mirror of https://github.com/f4exb/sdrangel.git synced 2024-09-30 16:56:35 -04:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python
SDRangel REST API client script
Simple scanner for AM and NFM channels. Builds an array of equally spaced channels. Moves device center frequency
so that adjacent parts of the spectrum are scanned by the array of channels. Stops when any of the channels
is active. Resumes when none of the channels is active.
Uses /sdrangel/deviceset/{deviceSetIndex}/channels/report API to get channel information (since v3.13.1)
import requests, json, traceback, sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import time
import numpy as np
base_url = ""
deviceset_url = ""
verbosity = 2
requests_methods = {
"GET": requests.get,
"PATCH": requests.patch,
"POST": requests.post,
"PUT": requests.put,
"DELETE": requests.delete
# ======================================================================
class ScanControl:
def __init__(self, num_channels, channel_step, start_freq, stop_freq, log2_decim):
self.channel_shifts = []
if num_channels < 2:
self.channel_shifts = [0]
limit = 0
limit = ((num_channels-1)*channel_step) / 2
self.channel_shifts = list(np.linspace(-limit, limit, num_channels))
self.device_start_freq = start_freq + limit
self.device_stop_freq = stop_freq - limit
self.device_step_freq = 2*limit + channel_step
self.device_sample_rate = (2*limit + channel_step)*(1<<log2_decim)
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %%prog [-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int", default=0)
parser.add_option("-D", "--device-hwid", dest="device_hwid", help="device hardware id", metavar="ID", type="string", default="RTLSDR")
parser.add_option("-C", "--channel-id", dest="channel_id", help="channel id", metavar="ID", type="string", default="NFMDemod")
parser.add_option("-l", "--log2-decim", dest="log2_decim", help="log2 of the desired software decimation factor", metavar="LOG2", type="int", default=4)
parser.add_option("-n", "--num-channels", dest="num_channels", help="number of parallel channels", metavar="NUMBER", type="int", default=8)
parser.add_option("-s", "--freq-step", dest="freq_step", help="frequency step (Hz)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="float", default=12500)
parser.add_option("-S", "--freq-start", dest="freq_start", help="frequency start (Hz)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="int", default=446006250)
parser.add_option("-T", "--freq-stop", dest="freq_stop", help="frequency stop (Hz)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="int", default=446193750)
parser.add_option("-b", "--af-bw", dest="af_bw", help="audio babdwidth (kHz)", metavar="FREQUENCY_KHZ", type="int" ,default=3)
parser.add_option("-r", "--rf-bw", dest="rf_bw", help="RF babdwidth (Hz). Sets to nearest available", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="int", default=10000)
parser.add_option("-c", "--create", dest="create", help="create a new device set", metavar="BOOLEAN", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("-m", "--mock", dest="mock", help="just print calculated values and exit", metavar="BOOLEAN", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("--ppm", dest="lo_ppm", help="LO correction in PPM", metavar="PPM", type="float", default=0.0)
parser.add_option("-t", "--settling-time", dest="settling_time", help="Scan step settling time in seconds", metavar="SECONDS", type="float", default=1.0)
parser.add_option("--sq", dest="squelch_db", help="Squelsch threshold in dB", metavar="DECIBEL", type="float", default=-50.0)
parser.add_option("--sq-gate", dest="squelch_gate", help="Squelsch gate in ms", metavar="MILLISECONDS", type="int", default=50)
parser.add_option("--re-run", dest="rerun", help="re run with given parameters without setting up device and channels", metavar="BOOLEAN", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("-x", "--excl-list", dest="excl_fstr", help="frequencies (in Hz) exclusion comma separated list", metavar="LIST", type="string")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (options.address == None):
options.address = ""
if options.excl_fstr is not None:
excl_flist_str = options.excl_fstr.split(',')
options.excl_flist = list(map(int, excl_flist_str))
except ValueError:
print("Invalid exclusion frequencies list: %s" % options.excl_fstr)
options.excl_flist = []
options.excl_flist = []
return options
# ======================================================================
def setupDevice(scan_control, options):
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get device settings")
if settings is None:
if options.device_hwid == "AirspyHF":
if scan_control.device_start_freq > 30000000:
settings["airspyHFSettings"]["bandIndex"] = 1
settings["airspyHFSettings"]["bandIndex"] = 0
settings["airspyHFSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = scan_control.device_start_freq
settings["airspyHFSettings"]["devSampleRateIndex"] = 0
settings['airspyHFSettings']['log2Decim'] = options.log2_decim
settings['airspyHFSettings']['loPpmCorrection'] = int(options.lo_ppm * 10) # in tenths of PPM
elif options.device_hwid == "LimeSDR":
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["antennaPath"] = 0
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["devSampleRate"] = scan_control.device_sample_rate
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["log2HardDecim"] = 4
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["log2SoftDecim"] = options.log2_decim
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = scan_control.device_start_freq + 500000
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["ncoEnable"] = 1
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["ncoFrequency"] = -500000
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["lpfBW"] = 1450000
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["lpfFIRBW"] = scan_control.device_step_freq + 100000
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["lpfFIREnable"] = 1
settings['limeSdrInputSettings']['dcBlock'] = 1
elif options.device_hwid == "RTLSDR":
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['devSampleRate'] = scan_control.device_sample_rate
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['centerFrequency'] = scan_control.device_start_freq
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['gain'] = 496
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['log2Decim'] = options.log2_decim
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['dcBlock'] = 1
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['iqImbalance'] = 1
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['agc'] = 1
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['loPpmCorrection'] = int(options.lo_ppm)
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['rfBandwidth'] = scan_control.device_step_freq + 100000
elif options.device_hwid == "HackRF":
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['LOppmTenths'] = int(options.lo_ppm * 10) # in tenths of PPM
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = scan_control.device_start_freq
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['dcBlock'] = 1
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['iqImbalance'] = 1
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['devSampleRate'] = scan_control.device_sample_rate
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['lnaExt'] = 1
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['lnaGain'] = 32
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['log2Decim'] = options.log2_decim
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['vgaGain'] = 24
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Patch device settings")
if r is None:
# ======================================================================
def changeDeviceFrequency(fc, options):
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get device settings")
if settings is None:
if options.device_hwid == "AirspyHF":
settings["airspyHFSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = fc
elif options.device_hwid == "LimeSDR":
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = fc + 500000
elif options.device_hwid == "RTLSDR":
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['centerFrequency'] = fc
elif options.device_hwid == "HackRF":
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = fc
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Patch device center frequncy")
if r is None:
# ======================================================================
def setupChannels(scan_control, options):
i = 0
for shift in scan_control.channel_shifts:
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel", "POST", None, {"channelType": options.channel_id, "tx": 0}, "Create NFM demod")
if settings is None:
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/%d/settings" % i, "GET", None, None, "Get NFM demod settings")
if settings is None:
if options.channel_id == "NFMDemod":
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = int(shift)
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["afBandwidth"] = options.af_bw * 1000
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["rfBandwidth"] = options.rf_bw
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["squelch"] = options.squelch_db * 10 # centi-Bels
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["squelchGate"] = options.squelch_gate / 10 # 10's of ms
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["title"] = "Channel %d" % i
elif options.channel_id == "AMDemod":
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = int(shift)
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["rfBandwidth"] = options.rf_bw
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["squelch"] = options.squelch_db
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["title"] = "Channel %d" % i
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["bandpassEnable"] = 1 # bandpass filter
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/%d/settings" % i, "PATCH", None, settings, "Change demod")
if r is None:
i += 1
# ======================================================================
def checkScanning(fc, options):
reports = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channels/report", "GET", None, None, "Get channels report")
if reports is None:
reportKey = "%sReport" % options.channel_id
for i in range(reports["channelcount"]):
channel = reports["channels"][i]
if "report" in channel:
if reportKey in channel["report"]:
if channel["report"][reportKey]["squelch"] == 1:
f_channel = channel["deltaFrequency"]+fc
2018-03-22 04:18:49 -04:00
if round(f_channel) not in options.excl_flist:
print("Stopped at %d Hz" % f_channel)
return False # stop scanning
return True # continue scanning
# ======================================================================
def printResponse(response):
content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", None)
if content_type is not None:
if "application/json" in content_type:
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
elif "text/plain" in content_type:
# ======================================================================
def callAPI(url, method, params, json, text):
request_method = requests_methods.get(method, None)
if request_method is not None:
r = request_method(url=base_url+url, params=params, json=json)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
if verbosity >= 1:
print(text + " succeeded")
if verbosity >= 2:
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
if verbosity >= 1:
print(text + " failed")
if verbosity >= 2:
return None
# ======================================================================
def main():
options = getInputOptions()
scan_control = ScanControl(options.num_channels, options.freq_step, options.freq_start, options.freq_stop, options.log2_decim)
# Print calculated scan parameters
print("Channel shifts: %s" % scan_control.channel_shifts)
print("Sample rate: %d" % scan_control.device_sample_rate)
print("Start: %d" % scan_control.device_start_freq)
print("Stop: %d" % scan_control.device_stop_freq)
print("Step: %d" % scan_control.device_step_freq)
if scan_control.device_stop_freq < scan_control.device_start_freq:
print("Frequency error")
freqs = []
nb_steps = 0
fc = scan_control.device_start_freq
while fc <= scan_control.device_stop_freq:
freqs += [x+fc for x in scan_control.channel_shifts]
fc += scan_control.device_step_freq
nb_steps += 1
print("Scanned frequencies: %s" % freqs)
print("Skipped frequencies: %s" % options.excl_flist)
print("In %d steps" % nb_steps)
if options.mock: # Stop there if we are just mocking (no API access)
global base_url
base_url = "http://%s/sdrangel" % options.address
# Set Rx
global deviceset_url
deviceset_url = "/deviceset/%d" % options.device_index
if not options.rerun: # Skip device and channels settings in re-run mode
if options.create:
r = callAPI("/deviceset", "POST", {"tx": 0}, None, "Add Rx device set")
if r is None:
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device", "PUT", None, {"hwType": options.device_hwid, "tx": 0}, "setup device on Rx device set")
if r is None:
# Set device and channels
setupDevice(scan_control, options)
setupChannels(scan_control, options)
# Start running and scanning
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/run", "POST", None, None, "Start running device")
if r is None:
fc = scan_control.device_start_freq
global verbosity
verbosity = 0
print("Move center to %d Hz" % fc)
changeDeviceFrequency(fc, options)
while True:
if checkScanning(fc, options): # shall we move on ?
fc += scan_control.device_step_freq
if fc > scan_control.device_stop_freq:
fc = scan_control.device_start_freq
print("New pass")
print("Move center to %d Hz" % fc)
changeDeviceFrequency(fc, options)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Terminated by user")
verbosity = 2
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/run", "DELETE", None, None, "Stop running device")
if r is None:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception, msg:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
if __name__ == "__main__":