mirror of
synced 2024-11-25 17:28:50 -05:00
REST API Python examples: source formatting and exception Python3 compatibility
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,22 +5,23 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
base_url = ""
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %%prog [-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-c", "--channel-id", dest="channel_id", help="channel ID of channel to add", metavar="ID", type="string")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.address is None:
options.address = ""
if options.device_index is None or options.device_index < 0:
options.device_index = 0
if options.channel_id is None:
print("Please specify channel Id")
@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ def main():
print("Error adding channel. HTTP: %d" % r.status_code)
print json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def main():
print("All done!")
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -13,23 +13,25 @@ requests_methods = {
"DELETE": requests.delete
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %%prog [-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.address == None:
options.address = ""
if options.device_index == None:
options.device_index = 1
return options
# ======================================================================
def printResponse(response):
content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", None)
@ -39,38 +41,40 @@ def printResponse(response):
elif "text/plain" in content_type:
# ======================================================================
def callAPI(url, method, params, json, text):
request_method = requests_methods.get(method, None)
if request_method is not None:
r = request_method(url=base_url+url, params=params, json=json)
r = request_method(url=base_url + url, params=params, json=json)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
print(text + " succeeded")
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
print(text + " failed")
return None
# ======================================================================
def main():
options = getInputOptions()
global base_url
base_url = "http://%s/sdrangel" % options.address
r = callAPI("/deviceset", "POST", {"tx": 1}, None, "Add Tx device set")
if r is None:
deviceset_url = "/deviceset/%d" % options.device_index
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device", "PUT", None, {"hwType": "LimeSDR", "tx": 1}, "setup LimeSDR on Tx device set")
if r is None:
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get LimeSDR Tx settings")
if settings is None:
@ -81,35 +85,35 @@ def main():
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["ncoEnable"] = 1
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["ncoFrequency"] = -500000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfFIRBW"] = 100000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfFIREnable"] = 1
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfFIREnable"] = 1
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Patch LimeSDR Tx settings")
if r is None:
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel", "POST", None, {"channelType": "NFMMod", "tx": 1}, "Create NFM mod")
if r is None:
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/0/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get NFM mod settings")
if settings is None:
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["text"] = "VVV DE F4EXB "
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["loop"] = 1
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["toneFrequency"] = 600
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/0/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Change NFM mod")
if r is None:
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/run", "POST", None, None, "Start device on deviceset R1")
if r is None:
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -13,19 +13,21 @@ requests_methods = {
"DELETE": requests.delete
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %%prog [-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (options.address == None):
options.address = ""
return options
# ======================================================================
def printResponse(response):
content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", None)
@ -35,58 +37,60 @@ def printResponse(response):
elif "text/plain" in content_type:
# ======================================================================
def callAPI(url, method, params, json, text):
request_method = requests_methods.get(method, None)
if request_method is not None:
r = request_method(url=base_url+url, params=params, json=json)
r = request_method(url=base_url + url, params=params, json=json)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
print(text + " succeeded")
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
print(text + " failed")
return None
# ======================================================================
def main():
options = getInputOptions()
global base_url
base_url = "http://%s/sdrangel" % options.address
settings = callAPI("/deviceset/0/channel", "POST", None, {"channelType": "NFMDemod", "tx": 0}, "Create NFM demod")
if settings is None:
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = 12500
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["afBandwidth"] = 5000
r = callAPI("/deviceset/0/channel/0/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Change NFM demod")
if r is None:
r = callAPI("/deviceset", "POST", {"tx": 1}, None, "Add Tx device set")
if r is None:
settings = callAPI("/deviceset/1/channel", "POST", None, {"channelType": "NFMMod", "tx": 1}, "Create NFM mod")
if settings is None:
settings["NFMModSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = 12500
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["text"] = "VVV DE F4EXB "
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["loop"] = 1
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
r = callAPI("/deviceset/1/channel/0/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Change NFM mod")
if r is None:
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -16,27 +16,29 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
base_url = ""
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [-a address:port] [-d index][-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-t", "--transmit", dest="transmit", help="transmit", metavar="TRANSMIT", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("-d", "--deviceset-index", dest="deviceset_index", help="index of currently active device set (Rx or Tx)", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.address == None:
options.address = ""
if options.deviceset_index == None:
options.deviceset_index = 0
return options
# ======================================================================
def startDevice(deviceIndex):
dev_run_url = base_url+("/deviceset/%d/device/run" % deviceIndex)
dev_run_url = base_url + ("/deviceset/%d/device/run" % deviceIndex)
r = requests.get(url=dev_run_url)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
rj = r.json()
@ -55,9 +57,10 @@ def startDevice(deviceIndex):
print("Error getting device %d running state" % deviceIndex)
# ======================================================================
def stopDevice(deviceIndex):
dev_run_url = base_url+("/deviceset/%d/device/run" % deviceIndex)
dev_run_url = base_url + ("/deviceset/%d/device/run" % deviceIndex)
r = requests.get(url=dev_run_url)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
rj = r.json()
@ -75,10 +78,11 @@ def stopDevice(deviceIndex):
print("Cannot get device %d running state" % deviceIndex)
print("Error getting device %d running state" % deviceIndex)
# ======================================================================
def setFocus(deviceIndex):
dev_focus_url = base_url+("/deviceset/%d/focus" % deviceIndex)
dev_focus_url = base_url + ("/deviceset/%d/focus" % deviceIndex)
r = requests.patch(url=dev_focus_url)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
print("Focus set on device set %d" % deviceIndex)
@ -86,43 +90,44 @@ def setFocus(deviceIndex):
print("Set focus on device set is not supported in a server instance")
print("Error setting focus on device set %d" % deviceIndex)
# ======================================================================
def main():
options = getInputOptions()
global base_url
base_url = "http://%s/sdrangel" % options.address
r = requests.get(url=base_url+"/devicesets")
r = requests.get(url=base_url + "/devicesets")
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
rj = r.json()
deviceSets = rj.get("deviceSets", None)
if deviceSets is not None:
if len(deviceSets) > 1:
if options.transmit:
if deviceSets[options.deviceset_index]["samplingDevice"]["tx"] == 0 and deviceSets[options.deviceset_index+1]["samplingDevice"]["tx"] == 1:
if deviceSets[options.deviceset_index]["samplingDevice"]["tx"] == 0 and deviceSets[options.deviceset_index + 1]["samplingDevice"]["tx"] == 1:
startDevice(options.deviceset_index + 1)
setFocus(options.deviceset_index + 1)
print("Incorrect configuration expecting Rx%d and Tx%d" % (options.deviceset_index, options.deviceset_index+1))
print("Incorrect configuration expecting Rx%d and Tx%d" % (options.deviceset_index, options.deviceset_index + 1))
if deviceSets[options.deviceset_index-1]["samplingDevice"]["tx"] == 0 and deviceSets[options.deviceset_index]["samplingDevice"]["tx"] == 1:
if deviceSets[options.deviceset_index - 1]["samplingDevice"]["tx"] == 0 and deviceSets[options.deviceset_index]["samplingDevice"]["tx"] == 1:
startDevice(options.deviceset_index - 1)
setFocus(options.deviceset_index - 1)
print("Incorrect configuration expecting Rx%d and Tx%d" % (options.deviceset_index-1, options.deviceset_index))
print("Incorrect configuration expecting Rx%d and Tx%d" % (options.deviceset_index - 1, options.deviceset_index))
print("Need at least a Rx and a Tx device set")
print("Cannot get device sets configuration")
print("Cannot get device sets configuration")
print("Error getting device sets configuration")
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -11,29 +11,32 @@ requests_methods = {
"DELETE": requests.delete
def getHwType():
r = requests.get(url=base_url+"/deviceset/0")
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
r = requests.get(url=base_url + "/deviceset/0")
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
rj = r.json()
devj = rj.get('samplingDevice', None)
if devj is not None:
return devj.get('hwType' ,None)
return devj.get('hwType' , None)
return None
return None
def selectRtlSdr():
r = requests.put(url=base_url+"/deviceset/0/device", json={"hwType": "RTLSDR"})
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
r = requests.put(url=base_url + "/deviceset/0/device", json={"hwType": "RTLSDR"})
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
print json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
return True
return False
def getRtlSdrSettings():
r = requests.get(url=base_url+"/deviceset/0/device/settings")
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
r = requests.get(url=base_url + "/deviceset/0/device/settings")
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
rj = r.json()
hwType = rj.get('deviceHwType', None)
if hwType is not None and hwType == "RTLSDR":
@ -43,26 +46,28 @@ def getRtlSdrSettings():
return None
return None
def patchRtlSdrSettings(settings):
new_settings = {"deviceHwType": "RTLSDR", "tx": 0, "rtlSdrSettings": settings}
r = requests.patch(url=base_url+"/deviceset/0/device/settings", json=new_settings)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
r = requests.patch(url=base_url + "/deviceset/0/device/settings", json=new_settings)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
print json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
print "Error HTTP:", r.status_code
def deviceRun(run):
if run:
r = requests.post(url=base_url+"/deviceset/0/device/run")
r = requests.post(url=base_url + "/deviceset/0/device/run")
r = requests.delete(url=base_url+"/deviceset/0/device/run")
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
r = requests.delete(url=base_url + "/deviceset/0/device/run")
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
print json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
print "Error HTTP:", r.status_code
def main():
hwType = getHwType()
if hwType is not None:
@ -79,8 +84,7 @@ def main():
settings["gain"] = 445
settings["centerFrequency"] = 433900000
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -358,10 +358,7 @@ def main():
# if options.channel_id == "BFMDemod":
# channelsReport(deviceset_url)
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -13,52 +13,54 @@ requests_methods = {
"DELETE": requests.delete
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %%prog [-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-R", "--device-hwid-rx", dest="device_hwid_rx", help="device hardware id for Rx", metavar="HWID", type="string")
parser.add_option("-T", "--device-hwid-tx", dest="device_hwid_tx", help="device hardware id for Tx", metavar="HWID", type="string")
parser.add_option("-F", "--device-freq", dest="device_freq", help="device center frequency (kHz)", metavar="FREQ", type="int")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-R", "--device-hwid-rx", dest="device_hwid_rx", help="device hardware id for Rx", metavar="HWID", type="string")
parser.add_option("-T", "--device-hwid-tx", dest="device_hwid_tx", help="device hardware id for Tx", metavar="HWID", type="string")
parser.add_option("-F", "--device-freq", dest="device_freq", help="device center frequency (kHz)", metavar="FREQ", type="int")
parser.add_option("-f", "--channel-freq", dest="channel_freq", help="channel center frequency (Hz)", metavar="FREQ", type="int")
parser.add_option("-U", "--copy-to-udp", dest="udp_copy", help="UDP audio copy to <address>[:<port>]", metavar="IP:PORT", type="string")
parser.add_option("-s", "--sample-rate-rx", dest="sample_rate_rx", help="device to host (Rx) sample rate (kS/s)", metavar="RATE", type="int")
parser.add_option("-S", "--sample-rate-tx", dest="sample_rate_tx", help="host to device (Tx) sample rate (kS/s)", metavar="RATE", type="int")
parser.add_option("-n", "--antenna-path-rx", dest="antenna_path_rx", help="antenna path index (Rx)", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-N", "--antenna-path-tx", dest="antenna_path_tx", help="antenna path index (Tx)", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-S", "--sample-rate-tx", dest="sample_rate_tx", help="host to device (Tx) sample rate (kS/s)", metavar="RATE", type="int")
parser.add_option("-n", "--antenna-path-rx", dest="antenna_path_rx", help="antenna path index (Rx)", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-N", "--antenna-path-tx", dest="antenna_path_tx", help="antenna path index (Tx)", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.address == None:
options.address = ""
if options.device_hwid_rx == None:
options.device_hwid_rx = "FileSource"
if options.device_hwid_tx == None:
options.device_hwid_tx = "FileSink"
if options.device_freq == None:
options.device_freq = 435000
if options.channel_freq == None:
options.channel_freq = 0
if options.sample_rate_rx == None:
options.sample_rate_rx = 2600
if options.sample_rate_tx == None:
options.sample_rate_tx = 2600
if options.antenna_path_rx == None:
options.antenna_path_rx = 0
if options.antenna_path_tx == None:
options.antenna_path_tx = 0
return options
# ======================================================================
def printResponse(response):
content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", None)
@ -68,44 +70,46 @@ def printResponse(response):
elif "text/plain" in content_type:
# ======================================================================
def callAPI(url, method, params, json, text):
request_method = requests_methods.get(method, None)
if request_method is not None:
r = request_method(url=base_url+url, params=params, json=json)
r = request_method(url=base_url + url, params=params, json=json)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
print(text + " succeeded")
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
print(text + " failed")
return None
# ======================================================================
def main():
options = getInputOptions()
global base_url
base_url = "http://%s/sdrangel" % options.address
r = callAPI("/devicesets", "GET", None, None, "Get device set configuration")
if r is None:
nb_devicesets = r['devicesetcount']
if nb_devicesets == 0: # server starts without device set so add Rx device set
if nb_devicesets == 0: # server starts without device set so add Rx device set
r1 = callAPI("/deviceset", "POST", {"tx": 0}, None, "Add Rx device set")
if r1 is None:
### Rx setup
# ## Rx setup
deviceset_index_rx = 0
deviceset_url = "/deviceset/%d" % deviceset_index_rx
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device", "PUT", None, {"hwType": "%s" % options.device_hwid_rx, "tx": 0}, "setup device on Rx device set")
if r is None:
@ -113,13 +117,13 @@ def main():
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get device settings")
if settings is None:
if options.device_hwid_rx == "LimeSDR":
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["antennaPath"] = options.antenna_path_rx
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["devSampleRate"] = options.sample_rate_rx*1000
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["devSampleRate"] = options.sample_rate_rx * 1000
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["log2HardDecim"] = 4
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["log2SoftDecim"] = 3
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = options.device_freq*1000 + 500000
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = options.device_freq * 1000 + 500000
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["ncoEnable"] = 1
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["ncoFrequency"] = -500000
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["lpfBW"] = 1450000
@ -127,34 +131,34 @@ def main():
settings["limeSdrInputSettings"]["lpfFIREnable"] = 1
settings['limeSdrInputSettings']['dcBlock'] = 1
elif options.device_hwid_rx == "RTLSDR":
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['devSampleRate'] = options.sample_rate_rx*1000
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq*1000
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['devSampleRate'] = options.sample_rate_rx * 1000
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq * 1000
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['gain'] = 496
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['log2Decim'] = 4
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['dcBlock'] = 1
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['agc'] = 1
elif options.device_hwid_rx == "HackRF":
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['LOppmTenths'] = -51
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq*1000
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq * 1000
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['dcBlock'] = 1
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['devSampleRate'] = options.sample_rate_rx*1000
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['devSampleRate'] = options.sample_rate_rx * 1000
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['lnaExt'] = 1
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['lnaGain'] = 32
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['log2Decim'] = 4
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['vgaGain'] = 24
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Patch device settings")
if r is None:
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel", "POST", None, {"channelType": "NFMDemod", "tx": 0}, "Create NFM demod")
if r is None:
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/0/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get NFM demod settings")
if settings is None:
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["title"] = "Test NFM"
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = options.channel_freq
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["rfBandwidth"] = 12500
@ -162,7 +166,7 @@ def main():
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["afBandwidth"] = 4000
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["squelch"] = -700
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["volume"] = 2.0
if options.udp_copy is not None:
address_port = options.udp_copy.split(':')
if len(address_port) > 1:
@ -170,37 +174,37 @@ def main():
if len(address_port) > 0:
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["udpAddress"] = address_port[0]
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["copyAudioToUDP"] = 1
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/0/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Change NFM demod")
if r is None:
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/run", "POST", None, None, "Start running device")
if r is None:
### Tx setup
# ## Tx setup
r = callAPI("/deviceset", "POST", {"tx": 1}, None, "Add Tx device set")
if r is None:
deviceset_url = "/deviceset/%d" % (deviceset_index_rx + 1)
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device", "PUT", None, {"hwType": "%s" % options.device_hwid_tx, "tx": 1}, "setup device on Tx device set")
if r is None:
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get device settings")
if settings is None:
if options.device_hwid_tx == "LimeSDR":
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["antennaPath"] = options.antenna_path_tx
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["devSampleRate"] = options.sample_rate_tx*1000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["devSampleRate"] = options.sample_rate_tx * 1000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["log2HardInterp"] = 4
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["log2SoftInterp"] = 4
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = options.device_freq*1000 + 500000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = options.device_freq * 1000 + 500000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["ncoEnable"] = 1
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["ncoFrequency"] = -500000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfBW"] = 4050000
@ -208,44 +212,43 @@ def main():
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfFIREnable"] = 1
elif options.device_hwid_tx == "HackRF":
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['LOppmTenths'] = -51
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq*1000
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['devSampleRate'] = options.sample_rate_tx*1000
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq * 1000
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['devSampleRate'] = options.sample_rate_tx * 1000
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['lnaExt'] = 0
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['log2Interp'] = 4
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['vgaGain'] = 24
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Patch device settings")
if r is None:
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel", "POST", None, {"channelType": "NFMMod", "tx": 1}, "Create NFM mod")
if r is None:
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/0/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get NFM mod settings")
if settings is None:
settings["NFMModSettings"]["title"] = "Test NFM"
settings["NFMModSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = options.channel_freq
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["text"] = "VVV DE F4EXB "
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["loop"] = 1
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["toneFrequency"] = 600
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/0/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Change NFM mod")
if r is None:
deviceset_url = "/deviceset/%d" % deviceset_index_rx
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/focus", "PATCH", None, None, "set focus on Rx device set")
if r is None:
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -28,41 +28,44 @@ requests_methods = {
"DELETE": requests.delete
# ======================================================================
class ScanControl:
def __init__(self, num_channels, channel_step, start_freq, stop_freq, log2_decim):
def __init__(self, num_channels, channel_step, start_freq, stop_freq, log2_decim):
self.channel_shifts = []
if num_channels < 2:
self.channel_shifts = [0]
limit = 0
limit = ((num_channels-1)*channel_step) / 2
limit = ((num_channels - 1) * channel_step) / 2
self.channel_shifts = list(np.linspace(-limit, limit, num_channels))
self.device_start_freq = start_freq + limit
self.device_start_freq = start_freq + limit
self.device_stop_freq = stop_freq - limit
self.device_step_freq = 2*limit + channel_step
self.device_sample_rate = (2*limit + channel_step)*(1<<log2_decim)
self.device_step_freq = 2 * limit + channel_step
self.device_sample_rate = (2 * limit + channel_step) * (1 << log2_decim)
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %%prog [-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int", default=0)
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int", default=0)
parser.add_option("-D", "--device-hwid", dest="device_hwid", help="device hardware id", metavar="ID", type="string", default="RTLSDR")
parser.add_option("-C", "--channel-id", dest="channel_id", help="channel id", metavar="ID", type="string", default="NFMDemod")
parser.add_option("-l", "--log2-decim", dest="log2_decim", help="log2 of the desired software decimation factor", metavar="LOG2", type="int", default=4)
parser.add_option("-n", "--num-channels", dest="num_channels", help="number of parallel channels", metavar="NUMBER", type="int", default=8)
parser.add_option("-s", "--freq-step", dest="freq_step", help="frequency step (Hz)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="float", default=12500)
parser.add_option("-S", "--freq-start", dest="freq_start", help="frequency start (Hz)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="int", default=446006250)
parser.add_option("-T", "--freq-stop", dest="freq_stop", help="frequency stop (Hz)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="int", default=446193750)
parser.add_option("-b", "--af-bw", dest="af_bw", help="audio babdwidth (kHz)", metavar="FREQUENCY_KHZ", type="int" ,default=3)
parser.add_option("-C", "--channel-id", dest="channel_id", help="channel id", metavar="ID", type="string", default="NFMDemod")
parser.add_option("-l", "--log2-decim", dest="log2_decim", help="log2 of the desired software decimation factor", metavar="LOG2", type="int", default=4)
parser.add_option("-n", "--num-channels", dest="num_channels", help="number of parallel channels", metavar="NUMBER", type="int", default=8)
parser.add_option("-s", "--freq-step", dest="freq_step", help="frequency step (Hz)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="float", default=12500)
parser.add_option("-S", "--freq-start", dest="freq_start", help="frequency start (Hz)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="int", default=446006250)
parser.add_option("-T", "--freq-stop", dest="freq_stop", help="frequency stop (Hz)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="int", default=446193750)
parser.add_option("-b", "--af-bw", dest="af_bw", help="audio babdwidth (kHz)", metavar="FREQUENCY_KHZ", type="int" , default=3)
parser.add_option("-r", "--rf-bw", dest="rf_bw", help="RF babdwidth (Hz). Sets to nearest available", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="int", default=10000)
parser.add_option("--vol", dest="volume", help="audio volume", metavar="VOLUME", type="float", default=1.0)
parser.add_option("-c", "--create", dest="create", help="create a new device set", metavar="BOOLEAN", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("-m", "--mock", dest="mock", help="just print calculated values and exit", metavar="BOOLEAN", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("--ppm", dest="lo_ppm", help="LO correction in PPM", metavar="PPM", type="float", default=0.0)
parser.add_option("--fc-pos", dest="fc_pos", help="Center frequency position 0:inf 1:sup 2:cen", metavar="ENUM", default=2)
parser.add_option("--fc-pos", dest="fc_pos", help="Center frequency position 0:inf 1:sup 2:cen", metavar="ENUM", default=2)
parser.add_option("-t", "--settling-time", dest="settling_time", help="Scan step settling time in seconds", metavar="SECONDS", type="float", default=1.0)
parser.add_option("--sq", dest="squelch_db", help="Squelsch threshold in dB", metavar="DECIBEL", type="float", default=-50.0)
parser.add_option("--sq-gate", dest="squelch_gate", help="Squelsch gate in ms", metavar="MILLISECONDS", type="int", default=50)
@ -70,37 +73,38 @@ def getInputOptions():
parser.add_option("--fm-dev", dest="fm_dev", help="FM deviation for FM digial modulation (DV)", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="int", default=5400)
parser.add_option("--re-run", dest="rerun", help="re run with given parameters without setting up device and channels", metavar="BOOLEAN", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("-x", "--excl-list", dest="excl_fstr", help="frequencies (in Hz) exclusion comma separated list", metavar="LIST", type="string")
parser.add_option("--excl-tol", dest="excl_tol", help="match tolerance interval (in Hz) for exclusion frequencies", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="float", default=10.0)
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbosity", dest="verbosity", help="verbosity level", metavar="LEVEL_INT", type="int", default = 0)
parser.add_option("-L", "--delay", dest="delay", help="delay in number of settling time periods before resuming scan", metavar="NUMBER", type="int", default = 5)
parser.add_option("--excl-tol", dest="excl_tol", help="match tolerance interval (in Hz) for exclusion frequencies", metavar="FREQUENCY", type="float", default=10.0)
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbosity", dest="verbosity", help="verbosity level", metavar="LEVEL_INT", type="int", default=0)
parser.add_option("-L", "--delay", dest="delay", help="delay in number of settling time periods before resuming scan", metavar="NUMBER", type="int", default=5)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (options.address == None):
options.address = ""
if options.excl_fstr is not None:
excl_flist_str = options.excl_fstr.split(',')
options.excl_flist = list(map(lambda x:round(float(x)/options.excl_tol), excl_flist_str))
options.excl_flist = list(map(lambda x:round(float(x) / options.excl_tol), excl_flist_str))
except ValueError:
print("Invalid exclusion frequencies list: %s" % options.excl_fstr)
options.excl_flist = []
options.excl_flist = []
if options.verbosity > 2:
options.verbosity = 2
return options
# ======================================================================
def setupDevice(scan_control, options):
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get device settings")
if settings is None:
if options.device_hwid == "AirspyHF":
if scan_control.device_start_freq > 30000000:
settings["airspyHFSettings"]["bandIndex"] = 1
@ -134,7 +138,7 @@ def setupDevice(scan_control, options):
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['loPpmCorrection'] = int(options.lo_ppm)
settings['rtlSdrSettings']['rfBandwidth'] = scan_control.device_step_freq + 100000
elif options.device_hwid == "HackRF":
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['LOppmTenths'] = int(options.lo_ppm * 10) # in tenths of PPM
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['LOppmTenths'] = int(options.lo_ppm * 10) # in tenths of PPM
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = scan_control.device_start_freq
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['fcPos'] = options.fc_pos
settings['hackRFInputSettings']['dcBlock'] = options.fc_pos == 2
@ -148,7 +152,8 @@ def setupDevice(scan_control, options):
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Patch device settings")
if r is None:
# ======================================================================
def changeDeviceFrequency(fc, options):
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get device settings")
@ -168,6 +173,7 @@ def changeDeviceFrequency(fc, options):
if r is None:
# ======================================================================
def setupChannels(scan_control, options):
i = 0
@ -185,8 +191,8 @@ def setupChannels(scan_control, options):
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["afBandwidth"] = options.af_bw * 1000
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["rfBandwidth"] = options.rf_bw
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["volume"] = options.volume
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["squelch"] = options.squelch_db * 10 # centi-Bels
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["squelchGate"] = options.squelch_gate / 10 # 10's of ms
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["squelch"] = options.squelch_db * 10 # centi-Bels
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["squelchGate"] = options.squelch_gate / 10 # 10's of ms
settings["NFMDemodSettings"]["title"] = "Channel %d" % i
elif options.channel_id == "AMDemod":
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = int(shift)
@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ def setupChannels(scan_control, options):
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["volume"] = options.volume
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["squelch"] = options.squelch_db
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["title"] = "Channel %d" % i
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["bandpassEnable"] = 1 # bandpass filter
settings["AMDemodSettings"]["bandpassEnable"] = 1 # bandpass filter
elif options.channel_id == "DSDDemod":
settings["DSDDemodSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = int(shift)
settings["DSDDemodSettings"]["rfBandwidth"] = options.rf_bw
@ -205,13 +211,14 @@ def setupChannels(scan_control, options):
settings["DSDDemodSettings"]["enableCosineFiltering"] = 1
settings["DSDDemodSettings"]["pllLock"] = 1
settings["DSDDemodSettings"]["title"] = "Channel %d" % i
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/%d/settings" % i, "PATCH", None, settings, "Change demod")
if r is None:
i += 1
i += 1
# ======================================================================
def checkScanning(fc, options, display_message):
reports = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channels/report", "GET", None, None, "Get channels report")
@ -222,19 +229,20 @@ def checkScanning(fc, options, display_message):
channel = reports["channels"][i]
if "report" in channel:
if reportKey in channel["report"]:
if options.channel_id == "DSDDemod": # DSD is special because it only stops on voice
if options.channel_id == "DSDDemod": # DSD is special because it only stops on voice
stopCondition = channel["report"][reportKey]["slot1On"] == 1 or channel["report"][reportKey]["slot2On"] == 1
stopCondition = channel["report"][reportKey]["squelch"] == 1
if stopCondition:
f_channel = channel["deltaFrequency"]+fc
f_frac = round(f_channel/options.excl_tol)
f_channel = channel["deltaFrequency"] + fc
f_frac = round(f_channel / options.excl_tol)
if f_frac not in options.excl_flist:
if display_message: # display message only when stopping for the first time
print("%s Stopped at %d Hz" % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"),f_frac*options.excl_tol))
return False # stop scanning
return True # continue scanning
if display_message: # display message only when stopping for the first time
print("%s Stopped at %d Hz" % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S"), f_frac * options.excl_tol))
return False # stop scanning
return True # continue scanning
# ======================================================================
def printResponse(response):
content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", None)
@ -244,17 +252,18 @@ def printResponse(response):
elif "text/plain" in content_type:
# ======================================================================
def callAPI(url, method, params, json, text):
request_method = requests_methods.get(method, None)
if request_method is not None:
r = request_method(url=base_url+url, params=params, json=json)
r = request_method(url=base_url + url, params=params, json=json)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
if verbosity >= 1:
print(text + " succeeded")
if verbosity >= 2:
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
if verbosity >= 1:
print(text + " failed")
@ -262,12 +271,13 @@ def callAPI(url, method, params, json, text):
return None
# ======================================================================
def main():
options = getInputOptions()
scan_control = ScanControl(options.num_channels, options.freq_step, options.freq_start, options.freq_stop, options.log2_decim)
# Print calculated scan parameters
print("Channel shifts: %s" % scan_control.channel_shifts)
@ -275,43 +285,43 @@ def main():
print("Start: %d" % scan_control.device_start_freq)
print("Stop: %d" % scan_control.device_stop_freq)
print("Step: %d" % scan_control.device_step_freq)
if scan_control.device_stop_freq < scan_control.device_start_freq:
print("Frequency error")
freqs = []
nb_steps = 0
fc = scan_control.device_start_freq
while fc <= scan_control.device_stop_freq:
freqs += [x+fc for x in scan_control.channel_shifts]
freqs += [x + fc for x in scan_control.channel_shifts]
fc += scan_control.device_step_freq
nb_steps += 1
nb_steps += 1
print("Scanned frequencies: %s" % freqs)
print("Skipped frequencies: %s" % options.excl_flist)
print("In %d steps" % nb_steps)
if options.mock: # Stop there if we are just mocking (no API access)
if options.mock: # Stop there if we are just mocking (no API access)
global base_url
base_url = "http://%s/sdrangel" % options.address
# Set Rx
# Set Rx
global deviceset_url
deviceset_url = "/deviceset/%d" % options.device_index
if not options.rerun: # Skip device and channels settings in re-run mode
if not options.rerun: # Skip device and channels settings in re-run mode
if options.create:
r = callAPI("/deviceset", "POST", {"tx": 0}, None, "Add Rx device set")
if r is None:
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device", "PUT", None, {"hwType": options.device_hwid, "tx": 0}, "setup device on Rx device set")
if r is None:
# Set device and channels
setupDevice(scan_control, options)
@ -325,7 +335,7 @@ def main():
fc = scan_control.device_start_freq
global verbosity
verbosity = options.verbosity
verbosity = options.verbosity
print("Move center to %d Hz" % fc)
changeDeviceFrequency(fc, options)
@ -335,7 +345,7 @@ def main():
resume_delay = 0
while True:
scanning = checkScanning(fc, options, scanning and resume_delay == 0) # shall we move on ?
scanning = checkScanning(fc, options, scanning and resume_delay == 0) # shall we move on ?
if scanning:
if resume_delay > 0:
resume_delay -= 1
@ -354,14 +364,14 @@ def main():
print("Terminated by user")
verbosity = 2
verbosity = 2
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/run", "DELETE", None, None, "Stop running device")
if r is None:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -5,38 +5,40 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
base_url = ""
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %%prog [-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-t", "--stop", dest="stop", help="stop device", metavar="STOP", action="store_true", default=False)
parser.add_option("-s", "--start", dest="start", help="start device", metavar="START", action="store_true", default=False)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (options.address == None):
options.address = ""
if options.device_index < 0:
otions.device_index = 0
if options.start and options.stop:
print("Cannot start and stop at the same time")
if not options.start and not options.stop:
print("Must start or stop")
return options
# ======================================================================
def startDevice(deviceIndex):
dev_run_url = base_url+("/deviceset/%d/device/run" % deviceIndex)
dev_run_url = base_url + ("/deviceset/%d/device/run" % deviceIndex)
r = requests.get(url=dev_run_url)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
rj = r.json()
state = rj.get("state", None)
if state is not None:
@ -53,11 +55,12 @@ def startDevice(deviceIndex):
print("Error getting device %d running state" % deviceIndex)
# ======================================================================
def stopDevice(deviceIndex):
dev_run_url = base_url+("/deviceset/%d/device/run" % deviceIndex)
dev_run_url = base_url + ("/deviceset/%d/device/run" % deviceIndex)
r = requests.get(url=dev_run_url)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
rj = r.json()
state = rj.get("state", None)
if state is not None:
@ -73,15 +76,16 @@ def stopDevice(deviceIndex):
print("Cannot get device %d running state" % deviceIndex)
print("Error getting device %d running state" % deviceIndex)
# ======================================================================
def main():
options = getInputOptions()
global base_url
base_url = "http://%s/sdrangel" % options.address
r = requests.get(url=base_url+"/devicesets")
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
r = requests.get(url=base_url + "/devicesets")
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
rj = r.json()
deviceSets = rj.get("deviceSets", None)
if deviceSets is not None:
@ -96,8 +100,8 @@ def main():
print("Cannot get device sets configuration")
print("Error getting device sets configuration")
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -13,19 +13,21 @@ requests_methods = {
"DELETE": requests.delete
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %%prog [-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (options.address == None):
options.address = ""
return options
# ======================================================================
def printResponse(response):
content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", None)
@ -35,25 +37,27 @@ def printResponse(response):
elif "text/plain" in content_type:
# ======================================================================
def callAPI(url, method, params, json, text):
request_method = requests_methods.get(method, None)
if request_method is not None:
r = request_method(url=base_url+url, params=params, json=json)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
r = request_method(url=base_url + url, params=params, json=json)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
print(text + " succeeded")
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
print(text + " failed")
return None
# ======================================================================
def main():
options = getInputOptions()
global base_url
base_url = "http://%s/sdrangel" % options.address
@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ def main():
if settings is None:
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
@ -14,15 +14,16 @@ requests_methods = {
"DELETE": requests.delete
# ======================================================================
def getInputOptions():
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %%prog [-t]\n")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-D", "--device-hwid", dest="device_hwid", help="device hardware id", metavar="HWID", type="string")
parser.add_option("-C", "--channel-id", dest="channel_id", help="channel id", metavar="ID", type="string", default="NFMDemod")
parser.add_option("-F", "--device-freq", dest="device_freq", help="device center frequency (kHz)", metavar="FREQ", type="int")
parser.add_option("-a", "--address", dest="address", help="address and port", metavar="ADDRESS", type="string")
parser.add_option("-d", "--device-index", dest="device_index", help="device set index", metavar="INDEX", type="int")
parser.add_option("-D", "--device-hwid", dest="device_hwid", help="device hardware id", metavar="HWID", type="string")
parser.add_option("-C", "--channel-id", dest="channel_id", help="channel id", metavar="ID", type="string", default="NFMDemod")
parser.add_option("-F", "--device-freq", dest="device_freq", help="device center frequency (kHz)", metavar="FREQ", type="int")
parser.add_option("-f", "--channel-freq", dest="channel_freq", help="channel center frequency (Hz)", metavar="FREQ", type="int")
parser.add_option("-s", "--sample-rate", dest="sample_rate", help="host to device sample rate (S/s)", metavar="RATE", type="int")
parser.add_option("-l", "--log2-interp", dest="log2_interp", help="log2 of interpolation factor", metavar="RATE", type="int")
@ -34,25 +35,25 @@ def getInputOptions():
parser.add_option("--video", dest="video_file", help="video file for ATV modulator (sends video)", metavar="FILENAME", type="string")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.address == None:
options.address = ""
if options.device_index == None:
options.device_index = 1
if options.device_hwid == None:
options.device_hwid = "FileSource"
if options.device_freq == None:
options.device_freq = 435000
if options.channel_freq == None:
options.channel_freq = 0
if options.sample_rate == None:
options.sample_rate = 2600000
if options.log2_interp == None:
options.log2_interp = 4
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ def getInputOptions():
return options
# ======================================================================
def printResponse(response):
content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", None)
@ -73,36 +75,39 @@ def printResponse(response):
elif "text/plain" in content_type:
# ======================================================================
def callAPI(url, method, params, json, text):
request_method = requests_methods.get(method, None)
if request_method is not None:
r = request_method(url=base_url+url, params=params, json=json)
r = request_method(url=base_url + url, params=params, json=json)
if r.status_code / 100 == 2:
print(text + " succeeded")
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
return r.json() # all 200 yield application/json response
print(text + " failed")
return None
# ======================================================================
def setupBladeRFXB200(fc):
if fc < 50000:
return 5 # BLADERF_XB200_AUTO_3DB
return 5 # BLADERF_XB200_AUTO_3DB
elif fc < 54000:
return 0 # BLADERF_XB200_50M
return 0 # BLADERF_XB200_50M
elif fc < 144000:
return 5 # BLADERF_XB200_AUTO_3DB
return 5 # BLADERF_XB200_AUTO_3DB
elif fc < 148000:
return 1 # BLADERF_XB200_144M
return 1 # BLADERF_XB200_144M
elif fc < 222000:
return 5 # BLADERF_XB200_AUTO_3DB
return 5 # BLADERF_XB200_AUTO_3DB
elif fc < 225000:
return 2 # BLADERF_XB200_222M
return 2 # BLADERF_XB200_222M
return 5 # BLADERF_XB200_AUTO_3DB
return 5 # BLADERF_XB200_AUTO_3DB
# ======================================================================
def setupDevice(options):
@ -111,17 +116,17 @@ def setupDevice(options):
# calculate RF analog and FIR optimal bandpass filters bandwidths
lpFIRBW = options.sample_rate / (1<<options.log2_interp)
lpFIRBW = options.sample_rate / (1 << options.log2_interp)
lpfBW = lpFIRBW * 1.2
if options.device_hwid == "BladeRF":
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq*1000
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq * 1000
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['devSampleRate'] = options.sample_rate
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['vga1'] = -20
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['vga2'] = 6
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['bandwidth'] = 1500*1000
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['bandwidth'] = 1500 * 1000
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['log2Interp'] = options.log2_interp
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['xb200'] = 1 # assume XB200 is mounted
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['xb200'] = 1 # assume XB200 is mounted
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['xb200Path'] = 1 if options.device_freq < 300000 else 0
settings['bladeRFOutputSettings']['xb200Filter'] = setupBladeRFXB200(options.device_freq)
elif options.device_hwid == "LimeSDR":
@ -129,9 +134,9 @@ def setupDevice(options):
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["devSampleRate"] = options.sample_rate
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["log2HardInterp"] = options.log2_interp_hard
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["log2SoftInterp"] = options.log2_interp
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = options.device_freq*1000 + 500000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = options.device_freq * 1000 + 500000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["ncoEnable"] = 1
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["ncoFrequency"] = -500000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["ncoFrequency"] = -500000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfBW"] = 4050000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfFIRBW"] = 100000
settings["limeSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfFIREnable"] = 1
@ -141,48 +146,49 @@ def setupDevice(options):
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["devSampleRate"] = options.sample_rate
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfFIRlog2Interp"] = options.log2_interp_hard
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["log2Interp"] = options.log2_interp
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = options.device_freq*1000
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["centerFrequency"] = options.device_freq * 1000
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfBW"] = lpfBW
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfFIRBW"] = lpFIRBW
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["lpfFIREnable"] = 1
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["att"] = -24 # -6 dB
settings["plutoSdrOutputSettings"]["att"] = -24 # -6 dB
elif options.device_hwid == "HackRF":
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['LOppmTenths'] = round(options.lo_ppm*10)
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq*1000
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['LOppmTenths'] = round(options.lo_ppm * 10)
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['centerFrequency'] = options.device_freq * 1000
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['devSampleRate'] = options.sample_rate
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['lnaExt'] = 0
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['log2Interp'] = options.log2_interp
settings['hackRFOutputSettings']['vgaGain'] = 24
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Patch device settings")
if r is None:
# ======================================================================
def setupChannel(options):
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel", "POST", None, {"channelType": options.channel_id, "tx": 1}, "Create modulator")
if r is None:
settings = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/0/settings", "GET", None, None, "Get modulator settings")
if settings is None:
if options.channel_id == "NFMMod":
settings["NFMModSettings"]["title"] = "Test NFM"
settings["NFMModSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = options.channel_freq
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["text"] = "VVV DE F4EXB "
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["loop"] = 1
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["NFMModSettings"]["toneFrequency"] = 600
elif options.channel_id == "AMMod":
settings["AMModSettings"]["title"] = "Test AM"
settings["AMModSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = options.channel_freq
settings["AMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["text"] = "VVV DE F4EXB "
settings["AMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["loop"] = 1
settings["AMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["AMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["AMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["AMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["AMModSettings"]["toneFrequency"] = 600
settings["AMModSettings"]["modFactor"] = 0.9
settings["AMModSettings"]["rfBandwidth"] = 7500
@ -190,34 +196,34 @@ def setupChannel(options):
settings["ATVModSettings"]["title"] = "Test ATV"
settings["ATVModSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = options.channel_freq
settings["ATVModSettings"]["rfBandwidth"] = 30000
settings["ATVModSettings"]["forceDecimator"] = 1 # This is to engage filter
settings["ATVModSettings"]["forceDecimator"] = 1 # This is to engage filter
if options.image_file is not None:
settings["ATVModSettings"]["imageFileName"] = options.image_file
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvModInput"] = 6 # m_atvModulation
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvModInput"] = 6 # m_atvModulation
elif options.video_file is not None:
settings["ATVModSettings"]["videoFileName"] = options.video_file
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvModInput"] = 7 # ATVModInputVideo
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvModInput"] = 7 # ATVModInputVideo
settings["ATVModSettings"]["videoPlayLoop"] = 1
settings["ATVModSettings"]["videoPlay"] = 1
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvModInput"] = 1 # ATVModInputHBars
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvStd"] = 5 # ATVStdHSkip
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvModulation"] = 1 # ATVModulationFM
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvModInput"] = 1 # ATVModInputHBars
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvStd"] = 5 # ATVStdHSkip
settings["ATVModSettings"]["atvModulation"] = 1 # ATVModulationFM
settings["ATVModSettings"]["fps"] = 2
settings["ATVModSettings"]["nbLines"] = 90
settings["ATVModSettings"]["uniformLevel"] = 1.0 # 100% white
settings["ATVModSettings"]["fmExcursion"] = 0.2 # FM excursion is 20% of channel bandwidth
settings["ATVModSettings"]["uniformLevel"] = 1.0 # 100% white
settings["ATVModSettings"]["fmExcursion"] = 0.2 # FM excursion is 20% of channel bandwidth
settings["ATVModSettings"]["overlayText"] = "F4EXB"
settings["ATVModSettings"]["showOverlayText"] = 1
settings["ATVModSettings"]["showOverlayText"] = 1
elif options.channel_id == "SSBMod":
settings["SSBModSettings"]["title"] = "Test SSB"
settings["SSBModSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = options.channel_freq
settings["SSBModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["text"] = "VVV DE F4EXB "
settings["SSBModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["loop"] = 1
settings["SSBModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["SSBModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["SSBModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["SSBModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["SSBModSettings"]["toneFrequency"] = 600
settings["SSBModSettings"]["bandwidth"] = 1000
settings["SSBModSettings"]["lowCut"] = 300
@ -231,7 +237,7 @@ def setupChannel(options):
settings["UDPSinkSettings"]["udpAddress"] = ""
settings["UDPSinkSettings"]["udpPort"] = 9998
settings["UDPSinkSettings"]["inputSampleRate"] = 48000
settings["UDPSinkSettings"]["sampleFormat"] = 1 # FormatNFM
settings["UDPSinkSettings"]["sampleFormat"] = 1 # FormatNFM
settings["UDPSinkSettings"]["gainIn"] = 2.5
settings["UDPSinkSettings"]["gainOut"] = 2.8
elif options.channel_id == "WFMMod":
@ -239,46 +245,46 @@ def setupChannel(options):
settings["WFMModSettings"]["inputFrequencyOffset"] = options.channel_freq
settings["WFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["text"] = "VVV DE F4EXB "
settings["WFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["loop"] = 1
settings["WFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["WFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["WFMModSettings"]["cwKeyer"]["mode"] = 1 # text
settings["WFMModSettings"]["modAFInput"] = 4 # CW text
settings["WFMModSettings"]["toneFrequency"] = 600
settings["WFMModSettings"]["fmDeviation"] = 25000
settings["WFMModSettings"]["rfBandwidth"] = 75000
settings["WFMModSettings"]["afBandwidth"] = 3000
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/channel/0/settings", "PATCH", None, settings, "Change modulator")
if r is None:
# ======================================================================
def main():
options = getInputOptions()
global base_url
base_url = "http://%s/sdrangel" % options.address
if options.create:
r = callAPI("/deviceset", "POST", {"tx": 1}, None, "Add Tx device set")
if r is None:
global deviceset_url
global deviceset_url
deviceset_url = "/deviceset/%d" % options.device_index
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device", "PUT", None, {"hwType": "%s" % options.device_hwid, "tx": 1}, "setup device on Tx device set")
if r is None:
r = callAPI(deviceset_url + "/device/run", "POST", None, None, "Start running device")
if r is None:
except Exception, msg:
except Exception as ex:
tb = traceback.format_exc()
print >> sys.stderr, tb
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