2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
# Pro file for Android and Windows builds with Qt Creator
TEMPLATE = subdirs
2017-11-24 11:12:53 -05:00
CONFIG += ordered
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS = serialdv
2017-11-11 05:11:44 -05:00
SUBDIRS += httpserver
SUBDIRS += logging
2018-03-05 10:40:53 -05:00
SUBDIRS += qrtplib
2017-11-17 08:51:16 -05:00
SUBDIRS += swagger
2017-11-19 18:10:01 -05:00
SUBDIRS += sdrbase
SUBDIRS += sdrgui
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS += fcdhid
SUBDIRS += fcdlib
SUBDIRS += libairspy
2018-01-10 20:21:29 -05:00
SUBDIRS += libairspyhf
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS += libbladerf
2018-01-14 16:26:35 -05:00
SUBDIRS += libhackrf
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS += libiio
2018-02-21 23:46:28 -05:00
SUBDIRS += libsqlite3
2018-01-14 16:26:35 -05:00
SUBDIRS += liblimesuite
2018-02-13 08:25:32 -05:00
SUBDIRS += libperseus
2018-01-14 16:26:35 -05:00
SUBDIRS += librtlsdr
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS += devices
SUBDIRS += mbelib
SUBDIRS += dsdcc
2018-03-10 14:32:46 -05:00
SUBDIRS += cm256cc
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/airspy
2018-01-10 20:21:29 -05:00
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/airspyhf
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/bladerfinput
2018-01-14 16:26:35 -05:00
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/filesource
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/hackrfinput
2018-03-10 19:48:59 -05:00
#SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/limesdrinput
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/plutosdrinput
2018-01-14 16:26:35 -05:00
CONFIG(MINGW64)SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/sdrdaemonsource
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/rtlsdr
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesource/testsource
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesink/filesink
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesink/bladerfoutput
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesink/hackrfoutput
2018-03-10 19:48:59 -05:00
#SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesink/limesdroutput
2017-11-02 07:28:41 -04:00
SUBDIRS += plugins/samplesink/plutosdroutput
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/chanalyzer
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/chanalyzerng
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/demodam
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/demodatv
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/demodbfm
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/demoddsd
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/demodlora
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/demodnfm
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/demodssb
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/demodwfm
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/tcpsrc
SUBDIRS += plugins/channelrx/udpsrc
SUBDIRS += plugins/channeltx/modam
SUBDIRS += plugins/channeltx/modnfm
SUBDIRS += plugins/channeltx/modssb
SUBDIRS += plugins/channeltx/modwfm
SUBDIRS += plugins/channeltx/udpsink
# Main app must be last
SUBDIRS += app