mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 12:18:32 -04:00
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ Use this combo box to select channel output:
- **A**: output A channel only
- **B**: output B channel only
<h3>2: Interpolation factor</h2>
<h3>2: Interpolation factor</h3>
The channel sample rate is interpolated by a power of two to feed the channels at baseband sample rate.
<h3>3: Channel sample rate</h2>
<h3>3: Channel sample rate</h3>
This is the channel sample rate in kilo or mega samples per second indicated by the `k` or `M` letter.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<h1>Channel Power Plugin</h1>
<h1>Channel Power Plugin</h1>
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Bandwidth in Hz of the channel for which power is to be measured.
<h3>4: Tavg - Average Time</h3>
Time period overwhich the channel power is averaged. Values range from 10us to 10s in powers of 10. The available values depend upon the sample rate.
Time period over which the channel power is averaged. Values range from 10us to 10s in powers of 10. The available values depend upon the sample rate.
<h3>5: THp - Pulse Threshold</h3>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<h1>AM demodulator plugin</h1>
<h1>AM demodulator plugin</h1>
@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ Specifies channel center frequency according to frequency entry mode:
Use the wheels to adjust the value. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>2: PLL and synchronous AM</h2>
<h3>2: PLL and synchronous AM</h3>
Use this toggle button to turn on or off the PLL locking and synchronous AM detection. When on the input signal is mixed with the NCO of the PLL that locks to the carrier of the AM transmission. Then the signal is processed as a DSB or SSB (see control 3) modulated signal. The main advantage compared to envelope detection is a better resilience to carrier selective fading. This does not prevents all selective fading distortion but addresses the most annoying.
When the PLL is locked the icon lights up in green. The frequency shift from carrier appears in the tooltip. Locking indicator is pretty sharp with about +/- 100 Hz range.
<h3>3: DSB/SSB selection</h2>
<h3>3: DSB/SSB selection</h3>
Use the left mouse button to toggle DSB/SSB operation. Sometimes one of the two sidebands is affected by interference. Selecting SSB may help by using only the sideband without interference. Right click to open a dialog to select which sideband is used (LSB or USB).
@ -291,30 +291,30 @@ This is the control channel used in trunked systems and is usually sent continuo

<h6>A11.5.1.1: RF channel indicator</h5>
<h6>A11.5.1.1: RF channel indicator</h6>
This is `RC` for RCCH
<h6>A11.5.2.2: Half/full rate</h5>
<h6>A11.5.2.2: Half/full rate</h6>
Indicator of transmission rate:
- `H`: half rate (2400 or 4800 S/s). Uses EHR vocoder (AMBE 3600/2450)
- `F`: full rate (4800 S/s only). Uses EFR vocoder (AMBE 7200/4400)
<h6>A11.5.1.3: RAN number</h5>
<h6>A11.5.1.3: RAN number</h6>
This is the RAN number (0 to 63) associated to the transmission. RAN stands for "Radio Access Number" and for trunked systems this is the site identifier (Site Id) modulo 64.
<h6>A11.5.1.4: Last message type code</h5>
<h6>A11.5.1.4: Last message type code</h6>
This is the type code of the last message (6 bits) displayed in hexadecimal. The complete list is found in the NXDN documentation `NXDN TS 1-A Version 1.3` section 6.
<h6>A11.5.1.5: Location Id</h5>
<h6>A11.5.1.5: Location Id</h6>
This is the 3 byte location Id associated to the site displayed in hexadecimal
<h6>A11.5.1.6: Services available flags</h5>
<h6>A11.5.1.6: Services available flags</h6>
This is a 16 bit collection of flags to indicate which services are available displayed in hexadecimal. The breakdown is listed in the NXDN documentation `NXDN TS 1-A Version 1.3` section 6.5.33. From MSB to LSB:
@ -341,33 +341,33 @@ This is the transmission channel either in a trunked system (RTCH) or convention

<h6>A11.5.2.1: RF channel indicator</h5>
<h6>A11.5.2.1: RF channel indicator</h6>
It can be either `RT` for RTCH or `RD` for a RDCH channel
<h6>A11.5.2.2: Half/full rate</h5>
<h6>A11.5.2.2: Half/full rate</h6>
Indicator of transmission rate:
- `H`: half rate (2400 or 4800 S/s). Uses EHR vocoder (AMBE 3600/2450)
- `F`: full rate (4800 S/s only). Uses EFR vocoder (AMBE 7200/4400)
<h6>A11.5.2.3: RAN number</h5>
<h6>A11.5.2.3: RAN number</h6>
This is the RAN number (0 to 63) associated to the transmission. RAN stands for "Radio Access Number" and has a different usage in conventional or trunked systems:
- Conventional (RDCH): this is used as a selective squelch. Code `0` means always unmute.
- Trunked (RTCH): this is the site identifier (Site Id) modulo 64.
<h6>A11.5.2.4: Last message type code</h5>
<h6>A11.5.2.4: Last message type code</h6>
This is the type code of the last message (6 bits) displayed in hexadecimal. The complete list is found in the NXDN documentation `NXDN TS 1-A Version 1.3` section 6.
<h6>A11.5.2.5: Source Id</h5>
<h6>A11.5.2.5: Source Id</h6>
This is the source of transmission identification code on two bytes (0 to 65353) displayed in decimal.
<h6>A11.5.2.6: Destination Id</h5>
<h6>A11.5.2.6: Destination Id</h6>
This is the destination of transmission identification code on two bytes (0 to 65353) displayed in decimal. It is prefixed by a group call indicator:
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ This is the one side deviation in kHz (±) leading to maximum (100%) deviati
This is the gain applied to the output of the discriminator before the decoder. Normally this would be set at unit gain 1.0 while the FM deviation is adjusted. However this can be used to extend the range of FM adjustment.
<h4>B.19: Activate AMBE hardware feature</h3>
<h4>B.19: Activate AMBE hardware feature</h4>
Connects to an [AMBE Feature](../../feature/ambe/readme.md) to process AMBE frames in hardware
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Displays the received messages in a table which columns are the following:
- **Country**: DXCC country name derived from the caller callsign
- **Info**: FT8 decoder information if any. If OSD is active (see C.1.3) and OSD was activated it reports the OSD decoder status as `OSD-N-MM` where N is the OSD depth reached and MM is the number of correct LDPC bits.
<h3>C.1: More FT8 decoder settings</h2>
<h3>C.1: More FT8 decoder settings</h3>
This button will open a dialog for more settings
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ Shows status information on the decoder:
- **Samp**: sampling point offsets from 0 to 9 as there are 10 samples per symbols at 48 kS/s and 4800 Baud. Numbers are arranged in this order: symbol, sync and clock. The clock offset wins. These numbers should not differ by more than 1 (0 to 9 wrapping considered).
- **Vit**: Viterbi cost. Should be positive and as low as possible. -1 if unavailable.
<h3>C1.8: FM signal scope controls
<h3>C1.8: FM signal scope controls</h3>

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<h1>Radiosonde Demodulator Plugin</h1>
<h1>Radiosonde Demodulator Plugin</h1>
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Both manual and automatic controls are active at the same time and the user can
To change the frequency manually use the wheels to adjust the frequency shift in Hz from the center frequency of reception. Left click on a digit sets the cursor position at this digit. Right click on a digit sets all digits on the right to zero. This effectively floors value at the digit position. Wheels are moved with the mousewheel while pointing at the wheel or by selecting the wheel with the left mouse click and using the keyboard arrows. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>2: Instantaneous tracker error</h2>
<h3>2: Instantaneous tracker error</h3>
This is the instantaneous frequency error in Hz. It is activated as soon as the FLL or PLL tracker is selected (7.3) regardless of the tracking activation (7.1)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<h1>Radio Clock Plugin</h1>
<h1>Radio Clock Plugin</h1>
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ The slider moves the channel center frequency roughly from the lower to the high
- **1**: centered
- **2**: higher half-band
<h3>6: Distant address</h2>
<h3>6: Distant address</h3>
IP address of the distant network interface from where the I/Q samples are sent via UDP
<h3>7: Data distant port</h2>
<h3>7: Data distant port</h3>
Distant port to which the I/Q samples are sent via UDP
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Note that spectrum polling is done every 200 ms. If the signal of interest is sh
This is the squelch level as discussed above. To try to find the correct value you can use the spectrum display (15).
<h3>11: Pre recording period<h3>
<h3>11: Pre recording period</h3>
This is the number of seconds of data that will be prepended before the start of recording point. Thus you can make sure that the signal of interest will be fully recorded. Works in both spectrum squelch triggered and manual mode.
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ The slider moves the channel center frequency roughly from the lower to the high
- **1**: centered
- **2**: higher half-band
<h3>6: Local Output source index</h2>
<h3>6: Local Output source index</h3>
This selects the index of the Local Output device sink from which to pull the I/Q samples. The list can be refreshed with the next button (7)
<h3>7: Refresh local output devices list</h2>
<h3>7: Refresh local output devices list</h3>
Use this button to refresh the list of Local Output device sinks indexes.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Use this button to toggle mute for this channel. The radio waves on the icon are

<h3>A.1: Modulation type</h2>
<h3>A.1: Modulation type</h3>
The video signal can modulate the carrier in the following modes:
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ This controls the number of full frames per second. Choice is between 30, 25, 20
☞ Perception of continuous motion is said to be acceptable down to 16 FPS. Down to 8 FPS fluidity is still acceptable. The 5 to 1 FPS modes can be used when you want to transmit images with only few movements or where motion is not important such as fixed webcams. Low FPS will allow for more lines and therefore definition in the same bandwidth.
<h3>A.9: TV Standard</h2>
<h3>A.9: TV Standard</h3>
This controls the frame synchronization scheme and number of black lines:
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Send packet frames immediately
Send packet frames in an infinite loop with a delay between transmissions set by (C.4)
<h3>C.4: Delay between packets<h3>
<h3>C.4: Delay between packets</h3>
Delay between packet frames in seconds when in loop mode (C.3)
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ The top and bottom bars of the channel window are described [here](../../../sdrg

<h3>1: Data local address</h2>
<h3>1: Data local address</h3>
IP address of the local network interface from where the I/Q samples are fetched via UDP
<h3>2: Data local port</h2>
<h3>2: Data local port</h3>
Local port from where the I/Q samples are fetched via UDP
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<h1>Antenna Tools Feature Plugin</h1>
<h1>Antenna Tools Feature Plugin</h1>
@ -152,13 +152,13 @@ Pressing the Config... button will display the Input Configuration Dialog:
The Configure buttons allow setting which axis is assigned to target or offset control. To assign an axis, press the corresponding Configure button, then move the controller axis.
<h4>2: Deadzones</h3>
<h4>2: Deadzones</h4>
Deadzones can be set individually for each for the 4 axes. A deadzone specifies the amount a controller axis can be moved without a response.
This can be used to prevent very small movements around the center position on a stick from adjusting the target, or eliminate target adjustments
when a stick is centered, but is reporting a non-zero position on the axis.
<h4>3: Sensitivity</h3>
<h4>3: Sensitivity</h4>
Specifies the sensitivity of the input in Low and High Sensitivity mode (23). The higher the value, the faster coordinates will change for a given control stick movement.
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Use this button to retrieve the LimeRFE device current configuration and populat
Use this button to apply configuration changes. You must press this button to make any of your changes active. Whenever a change requires the LimeRFE configuration to be changed to become effective this button becomes green to suggest it should be activated.
<h3>6. Status window</h3
<h3>6. Status window</h3>
<h2>A. Rx channel control</h2>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<h1>Map Feature Plugin</h1>
<h1>Map Feature Plugin</h1>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<h1>Radiosonde Feature Plugin</h1>
<h1>Radiosonde Feature Plugin</h1>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<h1>Sky Map Feature Plugin</h1>
<h1>Sky Map Feature Plugin</h1>
@ -124,43 +124,43 @@ Opens a dialog to set serial connection and CAT details:

<h4>23.1. Serial link baud rate</h3>
<h4>23.1. Serial link baud rate</h4>
Choice between 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 bauds.
<h4>23.2. Handshake method</h3>
<h4>23.2. Handshake method</h4>
Choice between none, XON/XOFF and hardware.
<h4>23.3. Data bits</h3>
<h4>23.3. Data bits</h4>
Choice between 7 or 8 bits.
<h4>23.4. Stop bits</h3>
<h4>23.4. Stop bits</h4>
Choice between 1 or 2 bits.
<h4>23.5. PTT method</h3>
<h4>23.5. PTT method</h4>
Choice between CAT, DTR or RTS signals.
<h4>23.6. Polling interval</h3>
<h4>23.6. Polling interval</h4>
Set polling interval in milliseconds. Polls current VFO frequency via CAT regularly at this interval.
<h4>23.7. DTR signal type</h3>
<h4>23.7. DTR signal type</h4>
When selecting PTT control via DTR signal (23.5) selects if a low or high signal triggers PTT.
<h4>23.8. RTS signal type</h3>
<h4>23.8. RTS signal type</h4>
When selecting PTT control via RTS signal (23.5) selects if a low or high signal triggers PTT.
<h4>23.9. Accept dialog</h3>
<h4>23.9. Accept dialog</h4>
Click **OK** to validate changes and close dialog.
<h4>23.10. Dismiss dialog</h3>
<h4>23.10. Dismiss dialog</h4>
Click **Cancel** to dismiss dialog changes and close dialog.
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ This button opens a dialog to set the transverter mode frequency translation opt

<h4>12.1: DC<h4>
<h4>12.1: DC</h4>
Software DSP auto correction: auto remove DC component
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ This is the sample size in number of bits. It corresponds to the actual sample s
This controls the generator sample rate in samples per second.
<h3>4: Modulation</h4>
<h3>4: Modulation</h3>
- **No**: No modulation
- **AM**: Amplitude modulation (AM)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The format is S16LE or S32LE I/Q samples. Thus there are 4 or 8 bytes per sample
You can also zap the 32 bytes header with this Linux command: `tail -c +33 myfile.sdriq > myfile.raw`
To convert in another format you may use the sox utility. For example to convert to 32 bit (float) complex samples do: `sox -r 48k −b 16 −e signed-integer -c 2 myfile.raw -e float -c 2 myfilec.raw`
To convert in another format you may use the sox utility. For example to convert to 32 bit (float) complex samples do: `sox -r 48k -b 16 -e signed-integer -c 2 myfile.raw -e float -c 2 myfilec.raw`
Note that you have to specify the sampling rate and use .raw for the file extensions.
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Can be varied from 5 to 300 MHz
Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware decimation factor.
<h4>7A.2: Enable/disable external clock input</h7A>
<h4>7A.2: Enable/disable external clock input</h4>
Use this checkbox to enable or disable the external clock input
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ The TSP in the LMS7002M chip has a FIR filter chain per channel. Use this button
Use the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware TSP FIR filter. Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2.
<h3>14: Gain</h2>
<h3>14: Gain</h3>
Use this slider to adjust the global gain of the Tx chain. LimeSuite software automatically set optimal values of the amplifiers to achieve this global gain. This gain can be set between 0 and 70 dB in 1 dB steps. The value in dB appears at the right of the slider.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Use this toggle button to switch the sample rate input next (8) between host to
The I/Q stream from the baseband can be upsampled by a power of two by software inside the plugin before being sent to the USRP device. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no interpolation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.
<h3>10: Gain</h2>
<h3>10: Gain</h3>
Use this slider to adjust the global gain of the Tx chain. The allowable values of gain while depend upon the USRP device. The value in dB appears at the right of the slider.
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Can be varied from 5 to 300 MHz
Use the thumbwheels to adjust frequency as done with the LO (1.1). Pressing shift simultaneously moves digit by 5 and pressing control moves it by 2. The boundaries are dynamically calculated from the LO center frequency, sample rate and hardware decimation factor.
<h4>8.2: Enable/disable external clock input</h7A>
<h4>8.2: Enable/disable external clock input</h4>
Use this checkbox to enable or disable the external clock input
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ This is the Tx hardware filter bandwidth in kHz in the LMS7002M device for the g
<h3>13: LMS002M power saving mode</h3>
<h3>14: Gain</h2>
<h3>14: Gain</h3>
Use this slider to adjust the PAD gain of the Tx chain. With the current version of libxtrx this does not seem to be effective.
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ With SR as the sample rate before decimation Fc is calculated as:
This is the Rx filter bandwidth in kHz in the LMS6002D device. Possible values are: 1500, 1750, 2500, 2750, 3000, 3840, 5000, 5500, 6000, 7000, 8750, 10000, 12000, 14000, 20000, 28000 kHz.
<h3>8: LNA gain</h2>
<h3>8: LNA gain</h3>
This is the LNA gain in dB. LNA is inside the LMS6002D chip and is placed before the RF mixer. Possible values are:
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ With SR as the sample rate before decimation Fc is calculated as:
The I/Q stream from the BladeRF ADC is downsampled by a power of two before being sent to the passband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
<h3>9: Gain mode</h2>
<h3>9: Gain mode</h3>
This selects the gain processing in use. Values are fetched automatically from the device. Normal values are
@ -80,6 +80,6 @@ Use this slider to adjust the gain of the IF amplifier.
This controls the tuner filter (band) used:
<h3>11: IF filter</h2>
<h3>11: IF filter</h3>
Selects the IF filter bandwidth
@ -149,11 +149,11 @@ Use the wheels to adjust the bandwidth of the hardware TSP FIR filter. Pressing
This button opens a dialog to set the transverter mode frequency translation options. The details about this dialog can be found [here](../../../sdrgui/gui/transverterdialog.md)
<h3>8: Gain settings</h2>
<h3>8: Gain settings</h3>

<h4>8.1: Gain mode</h2>
<h4>8.1: Gain mode</h4>
Use this combo to select either the automatic gain (Aut) or the manual (Man) gain setting. Automatic gain sets the global gain using a predefined table for LNA, TIA and PGA gain blocks. This global gain is set with button 9.2. When manual gain is engaged the LNA, TIA and PGA gains can be set independently with the 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 buttons respectively.
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ This resets the LO ppm correction (zero the value).
This is the device to host sample rate in kilo samples per second (kS/s). The sample rate can be as low as 48 kS/s so there is no need for software decimation. Note that at 48 kS/s some slight rate mismatch can appear with the audio that has the same nominal rate. This may cause some occasional audio samples drops however hardly noticeable.
<h3>5: Wideband mode</h5>
<h3>5: Wideband mode</h3>
Switch on this button to disable the preselection filters. The corresponding LED on the Perseus front panel will be lit accordingly.
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ This controls the offset tuning. Some RF frontends like the obsolete E4000 imple
This controls the tuner filter bandwidth and can be varied from 350 kHz to 8 MHz. In practice depending on the value this appears to be larger and the filter center is slightly offset above the center frequency. This can still be very useful to eliminate or attenuate large signals outside the device to host I/Q stream passband.
<h3>13: RF gain</h2>
<h3>13: RF gain</h3>
The slider sets RF gain in dB. The values are defined in the RTLSDR device and generally are: 0.0, 0.9, 1.4, 2.7, 3.7, 7.7, 8.7, 12.5, 14.4, 15.7, 16.6, 19.7, 20.7, 22.9, 25.4, 28.0, 29.7, 32.8, 33.8, 36.4, 37.2, 38.6, 40.2, 42.1, 43.4, 43.9, 44.5, 48.0, 49.6
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ This is the sample size in number of bits. It corresponds to the actual sample s
This controls the generator sample rate in samples per second.
<h3>4: Modulation</h4>
<h3>4: Modulation</h3>
- **No**: No modulation
- **AM**: Amplitude modulation (AM)
@ -101,19 +101,19 @@ Use this toggle button to switch the sample rate input next (8) between host to
The I/Q stream from the USRP device can be decimated by a power of two by software inside the plugin before being sent to the baseband. Possible values are increasing powers of two: 1 (no decimation), 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.
<h3>10: Gain Mode</h2>
<h3>10: Gain Mode</h3>
Choose between automatic or manual gain control.
<h3>11: Gain</h2>
<h3>11: Gain</h3>
Use this slider to adjust the global gain of the Rx chain. The allowable values of gain depend upon the USRP device. The value in dB appears at the right of the slider.
<h3>12: DC offset correction</h2>
<h3>12: DC offset correction</h3>
Check this button to enable DC offset correction.
<h3>13: IQ imbalance correction</h2>
<h3>13: IQ imbalance correction</h3>
Check this button to enable IQ imbalance correction.
@ -163,11 +163,11 @@ This is the Rx hardware filter bandwidth in kHz in the LMS7002M device for the g
<h2>7: LMS002M power saving mode</h2>
<h3>8: Gain settings</h2>
<h3>8: Gain settings</h3>

<h4>8.1: Gain mode</h2>
<h4>8.1: Gain mode</h4>
Use this combo to select either the automatic gain (Aut) or the manual (Man) gain setting. Automatic gain sets the global gain using a predefined table for LNA, TIA and PGA gain blocks. This global gain is set with button 9.2. When manual gain is engaged the LNA, TIA and PGA gains can be set independently with the 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5 buttons respectively.
@ -230,12 +230,16 @@ Use this combo box to select which window is applied to the FFT:
<h4>B.4.2. FFT size</h4>
Select the size of the FFT window among these values:
- 64
- 128
- 256
- 512
- 1k = 1024 (default)
- 2k = 2048
- 4k = 4096
- 8k = 8192
- 16k = 16384
- 32k = 32768
<h4>B.4.3: FFT Overlap</h4>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user