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synced 2025-02-03 09:44:01 -05:00
SDRPlay plugin: Windows build: use open source libmirisdr interface instead of the Mirics proprietary one
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Pro file for Android and Windows builds with Qt Creator
QT += core
TARGET = libmirisdr
CONFIG(MINGW32):LIBMIRISDRSRC = "D:\softs\libmirisdr-3-bsz"
CONFIG(MINGW64):LIBMIRISDRSRC = "D:\softs\libmirisdr-3-bsz"
CONFIG(MINGW32):INCLUDEPATH += "D:\libusb-1.0.19\include\libusb-1.0"
CONFIG(MINGW64):INCLUDEPATH += "D:\libusb-1.0.19\include\libusb-1.0"
SOURCES = $$LIBMIRISDRSRC/src/libmirisdr.c \
HEADERS = $$LIBMIRISDRSRC/include/mirisdr.h\
CONFIG(MINGW32):LIBS += -LD:\libusb-1.0.19\MinGW32\dll -llibusb-1.0
CONFIG(MINGW64):LIBS += -LD:\libusb-1.0.19\MinGW64\dll -llibusb-1.0
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
Mirics Limited
The Mirics software (“Product”) you are about to install, run and/or use is licensed by Mirics Limited, a company registered in England (No. 05046393), whose registered office is Manor Farm Cottage, Church Lane, Princes Risborough, HP27 9AW (“Mirics”), and is subject to the following licence terms (“Licence”).
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@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013 Mirics Ltd, All Rights Reserved
#ifndef MIR_SDR_H
#define MIR_SDR_H
#if !defined(STATIC_LIB) && (defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86))
#define _MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER __declspec(dllimport)
#elif defined(STATIC_LIB) || defined(__GNUC__)
// Application code should check that it is compiled against the same API version
// mir_sdr_ApiVersion() returns the API version
#define MIR_SDR_API_VERSION (float)(1.97)
#if defined(ANDROID) || defined(__ANDROID__)
// Android requires a mechanism to request info from Java application
typedef enum
mir_sdr_GetFd = 0,
mir_sdr_FreeFd = 1,
mir_sdr_DevNotFound = 2,
mir_sdr_DevRemoved = 3
} mir_sdr_JavaReqT;
typedef int (*mir_sdr_SendJavaReq_t)(mir_sdr_JavaReqT cmd);
typedef enum
mir_sdr_Success = 0,
mir_sdr_Fail = 1,
mir_sdr_InvalidParam = 2,
mir_sdr_OutOfRange = 3,
mir_sdr_GainUpdateError = 4,
mir_sdr_RfUpdateError = 5,
mir_sdr_FsUpdateError = 6,
mir_sdr_HwError = 7,
mir_sdr_AliasingError = 8,
mir_sdr_AlreadyInitialised = 9,
mir_sdr_NotInitialised = 10,
mir_sdr_NotEnabled = 11
} mir_sdr_ErrT;
typedef enum
mir_sdr_BW_Undefined = 0,
mir_sdr_BW_0_200 = 200,
mir_sdr_BW_0_300 = 300,
mir_sdr_BW_0_600 = 600,
mir_sdr_BW_1_536 = 1536,
mir_sdr_BW_5_000 = 5000,
mir_sdr_BW_6_000 = 6000,
mir_sdr_BW_7_000 = 7000,
mir_sdr_BW_8_000 = 8000
} mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT;
typedef enum
mir_sdr_IF_Undefined = -1,
mir_sdr_IF_Zero = 0,
mir_sdr_IF_0_450 = 450,
mir_sdr_IF_1_620 = 1620,
mir_sdr_IF_2_048 = 2048
} mir_sdr_If_kHzT;
typedef enum
mir_sdr_ISOCH = 0,
mir_sdr_BULK = 1
} mir_sdr_TransferModeT;
typedef enum
mir_sdr_CHANGE_NONE = 0x00,
mir_sdr_CHANGE_GR = 0x01,
mir_sdr_CHANGE_FS_FREQ = 0x02,
mir_sdr_CHANGE_RF_FREQ = 0x04,
mir_sdr_CHANGE_BW_TYPE = 0x08,
mir_sdr_CHANGE_IF_TYPE = 0x10,
mir_sdr_CHANGE_LO_MODE = 0x20
} mir_sdr_ReasonForReinitT;
typedef enum
mir_sdr_LO_Undefined = 0,
mir_sdr_LO_Auto = 1,
mir_sdr_LO_120MHz = 2,
mir_sdr_LO_144MHz = 3,
mir_sdr_LO_168MHz = 4
} mir_sdr_LoModeT;
typedef enum
mir_sdr_BAND_AM_LO = 0,
mir_sdr_BAND_AM_MID = 1,
mir_sdr_BAND_AM_HI = 2,
mir_sdr_BAND_VHF = 3,
mir_sdr_BAND_3 = 4,
mir_sdr_BAND_X = 5,
mir_sdr_BAND_4_5 = 6,
mir_sdr_BAND_L = 7
} mir_sdr_BandT;
typedef enum
mir_sdr_AGC_DISABLE = 0,
mir_sdr_AGC_100HZ = 1,
mir_sdr_AGC_50HZ = 2,
mir_sdr_AGC_5HZ = 3
} mir_sdr_AgcControlT;
// mir_sdr_StreamInit() callback function prototypes
typedef void (*mir_sdr_StreamCallback_t)(short *xi, short *xq, unsigned int firstSampleNum, int grChanged, int rfChanged, int fsChanged, unsigned int numSamples, unsigned int reset, void *cbContext);
typedef void (*mir_sdr_GainChangeCallback_t)(unsigned int gRdB, unsigned int lnaGRdB, void *cbContext);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_Init_t)(int gRdB, double fsMHz, double rfMHz, mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT bwType, mir_sdr_If_kHzT ifType, int *samplesPerPacket);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_Uninit_t)(void);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_ReadPacket_t)(short *xi, short *xq, unsigned int *firstSampleNum, int *grChanged, int *rfChanged, int *fsChanged);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetRf_t)(double drfHz, int abs, int syncUpdate);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetFs_t)(double dfsHz, int abs, int syncUpdate, int reCal);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetGr_t)(int gRdB, int abs, int syncUpdate);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetGrParams_t)(int minimumGr, int lnaGrThreshold);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetDcMode_t)(int dcCal, int speedUp);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetDcTrackTime_t)(int trackTime);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetSyncUpdateSampleNum_t)(unsigned int sampleNum);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetSyncUpdatePeriod_t)(unsigned int period);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_ApiVersion_t)(float *version);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_ResetUpdateFlags_t)(int resetGainUpdate, int resetRfUpdate, int resetFsUpdate);
#if defined(ANDROID) || defined(__ANDROID__)
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetJavaReqCallback_t)(mir_sdr_SendJavaReq_t sendJavaReq);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetTransferMode_t)(mir_sdr_TransferModeT mode);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_DownConvert_t)(short *in, short *xi, short *xq, unsigned int samplesPerPacket, mir_sdr_If_kHzT ifType, unsigned int M, unsigned int preReset);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetParam_t)(unsigned int id, unsigned int value);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetPpm_t)(double ppm);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetLoMode_t)(mir_sdr_LoModeT loMode);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_SetGrAltMode_t)(int *gRdB, int LNAenable, int *gRdBsystem, int abs, int syncUpdate);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_DCoffsetIQimbalanceControl_t)(unsigned int DCenable, unsigned int IQenable);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_DecimateControl_t)(unsigned int enable, unsigned int decimationFactor, unsigned int wideBandSignal);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_AgcControl_t)(mir_sdr_AgcControlT enable, int setPoint_dBfs, int knee_dBfs, unsigned int decay_ms, unsigned int hang_ms, int syncUpdate, int lnaEnable);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_StreamInit_t)(int *gRdB, double fsMHz, double rfMHz, mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT bwType, mir_sdr_If_kHzT ifType, int LNAEnable, int *gRdBsystem, int useGrAltMode, int *samplesPerPacket, mir_sdr_StreamCallback_t StreamCbFn, mir_sdr_GainChangeCallback_t GainChangeCbFn, void *cbContext);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_StreamUninit_t)(void);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_Reinit_t)(int *gRdB, double fsMHz, double rfMHz, mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT bwType, mir_sdr_If_kHzT ifType, mir_sdr_LoModeT loMode, int LNAEnable, int *gRdBsystem, int useGrAltMode, int *samplesPerPacket, mir_sdr_ReasonForReinitT reasonForReinit);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_GetGrByFreq_t)(double rfMHz, mir_sdr_BandT *band, int *gRdB, int LNAenable, int *gRdBsystem, int useGrAltMode);
typedef mir_sdr_ErrT (*mir_sdr_DebugEnable_t)(unsigned int enable);
// API function definitions
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_Init(int gRdB, double fsMHz, double rfMHz, mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT bwType, mir_sdr_If_kHzT ifType, int *samplesPerPacket);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_Uninit(void);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_ReadPacket(short *xi, short *xq, unsigned int *firstSampleNum, int *grChanged, int *rfChanged, int *fsChanged);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetRf(double drfHz, int abs, int syncUpdate);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetFs(double dfsHz, int abs, int syncUpdate, int reCal);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetGr(int gRdB, int abs, int syncUpdate);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetGrParams(int minimumGr, int lnaGrThreshold);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetDcMode(int dcCal, int speedUp);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetDcTrackTime(int trackTime);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetSyncUpdateSampleNum(unsigned int sampleNum);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetSyncUpdatePeriod(unsigned int period);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_ApiVersion(float *version); // Called by application to retrieve version of API used to create Dll
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_ResetUpdateFlags(int resetGainUpdate, int resetRfUpdate, int resetFsUpdate);
#if defined(ANDROID) || defined(__ANDROID__)
// This function provides a machanism for the Java application to set
// the callback function used to send request to it
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetJavaReqCallback(mir_sdr_SendJavaReq_t sendJavaReq);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetTransferMode(mir_sdr_TransferModeT mode);
* This following function will only operate correctly for the parameters detailed in the table below:
* IF freq | Signal BW | Input Sample Rate | Output Sample Rate | Required Decimation Factor
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 450kHz | 200kHz | 2000kHz | 500kHz | M=4
* 450kHz | 300kHz | 2000kHz | 500kHz | M=4
* 450kHz | 600kHz | 2000kHz | 1000kHz | M=2
* 2048kHz | 1536kHz | 8192kHz | 2048kHz | M=4
* If preReset == 1, then the filter state will be reset to 0 before starting the filtering operation.
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_DownConvert(short *in, short *xi, short *xq, unsigned int samplesPerPacket, mir_sdr_If_kHzT ifType, unsigned int M, unsigned int preReset);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetParam(unsigned int id, unsigned int value); // This MAY be called before mir_sdr_Init()
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetPpm(double ppm); // This MAY be called before mir_sdr_Init()
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetLoMode(mir_sdr_LoModeT loMode); // This MUST be called before mir_sdr_Init()/mir_sdr_StreamInit() - otherwise use mir_sdr_Reinit()
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_SetGrAltMode(int *gRdB, int LNAenable, int *gRdBsystem, int abs, int syncUpdate);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_DCoffsetIQimbalanceControl(unsigned int DCenable, unsigned int IQenable);
* Valid decimation factors for the following function (sets the decimation factor) are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 only
* Setting wideBandSignal=1 will use a slower filter but minimise the in-band roll-off
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_DecimateControl(unsigned int enable, unsigned int decimationFactor, unsigned int wideBandSignal);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_AgcControl(mir_sdr_AgcControlT enable, int setPoint_dBfs, int knee_dBfs, unsigned int decay_ms, unsigned int hang_ms, int syncUpdate, int lnaEnable);
* mir_sdr_StreamInit() replaces mir_sdr_Init() and sets up a thread (or chain of threads) inside the API which will perform the processing chain (shown below),
* and then use the callback function to return the data to the calling application/plug-in.
* Processing chain (in order):
* mir_sdr_ReadPacket()
* DownConvert() - automatically enabled if the parameters shown for mir_sdr_DownConvert() are selected
* Decimate() - disabled by default
* DCoffsetCorrection() - enabled by default
* IQimbalanceCorrection() - enabled by default
* Agc() - disabled by default
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_StreamInit(int *gRdB, double fsMHz, double rfMHz, mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT bwType, mir_sdr_If_kHzT ifType, int LNAEnable, int *gRdBsystem, int useGrAltMode, int *samplesPerPacket, mir_sdr_StreamCallback_t StreamCbFn, mir_sdr_GainChangeCallback_t GainChangeCbFn, void *cbContext);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_StreamUninit(void);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_Reinit(int *gRdB, double fsMHz, double rfMHz, mir_sdr_Bw_MHzT bwType, mir_sdr_If_kHzT ifType, mir_sdr_LoModeT loMode, int LNAEnable, int *gRdBsystem, int useGrAltMode, int *samplesPerPacket, mir_sdr_ReasonForReinitT reasonForReinit);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_GetGrByFreq(double rfMHz, mir_sdr_BandT *band, int *gRdB, int LNAenable, int *gRdBsystem, int useGrAltMode);
_MIR_SDR_QUALIFIER mir_sdr_ErrT mir_sdr_DebugEnable(unsigned int enable);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //MIR_SDR_H
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ SUBDIRS += librtlsdr
SUBDIRS += libhackrf
SUBDIRS += libairspy
SUBDIRS += libbladerf
SUBDIRS += libmirisdr
SUBDIRS += mbelib
SUBDIRS += dsdcc
SUBDIRS += serialdv
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ copy libhackrf\%1\libhackrf.dll %2
copy librtlsdr\%1\librtlsdr.dll %2
copy libairspy\%1\libairspy.dll %2
copy libbladerf\%1\libbladerf.dll %2
copy libmirisdr\%1\libmirisdr.dll %2
copy %libusbdir%\dll\libusb-1.0.dll %2
mkdir %2\plugins
mkdir %2\plugins\channelrx
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ copy libhackrf\%1\libhackrf.dll %2
copy librtlsdr\%1\librtlsdr.dll %2
copy libairspy\%1\libairspy.dll %2
copy libbladerf\%1\libbladerf.dll %2
copy libmirisdr\%1\libmirisdr.dll %2
copy %libusbdir%\dll\libusb-1.0.dll %2
mkdir %2\plugins
mkdir %2\plugins\channelrx
Reference in New Issue
Block a user