mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 04:08:29 -04:00
Merge pull request #1911 from srcejon/freq_scanner
Map: Support multiple frequencies and specify which device to tune
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ jobs:
- name: Install brew uhd package
run: |
rm -f /usr/local/bin/2to3*
rm -f /usr/local/bin/idle3
rm -f /usr/local/bin/pydoc3
rm -f /usr/local/bin/python3
rm -f /usr/local/bin/idle3*
rm -f /usr/local/bin/pydoc3*
rm -f /usr/local/bin/python3*
rm -f /usr/local/bin/python3-config
brew install uhd
- name: Install brew opencv package
@ -577,12 +577,7 @@ void AircraftModel::findOnMap(int index)
// Get list of frequeny scanners to use in menu
QStringList AirportModel::getFreqScanners() const
QStringList list;
std::vector<ChannelAPI*> channels = MainCore::instance()->getChannels("sdrangel.channel.freqscanner");
for (const auto channel : channels) {
return list;
return MainCore::instance()->getChannelIds("sdrangel.channel.freqscanner");
// Send airport frequencies to frequency scanner with given id (Rn:n)
@ -592,14 +587,10 @@ void AirportModel::sendToFreqScanner(int index, const QString& id)
const AirportInformation *airport = m_airports[index];
unsigned int deviceSet, channelIndex;
const QRegularExpression re("R([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(id);
if (match.hasMatch())
if (MainCore::getDeviceAndChannelIndexFromId(id, deviceSet, channelIndex))
int deviceSet = match.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
int channelIndex = match.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
QJsonArray array;
for (const auto airportFrequency : airport->m_frequencies)
@ -867,12 +858,10 @@ bool NavAidModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant& value, int r
// Set selected AM Demod to the given frequency (used to tune to ATC selected from airports on map)
bool ADSBDemodGUI::setFrequency(qint64 targetFrequencyHz)
const QRegularExpression re("R([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(m_settings.m_amDemod);
if (match.hasMatch())
unsigned int deviceSet, channelIndex;
if (MainCore::getDeviceAndChannelIndexFromId(m_settings.m_amDemod, deviceSet, channelIndex))
int deviceSet = match.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
int channelIndex = match.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
const int halfChannelBW = 20000/2;
int dcOffset = halfChannelBW;
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QThread>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <complex.h>
@ -67,8 +66,8 @@ FreqScanner::FreqScanner(DeviceAPI *deviceAPI) :
@ -670,28 +669,19 @@ void FreqScanner::muteAll(const FreqScannerSettings& settings)
const QRegExp re("R([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
for (const auto& channel : channels)
if (re.indexIn(channel) >= 0)
int deviceSetIndex = re.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
int scanChannelIndex = re.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
ChannelWebAPIUtils::setAudioMute(deviceSetIndex, scanChannelIndex, true);
unsigned int deviceSetIndex, channelIndex;
if (MainCore::getDeviceAndChannelIndexFromId(channel, deviceSetIndex, channelIndex)) {
ChannelWebAPIUtils::setAudioMute(deviceSetIndex, channelIndex, true);
void FreqScanner::applyChannelSetting(const QString& channel)
const QRegExp re("R([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
if (re.indexIn(channel) >= 0)
m_scanDeviceSetIndex = re.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
m_scanChannelIndex = re.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
if (!MainCore::getDeviceAndChannelIndexFromId(channel, m_scanDeviceSetIndex, m_scanChannelIndex)) {
qDebug() << "FreqScanner::applySettings: Failed to parse channel" << channel;
@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ private:
QHash<ChannelAPI*, FreqScannerSettings::AvailableChannel> m_availableChannels;
int m_scanDeviceSetIndex;
int m_scanChannelIndex;
unsigned int m_scanDeviceSetIndex;
unsigned int m_scanChannelIndex;
qint64 m_activeFrequency;
QDateTime m_minFFTStartTime;
int m_scannerSampleRate;
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
#include <QMenu>
#include <QTableWidget>
#include <QTableWidgetItem>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QComboBox>
#include "device/deviceset.h"
@ -41,6 +40,7 @@
#include "gui/int64delegate.h"
#include "gui/glspectrum.h"
#include "channel/channelwebapiutils.h"
#include "maincore.h"
#include "freqscannergui.h"
#include "freqscanneraddrangedialog.h"
@ -935,15 +935,13 @@ void FreqScannerGUI::table_customContextMenuRequested(QPoint pos)
qint64 frequency = ui->table->item(row, COL_FREQUENCY)->text().toLongLong();
FreqScannerSettings::FrequencySettings *frequencySettings = m_settings.getFrequencySettings(frequency);
QString channel = m_settings.getChannel(frequencySettings);
const QRegExp re("R([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
if (re.indexIn(channel) >= 0)
int scanDeviceSetIndex = re.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
int scanChannelIndex = re.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
unsigned int scanDeviceSetIndex, scanChannelIndex;
if (MainCore::getDeviceAndChannelIndexFromId(channel, scanDeviceSetIndex, scanChannelIndex))
ButtonSwitch *startStop = ui->startStop;
QAction* findChannelMapAction = new QAction(QString("Tune R%1:%2 to %3").arg(scanDeviceSetIndex).arg(scanChannelIndex).arg(frequency), tableContextMenu);
QAction* findChannelMapAction = new QAction(QString("Tune %1 to %2").arg(channel).arg(frequency), tableContextMenu);
connect(findChannelMapAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, scanDeviceSetIndex, scanChannelIndex, frequency, startStop]()->void {
// Stop scanning
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QThread>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QProcess>
#include <stdio.h>
@ -479,12 +478,8 @@ void RadioAstronomy::sweepStart()
m_sweep1 = m_sweep1Start;
m_sweep2 = m_settings.m_sweep2Start;
const QRegExp re("F([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
if (re.indexIn(m_settings.m_starTracker) >= 0)
if (MainCore::getFeatureIndexFromId(m_settings.m_starTracker, m_starTrackerFeatureSetIndex, m_starTrackerFeatureIndex))
m_starTrackerFeatureSetIndex = re.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
m_starTrackerFeatureIndex = re.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
if (m_settings.m_sweepType == RadioAstronomySettings::SWP_AZEL) {
ChannelWebAPIUtils::patchFeatureSetting(m_starTrackerFeatureSetIndex, m_starTrackerFeatureIndex, "target", "Custom Az/El");
} else if (m_settings.m_sweepType == RadioAstronomySettings::SWP_LB) {
@ -499,11 +494,8 @@ void RadioAstronomy::sweepStart()
else if (re.indexIn(m_settings.m_rotator) >= 0)
else if (MainCore::getFeatureIndexFromId(m_settings.m_rotator, m_rotatorFeatureSetIndex, m_rotatorFeatureIndex))
m_rotatorFeatureSetIndex = re.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
m_rotatorFeatureIndex = re.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
@ -454,10 +454,10 @@ private:
QNetworkAccessManager *m_networkManager;
QNetworkRequest m_networkRequest;
int m_starTrackerFeatureSetIndex;
int m_starTrackerFeatureIndex;
int m_rotatorFeatureSetIndex;
int m_rotatorFeatureIndex;
unsigned int m_starTrackerFeatureSetIndex;
unsigned int m_starTrackerFeatureIndex;
unsigned int m_rotatorFeatureSetIndex;
unsigned int m_rotatorFeatureIndex;
float m_sweep1; // Current sweep position
float m_sweep2;
@ -2744,12 +2744,10 @@ void RadioAstronomyGUI::on_rotator_currentTextChanged(const QString& text)
void RadioAstronomyGUI::setColumnPrecisionFromRotator()
// Match rotator precision
const QRegExp re("F([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
if (re.indexIn(m_settings.m_rotator) >= 0)
int featureSetIndex = re.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
int featureIndex = re.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
unsigned int featureSetIndex, featureIndex;
if (MainCore::getFeatureIndexFromId(m_settings.m_rotator, featureSetIndex, featureIndex))
int precision = 0;
if (ChannelWebAPIUtils::getFeatureSetting(featureSetIndex, featureIndex, "precision", precision))
@ -4687,12 +4685,10 @@ void RadioAstronomyGUI::addFFT(FFTMeasurement *fft, bool skipCalcs)
void RadioAstronomyGUI::getRotatorData(FFTMeasurement *fft)
const QRegExp re("F([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
if (re.indexIn(m_settings.m_rotator) >= 0)
int rotatorFeatureSetIndex = re.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
int rotatorFeatureIndex = re.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
unsigned int rotatorFeatureSetIndex, rotatorFeatureIndex;
if (MainCore::getFeatureIndexFromId(m_settings.m_rotator, rotatorFeatureSetIndex, rotatorFeatureIndex))
SWGSDRangel::SWGFeatureReport featureReport;
double value;
qDebug() << m_settings.m_rotator << rotatorFeatureSetIndex << rotatorFeatureIndex;
@ -269,12 +269,24 @@ Item {
} else if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) {
if (frequency > 0) {
freqMenuItem.text = "Set frequency to " + frequencyString
freqMenuItem.enabled = true
} else {
freqMenuItem.text = "No frequency available"
freqMenuItem.enabled = false
if (frequencies.length > 0) {
var deviceSets = mapModel.getDeviceSets()
for (var i = 0; i < deviceSets.length; i++) {
title: "Set " + deviceSets[i] + " to...",
deviceSet: i
for (var j = 0; j < frequencies.length; j++) {
text: frequencyStrings[j],
frequency: frequencies[j],
deviceSet: deviceSets[i],
menuIndex: i
var c = mapPtr.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y))
coordsMenuItem.text = "Coords: " + c.latitude.toFixed(6) + ", " + c.longitude.toFixed(6)
@ -308,29 +320,42 @@ Item {
} else if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) {
if (frequency > 0) {
freqMenuItem.text = "Set frequency to " + frequencyString
freqMenuItem.enabled = true
} else {
freqMenuItem.text = "No frequency available"
freqMenuItem.enabled = false
if (frequencies.length > 0) {
var deviceSets = mapModel.getDeviceSets()
for (var i = 0; i < deviceSets.length; i++) {
title: "Set " + deviceSets[i] + " to...",
deviceSet: i
for (var j = 0; j < frequencies.length; j++) {
text: frequencyStrings[j],
frequency: frequencies[j],
deviceSet: deviceSets[i],
menuIndex: i
var c = mapPtr.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y))
coordsMenuItem.text = "Coords: " + c.latitude.toFixed(6) + ", " + c.longitude.toFixed(6)
ListModel {
id: menus
ListModel {
id: menuItems
Menu {
id: contextMenu
MenuItem {
text: "Set as target"
onTriggered: target = true
MenuItem {
id: freqMenuItem
text: "Not set"
onTriggered: mapModel.setFrequency(frequency)
MenuItem {
text: "Move to front"
onTriggered: mapModel.moveToFront(mapModelFiltered.mapRowToSource(index))
@ -347,6 +372,38 @@ Item {
id: coordsMenuItem
text: ""
Instantiator {
model: menus
delegate: Menu {
//cascade: true
id: contextSubMenu
title: model.title
onObjectAdded: function(index, object) {
contextMenu.insertMenu(index, object)
onObjectRemoved: function(index, object) {
Instantiator {
model: menuItems
delegate: MenuItem {
text: model.text
onTriggered: mapModel.setFrequency(model.frequency, model.deviceSet)
onObjectAdded: function(index, object) {
// index is index in to menuItems model
// object is the MenuItem
var menuItem = menuItems.get(index)
var menu = menus.get(menuItem.menuIndex)
contextMenu.menuAt(menuItem.menuIndex).insertItem(index, object)
onObjectRemoved: function(index, object) {
// Can't use menuItems.get(index) here, as already removed from model
@ -282,12 +282,24 @@ Item {
} else if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) {
if (frequency > 0) {
freqMenuItem.text = "Set frequency to " + frequencyString
freqMenuItem.enabled = true
} else {
freqMenuItem.text = "No frequency available"
freqMenuItem.enabled = false
if (frequencies.length > 0) {
var deviceSets = mapModel.getDeviceSets()
for (var i = 0; i < deviceSets.length; i++) {
title: "Set " + deviceSets[i] + " to...",
deviceSet: i
for (var j = 0; j < frequencies.length; j++) {
text: frequencyStrings[j],
frequency: frequencies[j],
deviceSet: deviceSets[i],
menuIndex: i
var c = mapPtr.map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y))
coordsMenuItem.text = "Coords: " + c.latitude.toFixed(6) + ", " + c.longitude.toFixed(6)
@ -321,29 +333,42 @@ Item {
} else if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) {
if (frequency > 0) {
freqMenuItem.text = "Set frequency to " + frequencyString
freqMenuItem.enabled = true
} else {
freqMenuItem.text = "No frequency available"
freqMenuItem.enabled = false
if (frequencies.length > 0) {
var deviceSets = mapModel.getDeviceSets()
for (var i = 0; i < deviceSets.length; i++) {
title: "Set " + deviceSets[i] + " to...",
deviceSet: i
for (var j = 0; j < frequencies.length; j++) {
text: frequencyStrings[j],
frequency: frequencies[j],
deviceSet: deviceSets[i],
menuIndex: i
var c = mapPtr.map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y))
coordsMenuItem.text = "Coords: " + c.latitude.toFixed(6) + ", " + c.longitude.toFixed(6)
ListModel {
id: menus
ListModel {
id: menuItems
Menu {
id: contextMenu
MenuItem {
text: "Set as target"
onTriggered: target = true
MenuItem {
id: freqMenuItem
text: "Not set"
onTriggered: mapModel.setFrequency(frequency)
MenuItem {
text: "Move to front"
onTriggered: mapModel.moveToFront(mapModelFiltered.mapRowToSource(index))
@ -360,6 +385,38 @@ Item {
id: coordsMenuItem
text: ""
Instantiator {
model: menus
delegate: Menu {
//cascade: true
id: contextSubMenu
title: model.title
onObjectAdded: function(index, object) {
contextMenu.insertMenu(index, object)
onObjectRemoved: function(index, object) {
Instantiator {
model: menuItems
delegate: MenuItem {
text: model.text
onTriggered: mapModel.setFrequency(model.frequency, model.deviceSet)
onObjectAdded: function(index, object) {
// index is index in to menuItems model
// object is the MenuItem
var menuItem = menuItems.get(index)
var menu = menus.get(menuItem.menuIndex)
contextMenu.menuAt(menuItem.menuIndex).insertItem(index, object)
onObjectRemoved: function(index, object) {
// Can't use menuItems.get(index) here, as already removed from model
@ -1189,11 +1189,12 @@ void MapGUI::applyMap2DSettings(bool reloadMap)
if (!m_settings.m_mapBoxStyles.isEmpty())
parameters["mapboxgl.mapping.additional_style_urls"] = m_settings.m_mapBoxStyles;
if (m_settings.m_mapProvider == "maplibre")
if (m_settings.m_mapProvider == "maplibregl")
parameters["maplibre.access_token"] = m_settings.m_mapBoxAPIKey;
parameters["maplibregl.settings_template"] = "maptiler"; // Or "mapbox"
parameters["maplibregl.access_token"] = m_settings.m_maptilerAPIKey;
if (!m_settings.m_mapBoxStyles.isEmpty())
parameters["maplibre.mapping.additional_style_urls"] = m_settings.m_mapBoxStyles;
parameters["maplibregl.mapping.additional_style_urls"] = m_settings.m_mapBoxStyles;
if (m_settings.m_mapProvider == "osm")
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void ObjectMapItem::update(SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem)
m_animations.append(new CesiumInterface::Animation(animation));
if (!m_fixedPosition)
@ -192,29 +192,33 @@ void PolylineMapItem::update(SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem)
m_bounds = QGeoRectangle(QGeoCoordinate(latMax, lonMin), QGeoCoordinate(latMin, lonMax));
void ObjectMapItem::findFrequency()
// Look for a frequency in the text for this object
void ObjectMapItem::findFrequencies()
// Look for a frequency in the text for this object
QRegExp re("(([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?) *([kMG])?Hz)");
if (re.indexIn(m_text) != -1)
const QRegularExpression re("(([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?) *([kMG])?Hz)");
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator itr = re.globalMatch(m_text);
while (itr.hasNext())
QStringList capture = re.capturedTexts();
m_frequency = capture[2].toDouble();
QRegularExpressionMatch match = itr.next();
QStringList capture = match.capturedTexts();
double frequency = capture[2].toDouble();
if (capture.length() == 5)
QChar unit = capture[4][0];
if (unit == 'k')
m_frequency *= 1000.0;
else if (unit == 'M')
m_frequency *= 1000000.0;
else if (unit == 'G')
m_frequency *= 1000000000.0;
if (unit == 'k') {
frequency *= 1000;
} else if (unit == 'M') {
frequency *= 1000000;
} else if (unit == 'G') {
frequency *= 1000000000;
m_frequencyString = capture[0];
m_frequency = 0.0;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public:
void update(SWGSDRangel::SWGMapItem *mapItem) override;
void findFrequency();
void findFrequencies();
void updateTrack(QList<SWGSDRangel::SWGMapCoordinate *> *track);
void updatePredictedTrack(QList<SWGSDRangel::SWGMapCoordinate *> *track);
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ protected:
QString m_image;
int m_imageRotation;
QString m_text;
double m_frequency; // Frequency to set
QString m_frequencyString;
QList<qint64> m_frequencies; // Frequencies that can be tuned (currently only extracted from text)
QStringList m_frequencyStrings;
bool m_fixedPosition; // Don't record/display track
QList<QGeoCoordinate *> m_predictedTrackCoords;
QList<QDateTime *> m_predictedTrackDateTimes;
@ -516,8 +516,8 @@ QHash<int, QByteArray> ObjectMapModel::roleNames() const
roles[bubbleColourRole] = "bubbleColour";
roles[selectedRole] = "selected";
roles[targetRole] = "target";
roles[frequencyRole] = "frequency";
roles[frequencyStringRole] = "frequencyString";
roles[frequenciesRole] = "frequencies";
roles[frequencyStringsRole] = "frequencyStrings";
roles[predictedGroundTrack1Role] = "predictedGroundTrack1";
roles[predictedGroundTrack2Role] = "predictedGroundTrack2";
roles[groundTrack1Role] = "groundTrack1";
@ -675,10 +675,10 @@ QVariant ObjectMapModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
return QVariant::fromValue(m_selected[row]);
case targetRole:
return QVariant::fromValue(m_target == row);
case frequencyRole:
return QVariant::fromValue(mapItem->m_frequency);
case frequencyStringRole:
return QVariant::fromValue(mapItem->m_frequencyString);
case frequenciesRole:
return QVariant::fromValue(mapItem->m_frequencies);
case frequencyStringsRole:
return QVariant::fromValue(mapItem->m_frequencyStrings);
case predictedGroundTrack1Role:
if ( (m_displayAllGroundTracks || (m_displaySelectedGroundTracks && m_selected[row]))
@ -780,12 +780,6 @@ void ObjectMapModel::setDisplayAllGroundTracks(bool displayGroundTracks)
void ObjectMapModel::setFrequency(double frequency)
// Set as centre frequency
ChannelWebAPIUtils::setCenterFrequency(0, frequency);
void ObjectMapModel::track3D(int index)
if (index < m_items.count())
@ -795,6 +789,22 @@ void ObjectMapModel::track3D(int index)
QStringList ObjectMapModel::getDeviceSets() const
return MainCore::instance()->getDeviceSetIds(true, true, false); // FIXME: MIMO currently disabled, as we can't get channel stream indexes
void ObjectMapModel::setFrequency(qint64 frequency, const QString& deviceSetId)
unsigned int deviceSetIndex;
if (MainCore::getDeviceSetIndexFromId(deviceSetId, deviceSetIndex))
// Set as centre frequency
ChannelWebAPIUtils::setCenterFrequency(deviceSetIndex, frequency);
void ObjectMapModel::splitTracks(ObjectMapItem *item)
if (item->m_takenTrackCoords.size() > 1)
@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ public:
bubbleColourRole = MapModel::lastRole + 4,
selectedRole = MapModel::lastRole + 5,
targetRole = MapModel::lastRole + 6,
frequencyRole = MapModel::lastRole + 7,
frequencyStringRole = MapModel::lastRole + 8,
frequenciesRole = MapModel::lastRole + 7,
frequencyStringsRole = MapModel::lastRole + 8,
predictedGroundTrack1Role = MapModel::lastRole + 9,
predictedGroundTrack2Role = MapModel::lastRole + 10,
groundTrack1Role = MapModel::lastRole + 11,
@ -244,8 +244,10 @@ public:
void setDisplayNames(bool displayNames);
void setDisplaySelectedGroundTracks(bool displayGroundTracks);
void setDisplayAllGroundTracks(bool displayGroundTracks);
Q_INVOKABLE void setFrequency(double frequency);
Q_INVOKABLE void track3D(int index);
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList getDeviceSets() const;
Q_INVOKABLE void setFrequency(qint64 frequency, const QString& deviceSet);
Q_INVOKABLE void viewChanged(double bottomLeftLongitude, double bottomRightLongitude);
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ const QStringList MapSettings::m_mapProviders = {
MapSettings::MapSettings() :
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
<property name="text">
@ -501,13 +501,10 @@ void StarTrackerWorker::update()
// Get Az/El from Satellite Tracker
double azimuth, elevation;
unsigned int satelliteTrackerFeatureSetIndex,satelliteTrackerFeatureIndex;
const QRegExp re("F([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
if (re.indexIn(m_settings.m_target) >= 0)
if (MainCore::getFeatureIndexFromId(m_settings.m_target, satelliteTrackerFeatureSetIndex, satelliteTrackerFeatureIndex))
int satelliteTrackerFeatureSetIndex = re.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
int satelliteTrackerFeatureIndex = re.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
if (ChannelWebAPIUtils::getFeatureReportValue(satelliteTrackerFeatureSetIndex, satelliteTrackerFeatureIndex, "targetAzimuth", azimuth)
&& ChannelWebAPIUtils::getFeatureReportValue(satelliteTrackerFeatureSetIndex, satelliteTrackerFeatureIndex, "targetElevation", elevation))
@ -333,10 +333,11 @@ bool ChannelWebAPIUtils::getCenterFrequency(unsigned int deviceIndex, double &fr
// Set device center frequency
// Doesn't support MIMO devices. We'd need stream index parameter
bool ChannelWebAPIUtils::setCenterFrequency(unsigned int deviceIndex, double frequencyInHz)
SWGSDRangel::SWGDeviceSettings deviceSettingsResponse;
int httpRC;
int httpRC = 404;
DeviceSet *deviceSet;
if (getDeviceSettings(deviceIndex, deviceSettingsResponse, deviceSet))
@ -354,8 +355,13 @@ bool ChannelWebAPIUtils::setCenterFrequency(unsigned int deviceIndex, double fre
SWGSDRangel::SWGErrorResponse errorResponse2;
DeviceSampleSource *source = deviceSet->m_deviceAPI->getSampleSource();
httpRC = source->webapiSettingsPutPatch(false, deviceSettingsKeys, deviceSettingsResponse, *errorResponse2.getMessage());
if (source) {
httpRC = source->webapiSettingsPutPatch(false, deviceSettingsKeys, deviceSettingsResponse, *errorResponse2.getMessage());
DeviceSampleSink *sink = deviceSet->m_deviceAPI->getSampleSink();
if (sink) {
httpRC = sink->webapiSettingsPutPatch(false, deviceSettingsKeys, deviceSettingsResponse, *errorResponse2.getMessage());
if (httpRC/100 == 2)
@ -435,6 +435,121 @@ void MainCore::updateWakeLock()
QChar MainCore::getDeviceSetTypeId(const DeviceSet* deviceSet)
if (deviceSet->m_deviceMIMOEngine) {
return 'M';
} else if (deviceSet->m_deviceSinkEngine) {
return 'T';
} else if (deviceSet->m_deviceSourceEngine) {
return 'R';
} else {
return 'X'; // Unknown
QString MainCore::getDeviceSetId(const DeviceSet* deviceSet)
QChar type = getDeviceSetTypeId(deviceSet);
return QString("%1%2").arg(type).arg(deviceSet->getIndex());
QString MainCore::getChannelId(const ChannelAPI* channel)
std::vector<DeviceSet*> deviceSets = getDeviceSets();
DeviceSet* deviceSet = deviceSets[channel->getDeviceSetIndex()];
QString deviceSetId = getDeviceSetId(deviceSet);
int index = channel->getIndexInDeviceSet();
// FIXME: if (deviceSet->m_deviceMIMOEngine) {
// we should append stream index. E.g. "M0:0.0" However, only ChannelGUI seems to know what it is
return QString("%1:%2").arg(deviceSetId).arg(index);
QStringList MainCore::getDeviceSetIds(bool rx, bool tx, bool mimo)
QStringList list;
std::vector<DeviceSet*> deviceSets = getDeviceSets();
for (const auto deviceSet : deviceSets)
DSPDeviceSourceEngine *deviceSourceEngine = deviceSet->m_deviceSourceEngine;
DSPDeviceSinkEngine *deviceSinkEngine = deviceSet->m_deviceSinkEngine;
DSPDeviceMIMOEngine *deviceMIMOEngine = deviceSet->m_deviceMIMOEngine;
if (((deviceSourceEngine != nullptr) && rx)
|| ((deviceSinkEngine != nullptr) && tx)
|| ((deviceMIMOEngine != nullptr) && mimo))
return list;
bool MainCore::getDeviceSetTypeFromId(const QString& deviceSetId, QChar &type)
if (!deviceSetId.isEmpty())
type = deviceSetId[0];
return (type == 'R') || (type == 'T') || (type == 'M');
return false;
bool MainCore::getDeviceSetIndexFromId(const QString& deviceSetId, unsigned int &deviceSetIndex)
const QRegularExpression re("[RTM]([0-9]+)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(deviceSetId);
if (match.hasMatch())
deviceSetIndex = match.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
return true;
return false;
bool MainCore::getDeviceAndChannelIndexFromId(const QString& channelId, unsigned int &deviceSetIndex, unsigned int &channelIndex)
const QRegularExpression re("[RTM]([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(channelId);
if (match.hasMatch())
deviceSetIndex = match.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
channelIndex = match.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
return true;
return false;
bool MainCore::getFeatureIndexFromId(const QString& featureId, unsigned int &featureSetIndex, unsigned int &featureIndex)
const QRegularExpression re("[F]([0-9]+):([0-9]+)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(featureId);
if (match.hasMatch())
featureSetIndex = match.capturedTexts()[1].toInt();
featureIndex = match.capturedTexts()[2].toInt();
return true;
return false;
std::vector<ChannelAPI*> MainCore::getChannels(const QString& uri)
std::vector<ChannelAPI*> channels;
@ -452,3 +567,15 @@ std::vector<ChannelAPI*> MainCore::getChannels(const QString& uri)
return channels;
QStringList MainCore::getChannelIds(const QString& uri)
QStringList list;
std::vector<ChannelAPI*> channels = getChannels(uri);
for (const auto channel : channels) {
return list;
@ -857,7 +857,6 @@ public:
PluginManager *getPluginManager() const { return m_pluginManager; }
std::vector<DeviceSet*>& getDeviceSets() { return m_deviceSets; }
std::vector<FeatureSet*>& getFeatureeSets() { return m_featureSets; }
std::vector<ChannelAPI*> getChannels(const QString& uri); //!< Get all channels from any device set with the given URI
void setLoggingOptions();
DeviceAPI *getDevice(unsigned int deviceSetIndex);
ChannelAPI *getChannel(unsigned int deviceSetIndex, int channelIndex);
@ -887,6 +886,18 @@ public:
// Position
const QGeoPositionInfo& getPosition() const;
// Ids
QChar getDeviceSetTypeId(const DeviceSet* deviceSet); //!< Get Type Id (E.g. 'R', 'T' or 'M') for the given device set
QString getDeviceSetId(const DeviceSet* deviceSet); //!< Get Id (E.g. "R2") for the given device set
QString getChannelId(const ChannelAPI* channel); //!< Get Id (E.g. "R1:2") for the given channel
static bool getDeviceSetTypeFromId(const QString& deviceSetId, QChar &type); //!< "R1" -> 'R'
static bool getDeviceSetIndexFromId(const QString& deviceSetId, unsigned int &deviceSetIndex); //!< "R1" -> 1
static bool getDeviceAndChannelIndexFromId(const QString& channelId, unsigned int &deviceSetIndex, unsigned int &channelIndex); //!< "R3:4" -> 3, 4
static bool getFeatureIndexFromId(const QString& featureId, unsigned int &featureSetIndex, unsigned int &featureIndex); //!< "F0:2" -> 0, 2
QStringList getDeviceSetIds(bool rx, bool tx, bool mimo); //!< Get list of all device set Ids. E.g: {"R0", "R1", "T1", "M2"}
std::vector<ChannelAPI*> getChannels(const QString& uri); //!< Get all channels from any device set with the given URI
QStringList getChannelIds(const QString& uri); //!< Get all Ids for channels from any device set with the given URI. E.g. "sdrangel.channel.xyzdemod" -> {"R2:1", "M0:0.1"}
friend class MainServer;
friend class MainWindow;
friend class WebAPIAdapter;
@ -1502,10 +1502,17 @@ void MainWindow::loadConfiguration(const Configuration *configuration, bool from
sampleMIMOAdd(m_workspaces[deviceWorkspaceIndex], m_workspaces[spectrumWorkspaceIndex], bestDeviceIndex);
qDebug() << "MainWindow::loadConfiguration: Unknown preset type: " << deviceSetPreset.getPresetType();
MDIUtils::restoreMDIGeometry(m_deviceUIs.back()->m_deviceGUI, deviceSetPreset.getDeviceGeometry());
MDIUtils::restoreMDIGeometry(m_deviceUIs.back()->m_mainSpectrumGUI, deviceSetPreset.getSpectrumGeometry());
m_deviceUIs.back()->loadDeviceSetSettings(&deviceSetPreset, m_pluginManager->getPluginAPI(), &m_workspaces, nullptr);
if (m_deviceUIs.size() > 0)
MDIUtils::restoreMDIGeometry(m_deviceUIs.back()->m_deviceGUI, deviceSetPreset.getDeviceGeometry());
MDIUtils::restoreMDIGeometry(m_deviceUIs.back()->m_mainSpectrumGUI, deviceSetPreset.getSpectrumGeometry());
m_deviceUIs.back()->loadDeviceSetSettings(&deviceSetPreset, m_pluginManager->getPluginAPI(), &m_workspaces, nullptr);
if (waitBox)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user