit = h & (1 << 27);
if (bit)
n174[i] = -4.97;
n174[i] = 4.97;
h <<= 1;
n174[i] = ll174[i];
int ret = try_decode(samples200, n174, best_hz, best_off,
hz0_for_cb, hz1_for_cb, 0, "hint2", m79);
if (ret)
return ret;
return 0;
// subtract a corrected decoded signal from nsamples_,
// perhaps revealing a weaker signal underneath,
// to be decoded in a subsequent pass.
// re79[] holds the error-corrected symbol numbers.
void subtract(
const std::vector<int> re79,
float hz0,
float hz1,
float off_sec
int block = blocksize(rate_);
float bin_hz = rate_ / (float)block;
int off0 = off_sec * rate_;
float mhz = (hz0 + hz1) / 2.0;
int bin0 = round(mhz / bin_hz);
// move nsamples so that signal is centered in bin0.
float diff0 = (bin0 * bin_hz) - hz0;
float diff1 = (bin0 * bin_hz) - hz1;
std::vector<float> moved = hilbert_shift(nsamples_, diff0, diff1, rate_);
ffts_t bins = ffts(moved, off0, block, "subtract");
if (bin0 + 8 > (int)bins[0].size())
if ((int)bins.size() < 79)
std::vector<float> phases(79);
std::vector<float> amps(79);
for (int i = 0; i < 79; i++)
int sym = bin0 + re79[i];
std::complex<float> c = bins[i][sym];
phases[i] = std::arg(c);
// FFT multiplies magnitudes by number of bins,
// or half the number of samples.
amps[i] = std::abs(c) / (block / 2.0);
int ramp = round(block * subtract_ramp);
if (ramp < 1)
ramp = 1;
// initial ramp part of first symbol.
int sym = bin0 + re79[0];
float phase = phases[0];
float amp = amps[0];
float hz = 6.25 * sym;
float dtheta = 2 * M_PI / (rate_ / hz); // advance per sample
for (int jj = 0; jj < ramp; jj++)
float theta = phase + jj * dtheta;
float x = amp * cos(theta);
x *= jj / (float)ramp;
int iii = off0 + block * 0 + jj;
moved[iii] -= x;
for (int si = 0; si < 79; si++)
int sym = bin0 + re79[si];
float phase = phases[si];
float amp = amps[si];
float hz = 6.25 * sym;
float dtheta = 2 * M_PI / (rate_ / hz); // advance per sample
// we've already done the first ramp for this symbol.
// now for the steady part between ramps.
for (int jj = ramp; jj < block - ramp; jj++)
float theta = phase + jj * dtheta;
float x = amp * cos(theta);
int iii = off0 + block * si + jj;
moved[iii] -= x;
// now the two ramps, from us to the next symbol.
// we need to smoothly change the frequency,
// approximating wsjt-x's gaussian frequency shift,
// and also end up matching the next symbol's phase,
// which is often different from this symbol due
// to inaccuracies in hz or offset.
// at start of this symbol's off-ramp.
float theta = phase + (block - ramp) * dtheta;
float hz1;
float phase1;
if (si + 1 >= 79)
hz1 = hz;
phase1 = phase;
int sym1 = bin0 + re79[si + 1];
hz1 = 6.25 * sym1;
phase1 = phases[si + 1];
float dtheta1 = 2 * M_PI / (rate_ / hz1);
// add this to dtheta for each sample, to gradually
// change the frequency.
float inc = (dtheta1 - dtheta) / (2.0 * ramp);
// after we've applied all those inc's, what will the
// phase be at the end of the next symbol's initial ramp,
// if we don't do anything to correct it?
float actual = theta + dtheta * 2.0 * ramp + inc * 4.0 * ramp * ramp / 2.0;
// what phase does the next symbol want to be at when
// its on-ramp finishes?
float target = phase1 + dtheta1 * ramp;
// ???
while (fabs(target - actual) > M_PI)
if (target < actual)
target += 2 * M_PI;
target -= 2 * M_PI;
// adj is to be spread evenly over the off-ramp and on-ramp samples.
float adj = target - actual;
int end = block + ramp;
if (si == 79 - 1)
end = block;
for (int jj = block - ramp; jj < end; jj++)
int iii = off0 + block * si + jj;
float x = amp * cos(theta);
// trail off to zero at the very end.
if (si == 79 - 1)
x *= 1.0 - ((jj - (block - ramp)) / (float)ramp);
moved[iii] -= x;
theta += dtheta;
dtheta += inc;
theta += adj / (2.0 * ramp);
nsamples_ = hilbert_shift(moved, -diff0, -diff1, rate_);
// decode, give to callback, and subtract.
// return 2 if it decodes to a brand-new message.
// return 1 if it decodes but we've already seen it,
// perhaps in a different pass.
// return 0 if we could not decode.
int try_decode(
const std::vector<float> &samples200,
float ll174[174],
float best_hz,
int best_off_samples,
float hz0_for_cb,
int use_osd,
const char *comment1,
const ffts_t &m79
int a174[174];
std::string comment(comment1);
if (decode(ll174, a174, use_osd, comment))
// a174 is corrected 91 bits of plain message plus 83 bits of LDPC parity.
// how many of the corrected 174 bits match the received signal in ll174?
int correct_bits = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 174; i++)
if (ll174[i] < 0 && a174[i] == 1)
correct_bits += 1;
else if (ll174[i] > 0 && a174[i] == 0)
correct_bits += 1;
// reconstruct correct 79 symbols from LDPC output.
std::vector<int> re79 = recode(a174);
if (do_third == 1)
// fine-tune offset and hz for better subtraction.
float best_off = best_off_samples / 200.0;
search_both_known(samples200, 200, re79,
best_hz, best_off,
best_hz, best_off);
best_off_samples = round(best_off * 200.0);
// convert starting sample # from 200 samples/second back to rate_.
// also hz.
float best_off = best_off_samples / 200.0; // convert to seconds
best_hz = hz0_for_cb + (best_hz - 25.0);
if (do_third == 2)
// fine-tune offset and hz for better subtraction.
search_both_known(samples_, rate_, re79,
best_hz, best_off,
best_hz, best_off);
float snr = guess_snr(m79);
if (cb_ != 0)
int ret = cb_(a174, best_hz + down_hz_, best_hz + down_hz_,
best_off, comment.c_str(), snr, pass_, correct_bits);
if (ret == 2)
// a new decode. subtract it from nsamples_.
subtract(re79, best_hz, best_hz, best_off);
return ret;
return 1;
return 0;
// given 174 bits corrected by LDPC, work
// backwards to the symbols that must have
// been sent.
// used to help ensure that subtraction subtracts
// at the right place.
std::vector<int> recode(int a174[])
int i174 = 0;
int costas[] = {3, 1, 4, 0, 6, 5, 2};
std::vector<int> out79;
for (int i79 = 0; i79 < 79; i79++)
if (i79 < 7)
else if (i79 >= 36 && i79 < 36 + 7)
out79.push_back(costas[i79 - 36]);
else if (i79 >= 72)
out79.push_back(costas[i79 - 72]);
int sym = (a174[i174 + 0] << 2) | (a174[i174 + 1] << 1) | (a174[i174 + 2] << 0);
i174 += 3;
// gray code
int map[] = {0, 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 7};
sym = map[sym];
assert(out79.size() == 79);
assert(i174 == 174);
return out79;
std::mutex FT8::cb_mu_;
// Python calls these.
void entry(
float xsamples[],
int nsamples,
int start,
int rate,
float min_hz,
float max_hz,
int hints1[],
int hints2[],
float time_left,
float total_time_left,
cb_t cb,
int nprevdecs,
struct cdecode *xprevdecs
float t0 = now();
float deadline = t0 + time_left;
float final_deadline = t0 + total_time_left;
// decodes from previous runs, for subtraction.
std::vector<cdecode> prevdecs;
for (int i = 0; i < nprevdecs; i++)
std::vector<float> samples(nsamples);
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++)
samples[i] = xsamples[i];
if (min_hz < 0)
min_hz = 0;
if (max_hz > rate / 2)
max_hz = rate / 2;
float per = (max_hz - min_hz) / nthreads;
std::vector<FT8 *> thv;
for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++)
float hz0 = min_hz + i * per;
if (i > 0 || overlap_edges)
hz0 -= overlap;
float hz1 = min_hz + (i + 1) * per;
if (i != nthreads - 1 || overlap_edges)
hz1 += overlap;
hz0 = std::max(hz0, 0.0f);
hz1 = std::min(hz1, (rate / 2.0f) - 50);
FT8 *ft8 = new FT8(
int npasses = nprevdecs > 0 ? npasses_two : npasses_one;
printf("FT8::entry: npasses: %d\n", npasses);
ft8->th_ = new std::thread([ft8, npasses] () { ft8->go(npasses); });
for (int i = 0; i < (int)thv.size(); i++)
delete thv[i]->th_;
delete thv[i];
float set(char *param, char *val)
struct sss
const char *name;
void *addr;
int type; // 0 int, 1 float
struct sss params[] =
{"snr_win", &snr_win, 0},
{"snr_how", &snr_how, 0},
{"ldpc_iters", &ldpc_iters, 0},
{"shoulder200", &shoulder200, 1},
{"shoulder200_extra", &shoulder200_extra, 1},
{"second_hz_n", &second_hz_n, 0},
{"second_hz_win", &second_hz_win, 1},
{"second_off_n", &second_off_n, 0},
{"second_off_win", &second_off_win, 1},
{"third_hz_n", &third_hz_n, 0},
{"third_hz_win", &third_hz_win, 1},
{"third_off_n", &third_off_n, 0},
{"third_off_win", &third_off_win, 1},
{"log_tail", &log_tail, 1},
{"log_rate", &log_rate, 1},
{"problt_how_noise", &problt_how_noise, 0},
{"problt_how_sig", &problt_how_sig, 0},
{"use_apriori", &use_apriori, 0},
{"use_hints", &use_hints, 0},
{"win_type", &win_type, 0},
{"osd_depth", &osd_depth, 0},
{"ncoarse", &ncoarse, 0},
{"ncoarse_blocks", &ncoarse_blocks, 0},
{"tminus", &tminus, 1},
{"tplus", &tplus, 1},
{"coarse_off_n", &coarse_off_n, 0},
{"coarse_hz_n", &coarse_hz_n, 0},
{"already_hz", &already_hz, 1},
{"nthreads", &nthreads, 0},
{"npasses_one", &npasses_one, 0},
{"npasses_two", &npasses_two, 0},
{"overlap", &overlap, 1},
{"nyquist", &nyquist, 1},
{"oddrate", &oddrate, 0},
{"osd_ldpc_thresh", &osd_ldpc_thresh, 0},
{"pass0_frac", &pass0_frac, 1},
{"go_extra", &go_extra, 1},
{"reduce_how", &reduce_how, 0},
{"do_reduce", &do_reduce, 0},
{"pass_threshold", &pass_threshold, 0},
{"strength_how", &strength_how, 0},
{"known_strength_how", &known_strength_how, 0},
{"reduce_shoulder", &reduce_shoulder, 1},
{"reduce_factor", &reduce_factor, 1},
{"reduce_extra", &reduce_extra, 1},
{"overlap_edges", &overlap_edges, 0},
{"coarse_strength_how", &coarse_strength_how, 0},
{"coarse_all", &coarse_all, 1},
{"second_count", &second_count, 0},
{"fftw_type", &fftw_type, 0},
{"soft_phase_win", &soft_phase_win, 0},
{"subtract_ramp", &subtract_ramp, 1},
{"soft_pairs", &soft_pairs, 0},
{"soft_triples", &soft_triples, 0},
{"do_second", &do_second, 0},
{"do_fine_hz", &do_fine_hz, 0},
{"do_fine_off", &do_fine_off, 0},
{"do_third", &do_third, 0},
{"fine_thresh", &fine_thresh, 1},
{"fine_max_off", &fine_max_off, 0},
{"fine_max_tone", &fine_max_tone, 0},
{"known_sparse", &known_sparse, 0},
{"soft_ones", &soft_ones, 0},
{"c_soft_weight", &c_soft_weight, 1},
{"c_soft_win", &c_soft_win, 0},
{"bayes_how", &bayes_how, 0},
int nparams = sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < nparams; i++)
if (strcmp(param, params[i].name) == 0)
if (val[0])
if (params[i].type == 0)
*(int *)params[i].addr = round(atof(val));
else if (params[i].type == 1)
*(float *)params[i].addr = atof(val);
return 0;
if (params[i].type == 0)
return *(int *)params[i].addr;
else if (params[i].type == 1)
return *(float *)params[i].addr;
fprintf(stderr, "weird type %d\n", params[i].type);
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "ft8.cc set(%s, %s) unknown parameter\n", param, val);
return 0;
} // namespace FT8